April 11, 2006

Islamists Post Hit List of 'Apostates'

An Egyptian group calling itself the "al-JamaÂ’ah Consultative Council" has sent an e-mail hit list to people deemed 'apostates' yesterday. The group warned that those people on the list who had left the faith would have three days (as of yesterday) to repent or they would be killed. The group also warned that the wives and children of the Muslim apostates were being followed & would be killed.

Under Islamic Law, the maximum penalty for apostasy is death.

The list includes prominent Muslims living in the West who have spoken out against violent Islamic extremism and intolerance, some still living in Muslim countries, as well as Coptic Christians who have advocated equal treatment in Egypt.

According to Copts-United (hat tip: Clarity and Resolve) the group issued the following threat if the 'apostates' did not publicly repent:

we will follow them everywhere they go and at anytime; and they can never be far from the swords of truth, and they are closer to us that our shoelaces.

They are monitored day and night. We are fully aware of their hiding places, their houses, their childrenÂ’s schools, and the times when their wives are alone at home.

We gave our rules to the soldiers of God to execute the rule of God so that their blood can become close to God [to kill them] and burn their houses.

And we thank God that many of those infidels and atheists do not exist in the land of Islam, so that they do not defile the Islamic land with their rotten blood. They are in the land of infidelity, the land of idols, pagans, and Cross worshippers: in America, Canada, Switzerland, and Italy.

If they existed on a spot in the Islamic land, let us wash the places of their slaughter and beheading seven times to purify the Islamic land of the impurity of their blood. And let us captivate their women and enslave their children loot them. Let us apply the Islamic rule to them; and whoever kills one of them, will get his loot.

The fatwa was signed by Abu Dhur Al-Maqdishi, media commander in Al-JamaÂ’ah.

The list includes:

Wafa Sultan -- American Muslim psychologist who has spoken out against jihad, the silence of mainstream Muslims over terrorism, and the treatment of women in Islam. Sultan lives in the Los Angeles area.

Ahmad Subhi Mansur (Mansour)--a liberal Egyptian theologian condemned as an 'apostate' because he accepts only the Quran as authentic and rejects the sunnas. Mansur argues in his book "The Punishment of Apostasy" (out of print) that religious liberty is fundamental to Islam. Mansur's wife and children are also specifically threatened. Mansur live in the Virginia.

Adly Abadir -- Egyptian born Christian Coptic priest, exiled from Egypt and now living in Switzerland. Abadir is an outspoken advocate against the subjegation of Christians in Egypt and has testified before the U.S. Congress on the plight of Coptic minorities living under the thumb of Muslims.

Jamal Al-Banna-- moderate Egyptian theologian & brother of the founder of the Muslim Bortherhood who publicly disputes traditional Islamic teachings about the treatment of women & jihad, but like most Muslims justifies aggressiona against Jews. Al-Banna is probably under condemnation for his firm stance against dhimmitude and for freedom of religion and for his creation of the "Committee for the Defense of Victims of Terror-Fatwas"

Majdi Khalil-- American Muslim who has spoken out against terrorism and those that justify it in the Islamic world.

Hasan Ahmad Umar-- former President of the Egyptian Court of Appeals.

Muhammad ShaÂ’lan--- possibly the same Dr. Muhammed Sha'lan who is a professor of psychology at the oldest and most prestigious Islamic universty in the world, al Azhar.

Father Zakarias Butros-- Coptic priest living in Holland who runs a website devoted to standing up for Christians in Egypt, against attrocities committed by Muslims against Christians, and which invites Muslims to engage in dialogue.

SaÂ’d Al-Din Ibrahim-- liberal Egyptian human rights activist , board member of the Ibn Khaldun Center, and Professor of Sociology at the American University in Cairo. Ibrahim is a leading human rights activists who was arrested by the Egyptian government in 2000 to the applause of Islamists around the world. He is accused by Islamists of being a 'Zionist'.

Salah Muhsin--Egyptian who has spoken out against the Muslim Brotherhood.

Dr. Shakir Al-Nabulsi -- a Jordanian born liberal Muslim, chairman of the American Academic Association in Jordan, and co-signer of an anti-Islamist petition to the U.N calling for an end to the preaching of violence against apostates. Nabulsi now lives in Denver.

Al-Afif al-Akhdar--72 year old Tunisian born French secular Muslim. The Tunisian Islamic movement Al-Nahdha, issued a death fatwa against the him for his book "The Unknown in the Prophet's Life". In addition to exposing the hypocrisy of Muslims on terrorism, Akhdar has also been at the forefront of exposing the political motivations behind Muslim regimes using the Danish Mohammed cartoons to drum up anti-Western sentiment. More on Akhdar here.

Unknown targets-- if you know who these individuals are, please warn them that they may be the target of Muslim extremists!

America -- Nidal NaÂ’isah, Fatin Nur

Canada-- Uthman Muhammad Ali & his family.

Holland-- Nahid Mitwali

Italy--Khalid Hilal

Jordan--Umar Abu Rassa, Ramadan Abd AlRahman Ali

Syria--Samir Hasan Ibrahim

Egypt--Abd al Fattah Asakir, Muhammad Shibl, Muhammad Said al Mushtahari, Abd al-Latif SaÂ’id, Ayman Muhammad Abd Al Rahman, Walid Muhammad Abd al-Rahman, Taha Hilal, Isam Nafi, Ahmad ShaÂ’ban, Amru Ismail, Abd-Al-Karim Sulayman

If you know any of the above individuals, they should be immediately warned. We hope that law enforcement officials are already aware of the danger posed to these people and pray for their safety.

UPDATE: Patrick from Clarity and Resolve in an e-mail points me to this story. Apparently, the threat was e-mailed directly to those who have been targetted, so I was wrong when I earlier stated that the threat had been posted on the internet.

Asharq Alawsat:

Dr. Wafa Sultan, who lives in California , pointed out that the source of the latest threat differed from the dozens she had previously received because it was made by a group and not an individual. She expressed fear for her life as the message included personal information about the recipients, as well as the names of some of their spouses and children. Sultan vowed to inform the U.S authorities of the email and seek their protection.

For his part, Dr, Shakir Nabulsi, a resident of Denver, Colorado, said he was not afraid of the threat as he had received several others before and refused to be frightened by terrorists.

Refusing to bow to the demands of terrorists, Dr. Ahmad Subhi Mansour, who lives I Virginia, said he would take the threat seriously and indicated the message was probably originated in Egypt .

The Islamic thinker Jamal al Banna, brother of the Hssan al Banna, the founder of the Muslim Bortherhood, denied any knowledge of the organization calling itself “Supporters of God’s Messenger”, which included his name in a list of 31 supporters. He described its threat as “nonsense” and said the authors were “Satan’s soldiers”.

Posted by: Rusty at 04:36 PM | Comments (53) | Add Comment
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1 : beheading seven times

that seems a trifle enthusiastic...

Posted by: jonathan riley at April 11, 2006 07:19 PM (jADvF)

2 Such a peaceful religion. I wish peace upon them all; the perfect peace of the grave.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at April 11, 2006 07:27 PM (0yYS2)

3 Crazy ass Islam. What a load of religious crap! I really hate this false religion. I really do!

Posted by: Leatherneck at April 11, 2006 07:28 PM (D2g/j)

4 "America -- Nidal NaÂ’isah, Fatin Nur" Fatin Nur... Baha'u'llah's family name was al-Nuri, "of the Light" Fatin Nur MAY (possibly) be a Baha'i, but there was official notification Monday that the Baha'is of Egypt had been 'granted' freedom of religion, freedom to worship as they choose! So I wouldn't be surprised if there were an official 'freedom to worship' smile pasted over this murderous reality underneath!

Posted by: Karridine at April 11, 2006 07:53 PM (PjKwr)

5 Yeah, and you thought the little goth kids who sacrificed the neighbor's cat so that Satan would make them cool at school were freaks...

Posted by: w3 at April 11, 2006 08:02 PM (DRifx)

6 Islam IS a religion of peace and we will kill anyone of you who deny that fundamental truth!

Posted by: abu abibi at April 11, 2006 08:04 PM (wg7K+)

7 @ jonathan riley If they existed on a spot in the Islamic land, let us wash the places of their slaughter and beheading seven times to purify the Islamic land of the impurity of their blood ******************************************* that is wash the place where they are beheaded 7 times the proscribed number of times a devout Muslim must wash if they touch a dog, for a pig it's only one time.

Posted by: Dan Kauffman at April 11, 2006 08:09 PM (hxRR8)

8 Khalid Hilal could be two people that I know of. One is the interior minister for Oman who developed their voting process. The other is a professor in Montreal who has developed, among other things, a way to adapt advertising to reach potential customers in Morocco.

Posted by: Don Meaker at April 11, 2006 08:35 PM (hZT0l)

9 Karradine, Good point. The name sounded Bahai, but I didn't know about the freedom of religion thing.

Posted by: Rusty at April 11, 2006 08:36 PM (JQjhA)

10 I think it's time to put a wanted dead or alive (preferrably dead) poster on the "al-JamaÂ’ah Consultative Council"and their wives and children immediately. Not as a joke. Let them feel a little fear also.

Posted by: ebbe at April 11, 2006 09:27 PM (AEZv0)

11 We should turn the tables on them. MEMRI airs the Friday sermons of many radical imams. They should be duly noted and assassinated. Every time one of their leaders calls for the assassination of apostates and infidels, we should assassinate him first. We should be infiltrating their mosques, recording their henchmen....illegally, if we have to. We certainly cannot seem to count on law enforcement. See europe and weep at the pussification of the police. We should hit them hard, in the mosques, in the prisons, everywhere they are. This is, after all, a war of atrition. We must think creatively, counterintuitively. Damn the presses, damn public opinion...what would Pershing do? Let this be our motto for the war we find ourselves in: "What Would General Pershing Do?" Sell those bracelets and get the conversation flowing...and then the blood.

Posted by: Jauhara al Kafirah at April 11, 2006 09:37 PM (isvZ/)

12 Hmm they left out my main gal Irshad Manji, She will be sad that she didnt make the cut. Guess she needs to speak louder.

Posted by: Ronin at April 11, 2006 09:52 PM (vHMRE)

13 The post immediately above said for me exactly what I thought of saying when I read the above article. Islam is shit.

Posted by: K T at April 11, 2006 09:57 PM (uIvOn)

14 Sorry, I mean the post by Jauhara.

Posted by: K T at April 11, 2006 09:59 PM (a6M9b)

15 Oh, come on! In the 20th century U.S. civil rights activists experienced similar threats from the Ku Klux Klan. They were protected by non-racist whites who opposed the racists vigorously in print and otherwise, sometimes even by serving as human shields to those who were threatened. Surely similar impulses, initiative, and courage exists today in the Muslim World. Right?

Posted by: Solomon2 at April 11, 2006 10:17 PM (NmTp3)

16 I'll believe that when I hear of Muslims attempting to protect non-Muslims from the attempted attacks of other Muslims.

Posted by: K T at April 11, 2006 11:33 PM (Pl2Ih)

17 unbelievable..

Posted by: dave at April 11, 2006 11:33 PM (ZQW4k)

18 mr kauffman,

thanks for that..err, i think!

anyway, while all this holy lopping off of heads as prescribed in texts thousands of years old is going on, many of the rest of us are steadily walking away from the stone age rather than walking toward it.

Posted by: jonathan riley at April 12, 2006 01:02 AM (WoorE)

19 Oddly enough, I don't think that a lot of these people qualify for the charge of apostasy as I understand it. At least one wasn't Muslim to begin with, and the rest are merely heretics.

Posted by: Vol Abroad at April 12, 2006 01:33 AM (xUoeg)

20 I wish westerners would begin to unite against these savages! Divided we fall, there are a multitude of individual rational voices but not one unshakeable organised voice that wont cowtow to western PC cretins or the threats and posturing of the muslim savages. I look forward to the day when the west finally kicks these backward terrorists into shap and stands firm.

Posted by: Just another voice at April 12, 2006 03:43 AM (9L+3V)

21 Dr. Wafa Sultan is a national treasure. We can't lose her to these thugs.

Posted by: Oyster at April 12, 2006 04:01 AM (YudAC)

22 The only answer is to start slaughtering them wherever we find them.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at April 12, 2006 05:39 AM (0yYS2)

23 @jonathon riley You are welcome it just touched on something I wrote about during the Piglet controversy at the time I wondered why a devout Muslim was complaining about pig figures and there was a total silence about dog figures, It just showed how bogus the complaints were. Dogs being 7 times more unclean than pigs but as PC as some British Politicians might be NO WAY was there going to be any appeasement on Man's Best Friend quite a few Brits idolise their pets. ;-) The best way to re-introduce that thread is to give the Cox and Forkrum URL that was kind enough to link to me, ;-) Perils Before Swine and my 15 minute of fame UDPATE -- Oct. 5: Committees of Correspondence says it may be worse for .Lassie

Posted by: Dan Kauffman at April 12, 2006 06:42 AM (AoL8x)

24 Nice comment Abu. Way to show your true RoP colors champ. It just goes to show while you and your co-followers will continue to remain at the bottom of the human food chain.

Posted by: Kyle at April 12, 2006 08:47 AM (JiJgi)

25 Kyle, I would like to think Abu's comment is a joke. If it isn't then he is the joke..

Posted by: Don at April 12, 2006 09:13 AM (cpZ7+)

26 Fuck Muhammed and Fuck Allah. These cockroaches will be buried. Any idea how I can get on the list

Posted by: Andrew at April 12, 2006 09:28 AM (DwHGO)

27 ItÂ’s time to issue a reverse-fatwa. HereÂ’s how it would work. Anyone who issues a fatwa mandating the killing of an American or guest in America (i.e. a contract in Mafia terminology) is automatically marked as an appropriate target for assignation. Letters of Marque should be automatically issued for the death of the fatwa-issuing person. By this automatic process every fatwa will be a death warrant for the issuing cleric.

Posted by: Jason Pappas at April 12, 2006 09:30 AM (0GdHJ)

28 Jesus is the only one that can help these deluded people. God created every human being. I don't believe any Muslim can be trusted on any level and our government should stop helping them.

Posted by: Dave Stone at April 12, 2006 10:41 AM (1L04C)

29 : thousands of years


Posted by: jonathan riley at April 12, 2006 12:35 PM (jADvF)

30 Don, I hope it is too, good point. Abu, I apologize if I have misunderstood your statement. Could you clarify your position? I hope, like Don does, that it is a joke. If so, good one, it just sounds like much of the rhetoric coming from that region of the world.

Posted by: Kyle at April 12, 2006 02:07 PM (7AHZs)

31 These days it seems many people on both sides of the ongoing conflict really want a full-blown war, even considering the risk of nuclear weapons being used. Throughout the nuclear age this is the first time a nuclear war is being wished for by a significant number of people. The Islamic world would be totally annihilated, is this really what we want to achieve?

Posted by: Wonder at April 12, 2006 03:53 PM (ARNVd)

32 What, there were no apostates in Australia? I would have to agree with all above who said that there should be a reverse fatwa on those who have issued these death threats. These people are lunatics and they are definitely agents of Satan, not of God. If any of you are at all familiar with the Scriptures you will see that God does not call for the blood of any person, especially not since the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. When we interpret some of the things in the ancient texts that seem to be bloodthirsty we need to apply those things in light of the society of the time. Our problem happens to be that we do not have enough faith in God to pray that there will be an end to the violence. In the meantime all of the people who have been threatened need to be protected, especially Wafah Sultan (Sp mistake sorry). It is time to round up the militant Muslims and ship them out of our countries. They belong in a country where their backward thinking will be appreciated. A pox on all of them.

Posted by: OzMaggie at April 12, 2006 04:15 PM (nnWqv)


Posted by: Ion picasso at April 12, 2006 04:31 PM (Ryhya)

34 Where's Ali Sina? Guess they knew they can never get him not knowing his real name, location etc. Long live the religion of peace

Posted by: infidHell at April 12, 2006 10:31 PM (pltah)

35 To Andrew who is dying to get on the hit list but has no clue how to. Here's my suggestion Go stand in front of a mosque on a friday afternoon and shout abscenities against the one and only Allah. Don't forget to leave your name. PS : Do this when the scums are all inside the mosque praying. Otherwise you will get one way ticket to 'Hell' immediately without getting onto the list in the first place.

Posted by: infidHell at April 12, 2006 10:37 PM (pltah)

36 "Islam is a pissfool religion" President G.W.Bush

Posted by: Peter at April 13, 2006 12:26 AM (FK5qI)

37 Leatherneck, Improbulous, Abu Abibi, whoever... Many of the people on that list are Muslims themselves. So, does anyone care about the actual people on that list, or do you just want to equate the killers with their victims?

Posted by: andrew r at April 13, 2006 01:49 AM (JyedY)

38 Jason has a good idea here: ItÂ’s time to issue a reverse-fatwa. HereÂ’s how it would work. Anyone who issues a fatwa mandating the killing of an American or guest in America (i.e. a contract in Mafia terminology) is automatically marked as an appropriate target for assignation. Letters of Marque should be automatically issued for the death of the fatwa-issuing person. By this automatic process every fatwa will be a death warrant for the issuing cleric.

Posted by: Always On Watch at April 13, 2006 06:23 AM (Ffvoi)

39 Hitler had the right idea, but the wrong People. This is a despicable religion that needs to be wiped out in a final solution.

Posted by: Slice at April 13, 2006 06:59 AM (ZSDaZ)

40 From Islam IS a religion of peace and we will kill anyone of you who deny that fundamental truth! Posted by: abu abibi at April 11, 2006 08:04 PM @Stupid abu ABIBI Islam is the Devils Religion and you are one of his Demons the Name of the devil is ALLAH , because you argue like a cold blooded murder. There will be a peace after the Problem of Islam had been solved by the free west. We have enough of your 14XX years of bloody behavior and murder. THE END FOR ISLAM, IS COMING SOON CA = Crusader America

Posted by: CA at April 13, 2006 08:26 AM (mfjNk)

41 You know, a while ago I just watched this video on the MEMRI website about an Arab lady who protested openly against various sexist practices in Islam and even pedophilism. "God will decide if I go to Hell," she said. What the poster Solomon2 said somewhere above may be right after all -- there are examples of courage and initiaive in the Muslim world. What makes me so sad and afraid after watching this video is how it reminds me that many of those Muslims -- such as that brave lady -- are after all good human beings just like the rest of us. Honestly, I admire her but also fear for her life (given the kind of shit you find in Islam). And if a war really broke out between Islam and the rest of the world, does that mean those good people would have to be the casualties of war, too? I can hardly bear to think of it. Why did such a thing as Islam EVER come into existence?? It's a sorry world we live in...

Posted by: K T at April 13, 2006 09:14 AM (dK5Q2)

42 The bible prophecied about Ishmael (father of the Arab people) and his descendents "your hand will be against every man and every man's hand will be against you" (constant fighting and bloodshed). The bible also prophecied about Ishmael "you will inherit the fat places of the earth" (oil).

Posted by: Ribi Menahim Rahman bin Rahman at April 13, 2006 09:33 AM (wZLWV)

43 And why would a merciful and compassionate God ever want to divide His children into different groups and make them claw away at each other's throats?? And for that matter, why would a merciful and compassionate God ever want to create things like tsunamis and cancer?? If there's a God, it's plain that He has done a very poor job.

Posted by: K T at April 13, 2006 09:46 AM (a6M9b)

44 Islam would be a reasonable religion, were it not for the fact that it lacks one small thing. There are four magic words missing from the Koran: THOU SHALT NOT KILL!

Posted by: Baba Danny at April 13, 2006 01:14 PM (GiV59)

45 We turned our backs on G-d first. Now we pay. andrew r, I wrote Islam is a load of religious crap. I still believe that. I did not write kill all muslims. However, a great many mood god worshippers will have to die before they get the hint that they finally pissed off the wrong nation. Oh well.

Posted by: Leatherneck at April 13, 2006 04:56 PM (D2g/j)

46 The problem of extreme Islam is a problem of Mafia style criminality which in both cases makes leaving the criminal organization dangerous. The logical step is to make both death threats and sharia human rights abuse extra-national crimes against humanity requiring extraorinary rendition even within so-called Islamic states and the re-mandating of the said states governments and mineral resources in reparation to victims of Islamic amputation and gender apartied.Any resistance by the native sex abuser population must be met by ethnic cleansing and replacement by aryan men and women to dilute the dysgenic disaster that the Islamic experiment has become.In reality the West knows that such a policy,though overdue against this monsterous creed would result in terrible Western casualties, so we,the Quantum Avengers have developed pre-crime technology to allow justice to be achieved without any fear of IslamoMafia retribution.If western governments are still too cowardly we will soon have the resources to carry out this policy ourselves-however I think we can use the threat of withdrawal of our technology as a stick to force both Western and Middle Eastern governments to do the right thing.

Posted by: The Quantum Avengers at April 13, 2006 10:07 PM (g+cJq)

47 Could ISLAM be the ANTICHRIST, [part of the SATANIC TRINITY] that the Bible prophesied would come to the world in THE LAST DAYS?

Posted by: Barry Banfield at April 14, 2006 10:50 AM (5QLS7)

48 http://www.villagevoice.com/blogs/bushbeat/archive/images/jesus-with-rifle.jpg Now we gonna fight back CA

Posted by: CA at April 14, 2006 10:59 AM (Sd4mU)

49 Islam is a peaceful religion. Once you submit to their rule that is. Until they decide you are a heretic. Ask the Balkan peoples how they feel about Islamic rule (The Turks) So let me see if I get this straight: The The Crusades, which offends Muslims, took place after Islam had advanced militarily steadily into Christian lands for 400 years...and for another 400 AFTER they ended So it all comes down to this: They are really sore losers

Posted by: GW Crawford at April 14, 2006 04:02 PM (Jfign)

50 The best way to destroy Islam is to provoke all the muslim women. The whole world knows that women are treated as animals in Islam. Once the muslim women start revolting the religion will crumble. Women like the Bahraini, Wafa Sultan etc. let the ball roll.

Posted by: infidHell at April 14, 2006 09:15 PM (pltah)

51 Naw! Muslim women enjoy too much churning out little tit sucking suicide bombers!

Posted by: Last word Larry at April 18, 2006 11:50 AM (FCC6c)

52 Islam is a peaceful religion. Christianity is a peaceful religion. Yeah, yeah yeah... Religion seems to be the problem. Belief in supernatural solutions to man-made problems is a formula for disaster, and look around - here it comes... Only a new secular rational intelligent viewpoint can help us now, discarding our little religious prejudices that serve only to divide us, and divinity that serves only to inspire us to kill each other. But with the preponderance of narrow minded ignorance in the world, I seriously don't think we have a chance...

Posted by: Jimbo at April 20, 2006 12:44 PM (lsfgB)

53 Thank you! http://wjiyyinq.com/qdsw/ykcq.html | http://dkkddceq.com/xcey/lxka.html

Posted by: Patty at May 04, 2006 04:50 PM (wbM9w)

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