April 04, 2006

Aztlan: What the Illegals Really Want

Wormed into the very heart of the illegal immigrant "civil rights" movement is the concept of Aztlan, and people like Hector Carreon. Carreon's La Voz de Aztlan (The Voice of Aztlan) is one of the network of subversive websites that helped organize the recent marches in several US cities.

What is Aztlan?
The dateline from this article by Carreon about an "Immigrant Sanctuary" voted in by useful idiots on the city council of Coachella, CA reads [emphasis added]: "Los Angeles, Alta California - March 24, 2006" Alta (Upper) California means that Carreon doesn't recognize the states of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and Wyoming as belonging to the United States. Alta California was what this region was called under Mexican rule in the nineteenth century. Aztlan includes this territory plus a healthy chunk of Texas, all of which the Latino separatist organizations that helped organize the mass demonstrations intend to return to Mexican control. That's why demonstrators waved Mexican flags, and harassed those who tried to wave American flags.

But back to Hector Carreon; what sort of person is he? Well, he's the sort who believes that Nick Berg wasn't killed by Islamist terrorists, but decapitated by Americans in Abu Ghraib. Carreon also enjoys (don't visit this link if you're even a little bit squeamish) displaying gruesome pictures, purportedly of wounded GIs, who he claims are being "put to sleep" by American doctors.

More on this later, including MEchA, the racist Latino student organization also working to make Aztlan a reality.

Also posted at The Dread Pundit Bluto and Vince Aut Morire.

Posted by: Bluto at 10:57 PM | Comments (19) | Add Comment
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1 It's about time Jawa blogged Aztlan. Aztlanists are right up there with islamic terrorists on my shit list. What they want would lead to nothing short of bloody ethnic violence and civil war. And to them, patriotic hispanics like me are "vendidos"-- we are sold out to whitey. So I'm right up there on their shit list too if they ever take over.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at April 05, 2006 12:44 AM (8e/V4)

2 As an 8th generation Californian(Family sailed around the horn almost 200 years ago) I think someone should give these guys a history lesson. Russia took California away from France (yes France, Mexico and its states were a French colony for several hundred years!) in the 18th century. James K Polk sent Captain Freemont to San Francisco ( The Othodox Catholic name given the city by the Russians in the 18th century, the Mexican name for SF was Yerba Buena)to tell the Russians not to interfere with our plebiscite in 1848 (We actually had an effective intelligence agency back then and Knox Polk knew about the gold 2 years before the rest of the world) The Russians and the Bolsheviks hated America for 150 years becaus of this. It is also why the French gave Jefferson the Louisiana territory for such a low price; they knew they could not defend it and something was better than nothing. Of course many of the people who believe "America" took California away from "Mexico" also believe 911 was a Mossad operation and all the Jews stayed home from work that day! They make up history to suit their agendum.

Posted by: Rod Stanton at April 05, 2006 03:45 AM (HpV+N)

3 Can you imagine the nightmare if the Mexican-American border didn't just run along the southern states and instead ran all the way up through Arizona, Utah and north of there? By now they would be demanding Oklahoma, Kansas and Iowa. And if anyone thinks they were any kinder to native indians, they've got another thing coming.

Posted by: Oyster at April 05, 2006 04:53 AM (YudAC)

4 Yesterday I saw a truck with a decal that read Viva Mi Raza. Nobody will ever speak one word in protest of this, but if I get a WHITE POWER bumpersticker, I'll be arrested. It's about time to start the shooting.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at April 05, 2006 05:54 AM (0yYS2)

5 Subject: What will the future "Populist Vote" be like??? The problem is that years of government inaction on enforcing our laws and of having virtually open borders, have bred a "false sense of security," and an attitude of "arrogance" in most of these illegal Mexicans and Central Americans, such as that of the man interviewed on the Spanish speaking TV network, Univision, who has already been deported "eight" times back to El Salvador, and yet says "he will keep coming back," nonchalantly with a snicker of indifference on his face; or that of Jorge Ramos the Univision TV anchor, and Jaime Rodriguez, self proclaimed "organizer" of the LA demonstrations and the forthcoming May 1st protests, who have repeatedly retorted in TV interviews to critics of the "Amnesty" Legislation so many are trying to shove down our collective throats in Washington, "defiantly" and with a smirk of "in your face" smugness on their faces: "So, we are here now America, and we are going nowhere. What are you going to do about it ???" confident in their "hubris" that we will either find it too controversial, or inhumane, or politically incorrect, won't have the rersolve, or just won't have "the balls," to simply begin to enforce our laws, actively crackdown on illegal immigrants, and systematically deport them, as well we should!!! From what we have witnessed over the last two weeks with American flags being flown upside-down beneath Mexican flags, and Mexican flags being hoisted in our schools, the "this is our land" posters, and the "Che Guevara," "It's time for revolution" T-shirts worn by all the "La Raza" and "Aztlan" sympathizers whose professed goal is to symply overrun us demographically to in effect take back the American Southwest, and indeed the rest of the US, by fiat of their sheer numbers reflected in the "populist vote"; any person not blinded by "saccharine idealism," or "political ideology" can discern that many of these people have the least desire to "integrate" and or "assimilate" into our society, which they hate in principle as having "exploited" them and robbed them (Mexico) of their land, and which in their minds many have come to equate to their former "Spanish Overlords," whom they have been taught to despise for generations, but rather on asserting their "national identities and customs," and imposing their "culture" on us!!! As I have stated before in other posts, in a chilling analogy, viruses infect a “host” cell, by destroying its DNA and supplanting it with their own, which then goes on to turn out more copies of the invading virus. In a similar manner, if the shade of the things to come does not change...that may very well be the fate of America, and we will become just another "Mestizo" (those of mixed indian-spanish descent comprising 98% of the population of these countries) "Banana Republic," or an "extension of Mexico" as in the "Republica del Norte" Aztlan dreams.... God only knows that even today, standing on a street corner of many of our major cities, one would think he was in "Michoacan" or "Tegucigalpa," instead of on a street in America!!! Althor

Posted by: Althor at April 05, 2006 07:05 AM (wZLWV)

6 Q. Just say for a minute that we gave them aztlan........what would they do with it? A. Turn it into a total ghetto (all be it with latino style), spray painted everywhere with macho anarchist slogans and bullet riddled bodies amid the massive rubble. soundslike agreat idea to me. WAKE UP AMERICA

Posted by: n.a. palm at April 05, 2006 07:09 AM (uO8TL)

7 What they want is to take our part of the USA to make it part of mexico again lets just build a wall

Posted by: sandpiper at April 05, 2006 08:34 AM (O2c+K)

8 From : Santiago Valenzuela sanjavalen@gmail.com Sent : Wednesday, April 5, 2006 9:51 AM To : dreadpundit@hotmail.com, "rusty shackleford" mypetjawa@gmail.com Subject : Re: "What Illegals Really Want" Since the comments roll on the Jawa report is broken... That is a disgusting post. Of course you did not do any research into exactly how popular those racist, idiotic organizations are - or else you'd have not made the insulting claim that such is what the illegals "really want." These organizations are emancipated skeletons staffed by retards, not some big power player in the hispanic community, as you seem to wish to imply. They're practically nonexistant as a power in Texas and back in Los Angeles the only time I saw Mecha was a local campus club - which had a half dozen people in it total. Frankly its disgusting even by blogger standards to see such ignorance tossed out as fact. I know you'd like to knee-jerk against any illegal immigrant and stereotype them as some sort of evil terrorist/communist/traitor, but the facts of reality do not bear you out - at all. In the future, I would request you do not talk out of your ass and claim you know whats the illegal immigrants in America "really want." I'd expect this kind of thing from Kos, maybe, but I'm severely annoyed that Rusty has some joker on his website posting such nonsense. Santiago

Posted by: The Dread Pundit Bluto at April 05, 2006 08:47 AM (RHG+K)

9 Santiago is correct. Most hispanics have probably never even heard of Aztlan or Mecha. It's the equivalent of the marxist International Answer organizing a march and 10,000 useful idiot Liberals showing up. Two separate groups, yes. But they are like two separates hands that wash each other. I think it's valid to know what role Aztlanists have in ORGANIZING these rallies. Blog that, Bluto.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at April 05, 2006 09:11 AM (8e/V4)

10 Annexation of Mexico ItÂ’s time has come, Annexation may be to strong a word, but, as with Puerto Rico, A commonwealth may be the answer. Think of it, if Mexico were to become a commonwealth of the United States, the questions concerning our borders would be eliminated (or at least moved further south). We could then Utilize their resources creating a state that is self-sufficient and a productive partner of the United States

Posted by: Vegas Vic at April 05, 2006 09:14 AM (Ej1c6)

11 I consider every Mexican flag raised at an illegal immigrant rally in America to be a vote for Aztlan.

Posted by: The Dread Pundit Bluto at April 05, 2006 09:54 AM (RHG+K)

12 >>>>I consider every Mexican flag raised at an illegal immigrant rally in America to be a vote for Aztlan. Your comments, Santiago?

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at April 05, 2006 10:03 AM (8e/V4)

13 Rod - You do not understand. If big government liberals can not rewrite history to support their cause they would ban teaching it in school.

Posted by: Jo macDougal at April 05, 2006 10:09 AM (HpV+N)

14 OK Bluto here is something else to worry about. Saint Brendan discovered America, in 530 and claimed it. Every Irish flag you see raised MEANS WE ARE REASSERTING OUR SOVEREIGNTY !!!

Posted by: john Ryan at April 05, 2006 10:18 AM (TcoRJ)

15 For my own part, I don't have anything against Hispanics in general; in fact I like the hell out of them, because they're generally honest, decent, hardworking people and make good friends and neighbors, but I won't have any sonofabitch from here or anywhere else telling me they're going to take part of my country. We're going to have to hang a lot of muslims and liberals pretty soon, and if there's any La Raza assholes want it too, rope is plentiful and cheap.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at April 05, 2006 10:22 AM (0yYS2)

16 john ryan, if 500,000 illegal alien Irishmen show up waving their Irish flags, we'll have a problem with them too. Show some fucking respect in other people's country. Funny how Libtards like john ryan, who apologize for illegal alien disgustingly rude behaviour, are the first to criticize Americans overseas because they are "loud and obnoxious". John ryan, but not nearly as loud and obnoxious as people coming to our country and waving their foreign flags.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at April 05, 2006 10:35 AM (8e/V4)

17 Not to mention having the arrogance and audacity to take advantage of our lax enforcement of our immigration laws to go rally, half a million of them ("two million" acording to Javier Rodriguez, one of the organizers...yeah, right!), "demanding" that we naturalize them, flaunting their "illegal" status, and their Mexican flags, with impunity in our faces, chanting anti-American slogans, and basically telling us by their brazen actions, as did Jorge Ramos, the news anchor from the spanish speaking channel Univision, on the Lou Dobb interview: "They are here, they're not leaving, and what are you going to do about it?" with a cynical smirk of "hubris" on his face, confident in his view that the American people are too "politically correct," "effeminate," and "skittish," to have the "cojones" to just round them all up and send them packing back to Mexico where they belong!!! Politicians in Washington have a "vested" interest in keeping these influx of illegal aliens flowing into the country. We the People should take note of every politician, be it Senator Mc Cain (who perhaps it would have been better for us all, had he and his huge "ego" stayed back in the Hanoi Hilton,rather than all the mischief he keeps causing here in America in the Senate), or Senator Kennedy (you know if he supports something, it must be "bad" for America!), Republican, or Democrat, and "Vote Out of Office" all those who want to sell us out again, and are voting to shove down our throats this illegal invasion "AMNESTY" under whatever guise or name, such as "Guest Worker Program," they may push it or call it! It is about time in Congress, that they DO REFLECT the will of the people they "ostensibly" represent in Washington, and REALLY secure our border, enforce our Laws to begin with, and send these illegal aliens back as most Americans want. Period!!! We need more workers??? Overturn "Roe v. Wade," and start "making" Americans, here in the USA for a change, instead of "aborting them"! And in twenty years time we'll have all the workers we need!!! It is appalling that we've gotten to the point where we are even "outsourcing" that most basic function for the survival of any species or organism...."reproduction"!!!! We are getting ours from Mexico now to replenish our aging population!!! Althor

Posted by: Althor at April 05, 2006 12:41 PM (wZLWV)

18 Jesusland Carlos, The only problem I can think of with 500,000 Irishmen would be drunk in public..

Posted by: The Other Dave at April 05, 2006 03:15 PM (o03mE)

19 There is an "Aztlan Apartments" on the beachside here in Florida. So this movement is a lot larger than you think.

Posted by: Andre at April 05, 2006 03:33 PM (/u+1F)

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