While I'm reproducing one of the cartoons below in the spirit of fairplay, I certainly don't endorse the message.
Mock the Europeans! I can live with that! Hell, I'll even help them! If some muslim group want to go this route - more power to them - tit for tat - its kinda crude but - they earned it.
Oddly enough - a faint hint of a reasonable sensible muslim approach.
Posted by: hondo at February 06, 2006 12:28 AM (3aakz)
Very suitable response !
Hey, advocates (europeans) of "Freedom of expresson", please admire this work toooo or otherwise go to hell.
Posted by: Yahya Khan at February 06, 2006 01:05 AM (e7SN+)
Hah! Even A camel jockey agrees with me! OK Khan your turn - take your best shot!
NOTE: If I'm gonna insult someone - it will not be about his religion or his momma - because its poor form and in bad taste.
ONE MO THING: Freedom of speech, expression, religion etc etc etc wre born here - by those who voted with their feet from there to here!
Someone should take a good look at the LAWS in Europe and direction they have been going in before we get hot "to protect their freedoms".
Posted by: hondo at February 06, 2006 01:27 AM (3aakz)
The thing is, the picture of Muhammed with a bomb as a turban is sort of justified given that the Islamic terrorists carry out their deeds to the cries of "Allahu akbar", giving the impression that the Koran and the Muslim religion is a primary source of motivation for the terrorists.
Comparing that to Hitler in bed with one of his victims doesn't even make sense.
Posted by: Matthew at February 06, 2006 01:40 AM (w09XI)
The AEL is acting as if muslims are now starting to exercise their freedom of expression by printing anti-jewish cartoons. Haven't cartoons like this been printed in the Islamic media everyday since 1947? Not suprising that the counter offensive would involve taking a swipe at the Jooos, since, as usual, the Joooos are behind everything, everywhere, all time, even the printing of the Danish cartoons. C'mon guys, at least be original for a change.
Posted by: Graeme at February 06, 2006 03:57 AM (aGG/H)
la ilah ila lah mohamd rasolo lah
Posted by: bochra at February 06, 2006 04:52 AM (lPi63)
Posted by: kadija at February 06, 2006 06:20 AM (7V3Ji)
All this is going to show is that the European response is not to burn down buildings and riot, but to simply voice outrage.
Posted by: Mark at February 06, 2006 06:42 AM (UqFYg)
Typical Muslim response resort to violence
Posted by: John at February 06, 2006 07:06 AM (0+XfE)
Mathew and Mark are right!
A cartoon is supposed to be funny or ate least satirical by exagerating something that's real!! That's a cartoon, that is the reason of its existence! Many people blow themselves up supposely in the name of Islam, so it's perfectly understandable to draw Mohamed with a bomb as a turbant or saying that heaven is out of virgins, since that's what they are promised when they carry out a suicidal atack. But putting Hitler in bed with Ann Frank?... What's that supposed to mean?!! It just looks like muslims are a little boy angry with someone who made fun of him and tries to make fun of the West but with something not funny!!! There are so many ironical western things to make fun about! Have some imagination!!! Or not! that's your perrogative, that's your LIBERTY!
Posted by: Alexandra at February 06, 2006 07:41 AM (0UfQ+)
nice first try, hitler in bed and anne frank. this is a step in the right direction. let's tease each other and communicate this way rather than burn down buildings. I understand how people can be insulted. We split religion and the state back in the 1700s while islam is just coming to terms with this. Islamic societies have a hard time with bottom-up power structures, meaning they are usually hierarchical and you obey the book and your leaders.
I have great iranian friends. They live a double life within the confines of their house and out on the streets. its sad to see them suffer having to behave in certain ways just because a book written 1500 years ago tells you you have to do that. it's gonna take a lot of understanding for uneducated muslims to understand that if you were born in china you had no choice being buddhist or toaist and that islam is not the only religion out there and salvation is only possible via islam..ditto that with evangelical christians....
Posted by: james at February 06, 2006 07:57 AM (CJAj5)
Yeah... you see the thing is...
Hitler never slept with Anne Frank, yet Mohammed really was a murdering son of a bitch. Interesting that they should choose a grown adult male to depict sleeping with a small child. They just can't get that off their mind, can they?
Posted by: Ernie Oporto at February 06, 2006 08:42 AM (WvUov)
I think the Hitler-Ann Frank connection is ridiculous but, it is within the realm of free speech and expression, and I much prefer this approach as opposed to the call for violence, which is unacceptable and should be dealt with in the harshest of ways by the West.
Whoever advocated violence should be sent back to whatever country they came from, or if they were born in the West, they should have their citizenship revolked and sent to whatever is the country of their heritage. And before you say anything, reacting to the threat of violence is quite different than the one who proposed violence as a solution, and you know who you are.
Posted by: jesusland joe at February 06, 2006 08:51 AM (rUyw4)
imagine a world where people could worship any way they wished but were required to keep it to themselves.
Posted by: jamie s at February 06, 2006 09:03 AM (5GNa0)
I believe that if one is steadfast in his on belief,no cartoon or insult will phase him or her one way or the other. Trying to destroy someone else because they don't believe the way you do is only insecurity. Why can't the world take a deep breath and try and come to terms with yourself. Look at other people with love and understanding and try for a little while to look beyond religion.
Posted by: jamie s at February 06, 2006 09:14 AM (5GNa0)
That's the way it is in the US, Jamie s, welcome to utopia, or at least utopia on that one issue. And if you mean requiring people to keep something to themselves, do you "imagine" denying free speech to religious people.
Posted by: jesusland joe at February 06, 2006 09:17 AM (rUyw4)
I don't condone any form of denying freedom of speech to religious people or any other type of people. But you make my point about how impossible religion is. Where is my freedom not to be subjected to all of the negatives involved,or having to be bombarded with someone else's views on religion? If there is a satan maybe he is the fabricator of all these religions that kill and have been killing each other for centuries. The fact is that all religions are guilty of wars in the name of God. I think that if God wanted us to know something he or whatever God is would tell us and tell us all at the same time. Doesn't he love all?
Posted by: jamie s at February 06, 2006 09:46 AM (5GNa0)
Well, Jamie s, what about all those wars not in the name of God. Think about wars perpetuated by Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Mao, Tamerlane, Ghenghis Khan, Attila, and need I go on.
And again, read my previous post, you are not required to listen to anyone's view of religion. And to turn your logic on it's head, where is my right not to be bombarded with pornography, homosexuality, crass consumerism, celebrity worship and I could go on. What are you trying to say?
Posted by: jesusland joe at February 06, 2006 10:15 AM (rUyw4)
I'm not trying to say anything, I've said it and very plainly. Never stand toe to toe and argue with a fool. A stranger might walk by and wonder who the fool is!
Posted by: jamie s at February 06, 2006 10:27 AM (5GNa0)
Yes, jamis s, I know exactly what you said. I just wanted you to admit it. A true Leftist I see. You have all the rights and the rest of us have only the rights you in all your wisdom bestow on us. Very democratic.
Posted by: jesusland joe at February 06, 2006 10:49 AM (rUyw4)
And I really like all that love and understanding you proposed in one of your posts. A pity you don't practice what you preach.
Posted by: jesusland joe at February 06, 2006 11:10 AM (rUyw4)
That's just so pathetic, in an hilarious kind of way. I especially like Hitler's rather severe-looking nipples, as though she's been twisting them bloody. I mean, I know the intent was to offend but it just comes off as surreal silliness, like an SNL skit.
Posted by: Demosophist at February 06, 2006 11:14 AM (5b1bh)
An insulting cartoon doesn't take much effort (see Hitler screwing a jewish child) if it doesn't bear some semblance of similarity to the object of its ridicule. Hitler, for instance, is considered to have had an aversion to sex of any kind. (It is theorized he was a homosexual in denial). So depicting him molesting a young jewish child is simply gratuitous, and not very clever. That is in stark contrast with the depictions of Mohammed with an exploding head, because muslims are terrorists. That, you can argue, is clever.
Also, this Hitler/Ann Frank cartoon should be seen in light of the fact that Mohammed himself was a pedophile (his "wife" was only 12 years old). What we have here, therefore, is an obvious case of projection at a very subconcious level by our muslim cartoonist. Pedophilia, like jihad, runs like an unbroken thread through his religion all the way back to its founder. Subconsciously, it appears in their cartoons.
As a side note, young boys and homosexuality are are still very popular in the muslim world given their women are completely hidden from view under burkas. I had a Paki (Pashtun) friend in college who used to laugh about male-on-male gang rapes at university.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at February 06, 2006 11:17 AM (8e/V4)
as a european i am extremely offended by these images and call for all my honky brothers to rise up and behead all cartoonists.........not really. do i look bothered?
Posted by: ian uk at February 06, 2006 11:34 AM (GhCfc)
You know how many Jews will riot in response to this cartoon?
Posted by: Black Death at February 06, 2006 11:36 AM (/B3gx)
Posted by: riverwilde at February 06, 2006 12:24 PM (A5Ct7)
This cartoon is utterly asinine. And makes me laugh a lot.
Posted by: thropus at February 06, 2006 12:28 PM (LN5ig)
Just more evidence that muslims must be exterminated like the verminous plague they are.
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at February 06, 2006 01:45 PM (0yYS2)
Hell yeah, Mohammed looks cool as hell with a "turbomb" on his head! That sucka gets all the chicks!! Damn....
Posted by: Falcon at February 06, 2006 02:41 PM (s5LhC)
I praise the cartoon, its about time europe does something against the parasitic muslims. They always make fun of us its time thet get a taste of there own medicine. Those stupid hippocritical, mislead people!
Posted by: WDB at February 06, 2006 02:45 PM (4WcXX)
That is NOT the arena of ideas. That is a group of vile human beings rubbing salt in Jewish wounds as pay back for something that NON-JEWS did.
Payback would have been showing a rabbi wielding a knife or bomb. When you dip into sexual perversions between Hitler and the child Anne Frank, you are showing that your religion and your people are sick and twisted. (and the artist has a perverted mind as well)
I can't even imagine how facist pedophilia could even come close to payback.
Posted by: Tovya at February 06, 2006 07:21 PM (QMrPX)
Muhammed married a nine year old child - funny the ishmaelites are always going on about pedophelia - in most civilized countries nine years old would get you hung - I don't expect anything else out of the rag heads - piss on their muhammed!
Posted by: Rufuf T. Firefly at February 07, 2006 12:52 AM (O/WU8)
I guess Muslims don't quite get that a cartoon is supposed to be *funny* or *satirical*. This is neither. Silly Muslims!
Posted by: -ed at February 07, 2006 01:05 AM (VIYjD)
This is neither funny nor political ... its just flat out moronic. Hilter was a homosexual anyway.
Posted by: SRW at February 07, 2006 01:42 AM (7973F)
In America, if you make a joke or cartoon about the Pope, Jesus, the President, whoever ... wipe your ass crack with pages from the Bible or Torah ... somepeople will agree with you and laugh ... others will think that you are one sick puppy. BUT ... no one will take to the street to chant threats, ululate insanely and set the person's house on fire. It's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
Just today, for shits and giggles, I masturbated and shot my wad onto a Koran, then used a few pages to wipe my shitty ass completely clean. I then through the unused pages into my incinerator to watch the flames flicker.
Then, I buttfucked Mohammed until he screamed for more! He loves it in the ass. FUCK THE IDOL AND MOON GOD ALLAH.
Posted by: Leslie Armstrong at February 07, 2006 01:47 AM (ggnGw)
Sorry, I forgot to mention that before I burned rest of the Koran, I drew a picture of Allah giving Mohammed a blow job on the cover, then wrapped the whole thing in bacon and menstrual blood and threw it in the incinerator!
It kinda smelled like a bacon double cheeseburger!
Posted by: Leslie Armstrong at February 07, 2006 02:02 AM (ggnGw)
It's ok to draw cartoons about non-Muslims, but not Muslims, or at least that's the message the camel-fuckers all over the world are sending. Basically, the camel-fucking, goat-raping, sheep-fucking, donkey-raping, cow-rapists think that they're superior to all others.
The truth is that those camel-fucking inferior goat-rapists are just a bunch of terrorist scum and that is because the Koran preaches terrorism. Mocamelassgoatfucker was a terrorist and he and his gang forcibly converted Mecca to Islam 1400 years ago and since then, hundreds of millions of non-Muslims have been KILLED by these barbaric savage camel-fucking, goat-fucking, zootards!
Anyways, my point is that the Europeans have got the freedom of speech to make whatever cartoons they want, as do we in America, and if those camel-fuckers don't like it, they should do what everyone else does when cartoons are drawn about them: Laugh or get upset. And if they don't want to do that, they can pick up their rags and head back to where ever the fuck these goat-rapists came from in the first place. Good ridence anyways.
Posted by: Camel Lyncher at February 07, 2006 02:50 AM (J/DKH)
OH, AND BTW, FUCK ISLAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Camel Lyncher at February 07, 2006 02:52 AM (J/DKH)
Hi, I am Kamal Fooker, from Saudi Arabia. These cartoons are really bad and my camels were so offended that they all died. So now I am single and I am looking for 4 new wives.
If you are 600 lbs, tall, and have 2 or more humps, please contact me. Me so horny.
Posted by: Kamal Fooker at February 07, 2006 02:57 AM (J/DKH)
Hi, I am Kamal Fooker, from Saudi Arabia. These cartoons are really bad and my camels were so offended that they all died. So now I am single and I am looking for 4 new wives.
If you are 600 lbs, tall, and have 2 or more humps, please contact me. Me so horny. ALLAH AKBAR!
Posted by: Kamal Fooker at February 07, 2006 02:57 AM (J/DKH)
Hi, I am Kamal Fooker, from Saudi Arabia. These cartoons are really bad and my camels were so offended that they all died. So now I am single and I am looking for 4 new wives.
If you are 600 lbs, tall, and have 2 or more humps, please contact me. Me so horny. ALLAH AKBAR!
Posted by: Kamal Fooker at February 07, 2006 02:58 AM (J/DKH)
Hi, I am the brother of Kamal Fooker. My kids just blew themself up but there are not enough virgin left in heaven.
Please go to your local zoo and shoot some camels. My kids are lonely up there. Thank you Islamic brothers. May you each get a movie with camel on goat action for free from Allah.
And also, send a goat to The Kabbah, Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Cause I am feel very horny right now. My dick has never been this big before: 2 mm. ALLAH AKBAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Gootab Fooker at February 07, 2006 03:02 AM (J/DKH)
Posted by: Single Camel 4U at February 07, 2006 03:33 AM (J/DKH)
Sorry Kadijerk
Don't mean to bust your NOI type standard issue Farrakhan asskissing psychosis ...
but if Allah WAS just, all you filthy, woman hating, pedophilic sand-nigger rag heads would be dead, already.
You say Allah is just, I say he's just not listening to your insanely screeched prayers. Maybe he can't hear you cuz he's taking a nap? I bet he gets tired of dealing with you subhuman camel pumpers. Maybe he got up to take a leak? I personally think he's busy sodomizing 8 year old girls and calling it marital relations. But what do I know.
Posted by: What means this justice? at February 07, 2006 03:37 AM (ggnGw)
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM , "Oh am sorry for that Why Moslems are angry from us WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" this what will you say soon , BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM this what will we say.
"we are sory we did not mean it" but its too late for sorry.
Posted by: Hitler at February 07, 2006 04:33 AM (yfJTo)
I thought I already explained everything to ya'll. The Koran preaches terrorism. Islam=Terrorism. Allah rapes goats. Mohammad was a sheep-fucking, camel-raping, goat-loving, pedophile criminal terrorist who fucked and married a 9 year old girl. Mohammad was nothing more than a terrorist. He and his band of camel-fucking criminals massacred Mecca and created Islam.
So, the Koran is my toilet paper. Allah is not "God" or anything but some Arab Pagan moon god. Muslims are not peaceful by any means at all.
In conclusion:
FUCK ALLAH! FUCK THE KORAN! AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, FUCK ISLAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DEATH TO THE CAMEL-FUCKERS! DEATH TO ISLAM! AMERICA AKBAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AMERICA AKBAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Camel Lyncher at February 07, 2006 05:34 AM (J/DKH)
Allah is not God,Allah is Satan.Islam is the worst disaster in the humanbeing history.Muslims hate christians,jews and hindus more then they love their ovn children.Mohammed pigshit be upon him.Make all mosques in the world to pigstys.Crush islam nuce Mecca and Medina!
Posted by: Thor Mikalsen at February 07, 2006 06:30 AM (ONMPY)
this is the news. there is no god. there is just you and me. "The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one. Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defenses each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would pay for many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace"
Posted by: bill at February 07, 2006 06:41 AM (T5bKk)
The only reasonable thing on this page is the mentioning of "subhumans". They are. But what is sickening me, that our fucking leaders made us addicted to their fucking oil and, in exchange for it, still letting 'em in! Bexcause all these muhahehegeenies should be treated as subhumans and should be isolated until their own crippled evolution will wipe them out for their zoo-pleasures with some sort of God's gift that will make their bitches to bear camels on two legs and with arses on their mugs...
Posted by: Nice Dude at February 07, 2006 06:46 AM (Dykn7)
I think a lot of you who have made the comments above have got a fantastic sense of humour but are ultimately just as fanatical, twisted, brainwashed and racist as the muslim fanatics you are criticising. Saying that all Muslims are the same and want to take over the West or inpose their religion is narrowminded and just plain STUPID. Get a life and an education and realise that whilst the fanatical Muslims deserve to be castrated with a chainsaw, the other peace loving tolerant and plain normal Muslim folk who just want to get on with their lives. I have both Muslim and Jewish friends, both think all this hate is a load of bollocks. MAKE LOVE NOT WAR
Posted by: Daniel at February 07, 2006 07:06 AM (X548T)
Do muzzies realize Ann was Dutch, not Dane? Therefore their cartoon is inane.
Posted by: interventor at February 07, 2006 08:02 AM (78aZU)
Seems that those that have nothing, think nothing, and do nothing, now have something to do like. throw rocks and draw stupid cortoons in retribution. They are poor hate filled sword carrying thugs that have nothing else to do in the dirt but think of hate. The west is of peace and will win the war againt Satan and his evil empire. Jesus will come again and very soon and all you hate filled liars will be judged to hell. But the promise is that you too can turn from your evil ways and accept Jesus Christ who God Jehova sent to seek and save the lost and the unbelievers. Just ask Jesus to forgive you and be saved from the ravages of your sin. The Virgins in heaven is a lie and you are being decieved. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. In the holy and only saviour of man Jesus Christ, Amen and Amen.
Posted by: andrew at February 07, 2006 08:12 AM (cSM0n)
Why are they trying to upset the Dutch nation? Not that they will resort to torching embassies and rioting though, thats a muslim trait.
And the big difference between the cartoons is that the ones printed in the newspapers were FUNNY!! The running out of virgins one is a classic!
Seeing as mohammed nonced a 9 year old girl i suppose seeing a cartoon with a monster in bed with a child would appeal to muslims.
Posted by: Pubic Beard at February 07, 2006 08:36 AM (ucpup)
True that! The only known self admited fucker of little girls in all these cartoons was Mohammed, (pig crap be upon him!). I guess that little fact is missed by the rag head hoards ... I mean WHORES.
Islam is a religion of intolerance and hate. And fucking little bitty 8 yo girls
Posted by: TRue that! at February 07, 2006 08:49 AM (uVLhE)
That's not Anne Frank, that's Mohammad's child bride.
Posted by: Table Turner at February 07, 2006 09:17 AM (1cvZP)
There is no doubt that the more you actually attempt to carry out the teachings of the Koran, the more likely you will resort to violence.
The moderate Muslims are in fact, the ones who do not follow the teachings of the Koran.
Sadly, in an attempt to not offend the moderates the west has ignored this reality.
The fact is, that the Muslims are practising child sacrifice when they send thier children out to kill themselves. Yes it is child sacrifice!
Why don't the leaders of Islam lead by example and then we would have a lot less problems. Instead the leaders live in luxury and steal from their own people.
Moreover, it was the Muslim nations that were aligned with Hitler and his Nazi's in WW II, not the Jews. The hatred of the Jews, by the Muslims, goes much farther back than WW II, and so was a natural fit for them when Hitler came along.
Posted by: Tamebycomparison at February 07, 2006 09:27 AM (4mm38)
That cartoon funny because it's horrible.
Please bear in mind that the Muslims who have resorted to riots are pretty few in numbers. Let's not forget that everybody loves to join a mob, and that a lot of these people are poor, uneducated or just plain stupid. Reasonable people know not care too much.
The people who are rioting just needed a trigger. F*** 'em, really. The less we care, and the less our stupid western media cares, the better.
It's my flag they're burning down there, and all I have to say to them is: *yawn*
Posted by: Aarstad at February 07, 2006 09:36 AM (+DbEl)
the moslims are still pissed off about being illegitimate Jews. ismael was Abrahams bastard son. and the moslims can't forget their heritage, or forgive their fathers, the Jews...
Posted by: jack at February 07, 2006 10:25 AM (1i2Qk)
these so called offensive cartoons have become global, i don't think there is a corner of the world that hasn't got caught in the fire, except maybe antartica, but i'm not sure about that.
this is the real war on terrorism, here is where it will be fought and lost? a war of ideas and beliefs. what a great way for terrorists to win this war than set the western world against their own ideals, their own mandate for what freedom represnts.we become too afraid to say write draw anything that may be offensive,goodbye free speech, goodbye music, goodbye art. I do think it looks like we are heading to a dark place.
I've grown up with a saying in regards to those who don't share my views and ideas.
"live and let live".
BUt something tells me,that will not be an option they would consider.
Posted by: the happy atheist at February 07, 2006 10:42 AM (v3/1s)
uyoy bitchs due your fathers are seeming good when they are funking you late at night and you will destroy islam preach peace but also says to defend you and now it is time to defend n fuck you all in your houses
Posted by: ali at February 07, 2006 10:55 AM (q4tyL)
Ernie Orporto,
A "bravo!" to your eloquent summation! You must have read my mind.
I wonder about the muslims' state of mental health that causes them to lash out at Jews when Jews were never involved in the alleged "cartoon insult" in the first place.
One of many issues muslims collectively need to bring before a psychiatrist...
Posted by: Erin at February 07, 2006 11:18 AM (FHqzK)
This is just going to prove how much better the Western world is than the savage Islamic world.
Make all the cartoons you want, there will be no senseless rampages on our part.
Posted by: Brian at February 07, 2006 11:43 AM (BJYNn)
... so the Jooooooos should be rioting and burning down buildings and beheading Muslims now......
..I"m waiting....
..still waiting...
Posted by: Daoud at February 07, 2006 11:45 AM (kIkcU)
Posted by: daoud at February 07, 2006 11:47 AM (kIkcU)
Hey, if we can only get them to stop beheading and blowing people up and enter a war of insulting cartoons, it would be a good start. Now if only that would happen.
Posted by: RBW at February 07, 2006 12:17 PM (ZrS0c)
I agree that at least this isn't tearing down embassies but the 2 cartoons are very different. What editorial point is this cartoon making? None. The Muhammad cartoon was pointing out that the Muslims have to address the issue of suicide bombers in their midst. The cartoon and perhaps even the idea behind it might indeed have been offensive but it was making a point..this is just a childish "if you can do it I can to" response.
Posted by: Aaron at February 07, 2006 12:44 PM (Cxe+9)
I think it ironic that the muslims provided a cartoon about Hitler and they are trying to develop an atomic weapon. The irony being that they are the only race since Hitler that would be crazy enough to use it. They also can't understand something they have never had i.e., freedom of speech. This is a dangerous hi-tech world we live in, my friend, muy peligroso. The entire world is going to have to wise up and work together. Religious fanatics must be stopped at all cost. We are in a war right now for our very lives and anyone that doesn't think so, I have some waterfront property in Saudi Arabia you need to buy. This world is in more peril from nuclear destruction than ever.
Posted by: the realist at February 07, 2006 01:18 PM (5GNa0)
Just an other show that religion is, in fact, a disease. I say we exterminate ALL religious people. Be they christian, muslim, mormon, budist, hindu or whatever. Kill all of those suckers, and we'll have a better world.
Posted by: Stynx at February 07, 2006 01:20 PM (uJrtk)
Hey! All fool Guys who cannot understand that Islam is the religion of Peace...
Let me remind you, Muslims didn't glamorize killing the "infidels" in the crusades, didn't wage the 100 years war, didn't start the Holocaust nor the II World Wars, didn't treat civilians as "collateral damage", didn't kill more than 200,000 inocent women and children in Hiroshima and Nagazaki (1945) ... But the US and the Europe did all the mentioned crimes... But we Muslims didn't accused Jesus Christ and Christians to be criminals...
History is a witness that no civilization has ever killed more people than the Western civilization, no people have oppressed others more than the Europeans. The europeans in the dark ages believed everything the Church told them and went to war for it. Today, they're just the same fanatic followers but to a different set of belief system such as "democracy" and "the free world".
Posted by: Muhammad at February 07, 2006 01:31 PM (ba9Vo)
The only response that comes to my mind when i read this is, "Duh". Then I think what I will have for lunch today.
Posted by: Mike at February 07, 2006 01:37 PM (SaICB)
Posted by: Gandalf at February 07, 2006 01:47 PM (14wob)
I like this cartoon! But if this is a attempt to insult the people of Scandinavia, it is a big miss. More and more of us are becoming sceptical to the zionist propaganda regarding the holocost. And there are more and more who belive that the whole story of Anne Frank is a hoax.
Hitler was a zionist puppet, and it is only apropriate to depict him in bed with the zionist brainchild named Anne Frank.
But let all sane humans, wherever they are, pray that the weapons of world war three will be the weapons of humor.That would be the first funny war in history and mankind would come out of it stronger than they entered it.
Keep it up!
mrreg of norway
Posted by: mrreg at February 07, 2006 01:48 PM (f8QC+)
Muslims rape camels and goats.
AMERICA AKBAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: MUSLIMS RAPE GOATS! at February 07, 2006 01:59 PM (J/DKH)
What a pathetic response. I wonder if the artist of the danish cartoon was a Jew? Oh yea, he wasn't. Typical Muslim anti-semetic trash that doesn't even rebutt the origional line of thought.
Posted by: pathetic response at February 07, 2006 02:03 PM (BpCQY)
When a painting of the Virgin Mary with cow dung on it was displayed in a New York art gallery, it was called art. No Christians took to the streets to riot. A painting of Jesus looking like Osama bin Laden is currently in a New York art gallery pretending to be art. No Christians have taken to the streets to riot.
A few cartoons have been published about Mohammed and the criminals are out in force. I didn't see any Muslims protest the acts of Sept 11th, 2001, they didn't protest the bombings in Madrid Spain, London England, Bali or any other acts of terrorism. Acts that cost thousands innocent people their lives.
As you read this, keep in mind these cartoons were published four months ago. Now, from out of nowhere, the riots have started, and interesting enough, they follow a month of burning down France. It wasn't the Brits or Yanks that was setting fire to France. Can you guess who it was?
Muslims have protested in the streets of London about the British forces in Iraq. Chants of "Death to Tony Blair" and "Bomb Bomb Pentagon" echo throughout London when the Muslims gather in these protest.
There are laws that prohibit acts of arson, riots, anarchy and threating citizens lives because you don't like what they published.
To all the Muslims out there. If you move to a country that allows free speech, it comes with the territory, like it or not. We don't change our laws if you're offended or if you've been insulted. The problem with some that migrate to others countries is your attitude, "I don't like this, I don't like that, so change it cause I said so".
You have a lot of nerve coming into a country and demanding what should and shouldn't be allowed under our laws. If you don't like the laws, go back home to the third world conditions from which you came from.
Posted by: Underground at February 07, 2006 02:06 PM (irenY)
How is an anti-Semetic cartoon a counter attack on Denmark? 85% of the population are Lutheran NOT Jewish. In addition, if the Holocaust "never happened" why would they think cartoons depicting atrocities that,therefore, never occurred would offend anyone? If one good thing has come out of this it's that those that have been simpathetic and tolerant towards the Muslim protestors are now losing patience and seeing them for what they really are.
Posted by: Mamma Bear at February 07, 2006 02:27 PM (6VF4E)
Where were Muslim protesters when Muslims killed a Danish filmmaker in the name of Allah because he made a film to protect Muslim women?? Where were Muslim protesters every time a ten year old child blows up in the name of Allah?? Islam has been thirteen hundred years of murder and torture. Its only fitting they keep denying the holocaust and blame the Jews for the cartoons. To respond peacefully and not blame the Jews for anything would be not Islamic.
Posted by: Sean at February 07, 2006 02:30 PM (Ffvoi)
Hey mrreg before you deny the holocaust happened please learn how to spell it.
Posted by: James at February 07, 2006 02:37 PM (Ffvoi)
Those fuking arabs think they're gonna break our hearts with their childish tantrums and drawings. Fuck allah. fuck mohammed. fuck the arabs.
Posted by: Will at February 07, 2006 03:30 PM (668PF)
Those fucking arabs think they're gonna break our hearts with their childish tantrums and drawings. Fuck allah. fuck mohammed. fuck the arabs.
Posted by: Will at February 07, 2006 03:30 PM (668PF)
Mama Bear: This is one of the strange points in this case.
James: Telling someone that the night is coming is not the same as denying the daylight!
How many of you are aware that the drawings published in Denmark of the prophet were intended to be used in a childrens book on islam? How bad can that be?
And there are rumors that the cartoons that are upsetting arabs newer has been printed in any western paper; they are fabrications by islamist warmongerers. A group of imams, living in Denmark of all places, traveled the whole of the middle east to start this revolt. They are now the target of investigation by the danish police....
But again: this is rumors coming out of Denmark.... It seems as someone is setting the world up for bad times.....
Posted by: mrreg at February 07, 2006 03:47 PM (f8QC+)
Allah Akbar when they slowly saw off someone's head.
Allah Akbar those who hide behind masks.
Children of darkness do thier deeds in the dark.
Allah the satanic moon god from ancient times before Mohammed.
Allah's children now do his bidding with AK-47s.
Drunk with blood as mohammed showed them.
Now the true God is gathering them up from all over the world against Israel where he will destroy them on the hills.
Posted by: Mark at February 07, 2006 03:54 PM (s5qzW)
Did they think the Danish newspapers were Jewish? Why didn't draw some anti Christian cartoons?
In the US we have 'artists' creating pictures of Jesus and urine, so I don't think they can come up with stuff that is totally offensive. We have seen it all. We even subsidize it.
Posted by: RJ at February 07, 2006 03:56 PM (zNHHc)
Such a display of hatred from everybody.
Decent people need to keep weapons for protection.
Some people on this site could not tell you where they live without profanity. Mark of intelligence.
Posted by: James W. Boyd at February 07, 2006 04:05 PM (bj2yY)
I like cheese.
I like meat.
I like to sing about the birds and the bees.
In 6 years from now all of these problems will be dreams.
After the comet, there will be no more screams.
For all men in the Middle East will be no more.
The only survivors will be the world's hidden poor.
All men will be brothers because few few will be seen.
Do not ignore this warning, for today your soul must be clean.
Posted by: Sollog at February 07, 2006 04:35 PM (7CcY6)
I will appreciate if jean of Arc is depicted in a similar fashion.I would like to see her all bare ..
Posted by: Bollog at February 07, 2006 05:08 PM (wVZ5R)
Keep the Buddhists out of your list of religions to be exterminated.they do not believe in a god.
Posted by: Marco Polo at February 07, 2006 05:34 PM (/1DrA)
Yo Mohoomd,
Don't forget to mention the 20 million Hindus that the Muslims killed in Indian when the were invading it...........while you are ticking off the evils of the Western world
Posted by: Marco Polo at February 07, 2006 05:39 PM (/1DrA)
Not to be too analytical, but wouldn't it have been more insulting if Anne in the picture looked like she enjoyed the forced coitus? The fact that Hitler 'raped' (physically and brutally assaulted her) is just a restatement of fact.
Note to artist: If you are going to try to make people angry, at least put some real thought into it.
Posted by: Joe from USA at February 07, 2006 06:07 PM (Ozeey)
Not to be too analytical, but wouldn't it have been more insulting if Anne in the picture looked like she enjoyed the sex? The fact that Hitler 'raped' (physically and brutally assaulted her) is just a restatement of fact.
Note to artist: If you are going to try to make people angry, at least put some real thought into it.
Posted by: Joe from USA at February 07, 2006 06:07 PM (Ozeey)
These cartoons prove how true that islam is a violent religion. Give me a break about peace. The cartoon shows they are violent and musslims just show it to be the case. If someone did a distasteful picture of Jesus I might not like it and would say that was not a good picture it would clearly be between that person and God. To kill and murder because someone drew a picture of muhhamad is absolutely INSANE. I hear and see the word DEVIL written all over it.
Posted by: rick at February 07, 2006 07:04 PM (N2dXx)
People it is a comic, not all people may find it funny. You are all entitled to your opinion. To all of you insulting Islam, Judaism, Catholicism and Islam all are some what formed from Abraham. Finally I hope all of you insulting the other think about tolerance!
PS I am Catholic
Posted by: Kodi form USA at February 07, 2006 07:11 PM (Tl9hR)
The only solution to islam the "Truman" solution, sooner or later. sooner is better!
Posted by: Crusader at February 07, 2006 07:15 PM (yn4/B)
This so-called religion of peace. Yeah, right. Agree with everything we say or we'll kill you, rape your children and burn down your house,Alah be praised. Alah can kiss my white ass! Boycott the Middle East!
Posted by: Steve at February 07, 2006 07:22 PM (35ksO)
You numbnuts(Arabs & Jews) are acting like a bunch of out of control undisiplined bratty little bitchen children. If it wasn't for the oil, the US should just stand back and let your missles fly. Anyone fucks with us, we will finish the jihad or what ever you call it only we'll just kill everyone in the middle east, ahabs, kikes and or what ever gets in our way. We are the superpower of the world and no one and I mean NO ONE WILL FUCK WITH US!!!
Now, everyone to a chair in a corner and take a ten minute timeout. NOW!!!
Posted by: Irish Breeze at February 07, 2006 07:30 PM (Wd+gz)
The Europeans beat the shit outa jews. Then the Muslims gave them a shelter. Then the Jews beat the shit outa muslims. Now the Europeans made fun of the muslims. Now the muslims make fun of the jews. Who wins?
1st time Jews eat the dust
2nd time Muslims eat the dust
3rd time Who eat the dust?
Someones gonna watch and laugh - Is it good or bad?
Posted by: Slysaq at February 07, 2006 08:07 PM (epO2f)
When will the people of this planet wake up and do away with all this crap ? God, prophets and religous have been the cause of many wars and misery in the world. Wake up.
Posted by: Joe Apachi at February 07, 2006 08:12 PM (Yrflc)
Hey fellas - it seems some of you have got red chilli up your arses due to the Ann Frank cartoons-

I personally think this is bad humor but you the advocates of free expression..blah...blah should know better.
As far Islam & peace is concerned - lets get some facts right:
- Christians didn't kill Jesus - It was the Zionists.
- Muslims didn't kill the jews - it was the Christians.
- Muslims are not killing & occupying other people ..it is the Zionists.
- Muslims didn't bomb hiroshima - it was Christian America.
- Muslims don't bomb bomb poor or weak Afghans or Iraqis in the name of freedom...it is the US lead Zionist+Christian coalition
......and on and on..
Posted by: Yousef Khan at February 07, 2006 08:19 PM (epO2f)
I love this forum. there is a lot of intellectuals here.
Posted by: jesus at February 07, 2006 08:31 PM (epO2f)
I think we should put the word out ... next time Muslims start a riot for any reason whatsoever ... in France or Sandrabia or anywhere else ...
WE NUKE MECCA. Preferably during the Hajj.
We then take the temple mount away from the worshippers of the ancient demon moon god idol Allah.
It really is THAT SIMPLE.
Posted by: NUKE MECCA at February 07, 2006 08:56 PM (bfuey)
Why do we bother even listing to the Muslims, they were fathered by lies and shall be killed by them...then buried face down and covered in Pigs blood. Remember the 1400's...we do
Posted by: Truth at February 07, 2006 09:42 PM (qVwgl)
Why do we bother even listening to the Muslims, they were fathered by lies and shall be killed by them...then buried face down and covered in Pigs blood. Remember the 1400's...we do
Posted by: Truth at February 07, 2006 09:43 PM (qVwgl)
From "Pee Wee's Big Adventure":
Pee-wee: "I wouldn't sell my bike for all the money in the world. Not for a hundred million, billion, trillion dollars!"
Francis: "Then you're crazy!"
Pee-wee: "I know you are but what am I?"
Francis: "You're a nerd!"
Pee-wee: "I know you are but what am I?"
Francis: "You're an idiot!"
Pee-wee: "I know you are but what am I?"
Francis: "Shut up, Pee-Wee!"
Pee-wee: "Why don't you make me."
Francis: "You make me!"
Pee-wee: "Because. I don't make monkeys, I just train 'em."
This is what these people sound like. If it wasn't for the vicious hate they've fueled, it would be funny.
Let's also not forget the hate "cartoons" that come from the American press, directed at anyone who isn't far-left.
Posted by: Bill at February 07, 2006 09:44 PM (2XkYN)
Maybe the Islamofacists wouldn't be so upset if a 'Muhammud'cartoon was created based on his true life adventures.
One immediately springs to mind:
We could have the eldery Muhammud, in his bedroom ans he prepares to deflower his latest nine year old wife.
I suppose that's why the Islamo's are so into raping young virgins, gotta follow the Prophet after all.
Posted by: Ken at February 07, 2006 10:11 PM (aOYCe)
Hah Civilised, nah, wait just wait
Posted by: Mulism at February 07, 2006 10:42 PM (zNUiP)
I am tired of the Jew bastards,Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Dougie Feith, and, Isadore Libby, including Christians in their attacks on the Muslims. No Muslim has ever done anything to Me or Thee. Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, and, GW are not Christians. I could say that I am the POPE, but, it doesn't make me the POPE. Saying you are a Christian to get elected to office is not what it takes to be a Christian. None of thoese NEOCON bastards, including, Bush, walk in the path of Jesus. In the US, it is rarely the Muslim who complains about public prayer or displays of the Nativity at Christmas, it is always the Jew. Some of these evangelical idots are so brainwashed they support Bush and this Goddless war on Iraq, because they think the end times are coming. Let me tell you piss ants something. Homeland Security just gave Haliburtion $365 Million dollars to build concentration Camps in the US...according to the Houston Chronicle last week. The good thing is, you dumb asses are so stupid, that when your govenrment tells you get on the bus to go to the camp for your "safety" you will do it. That is the last that we will see you. Good ridance to bad rubish.
Posted by: CFR Watcher at February 07, 2006 10:50 PM (3KPA3)
Yousef Khan,
As far as Islam and peace are concerned, let's get some facts straight...
It wasn't the U.S. that bombed Japan, but Japan that bombed Pearl Harbor. The two automic bombs were dropped after the U.S. fire bombed Toyko and after the U.S. warned Japan they were going to use a new "superbomb" to end the war.
During World War II, it was the Muslims that sided with Hitler and Hitler was not a Christian, he had church after church torn down when he took power.
It wasn't the Christians that came along and destroyed Yugoslovia and broke it into different regions, it was the Muslims.
It's not the Christians that are causing the slaughter of thousands of innocent people in the Sudan, but the Christians being slaughterd and held in slavery by the Muslims.
It's not the Christians that keep their women hidden behind a vale, prevent their women from voting, or prevent their women from going to College, it's the Muslims.
It wasn't the Christians that flew two 757's into the World Trade Center, then another 757 into the Pentagon, it was the Muslims.
It's not the Christians that are cutting the heads off of innocent people and yelling Glory to God, but it's the Muslims cutting the heads off of innocent people yelling, Alah Akbar.
It wasn't the Christians that were trying to burn France to the ground, but the Muslims.
It's not the Christians that are trying to acquire a dirty bomb and detinate it in a major city, but the Muslims trying to accomplish this.
It's not the Christian President of the United States that said, Israel should be wiped off the map, it was the Muslim President of Iran.
It's not a Christian hiding in a cave like a scared animal, but a Muslim, Osama bin Laden.
and on, and on, and on.....
Posted by: Underground at February 07, 2006 10:54 PM (irenY)
You people have very boring lives!
Posted by: Naive at February 07, 2006 11:06 PM (aNSmO)
Posted by: ontop of underground at February 07, 2006 11:09 PM (zNUiP)
If any of you dumb bastards had a brain, you would ask yourself, "Where did all the commercially made Danish flags come from? I mean in the middle of Bum-Fuck Egypt, where do you find a Danish flag? But, there they were, like the answer to a prayer, all over the middle east, hundreds of Danish flags. You could find a Danish flag in your town if I tried, how in the hell did all those flags show up on cue, just in time for the riots? Well, ever consider that the cartoons were planted in European newspapers to get a riotous reaction out of the Muslims, so, that there would be more support when the Satanic bastards Bush and Blair attack Iran? Bush and Blair have killed many more American and British troops in Iraq than is being reported. They need fresh meat from Europe to keep this New World Order plot going. If they can create enough anger toward the Muslims, maybe, Europe will send some of their troops to die for the Neocon cause.
Most of you piss ants have no clue what war is like. Neither does Bush,the deserter, Cheney, Rumsfeld, or, the Zionist side of the NEOCONS, Wolfowitz, Perle, Libby, and, the Israeli spy, Doug Feith. Over 10,000 Americans have had their arms and legs sacrificed on the bloody altar of this Neocon Death Cult. There are far greater American dead than the 2,500 the media claims. The figure is closer to 8,000. America is weak. Bush the first saw to that when he began a 15 year plan to cut our military in half. The target figure for the Army was 500,000. The Air Force and Navy have half the personnel and half the planes and ships that they did during the Gulf War. Bush the first got it passed in Congress, Bill Clinton did his part, and, 15 years later, we are a weak nation, and, it was by design. We will "need" to call on our "friends" to help us in a national emergency. When foreign troops hit our streets, the end will be near. This was all planned to weaken America, and, dumb asses like you all, make cracks about the Muslims, call them names, when none of them have done anything to you or me. You all are a bunch of worthless turds, who have been decieved by the NEOCONS and their Zionist supporters.
Ever since Bush the Elder attacked Iraq, during the Gulf War, unprovoked, the blood of millions of Iraqi's are on your souls. You will be judged by a righteous God. Kiss your ass goodbye, because you are not going in the rapture. Your ass will burn in hell with your heros of war and destruction. The Blood of Yugoslavia, and, what Clinton did to the Serbs is on your souls as well. While you pisssed away your time, watching NASCAR, the SuperBowl, and, getting a piece of ass, your eternal fate was sealed. You did not care one bit for your brother, you did not raise your voice in protest of the killings in Serbia, and, Iraq. You will meet the justice of a righteous God, and, he will judge you not according to your phony ass "washed in the blood" bullshit, but, by how you treated and responded to the plight of his children. Dominus Vobiscum You sure as hell are going to need it.
Posted by: CFR Watcher at February 07, 2006 11:15 PM (3KPA3)
UNDERGROUD.. You are a product of the public school system... Where the hell did you learn.."It wsn't the US that bombed Japan"? That errant, dumbass statement does not invoke credibilty for the rest of your rant. Prove to me that Bush is a Christian? Does he walk in the path of Jesus? Neither he nor Clinton are Christians, for there is no Christian virture in their actions.
ALso, who the hell told you that the Muslims wanted to explode a "dirty" bomb? Bush? Rumsfeld? Dick Cheney? Virteous men, to a man. Very trustworty, believable ...oh hell, I can't go on, they are scum sucking, lying Satanic bastards. Sure, America may experience a nuke attack, I suspect that it will take place in three or more cities, but, just as in the World Trade Center, no NEOCONS or CEO's will die. Chicago would be a good target. Larry Silverstein, the Jew who owned Building 7, then bought the entire World Trade Center Complex for about $250 Million about two months before the attacks, then loaded it up with insurance and cashed in to the tune of $3.5 Billion dollars after the attack has bought a very tall building in Chicago. I would not be surprised if that building experiences an attack in the coming Neocon bombings.
I doubt very seriously if the "former" CIA operative, Osama bin Laden is hiding in a cave. He is either dead, or, telling tales over tea with his current CIA/NSA handlers. Maybe if one of the NSA agents read your remarks to him, they all will get a laugh at how well their decption was received and how people like you spread it as gospel.
Posted by: CFR Watcher at February 07, 2006 11:31 PM (3KPA3)
Hey CFR Watcher,
I hope your swasticker didn't slip off your arm while you were typing your rant.
Posted by: Underground at February 07, 2006 11:54 PM (irenY)
No, I fastened it on with duct tape and staples... How did you attach your hammer and sickle?
Posted by: CFR Watcher at February 07, 2006 11:59 PM (3KPA3)
CFR Watcher,
For someone who is trying to get their point accross, I'm afraid you are coming across as a Jew hating, Christian hating Liberal Twat.
In fact I'm wondering how you type so profusely while your head is stuck up your arse.
If, as you assert that the Jews, Christians and Conservatives are too blame. Then by default the Islamofacists are innocent, right?
So then, prove yourself right. Go get a visa to Iraq and take a stroll through falluja wearing a 'stars and stripes' or a 'union jack' tee shirt. Or perhaps you could produce an art exhibit of Allah submerged in a jar of piss, exhibit it at an art gallery after advertising your exhibit in the press; then announce you'll be present at the Gallery in order to sign autographs.
We'll then wait too see your starring performance, on the next Al queda snuff video boroadcast on Al Jazeera.
Liberals are so amusing with their dementia type rants.
Posted by: Ken at February 08, 2006 12:02 AM (aOYCe)
please remember:
most of dictators in thirld world are supported by western governments.millions of peoples killed by western countris in 1900-2000,and on and on..
we need freedom to talk each other and have a peaceful world .as mohammad"sa" told us 1400 years ago.we believe moses and jesus and mohammad"the last profet".
Posted by: shahaby at February 08, 2006 12:24 AM (IOMDf)
I don't have a communist hammer and sickle, I have the Stars and Stripes hanging from my front pourch.
Posted by: Underground at February 08, 2006 12:25 AM (irenY)
For years, I thought that I was a Conservative. Then, I became a Buchanan delegate to our state's GOP Convention in 1996. At the convention, I discovered, that I wasn't a Republican. Most of them, were pro China, pro-NAFTA, and, walked in step with whatever their party leaders in Washington wanted to do. It was then, that I discovered that I was a Constitutionalist, because conservative didn't have meaning any more. Every politican in my area of the state was "conservative" until they got to Washington or our state capital and fell in with the wrong crowd... the GOP party leadership. In 1966, I took an oath to defend the Constitution of the US, and, I am still very serious about that oath. After the September 11th attacks, I was called by the Commadant of the Marine Corps organization that I had helped form, and, was asked if I wished to join a group of armed men. He told me that FEMA was offering to equip former military men, and, had some money to do so. I would have been given a fully automatic rifle, a uniform, etc. I asked the Commadant, if the group would be sworn to defend the Constitution, or, if the groupp would do the bidding of FEMA, even if it violated the Constitition, especially, forcing people at gunpoint to take a vaccination. I told him if it was the later, in contravention of the Constituion, I was afraid that I would have to use whatever method necessary to defend the Constitution and the People of the US. He never called me back. My friend, a federal agent, things that I am a little to the right of Attila the Hun. So, Ken, I do hope that you are employed in a position where you are not required to use your "reasoning" or pyschic powers, because they are not worth a shit.
I do not hate Jews, because, as with Muslims, Americans, Brits, or, anyone else, Jews are individual people. I do detest, the previously mentioned Jews, but, that is because they are Satanic NEOCONs and Zionists. I can sing Hava Nagila, and, used to be able to dance the Horra (?) I think that most of this is being designed to set Jew against Arab, Chistian against Jew... etc. As long as we are distracted, we will not pay attention to what is really going on. We will not recognize that our enemy, is the NEOCON.
I cannot comment on that rambling something about going to Iraq and wearing a UK tee shirt. If I were in Iraq... I would be standing with my Resitance brother, fighting our common enemy....the Neocon. To defend my brother is my duty as a Christian. T
he number two man in Iraq, Tariq Aziz, was a Christian. He was the UN Ambassador that we saw on our television, acting as a spokesman, prior to the brutal attack on Iraq. In Iraq, the Jews prospered, and, the Arabs got along with the Christians. The Israeli Mossad has formented religious strife in Iraq, carrying out attacks on the different religions and laying the blame upon another sect. The NEOCONS want a civil war to further destabilize Iraq. Now, Tariq Ariz, who was seized and imprisoned without charges when the Satanaic bastards, Bush and Blair, attacked Iraq, is near death. He was a great man, and, it is sad to see him so ill mistreated by the Neocons and Mossad.
It's just my opinion, but, I believe that the Democrat vs. Republican, the "Liveral vs. Conservative" is a game that was invented by the globalists to keep us occupied and dumded down. I call it the WWF of Politics. There is so much evidence to support my view of this con game. I do believe that the Liberals and the Conservatives in Washington, take a few harmless verbal shots at each other on TV for our consumption, then, go out for dinner and drinks afterwards.
I am a Constitutionalist. I'd like to believe that I am a Christian... But, I realize that because of this Neocon scheme to force us into a one world government, a New World Order, that I do have some anger issues that may not make my Christian walk look a little shaky.
Dominus Vobiscum
Posted by: CFR Watcher at February 08, 2006 12:42 AM (3KPA3)
Tha's just a cover... you are in denial.
Posted by: CFR Watcher at February 08, 2006 12:45 AM (3KPA3)
I agree with CFR watcher on some points. I agree that all this outrage over a few cartoons is scripted by False Jew Neocons (Synogogue of Satan Ashkenazis as opposed to True Jew Sephardim) in order to justify the coming attack on Persia.
Where our opinions diverge is that I believe Muslims are cursed bastard descendants of Ishmael, who have always lived up to their "wild men who will be against every man" prouncement made by God himself. They are a thorn in the side of all civilized people, and are misogynistic corrupt child rapists whose rage can be inflamed to the point of murder simply by a cartoon of their false moon god allah, or his epileptic servant Moohammered.
While technically not subhuman, while trying to assert their extreme manhood, they prove that they are really little overly emotional girls who cannot follow any simple line of logic. THey hate all who are not Muslims and swear constantly that they will never stop until all on the earth are just like them.
WEll, I say, FUCK THAT. Lets nuke them all and let allah sort them out.
Posted by: Death to all Filthy Muslims at February 08, 2006 01:07 AM (loR9X)
CFR watcher,
I'm still most impressed at your ability to type while your head is apparently, still inserted in your rectum. However, let me respond:
So you're a "Constitutionalist', well, let's look at what that means in your opinion, by your response:
Basically, the content of your initial paragraph is based on your interpretation of your 'defending the Constitution'. Well, your hatred of Jews doesn't quite fit with the 'freedom to practice any religion' or lack of thereof, does it?
Also, you appear to be against Conservative Christians, in fact you assert that Conservative's aren't christian in their actions. It would appear that your interpretation of Christianity is vastly different from mine.
So, it is obvious your rants come from your radical hatred of Conservative's, so then, you lean to the Liberal left,or perhaps to the Islamic's, right?
Also, your assertion that you don't hate individual Jews, after your anti-jewish rant on your posts are laughable. You are convincing as the Iranian PM's comment that he only wants nuclear production to fire up Iranian's TV sets'.
I also note, that you defend the Islamofacists in your critique of Jews and Conservatives, hence your statement " I would be standing with my Resistance brother, fighting our common enemy....the neocon.
So what Mosque do you preach at, Mohammud?
Posted by: Ken at February 08, 2006 01:11 AM (aOYCe)
Sounds a little too Old Testament for me.
I prefer to dwell on the example and teachings of Jesus who commanded us to love our neighbors as ourselves. The Muslim and the Jew are my brothers. If my brother attempts to harm me, I feel justified in defending myself. However, NO MUSLIM has harmed neither Thee nor Me.
You really do not understand how ill prepared we are to committ to another war with a country which has not harmed us. We are not equipped mentally or physcially.
America has a judgement coming before God. The blood of the Serbs, Somali's, Vietnamese, Guatamalens, and, a few others ae stains on our souls. Many Americans are "Washed in the Blood" alright, however, it is not the Blood of Jesus, it is the blood of our nation's victims crying out for justice because we did not raise our voice in opposition.
As a Marine, I volunteered to go to Vietnam. I fell for that crap about the Vietnamese wanted to be free and the Communists were poised to come to America, if we didn't fight them there. It was a crock. People have thanked me for my service to my country. But, in reality, it had nothing to do with my country, national security, or anything so noble. I served the agenda of the globalists of that era. I did my part to carry out their agenda. The result? Over 50,000 dead American sons. Many more than that wounded, some like those returning from Iraq, lost the use of their eyes, arms and legs. Countless others, were screwed up by the CIA drug running operation. Check out the movie "Air America," starring Mel Gibson. I now view it as a documentary.
I used to think of Oliver North as a real hero. He was a Marine, there was kinship. Then, I found out that he was a moraless, drug running piece of filth. When he came to my hometown to speak, I didn't go see him.
Like I said, many of you will get on the FEMA buses and go off to your fate. I once thought, that since, I felt that, even though my path was shaky, I was a Christian and I would need to do everything that I could to prevent your demise, I now ponder whether I should save my committment and energy for a more worthy fight.
Posted by: CFR Watcher at February 08, 2006 01:32 AM (3KPA3)
Again, I am very relieved that you do not have a position where you are required to use your reasoning or pyschic powers... Frankly, old chap, you suck at it.
Posted by: CFR Watcher at February 08, 2006 01:38 AM (3KPA3)
OK, I'll respond to you per your paragraph's:
I understand your assertion with regards that Christians should 'love their enemies'. However I have a problem with that when the enemy wants to cut my head off. Also, I accept that no Muslim has harmed you personally. So until they do, do you choose to ignore the harm that has been done to others by Islamofacists? Do you choose to ignore the innocent's who are persecuted?
We are well equipped to fight a war, once we ignore the pacifists who choose to ignore reality and history.
America has no judgement coming to her, America will treat the unjust if need be.
With regards to Vietnam, the US won the Tet offensive, that has now been addmited too by the Communist Leaders. The reason the US didn't win this war was due to the Liberal media, particularly Walter 'Cronkshite'.
I have no comment regarding your opinion of 'Oliver North'.
Maybe you should direct your energy and reasoning towards deciphering the truth.
It's easy too find, if you choose to look straight.
Posted by: Ken at February 08, 2006 01:49 AM (aOYCe)
I noticed your little 'subpost'. Perhaps you could enlighten me, as I have "limited reasoning powers"; As to how you would deal with the Islamofacists?
Posted by: Ken at February 08, 2006 01:54 AM (aOYCe)
Okay, here is an example. You make my point. I said that Jesus said that we were to love our neighbour. However, in your post, you said that I had said that we should love our enemies. I don't mind loving my neighbour, it is the loving the enemy, that I have trouble with doing. There were also some remarks earlier about my opinons on Conservatives and Christians. You completely misrepresented my position. I do not know if it was by intent, or, if you felt that that is what you were hearing from my comments.
Come join me now, for my favorite radio talk show... www.gcnlive.com Select your media player as it appears in the first or second column from the left. Just the thing to get a grip on reality.
By the way, I arrived in RVN, in August of 1968. I was in Phu Bai, which is litteraly, within spitting distance from Hue, where TET began that February. None of us really felt that we had won. Especially, when the Viet Cong would come through our lines, while our bunker guards on the perimiter, smoked dope. They blew up our helicopters by these attacks and by rockets and mortars.
Posted by: CFR Watcher at February 08, 2006 02:16 AM (3KPA3)
I believe Jesus said we should "love our enemies". So, you state that you have a problem with that. Therefore you are contradicting the Bible, I agree with you on this point though, I have a problem in bestowing Christian values on some rabid mad-dog who would kill me in the name of Allah.
I'll check out your radio link.
Incidentally, the Vietnam war was a couple of years before my time. I did see action afterwards, in the Middle East.
Posted by: Ken at February 08, 2006 02:33 AM (aOYCe)
Next stop for Islam ... specifically the Palestinians (Edomites, meaning children of Esau)...
Obadiah 1:15-18:
Why the hell do you think Israel is pulling out of the West Bank and Gaza settlements? Once all Jews are safe and the world sees how unreasonable and hopelessly violent and evil all Muslims are (check out the riots over a cartoon for Gods sake) .... time to toast the motherfuckers!
It won't be long now! The worshipers of the demon moon god will as though they had not been (FINALLY), and allah (pig grease be upon him) will be thrown into the abyss forever to burn with unquenchable flame.
Posted by: Next stop ... at February 08, 2006 05:25 AM (loR9X)
CRF Wathcher...thanks for pumping some education in the empty minds of some of the dudes on this site!
Posted by: Yousef Khan at February 08, 2006 10:06 AM (ZuLp+)
If you have an opportunity to do so, there is a great radio talk show that begins at 1200 New York time... 1200-1500) repeats tonight at 2200-0100 NYC (Eastern Time) the link is http://www.gcnlive.com/listenlive.htm Just click on the media player that you use in either the first or second column from the left. This is the talk show host who noticed that suddenly there seemed to be commercially made Danish flags everywhere. Odd, when I would be hard pressed to find a Danish flag in my hometonw, that suddenly, they were everywhere. He is the talk show host that speculated that this event could have been planned to get a reaction out of the Muslim world in order to create fear and acceptance, in Europe, for a war with Iran. It was a trap, a set-up. I feel that his speculation has merit. Our enemies are devious. They use trickery and deceit to get us to fight one another and to accept their agenda. As I said before, no Muslim has ever done anything to me or Thee. As for the ranting about baby killing and child raping, perhaps we should ask a Canadian, why they no longer have an Airborne division in their military. And, the Belgian miltary could teach us a thing or two about child killing and torture. At Mi Lai, in Vietnam, my fellow Americans committed one of the worse outrages against humanity that has ever been done. They massacred unarmed Vietnamese old men, women and children and dumped them into a drainage ditch. A MASS GRAVE, like the ones that we like to pontificate about now concerning our "enemies." At the time, I thought it was media hype, and, that it was anti-war propaganda. But, it happened. The American fighting man had committed a heionous crime,and, while we may have gotten away with it because we were the biggest and the baddest at the time, and, no one really challenged us on it, God, knows what we did, and, we as a nation, shall be judged upon that crime as well.
We put up signs in our yards... GOD BLESS AMERICA... every time I see one, I say to myself.. "Why the hell should HE?" We have removed God from every aspect of our lives. He is no longer welcome in our schools, or, our govenment meetings. His Commandments are no longer displayed, much less honoured in our courts of law. Why should He bless us? What have we done for him?
http://www.gcnlive.com/listenlive.htm select your media player from either the first or the second column from the left. If you go there now, you will hear Derry Brownfield. He is a great voice in defending our property and water rights... He often has good guests on, as well. Like I said, at 1200 Eastern time, listen to Alex Jones. He has a compatriot from the UK, Paul Watson, who often calls in with additonal commentary. It is a call in program and you can join the debate as well. I have several of Alex Jones movies. His websites are www.infowars.com and www.prisonplanet.com If you search for STANLEY HILTON . Hilton is the former chief attorney for Bob Dole. Now, Hilton represents over 400 families from the World Trade Center attacks. Hilton, and, the attorney whom the Republicans hired to impeach Bill Clinton, are both very clear on whom they say committed the September 11th attacks. All the names are easy to pronounce and you have heard of most of them. Both have said that persons in and close to the US government planned and executed the attacks on September 11th. I do believe that you can hear that for yourself if you find the audio of Hilton's interview at either one of those sites. I have it recorded somewhere around here. I heard both of them say that. Schippers, the attorney who impeached Clinton, was not very comfortable saying so, and, danced around for a long time before he came out and said it, but, Hilton doesn't mince any words. He just flat out says that they did it. He has sworn affidavits from some of the alleged "hijackers," who are still alive and say that they were hired by the US Government to infiltrate Muslim groups and report on their activities. http://www.gcnlive.com/listenlive.htm
Posted by: CFR Watcher at February 08, 2006 10:58 AM (OQ/4C)
Thank you for your kind words.
Years ago, I listened to shortwave radio. It was right after the Soviet Union allegedly fell. There were two talk show hosts who had a great radio program, called the Intelligence report. One day, they said that, now, that the US Pentagon and the military complex, no longer had an "Enemy", that they would need a new enemy. They went on to say that the new enemy would be "terrorists." Now, please understand, that this was in the very early 1990's, when most Americans could not spell terrorist, much less comprehend the concept of terrorism What they next said, has always stuck with me. The new terrorist enemy would be Muslims. The reason being, that Muslims are more devout in their religion and toward God. Muslims would be very reluctant to go into the globalist plan of a Godless New World Order. Muslims would resist. Therefore, the globalists would need to come up with a plan to attack Muslims and make them the enemy. Christians are more easily deceived, as you can see from what is going on today. Many Christians have a veil over their eyes, they cannot see. Anyway, I thought that it was odd. Here, we had no enemy, now that the Cold War was supposedly over,and, these guys were talking about "terrorism" and, Mulsims. I was not as far along my path back then. I was very skeptical of these two talk show hosts. I believed that there was a New World Order, a globalist plan for a one world government, but, I thought that Americans would offer more resistance to it. I was wrong. We silently sit back while our chains of slavery are forged. Those who call themselves Christians are the most compliant. I am shocked at how easily they are deceived. For some, the veil has been lifted, and, they are becoming aware, but, too many of them believe that the Satanic Bastard Bush, is one of them. Bush is no more a Christian than Pol Pot or Stalin was. They have a lot in common, but, it isn't religion.
Last night, I was having dinner with my friend, a doctor, who is also an Evangelical Christian. I mentioned the radio talk show from a long time ago where they said that Muslims, in general, were more devoted to God, than were Christians. He raised his eyebrows and asked me "Why do you say that?" Like it could not be possibly true. I said... For one thing, they get down on their knees and pray to God several times a day, do we? He replied..."Good Point."
One of those talk show hosts still has a radio program... you can hear it daily at www.rbnlive.com click on Listen... His name is John Stadtmiller and he is on from 1700-1900 New York.. Eastern time. The program is still called the Intelligence Report.
The number 2 man in Iraq, under President Saddam Hussein, Teriq Aziz, is a Christian. Ever since the unprovoked invasion and occupation of Iraq, by the globalists, Teriq Aziz has been held in prison, without charges. He is in poor health. When he dies, it will only more blood on our souls. America has not repented, we have not atoned. When judgement comes before God, we will be in a world of shit. God has not forgotten or overlooked our sins, even though we conveniently have. We are a society of consumption, and, celf-centeredness. Well over a million souls have been killed in Iraq by Bush, Clinton, and, Bush the lesser. Clinton killed the innocent in Serbia. All these souls cry out to God for justice, and, He will hand out that justice in His own way and in His own time. Woe be unto us, especially if we never raised our voices in protest of crimes committed in our name by our leaders.
Posted by: CFR Watcher at February 08, 2006 11:55 AM (OQ/4C)
CFR Watcher:
Interesting read you have typed.
"All the names are easy to pronounce and you have heard of most of them. Both have said that persons in and close to the US government planned and executed the attacks on September 11th. I do believe that you can hear that for yourself if you find the audio of Hilton's interview at either one of those sites. I have it recorded somewhere around here. I heard both of them say that. Schippers, the attorney who impeached Clinton, was not very comfortable saying so, and, danced around for a long time before he came out and said it, but, Hilton doesn't mince any words. He just flat out says that they did it. He has sworn affidavits from some of the alleged "hijackers," who are still alive and say that they were hired by the US Government to infiltrate Muslim groups and report on their activities".
I can only assume, that maybe your were affected by agent orange during your Vietnam years. That coupled with the suffocating effect of having your head continually inserted in your rectrum, is causing severe brain ,alfinctions, delerium and general silliness.
Perhaps it's time you were fitted with a new jacket, one with big straps and buckles that ties around the back.
And Yousef Khan:
I realize you are taking time off from watching your favorite movies, the ones starring Nick Berg etc.
However from your anti-Jewish ranting, you are merely a Nazi who faces Mecca five times a day. I'm afraid you're as convincing as the other current Nazi currently in the headlines; The PM from Iran.
You know what Mr. Nazi, I can prove to you that the Koran is a fraud and Mohammud is a fake, would you like me to enlighten you?
Posted by: Ken at February 08, 2006 08:59 PM (aOYCe)
KEN I would like to know ...please enlighten us
Posted by: gandolf at February 08, 2006 09:43 PM (hTcSz)
I intended to post factual contradictions in the Koran, together with a Koranic challenge to dissprove its contents.
However I'm afraid I've been denied tthe right to post due to questionable content.
Posted by: Ken at February 08, 2006 10:24 PM (aOYCe)
I intended to post factual contradictions in the Koran, together with a Koranic challenge to dissprove its contents.
However I'm afraid I've been denied the right to post due to questionable content.
Posted by: Ken at February 08, 2006 10:25 PM (aOYCe)
I'll post the challenge as contained in the Koran, maybe I can then post examples on a case by case basis, we'll see how that goes:
There is a Challenge in Islam which is bragged to have existed for over 1400 years. The Sura 4:82 challenge. The Challenge is to find just one error in the Koran. if just one error is found in the Koran then that is the proof that the Koran did not come from God. After all God does not make mistakes.
Posted by: Ken at February 08, 2006 10:32 PM (aOYCe)
I liked you better when you used your non-existant pyschic powers.
Posted by: CFR Watcher at February 09, 2006 12:03 AM (NoTnb)
Operation "Bacofoil" is a go, repeat is a go.
Posted by: dave at February 09, 2006 12:24 AM (CcXvt)
CFR Watcher:
I still like you, your anti Jewish rants and your pretence at legitimizing them are real funny.
I shouldn't really laugh though, it's sad to mock the afflicted, especially when your cranium is wedged firmly in your rectum.
Think about what your posts have stated:
a) You're a Vietnam Vet.
b) You align yourself with Islamofacists against the neocons
c) You hate Jews
You really are a very deranged and silly person aren't you? You aren't 'two faced', you're multi faced.
Oh well, I suppose that has to do with the agent oragne and your rectal suffocation.
Posted by: Ken at February 09, 2006 12:27 AM (aOYCe)
This topic was originally started to discuss the cartoonsthat ran in the European press.
The way that I look at it is, if you go to your friends house for dinner, where his wife has cooked a roast. When she asked you how everything was, would you tell her that it needed salt, was a little too dry, and, had no real flavor? Would you tell her that her mashed potatoes were too lumpy and that she needed to ad more butter and milk? Well, that would be your right under free speech, but, would you do do that? Most of us, would not. We exercise self imposed restraint upon our free speech. We have the right to critize her dinner preparation, but, we choose not to, for a multitude of reasons. The Danish newspaper did not exercise restraint. There was no reason to publish the cartoon, except to incite the Muslim world. If the Muslim world reacted exactly as had been anticipated, then, the demonstrations that ensued would horriy the Europeans, making them more accepting to the idea of attacking Iran and Syria. This is the exact outcome that the globalists had hoped to acheive. Thousands of Muslims demonstrating and buring European flags on television, and, Europeans becoming accepting of a globalsit attack on Iran and Syria. They played both the Muslims and the Europeans like a fiddle. There will be multiple attacks on US soil, most likey some will involve a light nuclear weapon. Then, right on cue, the Americans will pile in their cars and drive furiously down the highways with little American flags fluttering from their autos. We are are pretty naive when it comes to all this intrique, and, we all, Muslim, European, and, American, will typically act in the manner that the globalists had estimated.
The plots of September 11th were not hatched in a cave in Afghanistan, but, in the more sinsister halls of the Council of Foreign Relations in New York, and, Darvos, Switzerland.
Chicago, beware. Larry Silverstein, the jew who bought the entire World Trade Center complex, just two months prior to September 11th, for $250 million, has recently bought a very tall building in Chicago. Silvestein made $3.5 BILLION dolldars off of the insurance after the attacks. How convenient. It didn't hurt that Mineta, the Transportation Secretary, sent out a memo in the summer of 2001, about two months before the attacks, warning Airports and Airlines to NOT SINGLE OUT ANYONE OF MIDDLE EASTERN APPEARANCE for special attention. Now, why would he do that? I suspect that he did it to allow agents to move freely and carry out the globalist plot to carry out the attacks. I could generally recognize a European origin Jew, however, when it gets to middle eastern born Jews, of that heritage, I would be hard pressed to identify a Jew from a non-jew.
At the time of the attacks, the US Congress was putting pressure on Israel to treat the Palestinans more humainly. The Congress had even talked about cutting aid to Israel. Just a couple of months later, the September 11th attacks took place and there was no more talk of cutting aid to Israel.
Here are just some of the people whom I believe were involved in the September 11th attacks. It is a wide spectrum group, but, I believe that all had an interest in bringing about the New World Order.
George Schultz, Jim Baker, Joe Liberman, Joe Biden, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Dick Cheney, Douglas Feith, Karl Rove, Douglas Feith, Isadore Libby. Bush? Daddy Bush for sure, Baby Bush, well, they used this dullard to be the front man, the same as they used Reagan after the Bush family tried to assisinate him in Reagans first months in office.
Posted by: CFR Watcher at February 09, 2006 12:41 AM (NoTnb)
You forgot the Skull and Bones, Freemasons, Trilateral Commission, Illuminati, Knights Templar, Priory of Sion, The man from the grassy knoll, The guy who held the camera reflected in the visor on the fake moonlanding footage, Elvis the DEA agen, Majestic twelve and the black Helicopter pilots.
Posted by: dave at February 09, 2006 12:52 AM (CcXvt)
You forgot the Skull and Bones, Freemasons, Trilateral Commission, Illuminati, Knights Templar, Priory of Sion, The man from the grassy knoll, The guy who held the camera reflected in the visor on the fake moonlanding footage, Elvis the DEA agent, Majestic twelve and the black Helicopter pilots.
Posted by: dave at February 09, 2006 12:52 AM (CcXvt)
Oh, yes, I add the old bastard traitor, Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller to my incomplete list of conspirators...
Search on PNAC, and, Operation Northwoods. Then you will know what these consiprators were up to, the reasons are many that brought them together. It wasn't just oil, but, that was part of it. Some ask why oil prices have not gone down, because they counted on filling up their Pinto more cheaply once the globalists had secured the Iraqi oil fields. Well, what makes you think that the globalists want the price of oil to go down? The main reason that they wanted the Iraqi oil, was to CONTROL the oil. That means, if they sat on it, merely controling it, that would remove some oil from the market, thus, driving up the price for the rest of their oil. Less work, higher prices. A win-win for the globalists.
This is not a Jewish conspiracy, it is just a plain ol, broadbased conspiracy with corrupted Jews, Evangelicals, Catholics, Hindus, and, atheists all working for a goal that benefits them all, in some way.
Posted by: CFR Watcher at February 09, 2006 12:56 AM (NoTnb)
Thank you... I had forgotten about them. Especially that Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove crowd. I don't know the Scion folks, or, much about Freemasons. The Trilats are in on it as are the Bilderbergers, but, I didn't know Elvis was narc'n for the DEA. Frankly, I have been keeping an eye on the ELKS and the EAGLES club. Something is afoot there. Both of those clubs have an E and an S in their name. That must be some type of secret lingo.
Dyncorp slave rings will be talked about on my favorite radio program coming on now... that should be about 0300 Eastern time. Great guests.. come join me listening to the radio at
Just select whichever media player source you use from either the first or second column form the let.
Posted by: CFR Watcher at February 09, 2006 01:08 AM (NoTnb)
CFR Watcher:
Interesting comparison, where you compare someones comments regarding dinner preferences with the Islamic's fascination with killing. I notice you appear to preach restraint, why?
I don't see any restraint being applied to the slaughter being carried out by Muslim fanatics all over the world, in fact, given their preference for such behaviour and their morbid adherence to violence contained in the Koran, I'd say a caricature of Mohammud with a 'bomb fuse turban' is pretty appropriate.
I also notice you constantly refer to the 'Globalist's being responsible for the acts of terror, are these 'Globalist's' also responsible for all the Islamic atrocities being carried out around the world as we speak?
Your rhetoric reminds me of the following phrase:
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"
Your primary enemies appear to be the Conservatives and the Jews, so guess who your friends are?
Guess also, where the above phrase originated from:
You guessed it, right? It's from the Middle East.
So tell me, when you have your Islamofacist hat on, how do you manage to pray to Allah with your head stuck up your rectum?
Posted by: Ken at February 09, 2006 01:09 AM (aOYCe)
Your homo-erotic fixation with rectums is somewhat troubling. Especially, since it is my rectum that you are fixated upon.
Anti-Jew? Hardly, however, I am not an Israel Firster, either. I am an American. I believe in the Constitution. I want to be left alone, and, I will leave others alone, in turn. I will assist others who need my aid, but, only after determining if the lending of aid is warranted.
In Indonesia, and, Malysia, Mulsims have attacked the Catholics. On the surface that could be considered to be religiously related. However, the Cahtolics, who are Chinese, are primarily the ones who own many if not most of the businesses in Indonesia and Malaysia. So, the attacks could be racially motivated or out of fustration, that a non-local population control a sizable protion of the economy. I am not versed enough in the affairs of those two nations, to make a educated decision. I am sure that those populations are agitated by those who have their own agenda. I have trouble keeping my own house in order to suggest what is the state of affairs there.
You diatribe about Muslims killing all over the world. I have not seen that to be the case. I see Brits killing Catholics in Ireland, Brits killing Serb Cathoics, and, Brits killing Muslims and Cathoics in Iraq. As far as I can tell, it seems like Brits and their colonialist brethern, the Americans, are out all over the world killing people, not the Muslims. If the Muslim does kill, it seems to be more localized, whereas the Brit and the American will travel thousands of miles in order to kill those whom have never done anything to them.
When you say that I am Anti-Jew, it doesn't bother me, because it is just a dumbass wise crack, of no merit. I believe defending what is right. It seems to me that, the government in Israel, keeps stiring up the pot, and, using their agents in Hamas, to stir up both populations. War keeps the incumbent group in power. Both in the US and in Israel. Stir up the pot, keep the Israelis and Palestanians at each other, and, the incumbents remain in power and loot their citizens, and, stuff their pockets. It works that way in the US, it seems that is what Israel is doing, as well. "Keep Bush in power, don't change horses in the middle of a war.... keep Likud in power, the Palestians are restless." Yep, the same line of terror, originating from inside the government, keeps the population in control and off balance.
Posted by: CFR Watcher at February 09, 2006 01:47 AM (NoTnb)
CFR Watcher:
Thank's for your response, now let me respond to your comments:
Firstly, I am not fixated with rectum's, I am merely concerned with your cranium being suffocated by yours.
Your assertion of not being anti-Jew doesn't cut it, your rhetoric is visible and prevalent. It doesn't wash, Bud.
OK, I'll address your next two paragraphs with the following, with regards to your apparent ignorance of islamic world events and your preoccupation of the British:
Current sources of death and Destruction by Islamist's:
Indonesia/Western Borneo
Western Eritrea
There's more, but I think that's enough to ponder.
Finally, you again state denial of your anti-Jewish rhetoric, that's pretty funny considering your comments are on the internet for all to see. Again, in your last paragraph you castigate Israel.
You're a Nazi, along with your Islamofacist buddies.
Posted by: Ken at February 09, 2006 02:20 AM (aOYCe)
There you go again. You have a very unhealthy homo-erotic fascination with rectums. You just cannot stay on topic, you always go for the butt. I have watched enough FRAZIER to know that it is either something to do with potty training or a man on man kind of thing. You know, like Broke Back Mountain.
I am going off to beddy-bye and don't have the time to respond to each instance, but, you made my case. I said that if there were cases of Muslim fighting, that it was localized. I am sorry to have used such a big word, but, localized means that they are involved in disputes within their own terrorities. Each instance that you listed contains a sizable Muslim population. There are differing reasons for fighting in each of those countires and I am sure that you would find globalsit involvment in initiating and keeping the fighting going. Chechnya was fine until Russia invaded it again. I support the Chechnyans and their stuggle to be free of Russia. I admire the courageous resistance that the Chechnyans have mounted against the Russian aggressors.
I am concerned about the war in the Sudan, but, apparently, I am the only one. Neither the UN nor the US has done anything to address the situation there. I do not know all the cultural details, only what I hear on US television, which is always suspect. That is a sad situation. Again, I do not know the details of both sides in that war. I would hope that the Moslems were not killing the southerners merely because they are Christians, as the Brits killed Catholics in Ireland, Serbia and Iraq, merely because they were Catholic.
Nazi? No, afraid not. You must have me confused with the President and his Neocon crowd.
Ta-Ta, off to bed, with you now.. and, no more dreaming of bums and whatnot.
Posted by: CFR Watcher at February 09, 2006 02:40 AM (NoTnb)
CFR watching:
I take it you wash your hair each evening, pretty disgusting if you don't. know what I mean?
It's interesting how you label global conflict as "localized fighting". Perhaps you could provide the percentages of these " sizable Muslim populations". I'd be most interested to see the arithmetic.
Also, please explain what the differing reasons are concerning the fighting in those regions? especially when one opposing side in each conflict are Islamic?
I also see you support the Muslims fighting in Chechnya, I take it then, that you completely approve of the butchering and rape of children in Beslan?
The perpetrator's are your buddies after all. aren't they?
So what Mosque do you preach at, Mohammud?
Posted by: Ken at February 09, 2006 02:55 AM (aOYCe)
Oh, if only!! if we only had a Truman in the White House, or a general Patton or MacArthur on the battlefield. 40 years of feminizing testosterone out of the American male psyche. 40 years of indoctrinating the American male into the politically correct glories of sensitivity awareness, irrational tolerance, and multiculturalism. No wonder when now confronted with the firey breath of savage demons who would destroy us we are helpless beyond offering weak admonitions to be sensitive and understanding. After the cataclysm we will wake up and the savages will be destroyed, but at best it will be a "pyrrhic victory", so sadly avoidable. If only...
Posted by: Crusader at February 09, 2006 04:23 AM (yn4/B)
Ken ,
Good points you have , where ever there are Muslims in the world today there is death and destruction,except in western countries, oops I'm wrong. World trade centers,Subways,riots and arsonists, and all the little things our goverment(s) hide from us, so as not to create panic.
Do not forget the Phillipines,Indonesia,etc....they seem to be trying to move into Austrailia or surrond them anyways. Its so funny to me they could be upset at a bunch of cartoons , its not the cartoons, they are perpetually in a state of anger at the wrold for all of their shortcomings, all of their faults, and cannot accept they are really just a backwards dark age people who beleive in a book written by a terroist from so long ago.
They need to wake up and get into the modern world . I have noticed here in America that the younger generation , mostly the white males I know about through my son and his freinds, they are mostly saying ' just nuke them,nuke the whole area' , so much for breeding tolerance into our children. The Muslims are creating generations of people who think they are sick,stupid and backwards, good going you Islamists, welcome to the real world.
Posted by: Diversity at February 09, 2006 07:54 AM (hHZ38)
How interesting it is that you should mention the Phillipines. A couple of years ago, there seemed to be a small coup taking place among the Phillipine military. Their core complaint was that the Phillipine government had been secretly funding and arming the Communist groups. There was almost no mention of that fact in western media, even though they covered the revolt for a period of time.
Well, I see that I have not been corresponding here with Christians. Why didn't you tell me right off that this was a secular Israeli Mossad Neocon propaganda site?
Hell, I thought that you all wanted to learn something in the exchange of ideas here. All you really want is to spread disinformation about the attacks on September 11th, the NEOCON planning and execution of the attacks, and, their attempts to now stir up the Muslim world with these cartoons.
Some of you dumb shits have never been to war. As it is apparent from your ignorant "Nuke 'em" rants. You will soon see who will get nuked. The Neocons must act before the end of March to attack Iran. So, they already have planned multiple strikes in the US within the month to get support up for that war. It worked when they did it to take down the WTC ala Operation Northwoods, so, why change a good game plan. Since Larry Silverstien, oh, my... a Jew, made $3.5 Billion dollars on having his World Trade Center buildings attacked on September 11th, I figure that since he bought a bulding in Chicago, that Chicago will be one of the targets. If you live in Chicago, stay out of tall buildings.
Martial law will be enacted, and, you will be encouraged, at the point of a gun, to board a FEMA bus and to go to a FEMA camp for your safety. That is when we will see who has testosterone and who does not, because that is when the ones who love freedom will expell the ones who have ploted against it.
After the September 11th attack, San Diego police broke up a plot by a radical Jewish Rabbi, leader of the JDL, and, an accomplice who, when arrested, had weapons and pipe bombs in their car. They had planned to blow up the offices of a US Congressman and several Mosques The Rabbi died in jail. NO Muslim terror there, only terror planned by Jews. Okay, yes, I am still pissed over the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty. Jews killing Americans, how novel.
In the Marine Corps, my best friend was a Jew. You guys give Jews a bad name. You are worthless pimps of terror and disinformation.
Oh come on, even an idiot know that Beslan was a Putin FSB op. As were the Moskva apartment bombings a few years earlier.
Hey, I read both of Victor Ostrosky's books. You are not dealing with an ordinary dummy here. I am an extraordinary dummy.
Posted by: CFR Watcher at February 09, 2006 08:41 AM (RBBAI)
Or Karl Rove could use the star-drive from the downed Roswell flying saucer to cause an anti-matter bubble and blame it on Terrorists, or even the earthquake generator from the nose of the spaceshuttle.
Posted by: dave at February 09, 2006 09:38 AM (CcXvt)
What a joker u r CFR ( Conspiracy First, Remember)
just as the US probaly started WWII, it was also the US who started every other conflict in the world, just to make money, hahaha , never been in war , and that has something to do with ? nothing . I was just saying about the nukes that the younger generation in the US seems to be getting very into blaming the right people for doing the wrong things ( Islamo retards ). I'm sure its the US or Israel who planted the cartoon thoughts in Muslims feeble minds. Lets behead the infidels who so wrongly insulted our prophet, come on, maybe it was just US spies holding those placards saying all those ridiculas things.
Anyways, reading all of the Islamists statements, from Hamass, to Hizbullshit, to Zarcoward , has to make one think doesn't it ? Why would the Iraq people be so upset with the US coming in there to remove Sadam ? and rebuild their country ? for free ? I am positive , that the US would prefer not to be there , all the Muslims would still seel us their oil , what else would they do with it ? How else would they live like Kings when their peasants suffer so . I'm ranting , but CFR , you are a gas , you can't be for real .
Posted by: Diversity at February 09, 2006 12:29 PM (hHZ38)
Why does Bush insist on calling these moon-idol death cult worshipers peaceful??
Posted by: Crusader at February 09, 2006 08:23 PM (yn4/B)
I completely agree with you, I am always totally amazed at the 'tin foil hat' theories offered by the Jew-haters, they actually think they are convincing.
In reality they are as convincing as the King of Saudi announcing he will build a Christian church in Jeddah.
Regarding the cartoons, what the hell right does some brainwashed moron, who can recite the Koran from memory; say that I can't draw a picture of Mohammud with a bomb like turban, the answer is no right.
I refuse to consider the denial of free speech, from any moron who's mind is in the seventh century, who doesn't wash adequately, and who get's his jollies by sawing off peoples heads, or raping and butchering non-muslim children, or by dancing in the street at shots of people leaping to their deaths from the WTC.
The Nazi's are alive and well, only this time they are wearing cloths or turbans on their heads, pray to mecca and gerenrally smell like shit.
Posted by: Ken at February 09, 2006 09:37 PM (aOYCe)
CFR Watching:
What on earth does your comments regarding a miliary coup and commie groups in the Phillipines, have to do with your Chechnya like buddies presently killing there in the name of Islam, have you been studying geometry, tangents in particular?
So you think this is a "secular Israeli Mossad neocon propaganda site", how so, because unlike you there are those on this site who don't hate Jews as you do. I'm afraid you have the political consistency and sense of fairness of an asswipe, an Islamic asswipe just like your Beslan buddies.
You say I want to stir up the Muslim world with cartoons, hey buddy I didn't draw them but I respect the freedom of choice to be able to do so if I wish. You don't do you, you prefer censorship in order to pacify a bunch of bloodthirsty morons, who would be better of transported back to the seventh cehtury.
We all have read your claim to be 'GI Joe' extraordinaire, who gives a shit. That has no bearing on the topic. Again you rant on half assed about the neocon's and the WTC, are you really this crazy or is it a comedy act, are you typing from some psychiatric ward in outer Mongolia, maybe you hope for a starring role in the outer limits.
You may well be right about martial law if there is another major terrorist attack in the US, but it won't be Conservatives who are rounded up. It will be people like your Beslan buddies, you know, the one's you worship. Better watch out with that, The NeoIslamics don't like adolatry, even if you are worshipping them as you do.
I've no idea about the Rabid Rabbi you are prattling on about, I do recall however, your Muslim buddies being caught, on their way to enact the New Year, blow up multiple jets plot. But that's Ok with you, after all the west upsets them with terrible atrocities like cartoons, don't we.
Finally I agree with you, you are indeed a"an extraordinary dummy". In fact you are the greatest dummy I have ever come accross, the El Supremo of dummies, the greatest and most exhalted dummy in the world, no, in the universe. The supreme being of dummies, the dumbest of superior dummies ever to have graced the earth.
Shit, I'd better watch out, that sounds like idolatry; I don't want to get my head cut off by your Beslan like kindred.
Posted by: Ken at February 09, 2006 10:11 PM (aOYCe)
Okay, I thought that y'all wanted to have serious discourse on issues, but, apparently, the only thing you joo boys are interested in is doing each other in the arse. I have never met a joo boy yet who wouldn't give up a night with a JAP, in order to but hole his buddy joo.
Seriously, you boys are not very good at pysops. This can't be a Mossad page of disinformation, because you don't have any information. You must joo mossad wannabees, just a little less creative and intellectual than Austin Powers.
What amazes me is that you joos can rattle off alleged infractions from all over the globe, yet you "hadn't heard" about Irv Rubin, the joo rabbi who killed himself in jail in order not to go to trial on terrorist charges of attempting to blow up the office of a US Congressman and mosques in So. Cal. Now, in typical joo fashion, Irv's family of joos are filing a "wrongful death" case against the authorities in San Diego. With a joo, it "all about the money." Larry Silvertein bought the World Trade Center two months before the attack, loaded it with insurance and then sat back while his friends in the NSA and the CIA blew it up for him on September 11th. He claimed $3.5 Billion dollars, even though he had only paid $250 million. Larry got a big ole bag of cash, he is one happy joo. Larry has just bought a bullding in Chicago... Can a joo boy from NYC get lucky once again? Let's wait and see.
How come you joo boys don't want to talk about the deliberate attack by the Joos upon the USS Liberty, an American ship in international waters? Why don't you joos wanna talk about that? Joos killing Americans... alast, it wasn't the last time that Americans have died for the joo. I remember the USS Liberty, and, I am not letting the joos off. As far as terrorism, no one comes close to the joo. Remember the Kind David Hotel. Now how did that go? Was it Arabs dressing up like joooos to commit this act of gross terror, or, was it joos dressing up as Arabs?
Well, Rabbi Irv's but loving partern, Earl Krugel, got 20 years. At 62, when Earl gets out, his but will be good and loose, and, his penis a bit more shriveled. Ahh, there is a God in Heaven.
Here is the Terrorist Joo Rabbi story, in case you actually did miss it and aren't lying your little joo boy ass off.
Posted by: Lucky Bob at February 10, 2006 12:06 AM (4xug8)
Jooish Terrorist Gets Prison
Plotted with other Joos to bomb congressman's office, mosque; suspected in torching of revisionist office
By Laura Wides,
Associated Press Writer
Website note: we regret we cannot locate a photo of Earl Krugel.
CBS published the courtroom caricature,
showing him at far right, with Irving David Rubin
(yes, that was Rubin's full name, which we also regret)
A JOOISH Defense League member was sentenced Thursday to 20 years in prison for his role in a plot to bomb a mosque and the field office of a Lebanese-American congressman.
U.S. District Judge Ronald S.W. Lew gave Earl Krugel, 62, of Reseda, the maximum sentence under a plea deal because of what he said were Krugel's actions "promoting hatred in the most vile way."
During the hearing, Krugel apologized to the court and said he was a changed man, calling his actions "wrong-headed and illegal."
"I asked the court to show compassion, not for my own sake, but for my family," he said.
Lew said he was not convinced, noting that Krugel failed a polygraph test five times during the investigation.
"You are not that changed a person. You have more to give," he said.
Krugel had pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to violate the civil rights of worshippers at Culver City's King Fahd Mosque and one count of carrying an explosive device in connection with a conspiracy to impede or injure Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Vista.
Source: AP
Posted by: Lucky Bob at February 10, 2006 12:11 AM (4xug8)
Hey Lucky Bob,
Guess what moron, I myself, aint a Joo. Although your assumption that someone who isn't a Nazi or a David Duke supporting, brainless cretin doesn't surprise anyone.
I'm not even going to check into your anti-jooish rants and assertions, the fact you use them to justify your lobotimized anti-Joo mentality and ignore the Facism of militant Islam, definitely shows that you weren't the greatest scholastic individual at High School.
So tell me, Mr. Anti-Joo boy,what kind of cartoon would describe you?
I would guess one that shows a broken toothed individual, spawned from some definite family inbreeding, who gets his history lessons and political perspective from the manuals of the KKK. Written of course, in Tiny Toon language; in that order you can attempt to string more that two syllables together at the same time.
Tell me Mr. Joo-Hater, can you walk and chew gum at the same time?
Posted by: Ken at February 10, 2006 12:27 AM (aOYCe)
I really don't hate jews... it's just Muslims are more honest and nicer people to be around.
All that ass worship and fasincination that has been exhibited here only confirms your natural jew homo erotic butt hole loving tendencies. It is really sad. All those lovely JAPS, and, you boys bum loving one another. Sad, just plain sad. At least you sissy boy butt lickers won't reproduce. Come on, say it with me now, like you really mean it.... ALLAH AKKBAR...
Posted by: Lucky Bob at February 10, 2006 12:32 AM (4xug8)
Since you asked, here is my idea for a real knee slapping cartoon.
You know the jewish candlestick thing? Well, instead of candle hodlers, what if each of the candle sticks were a PENIS... and, hanging from the full candle stick were bras and panties and a tampon or two. I think that would be a real hoot. There is real symbolism there. Maybe there could be a contest for the headline... something like..."light this" comes to mind. Maybe almost nekked jewish girls in a wide range of ages, say 8-80, could be standing by each one of the penis candle sticks. That might pep it up a bit. They could have those jewish star emblems coveering their genitals. Unless they insist on posing totally nude. Now, that would be funny. Then, if you could somehow work in a calf to portray the golden calf that the jews worshiped while Moses was on the mount. That would symbolize how jews have the highest perecentate of atheism of any other religious group. They always break their covenant with God. Never fails. So, a calf, or, have the jewish girls ride a calf, or, hold idols in their hand, etc. Something really eye appealing.
Sorry, I am not very creative. This was the fist thing that came to mind. If I devote some time to it, I might be able to do better.
How many European newspapers would publish that? You know, with all those anti-free speech laws and whatnot in those European countries who said that they published the cartoons out of their sense of freedom of speech. It is mocks a Muslim, I guess that is okay, that is free speech, but, if it, in any way, does not color the jew in a false image of wholesomneness, I guess that is not free speech. That is ten years in prison.
Go figure, Morris.
Posted by: Lucky Bob at February 10, 2006 12:47 AM (4xug8)
Lucky Bob:
Suuuure, you don't hate Joooooos, do you. You know what, my head doesn't zip up the back, unfortunately for you.
So you find Muslims "more honest and nicer to be around", I assume then, that you spend a great deal of time with them and have numerous Muslim freinds, do they all have the same opinion of jews as you do?
What Islamic's do you find particularly nice, I presume they're mostly male as the have a thing about women, don't they? Are they the ones that cut peoples heads off, or maybe the ones that riot because of a stupid cartoon, let me know.
Also, what has a Jew ever done to you in order to inspire such hate, perhaps drawn a cartoon of Mohammud?
Hmm..."Jew homo erectic butt hole loving tendencies", I suppose that's an inference that I'm homosexual?
Well KKK boy, I'm not. But don't worry, if I was I wouldn't see you stuck.
I'm afraid your authorship has confirmed you are so bitter in your hatred of Jews, that you are blinded as to the real threat against society, but that's to be expected by your ilk.
When I first read your post, I suspected that you also, had your cranium inserted up your rectum. However I now realize that isn't so in your case, because any neurological damage caused by having your head up your ass would be by lack of air. But to be affected so, one would need a fully functioning brain in the first place.
Posted by: Ken at February 10, 2006 12:56 AM (aOYCe)
Gee Lock Bob, you're getting creative:
""You know the jewish candlestick thing? Well, instead of candle hodlers, what if each of the candle sticks were a PENIS... and, hanging from the full candle stick were bras and panties and a tampon or two. I think that would be a real hoot. There is real symbolism there. Maybe there could be a contest for the headline... something like..."light this" comes to mind. Maybe almost nekked jewish girls in a wide range of ages, say 8-80, could be standing by each one of the penis candle sticks. That might pep it up a bit. They could have those jewish star emblems coveering their genitals. Unless they insist on posing totally nude. Now, that would be funny. Then, if you could somehow work in a calf to portray the golden calf that the jews worshiped while Moses was on the mount. That would symbolize how jews have the highest perecentate of atheism of any other religious group. They always break their covenant with God. Never fails. So, a calf, or, have the jewish girls ride a calf, or, hold idols in their hand, etc. Something really eye appealing".
Are you trying for a job at 'Hustler'.
Let me try to educate you, if you wanted to pen such a thing go ahead and do so. It's your right to look like an idiot regardless of who you offend.
get it now, Mr. Anti-Jew?
Posted by: Ken at February 10, 2006 01:05 AM (aOYCe)
Only you and God know that you are a homosexual. I just suspected as much. Your personal proclivities are your own business, I just could not help but noticing that you were dropping so many hints that you are, with all those references to rectums. Again, that is nobody's business but your own. Don't let it bother you. Homosexually is the in thing now, and, it is good that you are coming out here. You will find jews are very accepting of homosexuality. You needn't be afraid.
Posted by: Lucky Bob at February 10, 2006 01:10 AM (4xug8)
Lucky Bob:
Thanks, your preoccupation with homosexuality taking precedence over my comments are a real compliment.
Attempted insults are most appreciated.
Now, since it has been established that you hate Jews, Like Islamofacists and obviously have a severe problem with homosexuals, your kinda messed up in the head, aren't you.
So tell doctor Ken, what have Jews done too you in the past to inspire such hate?
Also what have you experienced at the hands of homosexuals to have such bitterness?
Was it something to do with your inbreeding? Regarding the former, perhaps your inbreeding caused you to resent the success of Jews in business, after all; Hitler did.
With regards to tyour preocupation with homosexuality, were you victimized by a homosexual, but secretly enjoyed the experience. Tell Doctor Ken, I'll be happy to attempt to help your neorological dysfunction.
Oh, wait a minute, I was probaly wrong about you. you do suffer from your cranium up your rectum affliction, and you enjoy it. better watch out though, I'd hate to see you get some sort of chronic bowel disorder,then you would be crapping the same material that comes out of your mouth.
Just ask Dr. Ken if you need any more advice, glad too help.
Posted by: Ken at February 10, 2006 01:25 AM (aOYCe)
Why then is Mecca still standing?
Why is Medina allowed to exist?
It's all so simple. Two bombs. Two craters.
No Muzzies ... just right.
Posted by: Why then? at February 10, 2006 02:26 AM (1XOeP)
Please do not turn back. You are standing upon the threshold that all young jewish men must face one day. " Shall I keep up this facade of manhood, and, ultimately be forced to sleep with a woman, or, shall I seek the path of truth and enlightenment and reveal myself and my sexual orientation?"
You should know that you have friends here at this site. Most of the posters are homosexual. When you come forth and take the hand of a loving poster like Crusader, aka Paul Wolfowitz, or Diversity, aka Karl Rove, they will lead you gently unto your new, openly homosexual life.
You are not new to homosexuality, you have just hidden it. Now is the time to step out, to spread your wings little dove, and, soar.
In some ways, I envy you. It is not easy for me to be a hetrosexual and, yet post on a jewish Moussad site. I am so alone.
You, Ken, have a forum that will rejoice in your declariation of your sexual orientation. You will have your burden lifted and celebrated by 97% of the other posters here who are homosexual, like you.
Unfurl your Rainbow Banner. Reach it high into the clouds and you sing out loud for all to hear.
"My name is Ken, I am here and I am queer."
Keep saying it, "My name is Ken, I am here and I am queer." Repeat it, Ken, until you feel that burden of keeping your sexual orientation hidden all these years, finally, released in one gigantic eurption of breast pounding joy.
Crusader and Diversity have already gone through this. The are now a couple. They met here on this forum. They are very, very happy. You can be, too. It may take a little longer, because you have tried to deny your sexual self.
When you wake up each morning, just go before the mirror and reafirm your idenity. "My name is Ken, I am here and I am queer."
Fix yourself a latte. Go to the door of your flat.. grab on to the door knob, give it a big sissy girl twist.. and, confidently step out the door, saying... "My name is Ken, I am here and I am queer."
There are many, many loving, joyous relationships awaiting you, Ken. Good luck.
Posted by: Lucky Bob at February 10, 2006 03:54 AM (4xug8)
Please do not turn back. You are standing upon the threshold that all young jewish men must face one day. " Shall I keep up this facade of manhood, and, ultimately be forced to sleep with a woman, or, shall I seek the path of truth and enlightenment and reveal myself and my sexual orientation?"
You should know that you have friends here at this site. Most of the posters are homosexual. When you come forth and take the hand of a loving poster like Crusader, aka Paul Wolfowitz, or Diversity, aka Karl Rove, they will lead you gently unto your new, openly homosexual life.
You are not new to homosexuality, you have just hidden it. Now is the time to step out, to spread your wings little dove, and, soar.
In some ways, I envy you. It is not easy for me to be a hetrosexual and, yet post on a jewish Moussad site. I am so alone.
You, Ken, have a forum that will rejoice in your declariation of your sexual orientation. You will have your burden lifted and celebrated by 97% of the other posters here who are homosexual, like you.
Unfurl your Rainbow Banner. Reach it high into the clouds and you sing out loud for all to hear.
"My name is Ken, I am here and I am queer."
Keep saying it, "My name is Ken, I am here and I am queer." Repeat it, Ken, until you feel that burden of keeping your sexual orientation hidden all these years, finally, released in one gigantic eurption of breast pounding joy.
Crusader and Diversity have already gone through this. The are now a couple. They met here on this forum. They are very, very happy. You can be, too. It may take a little longer, because you have tried to deny your sexual self.
When you wake up each morning, just go before the mirror and reafirm your idenity. "My name is Ken, I am here and I am queer."
Fix yourself a latte. Go to the door of your flat.. grab on to the door knob, give it a big sissy girl twist.. and, confidently step out the door, saying... "My name is Ken, I am here and I am queer."
Posted by: Lucky Bob at February 10, 2006 03:56 AM (4xug8)
people with an I.Q over 50 can identify you baiting Ken with attacks against his sexuality because you have no other argument nor defense for your simpleton perspective.
How about you raise a banner of your own that says
"I'm a knuckle dragging, goat felching, two-toof, jack jawed Queef"
Although you probably don't need to advertise it, most people know by just coming in contact with you.
Posted by: dave at February 10, 2006 10:32 AM (CcXvt)
Lucky Bob has quite a fascination arses..........
Posted by: Diversity at February 10, 2006 11:13 AM (hHZ38)
It appears that no one here understood the Hitler/Franks cartoon so I'll explain it to you. It implies that Hitler was an agent of Zion and was helping the Jews get a foothold in the middle east. That is, Hitler was in bed with the Jews. Maybe they are right. Or, maybe it just meant...Ha ha, Hitler fucked the Jews over..Ha ha. At least that's how I see it. As for the world condition...it is obvious to me that Islam is going to win because faith always triumps over reason. Faith can justify any action whereas reasonable people just can't bring themselves to become mass murders...their logic and empathy always stops them.
Posted by: HeeHaw at February 10, 2006 03:21 PM (l9tIN)
Dave, I know that you have been gone a little while, talking to the FBI about your alleged spying for Israel while you worked in Doug Feith's office at the Pentagon. Don't be concerned, you may spend 10-20 years in prison, but, you will meet a very nice young man, Pollard, who will become your new friend. Do not worry about Doug Feith, he still loves you and he is planning to make a deal, with the FBI, to get a lighter sentence. Once that is worked out, he will join you. You two shall be reunited in congical bliss, and, when you and Doug are togeter, time will just fly by in prison.
Now, to catch you up on things here. Paul Wolfowitz, aka Crusader and Karl Rove, aka Diversity, knew each other while working in the homo-infested Bush administration, however, they didn't hook up. Wolfowitz was in a committed relationship with Isadore Libby, Dick Cheney's "adviser" but, we all know what waws all going on with Dick and Scooter. Anyway, Wolfowitz found out about Scooter, scouting for dick, Dick Cheney that is, so, he left the Bush admin and became president of the World Bank. Karl Rove, has always been a rounder, if you knw what I mean, and, was never in a serious, committed man-man relationship. He began to post here, at this mossad site, and, that is when he met Wolfowitz, aka, Crusader, and their relationship has blossomed. Everyone here says that karl and Paul are very much in love and that it is the real thing this time for both of them. Cross your fingers and wish them luck.
Now, Ken is just ab out to come out here on the site. His first steps have been wobbly, but, when he started talking about recturms, both Crusader and Diversity recognized the signs and they have both volunteered to usher Ken out of the closet and into this mossad community. Ken was hesitant, because he fears that when he reveals his orientation to everyone, that he will be shunned. Only 3% of us who post here at this site are heterosexual, and, the remaining 97% are homosexual, so, Ken has nothing to fear in coming out. Paul and Karl, are planning to ask Ken to accompany them to a glory hole. Dick Cheney and the president have agreed to be in the hole, as has Rumsfeld, as have Senators Specter, Biden and Liberman. They could use another man, would you be up for it? Of curse, Ken would not be able to tell which one you are, except by size, but, don't worry, as they say, size doesn't matter. Don't worry about the genital warts, Ken will be blindfolded.
Dave, I know that you are a little worried,, it will be your first time in prison. But, spying for Israel is just a symbolic punishment, everyone is doing it, and, you will not have a hard time. Those people who had said that they walked in on the president and DouG Feith are just trying to hurt you. Everyone knows that the president is happy in his loveless marraige to laura. Don't worry about it at all. You and doug will be soon reunited.
Okay, it's agreed. Diversity and Crusader will contact you and give you the details on when you will be needed in the glory hole. Everyone will have a great time, and, you will make Ken's mossad case officer happy too. He has been trying to break it off in Ken, I mean, break it off with Ken. This will be a great way to let Ken down easily, bring him out of the closet and allow him to soar.
Please don't say anything about Scooter Libby in front of Paul Wolfowitz, aka, Crusader. Crusader is still sensivitve about that. Cross your fingers and make a big fairy wish that they have happy, happy, sugar kiss times ahead.
Posted by: Lucky Bob at February 10, 2006 03:57 PM (1j7zP)
I'd like to give the world a coke and live in harmonyyyy!!!!!
libertarians are annoying, republicans are stupid, liberals are smart (yet unfocused), centrists are morons, and what was the last one? facist? socialist? communist? federalist? whig? monarchist? anarchist? anti-federalist? constitutionist (theyre pretty dumb seeing how they are pledging allegiance to a document that the original drafters weren't even crazy for but they needed to seeing how they were pressed for time... 3persons to 5 slaves? pshh howd that work?) Green? (go plant a tree)
Posted by: Mike at February 10, 2006 05:28 PM (lfpEc)
Actually I'm very heterosexual, but I just let bobby rave on for the whole WWW too see. I'll address him next.
Posted by: Ken at February 10, 2006 08:37 PM (aOYCe)
Well Lucky bob:
Aren't you the intelligent one, you make it real easy for me to show you for what you are.
A Neo Nazi anti-Jew, with a preocupation with homosexuality, of course I realize you venture on that tack because you have no argument to your bigotry. But why do many Facists rave on about homosexuals as their choice of a diversion topic.
Is it because you require that sexual orientation, as a pre-requisite to joining your Aryan brotherhood, perhaps a homosexual ritual is used in your Neo Nazi male bonding sessions.
Do your snazzy uniforms have anything to do with the hang up? You know, a kind of homosexual sadomachistic kicking with the jackboots while engaging in mutual foreplay.
Please let me know, I'm sure we could come up with a good cartoon of the ritual.
Lastly, Dr, Ken advises you return to the clinic and have your Lobotomy finished, you never know, it may improve your intelectual reasoning. For right now, I'm sure that you couldn't get any worse than you are.
Sieg Heil,
This is too easy!
Posted by: Ken at February 10, 2006 08:49 PM (aOYCe)
These people are starting to piss me off. i have been tolerant and understanding, and this silliness over a cartoon is the last straw. They are like children fighting over a new toy, how stupid are they acting. people are killed in the name of allah, there are no protests that the name of thier god is used for evil and to kill innocents, many of which are thier OWN people. I used to give a shit, well no more. religion is dangerous and antiquated and its time to clean house.
Posted by: hodgie at February 11, 2006 06:28 PM (JhlRX)
You Sick Towel Heads! No God Wants To Have Anything To Do With You! You Will All Burn In Hell!
You Are The Scurge Of The Earth And Shall Be Wiped Out!!! Yes You Filthy People! God Has Spit On You! He Hates You With A Passion! You Are A Sick People... Good Bye You Idiots! May The USA Destroy You ALL!
Posted by: GOD at February 12, 2006 09:04 AM (Os+cb)
Posted by: RONALD BALDUS at February 13, 2006 02:02 AM (0VLpP)
Picture this.....a cave somewhere in Iraq or Iran...they are all the same.....a young Muslim Warrior, out of breath speaks to an older wiser Muslim sitting with his hookah.....' Abu,Abu, we have accomplished your glorious orders , we have kidnapped the christen nurse from thee clinic, she was treating , the village , but we have done Gods work, praise be to Allah ' Abu takes a long puff of the hookah, and says ' well done warriors, you are brave, Allah, praise him above all others, has guided you' , the young soldiers of Allah are all smiles now , ' Abu, now what shall we do with her ? she is crying in the other room ' Abu rises , letting out a cloud of smoke .
'The captured Infidel has no rights, she could be yours for a slave, but you require no slaves , I have a plan, it came from Allah, praise be to him,
We will have to set up some cameras, put on our finest black robes and face masks, go into the Mosque room, and we will do Gods work there'. The young soldiers are so excited now, they rarely get to wear their balck robes . As the cameras start rolling, and the lights and sound get adjusted, Abu emerges from behind the Arab Warriors Flag. ' Allah Akbar, everyone now, shout Allah Akars with me, ' He pulls out a large sword, with the Muslim Moon and Star on the handle, he is breathing heavy with excitment 'Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar, 'intermingled with the shouts, the sound of sawing thru bone and muscle is heard and finally Abu holds the up the head of the infidel occupier nurse . The cameras are turned off now, and the Mighty Leader and his honorable warriors change their clothes, and meet in the Hookah room. ' Abu,Abu, what shall we do next ' ?
Abu , without hesitation says ' I have been put here to clense the occupiers from this Holy Land, may Allah help me , I have a vision. We will need three suicide bombers, use the Idiot brainwashed Syrians that came over yesterday . We will attack a Hospital , a School , the new one the occupiers just built , and a Shia Mosque , we will teach those occupiers who's who in the land of Islam.'
Posted by: Diversity at February 13, 2006 11:24 AM (hHZ38)
I'm going to make a whole Comis book........its called....Strange but how true........
Posted by: Diversity at February 13, 2006 11:27 AM (hHZ38)
This debate is supposed to be about the Danish cartoons about Mo - HAM - Mud. The first entries were to the point: then we arrived at purile language and infantile ego chin-wags. How sad! Does this make you all better than the thugs we are talking about?
The reason I got on to this site was because I really wanted to debate the very frightening, to me anyway, Islamic threat to the Western world.
The fact that Muslim childen (female)are circumsised so that they will be, 'marriageable,' yet are stoned to death when they are raped tells me that Muslim men cannot control themsevles so why are we suprised when something far more serious, as far as they are concerned, a cartoon actually depicting their belief system is published in a newspaper?
The fact that in Saudi Arabia women are not allowed to drive a car and have to travel in the back of the car is humiliating: so why not saterise that? It would certainly upset the nothing men (sic) who have to be better than someone!
It is easy for me to see that Muslim men are afraid of women: any woman: and have to keep them down at any price.
The Western World has to do something about this but reading through this, 'supposed,' debate you would prefer to insult each other. Men being ego seeking numbskulls is the thought that comes to mind. I do not care who is a homosexual. I do not care who is a communist. I do not care about ego's. I do care about what is happening to the Western World at the hands of those who idolise Mo - Ham - Mud. So can we get back to the point?
Seriously frightened of what is to come!
Posted by: Thaxton1 at February 14, 2006 05:46 AM (N9IiB)
It is frightening, and thats what they(theIslamists want) so they have succeeded. The Western world is scared, we have to watch what we say, what we publish, how we act. Thats not freedom in any form . The Muslim world says we live by a double standard . In reality it is they who live by the double standard, and the beleif they are supeior to all others . We do have big ego's in the West , but we do not threaten or create violence because of it . Our society is so open for the world to see , it has not been perfect , and we admit that . We have made mistakes and blunders for years going back hundreds of years probaly . We have apoligized for some of them , learned from some of them , and have chaged , adjusted our ways . But the Muslim world does not want to come out of the dark ages . It is not us who should be afraid , it is them . Its so hard to comprehend that a human would strap a bomb to his body , a mother would encourage her child to kill , that people would fly a jetliner into a building , over what ? Whats the purpose ? Because they are medieval , becuase they don't agree with our laws and religion ? Its insane , and we have to end it , you can't just reason with humans who beleive death is better than life , there is no disscussion that will change their thought process . It is their bearded imams , and certain leaders who promote this hatred and they need to get off that train , or die . Its basically that simple .
Posted by: Diversity at February 14, 2006 10:20 AM (hHZ38)
Good response: but I didn't mean Western ego's as such! I meant some of the responders on this web site, sorry.
I understand they are not afraid to die and that is what frightens me because this means that in the end we will have to sort the problem out. This can only mean more death. I am sick and fed up with having our government pussy footing around the hatred being spewed out on a daily basis by people who do not want us to live our lives as we choose to live them simply because they have large numbers of muslims in their constituencies and are afraid they will not have their votes.
Thing is, what can we do about it?
Seems to me that we will have to wait until those of us who sit by and allow all this to happen get fed up to the teath and resort to violence ourselves.
Coming from me, a mild mannered woman, that sounds like a war cry. I've just about had enough of treating these cave people with kid gloves. It's almost as if they are being regarded as, 'naughty children,'and I almost expect Tony bLIAR to keep them in after school.
They, muslims, however fanatical they become, do not frighten me. It is what WE WILL HAVE TO DO TO STOP THEM which causes me fear.
I reckon that by 2008 we will be in an all out war with muslim states. I mean real war. That means our deaths and that's very sad.
Posted by: Thaxton1 at February 14, 2006 11:05 AM (N9IiB)
I beleive that there are moderate Muslims out there . You don't here from them at all or often because they will die from their own people just for speaking up . If the US wasn't so dependant on oil , we could pressure the Arab goverments to do more about it , but now they have the oil weapon to hold over our heads . Our military could probaly do more right now , but the other countries of world would cry foul , we could become an Isolationist country , but I'm not sure what that would accomplish . I wish my country (the US ) would be more Nationalistic , that we would beleive in our people first , our products , our services towards each other , rather than the poor , mis-managed , brainwashed world out there , but its too late for that . We are a melting pot of different peoples who don't even know what the hell's going on , and don't care . I hope its not too late for us , I hope we can win this war on terror , and evil people . They are insanely brainwashed and beleive in death more than life , what a shame .
Posted by: Diversity at February 14, 2006 11:52 AM (hHZ38)
Posted by: Frank at February 14, 2006 12:37 PM (foICS)
Frank, you are a sick individual. I imagine you are covered with, 'boobo's,' (I reckon you will have to look that up in a dictionary) A dictionary is a large tome filled with words and in alphabetical order...A is a, B is b, C is c, get it? It gies definitions of words, such as: snake = a cold blooded reptile, can be poisionous, cannot see and seeks it's prey by sound. They are unpleasant to touch and hide in the rough and under rocks. Understand? When you do: if your intelect will allow that much information to barge it's way in to your obviously deranged mind (don't think you have a brain) then feel free to bust. The puss that oozes from your rotting flesh will be a relief to us all and we will be rid of at least one pathetic low life! Now go and have safe sex and travel.
Posted by: Thaxton1 at February 14, 2006 04:31 PM (N9IiB)
FUCK FRANK! HE WILL GET WHAT HE DESERVES! He Will Have His Head Shoved Up His Camels Ass! And Be Joined By The Rest Of His Camel Rapeing, Gay Loveing, Take The Rag Off Thier Head And Gag Them With It, Idiots Who Look Just As Stupid As They Are! Muslim Faggots! I Just Love The Pictures Of The Soldiers Degradding Them Idiots! The American Soldiers Who Draged Them Around Nakid on Leashes Should All Be Awarded The Highest Medal The Army Has! I cant Think Of One Single Thing On The Face Of The Earth That Is As Dirty Or As Low As A Filthy Towel Head! Wait.. Dog Shit... Nope! Not Even Close! Get On Your Knees Ass-Wipe... Open Your Mouth... We Are Gonna Stick It In!!! Dont Forget To Swallow! Of Course You Wont!! You Are So Good At It!!! Mohammed? Is that some Faggot Name for Arab? Picture this! I am Drawing a Cartoon.... Mohammed Bent Over... And The Whole Western World Givin It To Him!!!!
But Then Again.. He Would Like That Too Much!!!
Well .. I Guess It Would Be Best Just To Shoot The Idiot!!! I Would Pay The 50 Cents For The Bullet!
Posted by: God at February 16, 2006 01:29 AM (Os+cb)

you cant talk about him being a murdering son of a bitch man. not when yer surrounded by muslims. yer one stupid jew lover. im all for the holocaust. i only wish they had done it properly. but you stand out as one stupid cocksucker with a deathwish. yer brave
Posted by: usmanahmed at February 19, 2006 08:07 PM (fbQ0F)
why dont America and Isreal and England get together and wipe the durt smelley sand niggers off the planet. fuck islam kill them all why dont us redneck white boys get togehter and shoot muslims for target pratice FUCK YOU SAND NIGGERS.
Posted by: RONALD BALDUS at February 19, 2006 08:55 PM (rzoZb)
Posted by: RONALD BALDUS at February 19, 2006 09:50 PM (HF96T)
Hey usmanahmed:
Good too hear you're all for the holocaust, you would make an excellent cartoon.
Let's see:
You are pictured with your Jew-hating cap on, while licking Mohammud's butt. Mohammud farts in your face and you consider that a Muslim breath of fresh air. To show your appreciation you set alight Mohammud's fart, infortunately it's a blanket ripper and the massive blue flame set fire to the Koran, you piss on the Holy book in order to quench the flames, hence the Islamic greeting:
Piss be upon you.
Posted by: Ken at February 20, 2006 06:31 AM (CYeOT)
let us take a look at the peaceful lovin muslims.Today I saw in Iran they are calling muslims to fill out applications to do sucide bombings. i was watching the BBC and they were saying 40 percent of muslims in Englandwant England to become and islamic state. they want to live under islamic law. 60 pecent of muslims in Belguim want aribic tobecome the offical langange. 6o percent want Belguim to become and islamic state. Anybody who thinks islam is a peaceful religon is a complete moron.Look at what they have done for the last 75 years. teorrorism over and over again.Bottom line is they want to wipe out Israel and kill all jews. they want the world to bow its knee to islam.ISlam is the greatest threat to israel to the USA to europe andto the world. This is the greatest threat to freedom. Wake up world muslims are NOT our freinds.
Posted by: RONALD BALDUS at February 20, 2006 10:13 PM (6hJRt)
Posted by: FUCK ISLAM! at March 01, 2006 08:32 PM (J/DKH)
it seems that white people or mostly white people do not have ANY SORT of respect for their religion, the only religion they have is CNN, HBO, Beer and Playboy TV and lets not forget ABC and basically anything and everything owned by JOOO zionists. and whoever thinks Islam is terrorist religion, just do some research before you open ur filthy and dirty mouth its your cheap redneck ass that brings about corruption and hate in the world. We all shall wait for the day when their will be only one religion true Islam, no fake holocaust ass Anne franks, no christians by the way it will be Jesus himself to punish all the christians for their deeds and any other religion besides Islam will parish. And the good thing is the time is getting closer and closer .. so God bless you all -
Posted by: Lee at March 07, 2006 09:10 PM (XKYw4)
The Zionists follow this ancient Hebrew Law "Through deception thou shallt conduct war" and clearly they have deceived the West & the Europeans but they haven't succeeded in deceiving the Arabs. If the Europeans are really so tolerant, why did they persecute Jews & Muslims for hundreds of years, why did they colonize the world, why did they crusade agains the Arabs? And to those idiots who are talking bad about Islam, at least our religion isn't named after some man like Christianity & Judaism is. Islam means submission to the creator and that's what every prophet has done. This is why most of these prophets were murdered by their people. Who killed Jesus (supposedly)? John the Baptist? And by the way, FUCK the psuedo apostle Paul that damn liar.
Posted by: Antimatter at March 23, 2006 02:57 PM (5iSgH)
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