June 15, 2006
How to Identify a Terrorist, Part II
We interrupt your regularly-scheduled blog posts to bring you an important
free message from
Jawa Report's ongoing
Terrorist Infiltration Effort (TIE) fighting public education program.
As always, please be on your guard. This person, whose sex appears to that of a girl, may be a terrorist. You will note her hairstyle, with its upturned ends, which has been described by a number of witnesses as "horny."

Posted by: Kos_Irhabi at
10:14 PM
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June 14, 2006
Home Grown al Qaeda Cells in the U.S.
A terrorism expert informed the U.S. Senate today that the threat from home grown al Qaeda terror cells is real. How is it that al Qaeda can recruit terrorists in the U.S.?
The internet.
Trust me, many of you would be genuinely shocked at reading the amount support terrorists get from American Muslims on bulletin boards. Of course, they always hedge this support by first declaring that the terrorist in question is not really a terrorist.
So, when many of them say, I don't support terrorism, they really mean it. The devil, though, is in the details of exactly what constitutes a terrorist.
Muslim parents, do you know what your children are up to on the internet? Between porn and Islamic message boards, I'd be more worried about the latter.
"We are uncovering the spread of new violent extremists networks and cells that lack formal ties or affiliation with al-Qaida or other recognized terrorists groups," said John Scott Redd, the direction of the National Counterterrorism Center in testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Tuesday.
"These new networks are often made up of disaffected, radicalized individuals who draw inspiration and moral support froom al-Qaida and other violent extremists. Group members are most often young, in their teens and twenties, and froom families that are second or third generation immigrants to their western communities. To the outside observer, these terrorists might well appear to be fully assimilated members of their western communities." ....
"In one case, two individuals who are U.S. Muslim converts were c caught robbing a gas station to support their attack plans in California. Possible targets included synagogues, the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles, and a National Guard facility," Redd said....
"The emergence of this new brand of al-Qaida inspired, homegrown terrorism group poses real challenges to the intelligence community, and we are grappling with a whole new set of questions," Redd said. "The challenge of countering these cells is complicated by the fact that they may operate virtually, with much of their communication and planning taking place over the Internet. This network of virtual contacts increases the relative stealth with which these terrorists can organize, communicate and plan potential attacks." [emphasis mine]
Back to vacation.
Posted by: Rusty at
04:55 PM
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I am pretty sure I.M. who appears to have been banned, warned everyone this type of ROP example would be here soon.
How can we as a nation trust any of them? Their religion teaches them to hate everyone, and kill the Jews. It makes me sick.
Posted by: Leatherneck at June 14, 2006 05:10 PM (D2g/j)
Posted by: Vinnie, Editor In Chief Pro Tempore at June 14, 2006 05:16 PM (/qy9A)
The pentagon is a good place to establish an AQ cell.
Posted by: Jester at June 14, 2006 06:43 PM (TuAMG)
More proof that we should not allow these dorks to immigrate here. Stay in their own screwed up countries.
Posted by: greyrooster at June 14, 2006 07:31 PM (s/5ju)
And this surprises anyone. Hell, I predicted this years ago. I keep trying to tell you that Islam and freedom are 100% imcompatible. When the Koran is your constitution, freedom is a non-existant entity. Why is this hard for anyone to understand?
Posted by: jesusland joe at June 14, 2006 07:55 PM (rUyw4)
Exactly how big is the step required from the Ward Churchills to the 20-something terrorist wannabe? If I hear America is bad from my Iman, and then watch Churchill spew on TV, wouldn't my impressionable self begin to believe that there is really, nothing good about America if even those that 'succeed' here agree with my Iman?
Posted by: tracy coyle at June 14, 2006 08:42 PM (x2eBy)
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June 11, 2006
Just Good 'Ol Boys, Never Meanin' No Harm
The Pentagon releases the names of the three terrorists who took a long drop at the end of a short rope.
Read the whole article. It's kinda funny. It painstakingly outlines the egregious hand-wringing going on about this non-event.
It's simple. We are in a war. Club Gitmo is a POW camp. A POW camp is where Prisoners Of War are held. All the ridiculous carping about people being held without trial is just that. Ridiculous.
It should also be noted that many detainees released from Gitmo have cheerfully returned to their chosen avocation of trying to kill as many Americans as possible.
If you really want to read a howler, check out this editorial from a month ago in the Yemen Observer. You know Yemen, that country that sets the standards for humane incarceration in the world. That's like Tony Soprano lecturing Jack Bauer that he should stop killing people.
Muslihoon says "shut it down." Tongue firmly in cheek, of course.
Posted by: Vinnie at
11:19 PM
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Turn all terrorists over to the Japanese. I hear they would bayonet them to death. What's good enough for a GI. Is surely good enough for a terrorists fighting in someone elses country.
Posted by: greyrooster at June 12, 2006 10:33 AM (fDZgg)
Correct me if I am wrong but they don't even qualify as POWs because they do not fight under a visible symbol like a uniform and they do not obey the rules of war that are spelled out in the Geneva Convention which spells out the rights of POWs. They are militants (not civilian criminals) who didn't attempt to qualify for POW protection when they were on the battlefield. The reason they "fall through the cracks" of the legal system is that no one ever thought that being an terrorist who targets civilians was something worth protecting. We should keep it that way.
Posted by: Chuck the Lucky at June 12, 2006 07:02 PM (scKzN)
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June 05, 2006
Canadian Jihadi Linked to Cyberterrorist Irhabi 007
One of the Canadian Jihadis arrested for plotting terrorist acts has been linked to the former cyberterrorist #1,
Irhabi 007 (
Irhabi translated means
terrorist). You may remember
Irhabi 007 from our previous lengthy discussions about the
cyber jihad.
Irhabi 007 was a frequent poster at the Islamist mesage board Ansarnet. He first came to our attention after he posted a video of the beheading murder of Jack Hensley at the forum. He was banned from the forum, not for posting the beheading video, but for asking for money to cover his bandwidth costs!
Irhabi 007 was the greatest distributor of al Qaeda in Iraq propaganda videos on the internet for some time. Irhadi 007 is probably best known in the U.S. for the time he hacked the Arkansas State Department of Highways and used their server to distribute jihadi material.
Eventually, though, he got sloppy and was caught by British authorities as part of a three man cell of terrorists. Irhab 007 turned out to be Younis Tsouli, a 22 year old from West London. Tsouli has also been linked to terror plots in Bosnia, Sweden, Turkey and Holland.
So, the Canadian jihadis have been linked to both a British and American terrorist cell. What is the common thread? Internet forums dedicated to the Religion of Peace.
More background from Chad at In the Bullpen here and Allahpundit here.
Posted by: Rusty at
09:27 AM
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You will not see that on the MSM. Thanks for some real truth.
Posted by: Leatherneck at June 05, 2006 11:37 AM (D2g/j)
Well I for one hope that our ability to catch terrorists by tracking their internet usage ISN'T widely publicized. If it is they may well either stop using it or attempt to take effective countermeasures.
Posted by: john ryan at June 05, 2006 01:13 PM (TcoRJ)
Posted by: greyrooster at June 06, 2006 04:48 AM (PV2nq)
Well I have a question: where are the patriotic hackers who are finding info on the cyber terrorists and handing it over? Are there any hackers on our side who are fighting on the cyber battleground?
Posted by: Roy at June 06, 2006 09:12 AM (vOROC)
e thanks to to
Ralph Lauren
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Posted by: dage at July 28, 2011 02:16 AM (NbYxa)
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June 04, 2006
Update On The UK "Chemical Vest" Search
LGF, the Telegraph
Senior police sources said they were searching for an "improvised device rather than a sophisticated weapon" capable of releasing chemicals. The Sunday Telegraph has learnt that intelligence obtained by MI5 suggested that terrorists were trying to acquire material via the internet which could be used to develop a nerve gas capable of killing and injuring thousands of people.
Security sources say that the terrorist threat facing Britain has developed into a "covert conspiracy" involving hundreds of men and women living ordinary lives in the nation's suburbs. They form an estimated 1,200 strong "army" of terrorists believed to be involved in at least 20 major terrorist plots.
Scotland Yard and MI5 sources were playing down reports in the media yesterday that they were looking for a "chemical vest", which could be used by a suicide bomber. The wearer would suffer a long and painful death.
Detectives believe it is more likely that sarin or an alternative nerve agent would be released from a canister or flask.
File it under Incidents, Isolated.
Related: AP is reporting that the Canadian Isolated Incident was the result of a clever sting.
Original post.
Posted by: Vinnie at
11:36 PM
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I seriously doubt England would much wake up even if a thousand or so of them were killed by a nerve agent in this manner. It would probably take a 100K or more before they would be forced to admit their problem with islamic extremists is real.
Posted by: goesh at June 05, 2006 06:43 AM (1w6Ud)
I wonder if the ROP is doing the same thing in other countries.
Posted by: Leatherneck at June 05, 2006 11:42 AM (D2g/j)
It appears that this vest is about as real as Saddam's WMDs.
Posted by: Sonic at June 05, 2006 01:16 PM (Gsn6c)
I do not think the vest is the important part. It appears to be another example of the ROP doing it's thing Sonic. But, maybe you only see it as a vest issue.
What would the problem in Canada be to you? You know, the 3,000lbs of bomb making stuff, with 17 moon god worshipping POS being arrested.
Posted by: Leatherneck at June 05, 2006 04:28 PM (D2g/j)
Did you happen to notice who sold the Canadians the stuff?
Nothing suspicious there, no siree.
Posted by: Sonic at June 05, 2006 05:43 PM (Gsn6c)
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June 03, 2006
UK Police Searching For "Chemical Suicide Vest"
I saw this
last night at
LGF but couldn't get to it until now.
A DESPERATE search is under way for a “chemical vest” that a British suicide bomber was ready to deploy in a terror attack on London.
Police fear that the strike, using a home-made chemical device, was imminent after an informant told MI5 that he had seen the lethal garment at the home of two young men.
Posted by: Vinnie at
03:20 PM
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Terror Cell Busted in Ontario
(Pickering, Ontario) Seventeen males, mostly their teens and 20s, were
arrested last night in a sweep of a terrorist cell allegedly plotting to launch attacks in Ontario. The suspects, 12 adults and five minors and mostly Canadian citizens, are believed to have trained at camps north of Toronto.
From TheGlobeandMail.com:
The RCMP says the sweep began Friday night in co-operation with an Integrated National Security Enforcement Team, or INSET. These arrests are the largest ever made since the inception of INSET. INSET teams are made up of members of the RCMP, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, federal agencies such as the Canada Border Services Agency and Citizenship and Immigration Canada, and provincial and municipal police services.
Police said they have recovered three tonnes of ammonium nitrate fertilizer. Commissioner McDonell noted that this amount was three times the amount used by Timothy McVeigh to destroy the federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995.
Although the youths cannot be named, the
names of the 12 adults arrested are:
1. Fahim Ahmad, 21, Toronto;
2. Zakaria Amara, 20, Mississauga, Ont.;
3. Asad Ansari, 21, Mississauga;
4. Shareef Abdelhaleen, 30, Mississauga;
5. Qayyum Abdul Jamal, 43, Mississauga;
6. Mohammed Dirie, 22, Kingston, Ont.;
7. Yasim Abdi Mohamed, 24, Kingston;
8. Jahmaal James, 23, Toronto;
9. Amin Mohamed Durrani, 19, Toronto;
10. Steven Vikash Chand alias Abdul Shakur, 25, Toronto;
11. Ahmad Mustafa Ghany, 21, Mississauga;
12. Saad Khalid, 19, of Eclipse Avenue, Mississauga.
The investigation into the cell's activities was conducted by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) whose building was a primary target along with the Parliament Building in Ottawa. Sources say the spy agency was targeted since the suspects were particularly "angered by media reports accusing CSIS of racial profiling of Muslims."
From TheStar.com:
The chain of events began two years ago, sparked by local teenagers roving through Internet sites, reading and espousing anti-Western sentiments and vowing to attack at home, in the name of oppressed Muslims here and abroad.
Their words were sometimes encrypted, the Internet sites where they communicated allegedly restricted by passwords, but Canadian spies back in 2004 were reading them. And as the youths' words turned into actions, they began watching them.
According to sources close to the investigation, the suspects are teenagers and men in their 20s who had a relatively typical Canadian upbringing, but -- allegedly spurred on by images of conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan and angered by what they saw as the mistreatment of Muslims at home -- became increasingly violent.
The terror suspects are expected to be arraigned today on terrorism-related and explosives charges.
I believe it's worth emphasizing that the media apparently were a major influence in prompting the suspects to organize and plan their terrorist plot.
From Interested-Participant.
Posted by: Mike Pechar at
10:51 AM
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Please note:
Islam is a religion of Peace.
Posted by: Darth Vag at June 03, 2006 11:14 AM (+nlyI)
This is my back yard folks. The good intel and police units worked seamlessly in this opperation and must be commended. The pigs had enough firepower to commit three Oklahoma style efforts.
The great part of this is the national state run television broadcaster CBC was forced to actually use the word terrorist. I'm sure they're passing out the mints at the multi gazillion dollar tax funded state run- mandatory by law that all Canadians recieve- broadcaster we here know as the CBC.
Posted by: Dave K at June 03, 2006 11:26 AM (YaR8u)
Are there any commonalities among the terrorists captured that could help us find others of their ilk.
All young.
All male.
All of Arab/Muslim extraction.
Nope, nothing there -- we have to continue to search infants, disabled veterans and 80-year old nuns.
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at June 03, 2006 11:54 AM (Gp7Bf)
Not a muslim amongst them. Not a one. Keep moving, nothing to see here.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at June 03, 2006 12:00 PM (8e/V4)
They need to make a public example of these termites. Call me crazy, but I think they should get death just for the mere planning of this crap.
Posted by: Richard at June 03, 2006 12:28 PM (7KF8r)
A public execution would be a fine detractor for any budding islamofacists.
Posted by: Dave K at June 03, 2006 02:08 PM (YaR8u)
I'm afraid I must disagree; if you executed them publically then you'd just be making them out to be the martyrs like they're aspiring to be anyways.
If they are to be executed (we don't have a death penalty here in Canada), it'd probably best to do it very quietly, just make them disappear. (Now I get to be accused of being part of the BushHarper cabal and called a neocon I guess.)
As much as I'd like to see death come to those who plot to murder scores of my fellow countrymen, a martyr's death is already what they are seeking, so we would simply be giving them what they wanted if we were to execute them publically.
However if we were to jail them for the rest of their miserable lives, we would likely see a great increase in terrorist acts with the statements for the actions being "release terrorist X to prevent further attacks, etc."
Its a tough call I suppose.
Posted by: CanForce 101 at June 03, 2006 02:56 PM (BRXB/)
So true Jesuland Carlos and Rhymes With Right!
I'm happy this thing happened for two reasons:
1. People here in Canada will have to wake up and stand up against terrorism; and
2. Those bastards were caught before they could do anything.
I can't wait for the day that CANADACOM call my unit for immediate intervention...
- Max
Posted by: Max at June 04, 2006 10:47 AM (+kFf8)
And hollywood also pushs antiwestern idea in their rotten movies
Posted by: sandpiper at June 04, 2006 04:35 PM (JyNSh)
The mounties always get their man and that includes AL QUEDA terrorists thank goodness for the RCMP and that the fact canadians voted PAUL MARTIN and his jackasses out of office
Posted by: sandpiper at June 05, 2006 03:20 PM (Dutrh)
Yea, yea but it took them how long to do it.
Gee whiz. All the terrorists are muslim. Canada should continue to make them welcome. I mean they are just coming there for a better life. YEA RIGHT. Why do the muslim countries suck. Because they are full of muslims. When Canada gets enough muslims it will suck to.
Posted by: greyrooster at June 06, 2006 06:06 AM (PV2nq)
Kill'em yes, martyrs no. We all know who is at the pearly gates welcoming the dearly departed to god's kingdom. St. Peter just sends them in the other directions.
Posted by: RayRio at June 07, 2006 08:27 PM (1CTkD)
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