December 31, 2005

Embittered Brit Ex-Ambassador Leaks Documents

The land of HAR "Kim" Philby brings us another in a long line of lunatics who somehow managed to worm their ways into government positions. Of course, Philby was supposedly motivated by ideology. Craig Murray, who was fired from his position for cause, seems to have more of a taste for petty revenge and self-promotion.

From the Associated Press via Yahoo!News:

LONDON - A former British ambassador has published government documents he says prove that Britain knowingly received intelligence extracted under torture from prisoners in Uzbekistan.

Craig Murray, who was removed as ambassador to Uzbekistan after going public about his concerns, defied a Foreign Office ban to publish the internal memos on his Web site Friday. The documents include memos to Foreign Office chiefs in which Murray expressed his concern over the use of "torture material."

Common sense is finally invoked in the sixth paragraph of the AP story:
A Foreign Office spokesman said Friday that while Britain condemns the use of torture, it would be "irresponsible" for the intelligence services to reject out of hand information which might protect British citizens from a terror attack. The spokesman spoke on condition of anonymity in keeping with government policy.
Duh. The very fact that this has to be articulated is a dismal comment on the average liberal's IQ.

For hints as to Murray's true nature, one might visit his blog, if one has the taste and tolerance for bug-eyed moonbattery.

Also posted at The Dread Pundit Bluto.

Posted by: Bluto at 10:17 AM | Comments (142) | Add Comment
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December 28, 2005

SPAM Scams

At this point I must be getting 10 spam emails to each 1 that's legitimate. About a year ago I met a fellow who had just been hired by the FBI to begin investigating the link between terrorist organizations and email spam scams. It's apparently one of their major income sources. I wonder when our illustrious Congress is going to get off its fat behind and actually do something about the scourge?

Posted by: Demosophist at 04:58 AM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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December 24, 2005

French Pass Anti-Terrorism Law

Reacting to the real threat of terrorism by Islamic extremists and prompted by the London subway bombings, the French parliament passed legislation which allows the government to spy on its citizens.

From the BBC:

The new law will allow increased video surveillance in public areas including airports and places of worship.

Police will also be given more time to question terrorist suspects and to check internet and telephone records.

It's appropriate to emphasize the scope of the law. French authorities are going to be placing video surveillance equipment in mosques! French authorities are going to monitor Internet and telephone communications! They are also going to detain suspects for longer periods of time to allow for adequate intelligence gathering! Sacre Bleu!

According to Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy, the new law is needed to give "greater powers to law enforcement to avoid a catastrophe." Hmmm ... imagine that. All along, the Democratic Party has been trying to steer the U.S. government into being more like the French. But, now, the Democrats must feel betrayed. In a dedicated effort, the Democratic Party, including the mainstream media wing, have worked to weaken America's anti-terror laws while, almost simultaneously, France has strengthened its own version of the Patriot Act.

I find it difficult to dispute the contention that the Democrats and the media are soundly invested in defeat, not only in Iraq but, also, in the war on terror. To be a staunch Democrat largely means one has to be on the wrong side of most issues. This is clearly illustrated by the pro-terrorist Muslim media continually quoting Democratic Party leaders in their one-sided, and inaccurate, reporting of the news. Even Saddam Hussein uses the Democratic Party's assertions against the Bush administration in defending himself against charges of crimes against humanity.

Nonetheless, the new French anti-terror legislation won't make the Democrats nor the MSM happy. And, it's likely that news of strengthened laws in France won't be prominently reported by the major media outlets, if at all.

Companion post at Interested-Participant.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 02:39 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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December 22, 2005

Brits Arrest Bomb Plotter

(London) A fifth terror suspect will join four others awaiting trial for the failed July 21 attempt to murder passengers on London's transit system.


London's Metropolitan Police identified the man as Adel Yahya, 23. He was arrested Tuesday at Gatwick Airport as he got off a flight from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

He was charged with conspiring with four other men -- all of whom are awaiting trial over the plot to attack three subway trains and a double-decker bus -- "to cause by an explosive substance, explosions of a nature likely to endanger life or cause serious injury to property."

Yahya is accused of conspiring with Muktar Said Ibrahim, 27, Yassin Omar, 24, Hussein Osman, 27, and Manfo Kwaku Asiedu, 32, for trying to bomb three subway trains and a bus. Fortunately, they were unsuccessful.

Notably, if convicted and sentenced to modest prison terms, all the terror suspects are young enough that likely they would represent a future threat. I hope the British justice system is of the same opinion.

Companion post at Interested-Participant.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 07:19 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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December 12, 2005

French Arrest 20 Members of 'Islamic Network'

France's domestic counterterrorism agency, Direction de la surveillance du territoire (DST), arrested twenty people in pre-dawn raids around Paris today believed to be part of " Islamist network linked to terrorism".

From the BBC:

Some of the suspects are believed to have been involved in crimes to help fund Islamic groups.

The raids on homes and internet cafes were ordered by French anti-terrorism magistrates.

Most of those detained were young men of Tunisian and Moroccan origin, some holding French nationality, officials told AFP.

French politicians have not yet agreed on a new anti-terror bill that would allow terrorist suspects to be held up to six days, instead of four. We'll have to check back in four days to see if the French government is busy negotiating terms of surrender with the Islamists.

Also posted at The Dread Pundit Bluto.

Posted by: Bluto at 08:01 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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December 08, 2005

The Mistakes of Able Danger Live On

Answers to some of the troubling questions about the Able Danger data-mining project can be found in this National Journal article posted at In interviewing Erik Kleinsmith, the officer who destroyed the Able Danger electronic data, Shane Harris has managed to resurrect quite a bit of the short history of the Information Dominance Center, of which Able Danger was a part, and offers this explanation as to why the massive stores of data and analysis were destroyed:

In early 2000, in the midst of Able Danger, a lawyer with the Army's general counsel visited Kleinsmith. As Kleinsmith testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in September, the lawyer reminded him that under Army regulations, any data the IDC collected on U.S. persons -- even inadvertently -- had to be destroyed within 90 days. If analysts could establish a legitimate reason to investigate a person further, they could keep the corresponding data.

But with potentially tens of thousands of names, checking each one would have been impossible, Kleinsmith said. In the Pentagon briefing, Gandy concurred: "I don't think they had the capability to scrub it in the fashion that the oversight rules could live with."

So two and a half terabytes of data were sent to oblivion. This is not to say that the work of Able Danger would have prevented the 9/11 outrage. more...

Posted by: Bluto at 12:30 AM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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December 06, 2005

Jawa Taking it to the Terrorists

It has just been brought to my attention that, er, certain things are being done by, er, certain "authorities", about, er, certain things said in the previous post, and that certain, er, companies are fully cooperating with said authorites. As you can see, I have taken down that post. If you read that post then you are probably as shocked as I am that we, er, were able to get, er, well, you know what I'm talking about.

If you didn't read the post than that will teach you for not checking the Jawa Report every two minutes! And you call yourself a loyal fan?

What was this mysterious post about? I know nothing. Besides, doesn't all the mystery kind of add to the ambience around here?

But, seriously, I'm pretty freaking flabbergasted that my little investigation that I started and e-mailed a few "authorities" about before putting up the post is being taken seriously. Very seriously.

Comment thread on this post will be closed because some of you blabbermouths can't be trusted! More later (fingers crossed, knock on wood, etc.)

Posted by: Rusty at 07:17 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 04, 2005

Senior Chechnyan al Qaeda Leader Reportedly Killed in Suicide Blast

The Counterterrorism Blog reports that Abu Omar Mohammed bin Abdullah al-Saif, a Saudi al Qaeda in Chechnya commander, has killed himself in Dagestan to avoid capture by Russian forces:

Unable to escape after Russian soldiers backed by helicopters surrounded his temporary hideout, Abu Omar allegedly detonated an explosive device he was carrying and collapsed the building on top of himself. Known as the "Imam of the Chechen mujahideen", Abu Omar was an original founder of the Arab-Afghan mujahideen movement in Chechnya and was named by Russian officials as a suspect in numerous Caucasus-linked terrorist attacks, including the Moscow theatre siege and the Beslan school hostage massacre.
The Counterterrorism Blog has more, including a 2000 interview with Abu Omar.

Also posted at The Dread Pundit Bluto.

Posted by: Bluto at 04:39 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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December 03, 2005

(Images/Video) Terrorist Videos Reveal Weakness and Lies of Insurgency

al_qaeda_terrorists_ramadi_1.jpgUPDATE: The video has been debunked and is NOT the Fallujah attack but some other attack. See this post.

The Islamic Army in Iraq has released a video of an IED attack against Marines in Fallujah. The attack killed 10 Marines. Images from the video are posted below. They are not graphic, but may be disturbing.

Al Qaeda in Iraq has also released a video of its Ramadi offensive. Images posteed below and right. For links to video, please e-mail author.

The video shows a Marine patrol and a Hummer rolling down an alley or a narrow road, on which civilians are present. The Hummer passes the Marines as it approaches the terrorist's position. The IED explosion is large and does damage to the Humvee, but the driver inside appears to be able to continue to drive the vehicle. Civilians can be seen panicking and fleeing. The video then becomes shaky as the terrorist flees the scene.

The video reveals why the IED attack was so devestating. Presumably, like most incidents of this nature, the IED was planted with the expectation that it would be exploded as a vehicle or convey passed. The terrorists, it would seem, just got 'lucky' in that on this particular day a foot patrol decided to walk down the wrong alley.

Despite media reports of 'mounting casualties', attacks are down in Iraq. The IED attack reveals that the so-called insurgents cannot mount even an effective attack against U.S. positions.

Yesterday, propagandists for Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's al Qaeda in Iraq posted a message claiming they had taken 'control of Ramadi'. This despite the fact that the terrorists were only able to fire a single mortar shell at a U.S. position and less than 300 U.S. troops and 200 Iraqis were used in the counteroffensive. The counteroffensive turned out to be nothing more than the troops entering Ramadi unnoposed and turned into a routine search and sweep operation.

The only evidence that al Qaeda offered that they 'controlled' Ramadi was a short video by their IMC media arm showing a group of masked young men in cheap warm-up pants and tee shirts slowly going down a narrow alley. There are no more than seven or eight terrorists in the group. That's right, 7-8 terrorists with AK-47's and a single RPG! An image from that video is posted above and a few more are posted below.

Oddly enough, the IMC (Islamic Media Center) cameraman hides from the terrorists while he takes the video. The IMC has recently pledge its loyalty to Osama bin Laden and urged others to do the same. It appears that even the jihadi supporters are afraid of the brave and noble mujahidin!

So, if the 'insurgency' cannot hold any territory, is not very popular in the eyes of even Sunnis these days, and must resort to remotely detonated bombs and hostage taking, in what lies their hope of victory?

The media and spineless politicians in Washington D.C.

The spinmeisters at al Jazeera, Jihad Unspun, and Uruknet report the communique as fact and then, trying to turn this into some grand irony, announce that the Ramadi 'victory' comes only days after Bush announced his strategy for victory. As if a single IED and a handful of sweat-pants clad 'insurgents' are a threat to U.S. victory in Iraq!

It would all be very laughable if the U.S. media wasn't so busy hand-wringing and having LSD induced flashbacks of Vietnam. The media spin then leads the American public to think that this insurgency poses an actual threat and that somehow we cannot win in Iraq. All of this is not helped by the extreme Left wing of the Democratic party which is all to eager to see America lose in Iraq.

Folks, the only threat to our long-term victory in Iraq comes not form the terrorists, but from spineless politicians in the U.S.

Images below. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 02:40 PM | Comments (43) | Add Comment
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