February 16, 2006

The Arabs Parallel Universe - From An Arab/Muslim's Perspective

Rantings Of A Sandmonkey has a couple of interesting posts up that I'd go so far as to say offer important insight to non-Muslims on some prevalent opinions and the world view of many Arab/Muslims - from the advantage point of a moderate Arab/Muslim's perspective. In one of his previous posts a reader (Jeffrey) had left a comment describing a phenomenon that he had noticed over the past 3 years of viewing middle-eastern news, something he referred to as the A.P.U., (Arab Parallel Universe).

Sandmonkey writes that the A.P.U. was created by Arabs to explain to themselves why they are in the rut they have been for so long, while also glorifying their personal victories against a world that is always conspiring against them. In the A.P.U., events that happen in our real universe also occur, except that the fashion of their occurrence and their outcome are very different then what we- in the real universe-know them to be. In referring to the commenter he writes:

It amazed me that he came to that conclusion, since it brilliantly summed up something that I have been trying to describe for years. I immediately told all my family and friends about it and upon their realization that we are all citizens of the A.P.U., they started giving me examples and evidence of that geographic phenomenon. In this post I will try to explain some of the rules of the A.P.U., and list examples of them for the sake of explaining to the rest of the world the rules of our very fun parallel Universe.
You can read all of his commentary at his site, but here is a summary and conclusion; the 7 political rules of the APU are:
1) Arabs never make mistakes, and they rarely lose wars.
2) The Zionists and the Americans are always to blame for everything that is wrong in the APU.
3) If there is any credit at all that can be contributed to Arabs in any way, they will take it.
4) Good leadership is inversely related to how US-friendly a leader is!
5) Any media that is not the official state-owned media is filled with Zionist, Jewish, American, Christian, imperialist, anti-arab influences and they LIE ALL THE TIME!
6) There is really no need for elections in the APU, because Presidents and rulers are presidents and rulers for life.
7) The only viable alternative candidate to the current leader or president is this current leader or presidentÂ’s son.
In a follow-up, today he posts another comment from a reader, Elengil, who he says he'd so have a crush on for her brain alone if it weren't for the fact that she was already involved. In what he refers to as representing the prevelant opinion amongst those in the APU, he posts Elengil's comments:
(In the) Arab Parallel Universe...

"Collective punishment is wrong. But only against us. If we decide to collectively punish you, then that's ok because you all deserve it. But don't you dare generalize all of us, no matter how much we generalize you. Oh and by the way, an attack on one Arab country is an attack on all Arab countries.. but please don't assume that means an attack BY one Arab country means an attack by all Arab countries cause that would be a logical falacy. Somehow.

So remember:
Generalizations of us by you: Wrong
Generalizations of you by us: Right

And don't you dare criticize our violence, cause then we'll kill you, and that'll just prove how peaceful we really are! Take that you American and Zionist pig-dogs and your Democratically elected leaders that we hate and have caused the world to turn on you. But don't you dare criticise "our" democratically elected terrorist organization, because they were elected, so you have to like them, no matter how much we hate your democratically elected leaders - it's right to assume that the whole of America supported everything Bush stood for since as many as 50% voted for him, but it would be wrong to assume that every Palestinian supports everything Hamas stands for since only around 80% voted for them."

I can't help but wonder just how many Arab/Muslims subscribe to the views of the A.P.U!

Perhaps the real summation here is that of a sobering perspective; in such a mindset so completely set apart from reason and reality, how can those outside the APU possibly communicate and reason with those inside it? Thus, we have a true measure of what the West faces in trying to breach a very great divide.

Originally posted at Hyscience

Posted by: Richard@hyscience at 10:42 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
Post contains 781 words, total size 5 kb.

1 The APU was coined and invented by Jeffery. His blog: http://jarrarsupariver.blogspot.com/ Tell him I sent you.

Posted by: Rubin at February 16, 2006 11:15 PM (7pPKs)

2 APU meme is a lovely summing up. Wonder what people from across arab world would make of it? Add some lines, remove some, etc. nice start. by the way what you call reality for us is also sometimes not so 'real'.

Posted by: james at February 17, 2006 12:56 AM (CJAj5)

3 "Smoke me a Kipper, I'll be back for breakfast" Ace Rimmer.

Posted by: jonny at February 17, 2006 01:15 AM (nytWC)

4 Arabs are animals and deserve every bit of the misery they can get. I now wish they would turn Saddam loose and put him back in charge of Iraq, and tell him he'd get a new arms shipment for every neighboring country he wiped off the map.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at February 17, 2006 05:17 AM (0yYS2)

5 Take everything you have said, reverse it and you have The Western Parrellel Universe. "either your with us or against" and etc That is the problem we are ll living in parrellel universes, while the real universe is under populated, come on back, plenty of room for you all here. Only the Seth speak in absolutes

Posted by: Paddy at February 17, 2006 06:00 AM (S/nu3)

6 Here is the SM post where Jeffery mentions the A.P.U. Jeffrey coined the term on the comment pages of other blogs (probably Raed Jarrars, when he had comments). The comment pages are Jeffrey -- New York's indigenous environment.

Posted by: CMAR II at February 17, 2006 07:19 AM (in7N3)

7 "only the Sith speak in absolutes" So it turns out this whole time there was never a "Dark" side to the Force after all. The Force is just shades of grey now. Senator Palpatine wasn't really evil, he just had a different point of view. And with that thoughtless political shot at conservatives, George Lucas contradicts 30 years of his own Star Wars canon.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at February 17, 2006 08:36 AM (paKD6)

8 It sounds to me like the APU is really not very different than the "Reality-based Universe" of the Left here in the West. No wonder these two enemies of mankind have gotten together. It's like, well, a family reunion.

Posted by: jesusland joe at February 17, 2006 10:11 AM (rUyw4)

9 Jesusland Carlos, Actually, Paddy said "Only the SETH speak in absolutes"..."Seth" refers to Seth Green who played the son of Dr. Evil. Dr. Evil could only imagine his son wanting to be an "evil veteranarian" or running an "evil petting zoo". Of course people like that don't actually exist. The idea of K.A.O.S. guys with scars on their faces, a clouded eye, hooks for hands, sitting around a table brainstorming their next "evil plot" isn't reality. Really? Here and here (update 1) and here "What was the nature of the enemy there?". And lets not forget the story of Baby Noor, who when US Marines were working to get her medical help in the US, they had to contact her family in secret: Lt. Jeff Morgan: "We did a lot of things to protect the identity of these people. We visited them when we could, which was usually in the middle of the night, as covertly as possible, because the insurgents in Iraq like to find people that we're trying to help sometimes and either terrorize them or sometimes worse." Sgt. Archer Ford: "We are always concerned that talking to anybody longer than a normal conversation will put them in danger".

Posted by: CMAR II at February 17, 2006 10:22 AM (gJ2Uz)

10 The attack on September 11 was certainly not about people hating our freedoms. It was purely in response to America's foreign policy; and it was primarily about our monetary and military support of Israel. many others say that they must fight America for its support of 50 years of Israel's terrorism against the Palestinian and other Mideastern people. He says this in precisely the same way that some say we must bomb Afghanistan into further oblivion for supporting the terrorism of Bin Laden. America is seen as a terrorist nation for having supported the Israeli ethnic cleansing of 700,000 Palestinians from their land and homes and the stripping them of their most basic human rights, even depriving them of the right to live where they were born! America is accused of supporting terrorism for backing Israel, even America is aware that Israel tortures 500 to 600 Palestinians in its jails each month. America is called terrorist for supporting Israel even as it killed 40,000 Lebanese in its invasion of that country. They ask the world how America could support Israel even as it bombed civilian Red Cross shelters and killed women and children by the score. Millions of people ask how the President of the United States could dine in the White House with Israel Sharon, a man with a proven history of massacring civilians, and who even Israel held responsible for the cold-blooded murder of 2000 people at the Sabra and Shatila camps in Lebanon. America is also called a terrorist state for causing the death of more than 500,000 Iraqi children. It is difficult for us to act morally superior to our enemies when our own U.S. Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, told Leslie Stahl of CBS that America's causing the death of 500,000 Iraqi children was "worth it." What would you say, of someone who thinks it is worth killing 500,000 children in order to punish one man? We must cut off the source of terrorism. That source is not Muslim fundamentalism, it is American support for Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people. The American government has been supporting the Jewish Supremacist State of Israeli with economic and military funding, though Israel denies the basic human rights of Palestinians. We believe that our economic and military aid to Israel has caused tremendous hatred toward America and that unlimitedly, it is the American people who suffers the consequences. Any nation that bombs another naturally creates millions of angry enemies against it. America has repeatedly done that in recent times. We have taken sides in foreign conflicts, offered military assistance and weapons, and even bombed other nations. Our actions have caused the loss of many thousands of lives, including the lives of thousands of civilians. Many of the nations we bombed had never harmed a single American or acted in any way against the interests the United States. For instance, we now partially blame Afghanistan for what happened on September 11. Have we conveniently forgotten that we bombed Afghanistan (and killed many innocent civilians) three years ago when we tried to kill Osama Bin Laden. Afghanistan is led by the same people we previously helped against the Soviets. At that time, we actually supported the terroristic activities of Osama Bin Laden against the Soviets and their collaborators. When Bin Laden later turned against us, we attempted to kill him by bombing Afghanistan. We have seen the intense reaction of Americans to the attack on the Trade Centers. What would be the reaction of Americans to any nation who fired Cruise missiles and dropped thousands of bombs on America? After Clinton's bombing of Afghanistan, the Taliban promised revenge against America. September 11 may be that revenge. We bombed Iraq after it invaded Kuwait, yet we supported Saddam Hussein with money and arms when he warred with Iran. In contrast, we continued to monetarily and militarily support Israel even after it invaded Lebanon and killed tens of thousands of Lebanese civilians. We support the Zionist state even though it tortures thousands of political prisoners in its jails. American support enabled Israel to ethnically cleanse itself of 700,000 Palestinians. Bush says we must strike down terrorists wherever they are in the whole world, but he has shared tea and crumpets with Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, one of the world's leading most brutal and bloodthirsty terrorists. Sharon committed a number of crimes against humanity, among them the massacre of 2,000 men, women and children in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon. Mr. Bush did not strike Mr. Sharon, instead he toasted him. But why must the media and government create this huge, absurd lie about why we were attacked on September 11. This Big Lie is, of course, meant to hide an obvious truth. Its purpose is to keep Americans from associating this attack with our Israeli policy. If that happens people might begin to wonder if it is in our true interest to having given Israel countless billions of our dollars. They might begin to wonder if it is good for America to serve as the Israeli's shock troops and techno killers in attacks on Israel's enemies such as Iraq. So, the unvarnished truth is that we suffered the terror of September 11 because of our support of the criminal policies of Israel. We have let our country be controlled by a foreign lobby that has worked against the best interests of the American people. Israel has time and again proven it is not really our friend. It has conducted covert terrorist activities against America such as the Lavon affair in Egypt. It has deliberately attacked the USS Liberty with unmarked fighters and torpedo boats causing 174 American casualties in an attempt to blame Egypt and garner American support during the war of 1967. It has spied on us and stolen our greatest secrets, such as in the Jonathan Pollard affair. It has sold secret American technologies to the Communist Chinese. It has stolen nucleur materials from the United States. It has tricked America into bombing other nations such as in the attack on Libya in 1986. I could go on and on about Israel's treachery against the America. And now, under guidance of the Israel Lobby and the Jewish controlled media, the Zionists are preparing America to strike a massive blow against all of Israel's mortal enemies in a global war. They are already talking about not only bombing, but invading and occupying whole nations such as Libya, Iran, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Such would spawn a huge wave of hatred and retribution against America from all over the planet. The costs of such a war would cost the American people untold billions of dollars and could well cause the deaths of thousands of Americans. Finally, such a war would not end terrorism, but only spawn more acts of terror against us.

Posted by: johnf at February 17, 2006 05:29 PM (8kpQK)

11 ban this moron asap.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at February 17, 2006 05:37 PM (M3nr/)

12 The day I'll call Israel a terrorist nation is the day when I see a young jewish boy or girl carry a vest loaded with C-4 walk into a Palastine school. Or an Isreali teen drive a car bomb into an arab marketplace. Or a group of Jewish men, 19 - 30, fly a plane into some sky scraper in Saudi Arabia. THEN, I will believe that Israel is a terrorist nation.

Posted by: David at February 17, 2006 06:05 PM (VTNWd)

13 johnf...that screed was a joke, right? Or you are a jihadist pretending to be an American. Which is it?

Posted by: jesusland joe at February 17, 2006 11:07 PM (rUyw4)

14 Dr. Sanity's brilliant post about shame and guilt cultures goes a long way toward explaining the foundations of the A.P.U.

Posted by: amba at February 19, 2006 02:49 PM (g/KhV)

15 I can't believe nobody saw this... johnf got the post, and proceeded to offer a demonstration of the APU. Bravo, John!

Posted by: Joe Katzman at February 22, 2006 07:36 PM (FCfOM)

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