June 15, 2006
As always, please be on your guard. This person, whose sex appears to that of a girl, may be a terrorist. You will note her hairstyle, with its upturned ends, which has been described by a number of witnesses as "horny."
Posted by: Kos_Irhabi at
10:14 PM
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June 14, 2006
Trust me, many of you would be genuinely shocked at reading the amount support terrorists get from American Muslims on bulletin boards. Of course, they always hedge this support by first declaring that the terrorist in question is not really a terrorist.
So, when many of them say, I don't support terrorism, they really mean it. The devil, though, is in the details of exactly what constitutes a terrorist.
Muslim parents, do you know what your children are up to on the internet? Between porn and Islamic message boards, I'd be more worried about the latter.
"We are uncovering the spread of new violent extremists networks and cells that lack formal ties or affiliation with al-Qaida or other recognized terrorists groups," said John Scott Redd, the direction of the National Counterterrorism Center in testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Tuesday.Back to vacation."These new networks are often made up of disaffected, radicalized individuals who draw inspiration and moral support froom al-Qaida and other violent extremists. Group members are most often young, in their teens and twenties, and froom families that are second or third generation immigrants to their western communities. To the outside observer, these terrorists might well appear to be fully assimilated members of their western communities." ....
"In one case, two individuals who are U.S. Muslim converts were c caught robbing a gas station to support their attack plans in California. Possible targets included synagogues, the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles, and a National Guard facility," Redd said....
"The emergence of this new brand of al-Qaida inspired, homegrown terrorism group poses real challenges to the intelligence community, and we are grappling with a whole new set of questions," Redd said. "The challenge of countering these cells is complicated by the fact that they may operate virtually, with much of their communication and planning taking place over the Internet. This network of virtual contacts increases the relative stealth with which these terrorists can organize, communicate and plan potential attacks." [emphasis mine]
Posted by: Rusty at
04:55 PM
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June 11, 2006
Read the whole article. It's kinda funny. It painstakingly outlines the egregious hand-wringing going on about this non-event.
It's simple. We are in a war. Club Gitmo is a POW camp. A POW camp is where Prisoners Of War are held. All the ridiculous carping about people being held without trial is just that. Ridiculous.
It should also be noted that many detainees released from Gitmo have cheerfully returned to their chosen avocation of trying to kill as many Americans as possible.
If you really want to read a howler, check out this editorial from a month ago in the Yemen Observer. You know Yemen, that country that sets the standards for humane incarceration in the world. That's like Tony Soprano lecturing Jack Bauer that he should stop killing people.
Muslihoon says "shut it down." Tongue firmly in cheek, of course.
Posted by: Vinnie at
11:19 PM
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June 05, 2006
Irhabi 007 was a frequent poster at the Islamist mesage board Ansarnet. He first came to our attention after he posted a video of the beheading murder of Jack Hensley at the forum. He was banned from the forum, not for posting the beheading video, but for asking for money to cover his bandwidth costs!
Irhabi 007 was the greatest distributor of al Qaeda in Iraq propaganda videos on the internet for some time. Irhadi 007 is probably best known in the U.S. for the time he hacked the Arkansas State Department of Highways and used their server to distribute jihadi material.
Eventually, though, he got sloppy and was caught by British authorities as part of a three man cell of terrorists. Irhab 007 turned out to be Younis Tsouli, a 22 year old from West London. Tsouli has also been linked to terror plots in Bosnia, Sweden, Turkey and Holland.
So, the Canadian jihadis have been linked to both a British and American terrorist cell. What is the common thread? Internet forums dedicated to the Religion of Peace.
More background from Chad at In the Bullpen here and Allahpundit here.
Posted by: Rusty at
09:27 AM
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June 04, 2006
Senior police sources said they were searching for an "improvised device rather than a sophisticated weapon" capable of releasing chemicals. The Sunday Telegraph has learnt that intelligence obtained by MI5 suggested that terrorists were trying to acquire material via the internet which could be used to develop a nerve gas capable of killing and injuring thousands of people.Security sources say that the terrorist threat facing Britain has developed into a "covert conspiracy" involving hundreds of men and women living ordinary lives in the nation's suburbs. They form an estimated 1,200 strong "army" of terrorists believed to be involved in at least 20 major terrorist plots.
Scotland Yard and MI5 sources were playing down reports in the media yesterday that they were looking for a "chemical vest", which could be used by a suicide bomber. The wearer would suffer a long and painful death.
Detectives believe it is more likely that sarin or an alternative nerve agent would be released from a canister or flask.
File it under Incidents, Isolated.
Related: AP is reporting that the Canadian Isolated Incident was the result of a clever sting.
Original post.
Posted by: Vinnie at
11:36 PM
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June 03, 2006
A DESPERATE search is under way for a “chemical vest” that a British suicide bomber was ready to deploy in a terror attack on London.Police fear that the strike, using a home-made chemical device, was imminent after an informant told MI5 that he had seen the lethal garment at the home of two young men.
Posted by: Vinnie at
03:20 PM
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From TheGlobeandMail.com:
The RCMP says the sweep began Friday night in co-operation with an Integrated National Security Enforcement Team, or INSET. These arrests are the largest ever made since the inception of INSET. INSET teams are made up of members of the RCMP, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, federal agencies such as the Canada Border Services Agency and Citizenship and Immigration Canada, and provincial and municipal police services.Although the youths cannot be named, the names of the 12 adults arrested are:Police said they have recovered three tonnes of ammonium nitrate fertilizer. Commissioner McDonell noted that this amount was three times the amount used by Timothy McVeigh to destroy the federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995.
1. Fahim Ahmad, 21, Toronto;The investigation into the cell's activities was conducted by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) whose building was a primary target along with the Parliament Building in Ottawa. Sources say the spy agency was targeted since the suspects were particularly "angered by media reports accusing CSIS of racial profiling of Muslims."2. Zakaria Amara, 20, Mississauga, Ont.;
3. Asad Ansari, 21, Mississauga;
4. Shareef Abdelhaleen, 30, Mississauga;
5. Qayyum Abdul Jamal, 43, Mississauga;
6. Mohammed Dirie, 22, Kingston, Ont.;
7. Yasim Abdi Mohamed, 24, Kingston;
8. Jahmaal James, 23, Toronto;
9. Amin Mohamed Durrani, 19, Toronto;
10. Steven Vikash Chand alias Abdul Shakur, 25, Toronto;
11. Ahmad Mustafa Ghany, 21, Mississauga;
12. Saad Khalid, 19, of Eclipse Avenue, Mississauga.
From TheStar.com:
The chain of events began two years ago, sparked by local teenagers roving through Internet sites, reading and espousing anti-Western sentiments and vowing to attack at home, in the name of oppressed Muslims here and abroad.The terror suspects are expected to be arraigned today on terrorism-related and explosives charges.Their words were sometimes encrypted, the Internet sites where they communicated allegedly restricted by passwords, but Canadian spies back in 2004 were reading them. And as the youths' words turned into actions, they began watching them.
According to sources close to the investigation, the suspects are teenagers and men in their 20s who had a relatively typical Canadian upbringing, but -- allegedly spurred on by images of conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan and angered by what they saw as the mistreatment of Muslims at home -- became increasingly violent.
I believe it's worth emphasizing that the media apparently were a major influence in prompting the suspects to organize and plan their terrorist plot.
From Interested-Participant.
Posted by: Mike Pechar at
10:51 AM
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May 13, 2006
On Thursday, USA Today reported that three U.S. telecommunications companies have been voluntarily providing the National Security Agency with anonymized domestic telephone records -- that is, records stripped of individually identifiable data, such as names and place of residence. If true, the architect of this program deserves our thanks and probably a medal. That architect was presumably Gen. Michael Hayden, former director of the NSA and President Bush's nominee to become director of the Central Intelligence Agency.This "betrayal" by the WaPo will no doubt infuriate the Democratic lunatic fringe.
Another curious little facet of what CBS chooses to describe as a "scandal" is the lack of information in the mainstream media about the Qwest chief executive who chose to thumb his nose at the NSA's request for anonymous calling data, Joseph Nacchio. While accounts describe Nacchio as the "former" CEO of Qwest, they tend not to mention why he left. This is why:
Washington, D.C., March 15, 2005 - The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged Joseph P. Nacchio, former co-chairman and chief executive officer of Qwest Communications International Inc., and eight other former Qwest officers and employees with fraud and other violations of the federal securities laws. In three separate but related civil actions, the Commission alleges that, between 1999 and 2002, the Qwest defendants engaged in a multi-faceted fraudulent scheme designed to mislead the investing public about the company's revenue and growth.Interesting, the only communications executive who obstructed the NSA effort is under criminal indictment.
I still think there's a good chance, as I wrote earlier, that the "leak" of the NSA program was deliberate, and designed to force Democrats into the open with their unpopular opposition to lawful surveillance programs.
Cross-posted at The Dread Pundit Bluto, Stop the ACLU, and Vince Aut Morire.
Posted by: Bluto at
09:56 AM
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May 10, 2006
A pack of guitar strings: same as above, but with the added bonus of severing arteries.
Laptop: Screen can be shattered into nice shards. If left in carrying case, makes another nice bludgeon.
Roll of quarters: almost as good as brass knuckles.
How about these shoes? Ha!
Anyone else have any good ideas for Rusty's carry-on?
Posted by: Vinnie at
06:48 PM
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I'm a news junkie, you're a news junkie. I surf MyWay news, Google news, Yahoo news, Fox News, Drudge, and our local news looking for stuff to post on.
And I won't even list the number of blogs I hit each day. Yeesh.
I hadn't heard of this, have you?
Annika makes an interesting observation. This incident happened the week of the United 93 premiere.
Posted by: Vinnie at
06:17 PM
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May 09, 2006

BBC : A radical Islamic cleric who has been accused of being a leading figure in al-Qaeda was a risk to UK security, a deportation hearing has been told.This concern for his well being is misplaced. Our enemy takes advantage of protections they have no belief in. More on Qatada below the break. more...Ian Burnett QC, for the home secretary, told the London hearing: "The entirety of the evidence in this case supports the conclusion that the appellant is a danger to national security when everything known about him is assessed."
The UK has signed an agreement with Jordan that anyone sent back there will not be tortured or killed.Abu Qatada's Abu Qatada's lawyer is expected to argue that the guarantee is inadequate.
Posted by: Howie at
09:25 AM
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May 04, 2006
From YnetNews.com:
Obviously, there is more to the story since history shows that the Arabs customarily are prevented from using more than one detonator per teen. Once the detonator is used, it destroys itself and its user. Therefore, the three teens were not going to "personally use" 150,000 detonators.Three teenagers from the Arab town of Qalansawe were arrested after 150,000 detonators were found in the house of one of them. The teenagers, age 15 and 16 were taken to a police station for questioning where they claimed that the detonators meant for their personal use.
Since police reportedly found no explosives, it's logical to assume that the cache of detonators was only temporarily stored by terrorist plotters in anticipation of future attacks against Israel. I would also assume that Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) are aggressively pursuing the actual owner of the detonators and trying to determine how they were smuggled into the country. Notably, the storage location is an Arab community which sits a mere 10 miles inland from the coastal city of Netanya, a favorite venue for suicide bombings.
From Interested-Participant.
Posted by: Mike Pechar at
10:26 PM
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April 28, 2006
From Reuters.com:
Iraqi and U.S. forces have killed a senior member of al Qaeda in Iraq, Interior Ministry sources and the U.S. military said on Friday.Samarra is a stronghold for Sunni Arab miscreants, the city where a Shi'ite shrine was attacked in February. Intelligence reports led to the raid in which Humadi al-Takhi and two other thug terrorists were killed. According to Reuters, the news hasn't been independently verified. It appears that someone wants to see the body.Humadi al-Takhi, who they said was a district commander of the group, was killed in a raid on a house on Friday about 10 km (6 miles) northeast of the city of Samarra, 100 km (60 miles) north of Baghdad.
This latest success follows yesterday's news of the Iraqi Forces' capture of Abdul Khadir Makhol, senior leader of al Qaeda in the Tikrit region.
From Interested-Participant.
Posted by: Mike Pechar at
06:04 AM
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April 26, 2006
Jihadis place a great deal of emphasis on developing comprehensive public relations and communication strategies to aid their side in the media war.What an incredible smell you've discovered! You think maybe the terrorists media allies would be limited to the Arab News (the official organ of the house of Saud) and al Jazeera, but you'd be wrong. Try the two biggies as well: the AP and Reuters, both of which are great at spinning things exactly as the Islamists plan.
“Their strategies are crafted after careful audience analysis and message adaptation, two of the most fundamental rules underlying any communication or public relations campaign,” write the authors of a report released this week titled: “Communication and Media Strategy in the Jihadi War of Ideas.” ...Yeah, a lot of people are surprised. None of you, my dear paduan readers, but people. You know, retards and the like. more...Professor Steven Corman, who co-authored the report with graduate student Jill Schiefelbein, says that in his experience “people are surprised the jihadis think of media as a weapon.”
Posted by: Rusty at
12:24 PM
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April 25, 2006
From ABS-CBNNews.com:
The military arrested a suspected Abu Sayyaf member linked to kidnappings and bombings that has killed Americans and Filipinos since 2000, an Army spokesman said Tuesday.As a reminder, the Dos Palmas kidnappings occurred on Palawan Island (map) in 2001 and involved 20 people, including three Americans of which one, Guillermo Sobero, was beheaded. During a rescue mission in 2002, another American, Martin Burnham, was killed and his wife, Gracia, was wounded. They were Christian missionaries. The other hostages were Filipino tourists.Maj. Bartolome Bacarro said soldiers seized Sharie Amiruddin, a suspected member of the Abu Sayyaf group, on Monday in Zamboanga City.
"He was the planner of the Dos Palmas kidnapping," Bacarro told reporters, adding Amiruddin was also blamed for bomb attacks in three Mindanao cities in 2002.
It's worth noting that the Philippine government appears to be quite determined and aggressive in its pursuit of terrorist cells and criminals in the country.
From Interested-Participant.
Posted by: Mike Pechar at
04:23 PM
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April 24, 2006
The Star dot com :Two Georgia men met in Toronto with Islamic extremists to discuss potential terror strikes in the United States, including attacks on oil refineries and military bases, according to U.S. court documents unsealed yesterday.I wonder if his new fine pious Islamic bride approves of the porn?The documents say the pair met with at least three people, who are under international surveillance, to plot ways to disable the Global Positioning System which would disrupt military and commercial communications and air traffic. They also discussed a trip to Pakistan to receive military training at a terrorist-sponsored camp.
FBI agent Michael Scherk, a member of the Joint Terrorism Task Force in Atlanta, says in a sworn affidavit 19-year-old Eshanul Islam Sadequee of Roswell, Ga., and Syed Haris Ahmed, 21, of Atlanta, made the trip to Toronto in March 2005.
Ahmed has been charged with suspicion of giving material support of terrorism and is being held at an undisclosed location. He pleaded not guilty during a brief court appearance Wednesday in Georgia.
Sadequee is accused of making materially false statements in connection with a terrorist investigation, and he was arrested in Bangladesh, where he told the FBI that he had gone to get married.
The U.S. Attorney in Georgia, David Nahmias, said in a statement that the charge against Ahmed is "serious and involves national security.''I always forget my Uncles name donÂ’t you? I've only known him my entire life. Now, on to the porn!U.S. Justice Department officials, however, said there was no immediate threat to any strategic U.S. targets.
According to the court document, Sadequee and Ahmed travelled to Toronto from Atlanta on a Greyhound bus, leaving March 6, 2005, and crossed the border back to the United States on March 12.
Sadequee is accused of lying to federal agents when he was detained at New York's Kennedy airport in August 2005, saying he had travelled to Canada in January of that year, staying with an aunt he identified as "Manju Auntie,'' but being unable to name her husband.
FBI agents confiscated computer hard drives and data CDs from their home last month.You nasty, nasty boys.Federal agents conducted a search of Sadequee's bags before he left for Bangladesh and found two CD-ROMS concealed in the lining of a suitcase.
One CD contained encrypted files that FBI technical experts still cannot decode, the affidavit said, while the other CD contained a bootleg copy of a hard-core pornographic movie.
They are also disillusioned in many cases, he (The U.S. Attorney in Georgia, David Nahmias) said, and sometimes take up Islam "in the radical form."I donÂ’t doubt that! After all their minds are all twisted by the Koran and porn. more..."I do believe that when the time comes, a number of these people will attempt to do something quite serious."
Posted by: Howie at
10:08 AM
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April 22, 2006
Post Executive Editor Leonard Downie Jr. said people who provide citizens the information they need to hold their government accountable should not "come to harm for that."Now, think about that. Downie is actually advocating trying to run a government in which not a single bit of data can reasonably be expected to remain confidential. Downie doesn't explain what disclosures match his criteria for "holding their government accountable". Evidently, those determinations are up to any of the hundreds of thousands of government employees who are privy to classified information.
Presumably, based on the WaPo's history, any revelation that can be used to damage a Republican administration is "sharing information" and holding the government accountable. Revelations that damage Democratic politicians or support Republicans are "leaks" that are betrayals of public trust.
Are you a CIA officer pissed off because the candidate you donated $2000 to lost the Presidential election? Disregard your oath, your secrecy agreement, and the law, and hold the government accountable by leaking classified information! Leonard Downie Jr. has given his okay.
Cross-posted at The Dread Pundit Bluto, Vince Aut Morire, and Stop the ACLU.
Posted by: Bluto at
10:37 AM
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April 21, 2006

From 11Alive.com:
"Mr. Ahmed knowingly and unlawfully attempted to provide, conspired to provide materials, support, and resources, knowing the materials, support and resources were going to be used in the preparation for and the carrying out of two other federal terrorism laws," said U.S. Attorney David Nahmias.Ahmed's family came from Pakistan in 1997 and became U.S. citizens. Syed is reported to have become increasingly involved with Islam and allegedly attended a terrorist training camp in Pakistan last year. If he's guilty, it seems obvious to me that Ahmed was recruited through a mosque in the U.S.Ahmed's family suspects a videotape of their son made of a building is what made authorities suspicious but FBI agents will not confirm that. The family reportedly allowed federal agents to take computer information from their son's room.
"Yesterday, Mr. Ahmed appeared in court for his initial appearance and arraignment in front of Judge Feldman," said Nahmias. "He entered a plea of not guilty and is presumed not guilty until the government proves his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt."
Ahmed was taken into custody and ordered held until trial. No date has been set.
From Interested-Participant.
Posted by: Mike Pechar at
11:31 AM
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April 17, 2006
From Yahoo! News:
WASHINGTON, April 17 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Former University of South Florida Professor Sami Al-Arian has pleaded guilty to a charge of conspiring to provide services to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), a specially designated terrorist organization, in violation of U.S. law, the Department of Justice announced today.This bastard should be deported to Hell.In the plea agreement, Al-Arian admits that he was associated with several organizations, including the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, in the late 1980s and early to mid-1990s. He also admits that co-defendants Ramadan Abdullah Shallah, Bashir Musa Mohammed Nafi and Mazen Al-Najjar were associated with PIJ.
Al-Arian's agreement with the government calls for a recommended prison sentence of 46 to 57 months in prison, based on a five-year maximum statutory sentence. Al-Arian, 48, who has been in custody since his arrest on Feb. 20, 2003, has agreed to stipulate to deportation to another country by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement once his prison sentence has ended. Al- Arian has lived in this country for approximately 30 years.
Via Stop the ACLU.
Also posted at The Dread Pundit Bluto and Vince Aut Morire.
Posted by: Bluto at
10:22 PM
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April 11, 2006
Under Islamic Law, the maximum penalty for apostasy is death.
The list includes prominent Muslims living in the West who have spoken out against violent Islamic extremism and intolerance, some still living in Muslim countries, as well as Coptic Christians who have advocated equal treatment in Egypt.
According to Copts-United (hat tip: Clarity and Resolve) the group issued the following threat if the 'apostates' did not publicly repent:
we will follow them everywhere they go and at anytime; and they can never be far from the swords of truth, and they are closer to us that our shoelaces.The fatwa was signed by Abu Dhur Al-Maqdishi, media commander in Al-JamaÂ’ah.They are monitored day and night. We are fully aware of their hiding places, their houses, their childrenÂ’s schools, and the times when their wives are alone at home.
We gave our rules to the soldiers of God to execute the rule of God so that their blood can become close to God [to kill them] and burn their houses.
And we thank God that many of those infidels and atheists do not exist in the land of Islam, so that they do not defile the Islamic land with their rotten blood. They are in the land of infidelity, the land of idols, pagans, and Cross worshippers: in America, Canada, Switzerland, and Italy.
If they existed on a spot in the Islamic land, let us wash the places of their slaughter and beheading seven times to purify the Islamic land of the impurity of their blood. And let us captivate their women and enslave their children loot them. Let us apply the Islamic rule to them; and whoever kills one of them, will get his loot.
The list includes:
Wafa Sultan -- American Muslim psychologist who has spoken out against jihad, the silence of mainstream Muslims over terrorism, and the treatment of women in Islam. Sultan lives in the Los Angeles area.
Ahmad Subhi Mansur (Mansour)--a liberal Egyptian theologian condemned as an 'apostate' because he accepts only the Quran as authentic and rejects the sunnas. Mansur argues in his book "The Punishment of Apostasy" (out of print) that religious liberty is fundamental to Islam. Mansur's wife and children are also specifically threatened. Mansur live in the Virginia.
Adly Abadir -- Egyptian born Christian Coptic priest, exiled from Egypt and now living in Switzerland. Abadir is an outspoken advocate against the subjegation of Christians in Egypt and has testified before the U.S. Congress on the plight of Coptic minorities living under the thumb of Muslims.
Jamal Al-Banna-- moderate Egyptian theologian & brother of the founder of the Muslim Bortherhood who publicly disputes traditional Islamic teachings about the treatment of women & jihad, but like most Muslims justifies aggressiona against Jews. Al-Banna is probably under condemnation for his firm stance against dhimmitude and for freedom of religion and for his creation of the "Committee for the Defense of Victims of Terror-Fatwas"
Majdi Khalil-- American Muslim who has spoken out against terrorism and those that justify it in the Islamic world.
Hasan Ahmad Umar-- former President of the Egyptian Court of Appeals.
Muhammad ShaÂ’lan--- possibly the same Dr. Muhammed Sha'lan who is a professor of psychology at the oldest and most prestigious Islamic universty in the world, al Azhar.
Father Zakarias Butros-- Coptic priest living in Holland who runs a website devoted to standing up for Christians in Egypt, against attrocities committed by Muslims against Christians, and which invites Muslims to engage in dialogue.
SaÂ’d Al-Din Ibrahim-- liberal Egyptian human rights activist , board member of the Ibn Khaldun Center, and Professor of Sociology at the American University in Cairo. Ibrahim is a leading human rights activists who was arrested by the Egyptian government in 2000 to the applause of Islamists around the world. He is accused by Islamists of being a 'Zionist'.
Salah Muhsin--Egyptian who has spoken out against the Muslim Brotherhood.
Dr. Shakir Al-Nabulsi -- a Jordanian born liberal Muslim, chairman of the American Academic Association in Jordan, and co-signer of an anti-Islamist petition to the U.N calling for an end to the preaching of violence against apostates. Nabulsi now lives in Denver.
Al-Afif al-Akhdar--72 year old Tunisian born French secular Muslim. The Tunisian Islamic movement Al-Nahdha, issued a death fatwa against the him for his book "The Unknown in the Prophet's Life". In addition to exposing the hypocrisy of Muslims on terrorism, Akhdar has also been at the forefront of exposing the political motivations behind Muslim regimes using the Danish Mohammed cartoons to drum up anti-Western sentiment. More on Akhdar here.
Unknown targets-- if you know who these individuals are, please warn them that they may be the target of Muslim extremists!
America -- Nidal NaÂ’isah, Fatin Nur
Canada-- Uthman Muhammad Ali & his family.
Holland-- Nahid Mitwali
Italy--Khalid Hilal
Jordan--Umar Abu Rassa, Ramadan Abd AlRahman Ali
Syria--Samir Hasan Ibrahim
Egypt--Abd al Fattah Asakir, Muhammad Shibl, Muhammad Said al Mushtahari, Abd al-Latif SaÂ’id, Ayman Muhammad Abd Al Rahman, Walid Muhammad Abd al-Rahman, Taha Hilal, Isam Nafi, Ahmad ShaÂ’ban, Amru Ismail, Abd-Al-Karim Sulayman
If you know any of the above individuals, they should be immediately warned. We hope that law enforcement officials are already aware of the danger posed to these people and pray for their safety.
UPDATE: Patrick from Clarity and Resolve in an e-mail points me to this story. Apparently, the threat was e-mailed directly to those who have been targetted, so I was wrong when I earlier stated that the threat had been posted on the internet.
Dr. Wafa Sultan, who lives in California , pointed out that the source of the latest threat differed from the dozens she had previously received because it was made by a group and not an individual. She expressed fear for her life as the message included personal information about the recipients, as well as the names of some of their spouses and children. Sultan vowed to inform the U.S authorities of the email and seek their protection.For his part, Dr, Shakir Nabulsi, a resident of Denver, Colorado, said he was not afraid of the threat as he had received several others before and refused to be frightened by terrorists.
Refusing to bow to the demands of terrorists, Dr. Ahmad Subhi Mansour, who lives I Virginia, said he would take the threat seriously and indicated the message was probably originated in Egypt .
The Islamic thinker Jamal al Banna, brother of the Hssan al Banna, the founder of the Muslim Bortherhood, denied any knowledge of the organization calling itself “Supporters of God’s Messenger”, which included his name in a list of 31 supporters. He described its threat as “nonsense” and said the authors were “Satan’s soldiers”.
Posted by: Rusty at
04:36 PM
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