June 16, 2006

Ayaan Hirsi Ali's "Submission 2"

If you thought the cartoon jihad was a big deal, wait 'til Ayaan Hirsi Ali releases her next political bombshell. Predictably, European leaders are trembling:

The Dutch authorities fear that “Submission 2,” Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s soon to be released new movie, might make the Netherlands a target of angry Muslims worldwide. The movie criticizes Muslims for their intolerance of gays. In a report published last Wednesday the country’s National Anti-Terrorism Coordinator (Nationaal Coördinator Terrorismebestrijding, NCTb) warns that one must seriously take into account the possibility of an international Muslim boycott of the Netherlands, similar to the boycott of Denmark by the Islamic world earlier this year over the Muhammad cartoons.


Posted by: Kos_Irhabi at 12:16 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 455 words, total size 3 kb.

June 11, 2006

Saving Soccer

Now, this will sound like blasphemy to my fellow NFL fans, but, having watched nearly five minutes of the World Cup soccer match between Sweden and Trinidad and Tobago...the world has a point. It makes much more sense to use the word "football" for "soccer" than it does to apply it to...American football. After all, the wimpiest NFL players are the ones who specialize in kicking the ball, and they are increasingly drawn from the ranks of soccer players - Europeans.

That said, soccer continues to prosper in America about as well as the metric system; that is to say, it has approximately the popularity of a fart in an elevator. What can be done? Must "futball" forever abandon the world's most profitable market and fanatical fan base?

No! A few simple changes should suffice to bring soccer up to at least the popularity of ice hockey. more...

Posted by: Bluto at 08:33 AM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
Post contains 431 words, total size 3 kb.

May 17, 2006

The Unasked Question About Immigration 'Reform'

If we build it, will they come?
Everyone assumes that the millions of illegal immigrants living in the United States will jump at the chance to accept whatever amnesty program is offered to them. No one is asking what happens if they choose to remain in the shadow economy. But why shouldn't they?

Why should an illegal alien who has for years successfully flaunted immigration, employment, and tax laws be eager to join the new Peculiar Institution of the "Guest Worker" program? Will they be enticed by the opportunity to pay a $2000 fine and back taxes? Maybe the chance of being registered and tracked by the US government will seem attractive to them after all those years off the grid. Certainly being ordered to learn a foreign language, English, must have illegals all excited and eager to begin night classes.

Why would people who have fled the corrupt Mexican system, where la mordida rules every encounter with government officials, suddenly decide that ICE is their friend and savior? Especially since virtually the entire US government has declared that they are beyond the reach of law enforcement?

And what will we do when they, in their millions, don't come?

Cross-posted at The Dread Pundit Bluto, Stop the ACLU, and Vince Aut Morire.

Posted by: Bluto at 11:54 AM | Comments (34) | Add Comment
Post contains 224 words, total size 2 kb.

May 12, 2006

AFA's Conquest Against Ford Will Hurt America

Lately the American Family Association (AFA) has been putting a full court press against Ford Motor Company to cease and desist their support of homosexual marriages. While, ideologically, I agree with AFA that gay marriage is an immoral and unacceptable practice that should never be legal, I find their campaign a tad bit bothersome from an economic perspective.

I will be upfront and honest, I drive a 2001 Ford F-150; I actually like the truck and go to Ford for service on it. However, I don't like GM products. Right now I think it's overpriced, under-quality products coupled with their poor customer relations (with me specifically) makes GM a poor choice for vehicle purchases. So if you rule out Ford and GM that leaves you with Chrysler. Name one quality car (not truck or minivan) Chrysler has made five years in a row. If you can't, you're not the only one. So when you rule out Ford because of their political motives, GM because of their bad service and products, and Chrysler due to their horrendously bad track record that leaves you with nothing but foreign cars to pick from.

Some people think that's okay because Toyota's most popular car in America, the Toyota Camry, is predominately made in America. Honda has a presence here in the states and even BMW has a plant in Greenville, South Carolina. But, most of the foreign automakers are assembling one or two vehicles here in the United States, not all their vehicles sold here in the US. Walk around a Toyota lot and look at the stickers that tell you what percentage of the car was made in what country. Couple that with the small size of most Japanese cars and you're leaving guys like me with few options.

The one option you're leaving me with is the option I took last summer, Nissan. I bought my wife a surprisingly roomy Nissan Altima and guess where that car was made, 100% overseas. So the real question here is should you side with American workers or American values. In this case it's hard to have your cake and eat it too.

Originally Posted at Conservative Thinking

Posted by: Chris Short at 05:37 AM | Comments (24) | Add Comment
Post contains 374 words, total size 3 kb.

April 28, 2006

Separate and Unequal in Sweden.

Mulims in Sweden have no respect for Swedish law, in fact they would like a separate set of laws to govern themselves.

Via The Local :Sweden's largest Muslim organisation has demanded that Sweden introduce separate laws for Muslims, according to Swedish television. Sweden's equality minister Jens Orback called the proposals "completely unacceptable".

The Swedish Muslim Association, which represents around 70,000 Muslims in Sweden, has sent a letter to all Sweden's main political parties suggesting a number of reforms, SVT's Rapport programme reported.

The proposals include allowing imams into state (public) schools to give Muslim children separate lessons in Islam and their parents' native languages. The letter also said that boys and girls should have separate swimming lessons and that divorces between Muslims should be approved by an imam.

The letter provoked an instant, and damning, response from integration and equality minister Jens Orback.

"We will not have separate laws in Sweden. In Sweden, we are all equal before the law. In Sweden, we have fought for a long time to achieve gender-neutral laws, and to propose that certain groups should not be treated like others is completely unacceptable."

Orback said he had spoken to representatives of the Swedish Muslim Council, and they did not support the association's position.

"We have freedom of speech, we have the right to opinions and we have the right to make proposals - but if a law is going to be changed, it must be the same for everyone."

Asked whether the proposal plays into the hands of racists, Orback said that it did.

"I think it is very problematic and unfortunate that people who have been in Sweden for so long make proposals such as this that are so opposed to our intentions, when we are fighting for women's rights and the right to divorce," Orback replied.

Liberal Party leader Lars Leijonborg also slammed the idea of separate laws.

"Sweden has equality between men and women. To introduce exceptions for Muslims so that women can be oppressed with the support of the law is completely unacceptable to me," Liberal leader Lars Leijonborg wrote in a statement.

Sharia Law is unacceptable in general I think. I suggest that if Muslims in Sweden want to live in a nation with Sharia Law they should move to one. When in RomeÂ…..

Posted by: Howie at 01:50 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
Post contains 392 words, total size 3 kb.

April 24, 2006

Sully's No Match for the Theocons

I guess one shouldn't expect much from Andrew Sullivan these days, but this second-hand swipe at Robbie George by way of Max Blumenthal just struck me as unfair:

But I was struck by this quote from George about the killing of abortionists. It was the first time I'd read it:

"I am personally opposed to killing abortionists. However, inasmuch as my personal opposition to this practice is rooted in a sectarian (Catholic) religious belief in the sanctity of human life, I am unwilling to impose it on others who may, as a matter of conscience, take a different view."

George is being funny, of course. But he sees no moral difference between an abortion and the murder of an abortionist.

What got to me about Andrew's comment was that he, himself, starts by observing that Robbie is making a joke (about the pat responses of liberal Catholics like John Kerry and Mario Cuoma), but then proceeds to analyze both George and the "theocons" as though they were seriously proposing the murder of abortionists. Just for the record, Robert George is opposed to capital punishment and would probably be willing to impose that constraint on those who disagree with him if it were legislatively feasible to do so. The real motivation behind Sullivan's attack is today's article in the NYT: "A Religious Push Against Gay Unions"

Just who is being morally inconsistent here?

Posted by: Demosophist at 01:11 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 244 words, total size 2 kb.

April 10, 2006

ACLU Rebuked in Upstate New York

From The Palladium Times:

ALBANY, N.Y. - A federal judge has ordered the Mexico school district to return bricks inscribed with evangelical Christian messages to a high school walkway, concluding their removal violated the free speech rights of the people who paid for them.

U.S. District Judge Norman Mordue ruled the bricks, with engravings like “Jesus Saves” and “Jesus Christ The Only Way!” didn't constitute a Mexico Academy endorsement of that religious view. The bricks containing such engravings were the only ones removed, while others also referred to God and some commemorated Methodist, Episcopal and Catholic churches.

“The undisputed evidence demonstrates that Mexico Academy engaged in viewpoint discrimination when it removed plaintiffs' bricks from the walkway,” Mordue wrote. “Further, the bricks at issue, which number 9 among 1,736, literally constitute an insignificant part of the walkway.”

Of course the Mexico Central School District only removed the bricks after being threatened by Central New York ACLU representatives. It's instructive that the ACLU, which supposedly champions civil liberties, used bullying to try to deny free speech to people because that speech was religious in nature.

Via Stop the ACLU

Also posted at The Dread Pundit Bluto and Vince Aut Morire.

Posted by: Bluto at 11:05 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 210 words, total size 2 kb.

April 05, 2006

MEchA: Working to Make Aztlan Real

MEchA = Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán = Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan. MEchA chapters exist on college and high school campuses across America. Their goal is the liberation of Aztlan:


Posted by: Bluto at 10:33 AM | Comments (45) | Add Comment
Post contains 399 words, total size 4 kb.

April 04, 2006

Aztlan: What the Illegals Really Want

Wormed into the very heart of the illegal immigrant "civil rights" movement is the concept of Aztlan, and people like Hector Carreon. Carreon's La Voz de Aztlan (The Voice of Aztlan) is one of the network of subversive websites that helped organize the recent marches in several US cities.

What is Aztlan?
The dateline from this article by Carreon about an "Immigrant Sanctuary" voted in by useful idiots on the city council of Coachella, CA reads [emphasis added]: "Los Angeles, Alta California - March 24, 2006" more...

Posted by: Bluto at 10:57 PM | Comments (19) | Add Comment
Post contains 272 words, total size 2 kb.

March 13, 2006

George Clooney as: 'The Liberal' (Translated)

George Clooney is holding forth at The Huffington Post. Here's a helpful translation from the original La-La-land dialect:

I Am a Liberal. There, I Said It!

I am a liberal. And I make no apologies for it. Hell, I'm proud of it.

Translation: Because I make my living pretending to be other people I use exclamation points to let you know when I'm being serious. I am assuming a role announcing a political orientation that allows me to have ready-made positions on all issues without having to think about them. I have even had some great pretend debates on liberal issues. So there. more...

Posted by: Bluto at 12:36 PM | Comments (25) | Add Comment
Post contains 575 words, total size 4 kb.

Britain Next to Become Defacto “Muslim State”

See the Western Resistance Blog who asks why and article was pulled from the UK Telegraph. The article points out the strategy for creating an Islamic mini-state inside Britain.

UK Telegraph Via Western Resistance : "They think they have won the debate," he says with a sigh. "They believe that the British Government has capitulated to them, because it feared the consequences if it did not.
"The cartoons, you see, have not been published in this country, and the Government has been very critical of those countries in which they were published. To many of the Islamic clerics, that's a clear victory.
"It's confirmation of what they believe to be a familiar pattern: if spokesmen for British Muslims threaten what they call 'adverse consequences' - violence to the rest of us - then the British Government will cave in. I think it is a very dangerous precedent."
Dr Sookhdeo adds that he believes that "in a decade, you will see parts of English cities which are controlled by Muslim clerics and which follow, not the common law, but aspects of Muslim sharia law.
"It is already starting to happen - and unless the Government changes the way it treats the so-called leaders of the Islamic community, it will continue."
For someone with such strong and uncompromising views, Dr Sookhdeo is a surprisingly gentle and easy-going man. He speaks with authority on Islam, as it was his first faith: he was brought up as a Muslim in Guyana, the only English colony in South America, and attended a madrassa there.
"But Islamic instruction was very different in the 1950s, when I was at school," he says. "There was no talk of suicide bombing or indeed of violence of any kind. Islam was very peaceful."

"That is why they do not believe in integration. In 1980, the Islamic Council of Europe laid out their strategy for the future - and the fundamental rule was never dilute your presence. That is to say, do not integrate.
"Rather, concentrate Muslim presence in a particular area until you are a majority in that area, so that the institutions of the local community come to reflect Islamic structures. The education system will be Islamic, the shops will serve only halal food, there will be no advertisements showing naked or semi-naked women, and so on."
That plan, says Dr Sookhdeo, is being followed in Britain. "That is why you are seeing areas which are now almost totally Muslim. The next step will be pushing the Government to recognise sharia law for Muslim communities - which will be backed up by the claim that it is "racist" or "Islamophobic" or "violating the rights of Muslims" to deny them sharia law

So again we see the only rights Islam respects is their own. Never mind every one else, just donÂ’t upset them. Why are we in the west allowing ourselves to suffer the degradation of our rights while allowing a repressive system to rob us of our own sovereignty? Is this not sedition or treason? They seek to form a state within a state openly thwarting and doing and end around of the legitimate authority of the British Crown. Yes, sounds like organized treason to me!

Posted by: Howie at 12:22 PM | Comments (17) | Add Comment
Post contains 549 words, total size 3 kb.

February 26, 2006

Open Thread: Olympic Sports You'd Like to See

In a previous post I rated the GAY, STRAIGHT, or METROSEXUAL aspects of selected Winter Olympic sports. Hilarity ensued, with the bonus that we were able to mortally offend a fullblown moonbat who shall remain nameless so as not to offend her life partner, Boris.

Commenter slug has requested an open thread for the sports we'd like to see introduced.

Please keep your posts at the customary PG-13 level. Unless they're really funny.

Posted by: Bluto at 05:29 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
Post contains 89 words, total size 1 kb.

February 23, 2006

Blogburst Announcement - 'Stand Up For Denmark'

Denmark support_small.jpg

The Freedom's Zone international blogging community is encouraging all bloggers to help 'Stand Up For Denmark' by immediately writing a post on Christopher Hitchens' call for a demonstration at the Embassy of Denmark, between noon and 1 p.m. this Friday, Feb. 24.

Please be outside the Embassy of Denmark, 3200 Whitehaven Street (off Massachusetts Avenue) between noon and 1 p.m. this Friday, Feb. 24. Quietness and calm are the necessities, plus cheerful conversation. Danish flags are good, or posters reading "Stand By Denmark" and any variation on this theme (such as "Buy Carlsberg/ Havarti/ Lego") The response has been astonishing and I know that the Danes are appreciative. But they are an embassy and thus do not of course endorse or comment on any demonstration. Let us hope, however, to set a precedent for other cities and countries. Please pass on this message to friends and colleagues.
Please also post that for those who cannot attend the demonstration, they are encouraged to call and email the Danish embassy, and offer their support and appreciation for their standing up to freedom and the right of free speech that is so much a part of our Western culture:
Embassy of Denmark
3200 Whitehaven St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20008
Tel: +1 (202) 234-4300
Fax: +1 (202) 328-1470

Email: wasamb@um.dk

After the date of the event, bloggers are encouraged to post on at least 3 "free speech" issues a week, and also encourage their readers to continue voicing their concern and support for free speech by emailing their friends to help keep the emails of support (to the Danish embassy) going for the Dane's stand on freedom over sharia.

More information and updates are available at Freedom's Zone.

Freedom's Zone was founded by a coalition of American and Italian bloggers, and is owned by the international blogging community that supports it through posting and sharing the message and it's mission.

A new "Stand Up For Denmark" Freedom's Zone logo will be available at the site tomorow. Just link back to FZ from your blog.

Posted by: Richard@hyscience at 12:45 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 353 words, total size 3 kb.

February 16, 2006

The Arabs Parallel Universe - From An Arab/Muslim's Perspective

Rantings Of A Sandmonkey has a couple of interesting posts up that I'd go so far as to say offer important insight to non-Muslims on some prevalent opinions and the world view of many Arab/Muslims - from the advantage point of a moderate Arab/Muslim's perspective. In one of his previous posts a reader (Jeffrey) had left a comment describing a phenomenon that he had noticed over the past 3 years of viewing middle-eastern news, something he referred to as the A.P.U., (Arab Parallel Universe).

Sandmonkey writes that the A.P.U. was created by Arabs to explain to themselves why they are in the rut they have been for so long, while also glorifying their personal victories against a world that is always conspiring against them. In the A.P.U., events that happen in our real universe also occur, except that the fashion of their occurrence and their outcome are very different then what we- in the real universe-know them to be. In referring to the commenter he writes:

It amazed me that he came to that conclusion, since it brilliantly summed up something that I have been trying to describe for years. I immediately told all my family and friends about it and upon their realization that we are all citizens of the A.P.U., they started giving me examples and evidence of that geographic phenomenon. In this post I will try to explain some of the rules of the A.P.U., and list examples of them for the sake of explaining to the rest of the world the rules of our very fun parallel Universe.
You can read all of his commentary at his site, but here is a summary and conclusion; the 7 political rules of the APU are:
1) Arabs never make mistakes, and they rarely lose wars.
2) The Zionists and the Americans are always to blame for everything that is wrong in the APU.
3) If there is any credit at all that can be contributed to Arabs in any way, they will take it.
4) Good leadership is inversely related to how US-friendly a leader is!
5) Any media that is not the official state-owned media is filled with Zionist, Jewish, American, Christian, imperialist, anti-arab influences and they LIE ALL THE TIME!
6) There is really no need for elections in the APU, because Presidents and rulers are presidents and rulers for life.
7) The only viable alternative candidate to the current leader or president is this current leader or presidentÂ’s son.
In a follow-up, today he posts another comment from a reader, Elengil, who he says he'd so have a crush on for her brain alone if it weren't for the fact that she was already involved. In what he refers to as representing the prevelant opinion amongst those in the APU, he posts Elengil's comments: more...

Posted by: Richard@hyscience at 10:42 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
Post contains 781 words, total size 5 kb.

February 14, 2006

Pappy Boyington

The University of Washington, in response to a proposal to erect a monument for decorated WWII Marine pilot Col. Gregory "Pappy" Boyington, decided that they didn't need "any more monuments to rich white men" and that they weren't too keen on the idea of putting up a monument that, you know, dealt with like, war and killing and stuff. Minutes of the meeting here: (http://senate.asuw.org/secretary/minutes/senate/12/02-07-2006.pdf))

(h/t Ace O' Spades).

Well, as it turns out the student senate (contact information here: http://www.asuw.org/directory.php) is having another senate meeting tonight, 2/14 at 5pm.

If you feel moved, drop them a line.

If you're alumni, feel free to tell them to go to hell.

Double that if you're a vet.

Just for reference, they wanted to have work started (not necessarily completed) by Jan 11, 2008 - the 20th anniversary of his death. Read through the minutes, fascinating stuff.


This is the current response from the student council president, who I am sure, is getting deluged right now. I have to give the guy credit - it's a mature response in what must be a trying situation. He doesn't dodge or spin, he's taking responsibility - I think there are a number of DC denizens who would do well to heed his example.

The blog news and the draft minutes that were posted are inaccurate. First, Ashley Miller's statements were highlighting, as a point of information, that the majority of our statues are white males, which was an issue previously addressed last year, this is not in any way meant to go against Colonel Boyington. It was noted by the sponsor, Andrew Everett, about Boyington's heritage later. Jill Edwards made here statements as an individual, and it should not be assumed she speaks for all students. Karl Smith wanted to honor his service as a whole (he risked his life, endured 20 months in a POW Camp) in an effort to bring more support from a number of students who do not morally agree with war. These statements are in public discourse that has been and will always be at the University of Washington to educate on the questions and issues of our society.

I would also like to remind you that as ASUW President I cosponsored this bill to create a memorial, it failed by one vote, and a good majority of those who voted against it wanted more inclusion of other alumni who were combat veterans who earned the Medal of Honor. This week a new resolution to that effect is being drafted and introduced. In the meantime the ASUW supports veterans in other ways, currently we are supporting state legislation that will hopefully pass and guarantee veterans tuition waivers. In the end, the buck stops here, I would appreciate further comments to be made to me. Please do not participate or condone the hate-filled comments and phone calls made toward individuals in our student government. It has been appalling to see what is being said to people. I too am nauseated.

Thank you for you statements.
Lee Dunbar

Posted by: Bravo Romeo Delta at 12:38 PM | Comments (45) | Add Comment
Post contains 513 words, total size 3 kb.

February 06, 2006

European Islamists Counter Danes With Cartoons Depicting Hitler, Holocaust

Welcome World Net Daily and Glenn Beck readers! Please feel free to leave comments and look around while you're here.

A European Islamic organization called the Arab European League has countered the recent cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammed with cartoons of their own, questioning the Holocaust and showing Anne Frank in bed with Hitler. This statement explains their rationale:

After the lectures that Arabs and Muslims received from Europeans on Freedom of Speech and on Tolerance. And after that many European newspapers republished the Danish cartoons on the Prophet Mohammed. AEL decided to enter the cartoon business and to use our right to artistic expression.

Just like the newspapers in Europe claim that they only want to defend the freedom of speech and do not desire to stigmatise Muslims,we also do stress that our cartoons are not meant as an offence to anybody and ought not to be taken as a statement against any group, community or historical fact.

If it is the time to break Taboos and cross all the red lines, we certainly do not want to stay behind.

While I'm reproducing one of the cartoons below in the spirit of fairplay, I certainly don't endorse the message. more...

Posted by: Bluto at 12:15 AM | Comments (195) | Add Comment
Post contains 396 words, total size 3 kb.

February 04, 2006

Is This The Face Of Islam?

Jordanian editors arrested over Danish cartoon

From BBC News:

Two Jordanian newspaper editors who published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad have been arrested.
Jihad Momani and Hisham Khalidi are accused of insulting religion under Jordan's press and publications law.
Here's what Momani wrote to accompany the cartoon:
"Muslims of the world be reasonable.

What brings more prejudice against Islam, these caricatures or pictures of a hostage-taker slashing the throat of his victim in front of the cameras or a suicide bomber who blows himself up during a wedding ceremony in Amman?"

Or a so-called moderate Islamic government that arrests editors for printing cartoons.

Also posted at The Dread Pundit Bluto and Vince Aut Morire.

Posted by: Bluto at 11:26 PM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
Post contains 124 words, total size 1 kb.

Muhammad Cartoon Rage Via Email (Updated)

Although we have an email privacy policy (at Hyscience - where originally posted) that assures readers that their emails are never published, we have a long-standing tradition that the policy DOES NOT APPLY TO DEATH THREATS. The majority of death threats that we get are to us personally, and some of those have been posted in the past.

However, today we received an email from Belani Bulasin in Turkey, that applies to all of us "blasphemous Westerners." His English is better than what we've seen from most jihadist emails in the past, so one would assume that he is bright and educated.

While he's certainly entitled to his opinion of whether or not the images of Muhammad should or should not have been posted, making death threats to individuals or a civilization, or to any persons of any group of any size in between, is inappropriate and unacceptable behavior in today's world.

This applies to everyone, even those who by choice or happenstance live in a stoneage culture, and follow a violent and intolerant religion that worships someone they view as a prophet, but who is viewed by much of the world as the wellspring of terrorism.

Since Belani's message applies to the entire Western civilization, and is indicative of the intolerant, violent, hateful, and murderous religion that he follows, radical Islam, a belief that follows jihad and seeks world domination, and submission to Islam by non-radical Muslims and non-Muslims alike, we feel it very appropriate to post his email here:

Hyscience Message from Belani Bulasin

karasahan@e-kolay.net to admin
Feb 3 (12 hours ago)

From: Belani Bulasin (
Email: karasahan@e-kolay.net

I'd like to let you know a Turkish saying reads as "a dog which was destined to be dead soon, urinates on a wall of a mosque! You blasphemous Westerners all are very like that dog in the saying!

Belani Bulasin

Readers are encouraged to voice their opinion on this matter, and to offer Belani their input and advice as to what they think about his threat, what therapy he and his fellow followers of the wellspring of world wide Islamic terrorism and Islamofascism might consider, and what you think of people that have a sand dune, stoneage, intolerant, mindset such as his.

Readers are also encouraged to be very polite. Remember, Belani needs therapy, not more abuse. He was probably abused as a child, or perhaps that dog at the mosque just happens to have "special meaning" for him. We want to let him know that we consider him our friend, albeit a bit misguided.

Update: I missed this one earlier, this one from an annonymous sender:

Anonymous Sender to admin Feb 3

I had a dream last night after looking at your blog.
Severe tragedy will kill or crush you this year.
I think it will be your son killed in Iraq.
Or maybe something worst.
You will be amazed at my prediction.
This i promise you.
Keep up your attacks on muslims.

Nice man!

Originally posted at Hyscience

Posted by: Richard@hyscience at 08:13 AM | Comments (25) | Add Comment
Post contains 512 words, total size 3 kb.

January 09, 2006

Spam, Spam, Beautiful Spam!

You know, the one really cool thing about fatwas is that if a prominent religious leader issued one against spammers they'd mess their pants, which would be just plain joyous to contemplate. Sometimes all this whiggish tolerance for individual deviance is just too tedious to be tolerated.

I'm just sayin'...

(Cross-posted to Demosophia)

Posted by: Demosophist at 05:15 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 61 words, total size 1 kb.

January 04, 2006

Indian Director To Glorify Suicide Bombers

Indian moviemaker Mahesh Bhatt plans to film "Suicide Bomber", starring his own son as a confused young man running away from an unsuccessful attempt in the 7/7 attacks.

From Reuters:

"Muslims are demonized by the western nations especially after the so-called war on terror. The gulf between Muslims and the rest of the world is widening," Bhatt said.

"The film will be an attempt to clarify Islam is not demonic and to delve into the mind of a young suicide bomber to try to find out what drives him to reject life for a violent death."

This is not a big mystery. What drives suicide bombers is indoctrination into the cult of violence espoused by radical Islam. Oh yeah, also personal greed and lust (72 virgins, anyone?).

Bhatt doesn't explain how western media are "demonizing" Islam while maintaining a stout embargo on images from the 9/11 attacks.

Bhatt should research the cult of Kali, which murdered thousands of innocent victims before being exterminated by the British in the nineteenth century. If Bhatt and other so-called moderate Muslims don't wake up, and stop seeking excuses for the barbarians sheltering within their own religion, history could repeat itself.

Also posted at The Dread Pundit Bluto.

Posted by: Bluto at 02:17 PM | Comments (17) | Add Comment
Post contains 214 words, total size 2 kb.

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