October 31, 2004

Brinkley/O'Neill on CSPAN (by Demosophist)

Well, it was billed as a show featuring Douglas Brinkley, the author of Tour of Duty, and John O'Neill, the author of Unfit for Command. I figured it'd be great to see the two of them get together and debate the facts so that I could make a more informed judgment from their presentations in a point/counterpoint format. But alas, it wasn't a point/counterpoint, but a 75 minute interview with Douglas Brinkley followed by a 15 minute speech by O'Neill given not in rebuttal, but taped some months earlier. I felt suckered. more...

Posted by: Demosophist at 05:06 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Trick or Terror? (Or Just Tinfoil)

by Bravo Romeo Delta

Just food for thought - when the Madrid bombings, and the subsequent defeat of Aznar occurred, I was telling friends and family that the decision of the Spanish made it a near certainty that more Americans would die before 11/2.

I then recalled that the Madrid bombings were three days before their election. Three days before 11/2 is 10/31. The odd coincidence is that, if you recall, after 9/11, there was a concern that Al Qaeda would attack the US that Halloween (which were later debunked).

I know this is fever swamp territory. Let me rephrase that... let's just say that I hope it really is tinfoil-hat grade reasoning.

(Simultaneously launched by Bravo Romeo Delta from Demosophia and Anticipatory Retaliation)

Posted by: Bravo Romeo Delta at 03:31 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Iraqi Endorsement Roundup

(By Bravo Romeo Delta)

In all this hubub, one set of voices I think needs a bit more exposure - the selfsame Iraqis who have borne the brunt of America's foreign policy choices over the last 18 months or so. We've all heard approximately 9.4 million reasons to vote one way or the other, so another 2 or 3 won't stop the election in its tracks. But hearing these (quite often eloquent) voices, from a different culture, who have seen, up front and personal, the outcomes of the decisions being made, is an enlightening experience. Regardless of whether or not you agree with their arguments, hearing new and fundamentally different arguments is refreshing with less than 96 hours to the election of the President of the United States of America.

Perhaps two of the best ways to see what the situation on the inside is like is with this 2003 film, About Baghdad (which I highly recommend - I was going to link to the trailer, but the trailer is a biased travesty and doesn't give any insight into the true range of complex messages that can be drawn from the film itself) and this recent project, Voices of Iraq (trailer), which I haven't yet seen, but hope to quite soon.

But for those of you unable to view the films prior to the elections, nearly as good a glimpse can be garnered through a review of the Iraqi voices we now hear from the blogosphere. So without further ado... more...

Posted by: Bravo Romeo Delta at 02:53 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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October 30, 2004

Beware the Bunnies (by Demosophist)

Yah see? What'd I tell yah?

Big Jerk Jerk in Bunny Suit

It's Kerry with a fake beard.

Posted by: Demosophist at 08:26 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 22 words, total size 1 kb.

Swiftvets Will Announce 'October Surprise' at Rally in Washington on Sunday, All Invited

Yesterday I reported that theSwifties were going to make a major announcement, and hinted at what it might be. A fellow blogger e-mailed me privately and confirmed, from an independent source, what that news would be. The Swifities now say they will make the announcement at this rally. Since a number of readers have asked me to pass the word along, here is the flyer from Pajama bin Bloggin's site. Scroll through it and see which piece of new information the Swifties now say they have confirmation of. Another hint: they claim a former Secretary of the Navy has confirmed what until now has been only speculation:



1 PM * Naval Archives

Join the thousands of veterans, active duty
and every day warriors in a


Posted by: Rusty at 12:01 PM | Comments (54) | Add Comment
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October 29, 2004

Bin Laden is Pro-Bush (by Demosophist)

Not really, but he seems as dumb as a bag of rocks to try to play the Madrid game with Americans. There are LOTS of blue collar Democrats who will vote for Bush now simply to get the vicarious and perverse pleasure of confounding what appears to be Bin Laden's attempted manipulation. Well, not just blue collar types. Lots of Americans who don't feel strongly about supporting Kerry will have that impulse. So, you'd think UBL would know that right? Which would be an argument for that "reverse psychology" hall of mirrors referenced in the title.

Except for a couple of things: more...

Posted by: Demosophist at 09:07 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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New bin Laden Tape Good News for Bush: Segments of American Public Call for al Jazeera to be bombed

Al Jazeera's airing of a new video taped message from Osama bin Laden is good news for President Bush's campaign hopes. Al Qaeda and their media allies at al Jazeera have pulled out all the stops they can in influencing the American elections. Unfortunately Osama bin Laden, al Jazeera, and the al Qaeda network do not understand the American people.

Al Jazeera's English language homepage has changed all of their headlines to reflect this last ditch effort by the Islamists to influence the elections. Their main headline story passes on the message from bin Laden that Bush reacted slowly to the events of 9/11 without any mention of the quick fall of the Taliban and bin Laden's own forced exile from Afghanistan.

Al Jazeera then follows this by running a discredited story written in April that President Bush was warned prior to September 11th of the impending attacks on the World Trade Center. Thus, they attempt to link bin Laden's accusation that Bush was uncaring with evidence that the President knew of the attacks in advance and did nothing.

If this were not enough, they then follow by posting a link to another old story. Those who do not bother to read the date would assume that the US Congress doubled the reward on bin Laden as a response to today's videotaped message. An attempt to show signs of fear and weakness on our part.

Following this post is a bone thrown to our European allies with an old story that bin Laden is willing to declare a truce with them if they will just stop supporting the US. While al Jazeera does not understand the American mind, they do understand the Europeans.

And what series of links at al Jazeera would be complete without the obligatory Abu Ghraib story?

The terrorists believe the American people are as weak as the Spanish, who they view as caving to their demands. The terrorists believe that bin Laden's criticism of Bush can only hurt him. The terrorists believe that the reason John Kerry has escalated his criticisms of the President is because they have sufficiently scared the Senator--something which is not true, but which they believe anyway. The terrorists believe that by escalating the threat of a near-term attack they will sway the elections towards Bush.

They are wrong on all points.

The American people will not give in to terrorism.

The American people will take any criticisms given by Osama bin Laden as a compliment to the President.

John Kerry may have escalated his criticisms of the President because he is a political opportunist, but not because he is afraid of terrorists.

Poll after poll show that the American people trust President Bush over Senator Kerry to handle terrorism. Any escalation in that threat will only help Bush.

Al Qaeda is attempting to alter the outcome of this election, just as they did in Spain, and al Jazeera is doing their best to help them. A recent videotaped message by American born al Qaeda operative Adam Yahiye Gadahn reveals the extent of the problem of the Islamists' propaganda outlet.

In the video, California native Gadahn spews forth virulently anti-American propaganda. He accuses Americans of killing innocent Muslims around the world and that we have blood on our hands. There is no insincerity in his voice. He believes that al Qaeda represents the good guys and the US represents the bad guys.

Why do so many around the world hate America? We can start with al Jazeera. Al Jazeera, and media outlets like it, blame all the world's ills on the United States. The context they provide for all images has a single unifying theme: the US is the cause of so much suffering in the world. When a picture of a dead child in Fallujah is shown, the context is that the US deliberately killed the child. When an image of a dead terrorist is shown, the context is that a freedom fighter met his fate at the hands of Imperialist aggression.

There is a reason that Osama bin Laden hates America, he believes us to be evil. There is a reason that Zarqawi murdered Japanese hostage Shosei Koda, he believed he was a spy sent by the evil Imperialist's ally. There is a reason that the Army of Ansar al-Islam murdered eleven Iraqi National Guardsman, they truly believed them to be collaborating with an enemy that routinely murders Iraqi civilians. There is a reason terrorists are demanding the release of female prisoners in Iraq in exchange for Polish hostage Teresa Borcz-Kalifa, they actually believe reports in the Arab press that American GIs are holding hundreds of woman in prison and that rape is routinely practiced by our soldiers.

In other words, many in the Muslim world are victims of the propaganda put forth by outlets such as al Jazeera. Al Jazeera and al Qaeda also believe they can foist this worldview upon the American people. They are wrong.

What will our response be to this propaganda effort? I am more confident now than I was just hours ago that President Bush will win reelection.

What should our response be to al Jazeera's propaganda efforts? Bomb al Jazeera now. Take it off the air. Destroy it.

Al Jazeera is directly responsible for the death of innocent Americans.

Al Jazeera is directly responsible for reinforcing the morale of our enemies in Iraq.

Al Jazeera is directly responsible for helping create an atmosphere of sympathy for terrorists around the world.

Al Jazeera is an enemy to the United States of America and a direct threat to our national securty. It is time we start treating them as such.

Posted by: Rusty at 03:59 PM | Comments (31) | Add Comment
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Problems with the KSTP Video (by Demosophist)

Hindrocket, at Powerline, is all over the KSTP Channel 5 video story. Powerline is highly skeptical of the claims made in this morning's NYT piece that: "... the videotape and some of the agency's photographs of the HMX stockpiles "were such good matches it looked like they were taken by the same camera on the same day."" According to a munitions expert who contacted Powerline, the material depicted in the video could hardly have been RDX or HMX: more...

Posted by: Demosophist at 02:38 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Al Jazeera to Broadcast Osama bin Laden Video

UPDATE: An update on my thoughts are posted here.

A number of e-mails have come in in the past few minutes, including one from M.H. King who is following the story, alerting me to a story that al Jazeera will be running a new video featuring Osama bin Laden. The video is purported to show bin Laden directly addressing the American people. Let's just say I'm a bit skeptical that the voice on the tape is bin Laden. Despite what they show you on CSI, voice recognition is less science than it is art. If it turns out to be a video, I will want to see some references to recent events in order to be convinced that bin Laden is still alive. A number of sources have claimed to have positively identified bin Laden in the region of South Waziristan which borders Pakistan and India, some of them even claiming bin Laden had crossed into India proper, but I did not run the story for lack of credibility. As I told one person who ran with it, "Bin Laden is the Elvis of South Asia." MSNBC:

Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden tells the American people that “Bush cannot protect you” in a new taped message received by the Arab satellite television station Al-Jazeera, U.S. officials told NBC News on Friday.

Al-Jazeera said the tape, to be aired at 4 p.m. ET, dealt with the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States and their consequences. While the announcer said the message was an audiotape, the stationÂ’s Web site called it a video.

Mike sent me a link to this Fox News analysis. I am not saying that the voice on the tape is not necessarily bin Laden, but how recent can this really be? I want something more than just a video of bin Laden lecturing on the evils of Bush. I want something, anything, that shows this video is more than two years old.
Multiple sources told FOX News that the 18-minute videotape is authentic and said its release was timed to coincide with Tuesday's presidential elections. Bin Laden makes reference to recent conflicts in Iraq and addresses the American people directly, sources said.

U.S. officials said the tape appears to have been made recently.

I might remind my readers that the Army of Ansar al Sunnah recently praised John Kerry for his criticisms of George Bush. The same message also noted that Kerry's criticism is a result of his fear of terrorism--a sign that terrorist tactics are working. For the record, I do not believe Kerry's criticisms are the result of his fear of terrorism. However, a Kerry victory would clearly be interpreted by the terrorists themselves as a sign that they are winning this war.

Critical Update I:CTV Canada adds this tidbit to the mix, which means I may be wrong: "Despite entering the fourth year after Sept. 11, Bush is still deceiving you and hiding the truth from you and therefore the reasons are still there to repeat what happened," bin Laden tells Americans. Holy schneike!! My lefty readers are already jumping on this as evidence of George Bush's failures.

Three things: 1) Al Jazeera released the video--an obvious ploy to affect the outcome of the elections. 2) When bin Laden criticizes you that's not exactly a bad thing. 3) To reiterate--since the polls consistently show the American people trust George Bush on terrorism more than Kerry, well, you do the math.

UPDATE: Many of you may be watching the Fox News broadcast of the tape. Digger is doing live updates as they happen. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 02:19 PM | Comments (48) | Add Comment
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Swiftvets about to reveal something BIG....

Apparently, the Swiftvets have an October surprise of their own, and it's going to be big. This should break before the evening news cycle, but I'll give you this hint---John Kerry, about that 'honarable discharge'............If what I'm hearing is true, then be prepared to watch the Sunday talking heads be very uncomfortable.

Posted by: Rusty at 01:30 PM | Comments (22) | Add Comment
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Interview with Swiftvet Troy Jenkins

Chad at In the Bullpen interviews Swiftvet Troy Jenkins on the circumstances surrounding his discovery of documents at Texas Tech University linking John Kerry's Vietnam Vetrans Against the War to the governments of North Vietnam and the Provisional Government of South Vietnam (Viet Cong). Here's a teaser: Jenkins claims to have 175 documents which also connect Kerry to the Viet Cong.

Posted by: Rusty at 01:23 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Japanese Hostage Shosei Koda Reported Dead in Iraq

This is an archive page. For the latest news on terrorist groups in Iraq please go to the MAIN PAGE HERE.

UPDATE 5/10: Army of Ansar al-Sunna website releases images of Japanese hostage Akihiko Saito. Images, story, and link to website.
One of my readers in the UK just informed me that Ch. 4 has just reported Japanese hostage Shosei Koda has been killed in Iraq. Shosei Koda was captured by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's terrorist organization two days ago and threatened with beheading if Japan did not pull all of its forces out of Iraq.


A Japanese man taken hostage in Iraq has been killed, Kyodo news agency says, citing information obtained by the Japanese government.
The Courier-Mail Australia, which identifies Koda as "a backpacker":
THE Japanese Government was told early today that a Japanese man taken hostage by militants in Iraq had been killed, the Kyodo news agency reported.

A body found near the Iraqi town of Tikrit was identified as that of Shosei Koda, a 24-year-old backpacker captured by militants, the news agency said.

Interesting that his body was said to have been found in Tikrit. Earlier reports today had denied that the body of an "Asian man" found in Tikrit was not that of the Japanese hostage.


Previous posts: Deadline Passes for Japanese Hostage: Body of Asian man found in Tikrit, Zarqawi Threatens to Behead Japanese Hostage

(Initial reports identified the man as Akio Koda, but later reports identified him as Shosei Koda. This post has been updated to reflect that)

Posted by: Rusty at 12:38 PM | Comments (17) | Add Comment
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Tin Foil Comments: Jews Control The World

Sometimes comments are so funny, they just have to be shared. From my Video Shows American Terrorist post:

For the last few hours this tape has been credited by the
zionist/neocon media as being the work of the "dangerous" "Al Qaieda" (read -

Al Mossad / Al CIAda) "media-relations agent" Pearlman. Then all of a sudden
the CIA say it might not be authentic and no mention of Pearlman! ...
What?! Did that little diversion fu*k up you muppets ...

There is no "Al Qaieda" ... ONLY AL MOSSAD AND AL CIAda ...

Posted by: Rusty at 11:07 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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Lancet Report Claims 100,000 Dead as Result of Iraq War

A bogus report published in the British Medical Journal The Lancet claims that more than 100,000 Iraqi civilians, mostly women and children, have died in Iraq as a result of the US led occupation. The bogus report concluded that death from violence was up 58% since the occupation began. Violence, concluded the mentally retarded and methodologically challenged authors, was now the number one cause of death in Iraq. Most of those deaths, said Timmy, were caused by coalition forces.

When asked about the methodological soundness of using a self-report survey of a population that believes Yassar Arafat is a hero, Jews control the world, the US is in Iraq to steal oil, beheading videos are sexier than porn, and that whenever Abu Musab al-Zarqawi kills a hostage 'it's the Yankee imperialist's fault', the authors responded by saying, "Timmy."

The bogus report goes on to claim that since the Iraqi Ministry of Health reported that the leading cause of death before the invasion was heart attack, this proves that John Kerry ought to be President rather than evil Bush-Hitler. Former officials in the Iraqi Ministry of Health could not be reached by The Jawa Report to confirm or deny whether heart attack induced by torture and/or Mustard Gas were included in the pre-war figures.

According to the BBC:

Lancet editor Richard Horton said: "Democratic imperialism has led to more deaths, not fewer. This political and military failure continues to cause scores of casualties among non-combatants."

He urged the coalition forces to rethink their strategy to "prevent further unnecessary human casualties".

Ladies and gentleman Brittain's premier unbiased journal of medical sciences.

UPDATE: Tim Worstall chimes in with a piece at Tech Central Station, and notes it in his blog today. His statistical analysis is wrong, but the rest of his article is right on. Let me just put on my methodology wonk's hat and add a couple of things. The 95% confidence level only means that assuming the method of data collection is valid, that the sample taken actually represents the population as a whole. After looking at their method of data collection and the baseline which with to compare the data I can state categorically that the study is completely bogus. The confidence level thus becomes meaningless.

As Sydney Smith noted in TCS two years ago, "The Lancet seems to have confused itself with a political organization. This is bad news for all of us. We already have newspapers, radio, and television to give us a biased view of the news. If we allow our scientific journals and professional associations to follow suit, then we lose the fundamental basis of freedom - the truth."

James at Outside the Beltway adds: ...contrary to the assertions of the researchers, of course people have an incentive to lie about civilian casualties. If nothing else, the Coalition will likely compensate them without much show of proof. And, of course, inflating the figures of civilian casualties obviously serves the cause of the insurgency. I also simply do not believe that the greatest cause of death to civilians has been Coalition air strikes, given their incredible precision and the indiscriminate violence of the terrorist elements.

Posted by: Rusty at 10:22 AM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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New Kerry Anti-Logic: The Timing Doesn't Matter (by Demosophist)

As though the public would regard as seamless a shift in rhetoric as monumental as the Great African Rift, the Kerry team now holds that the actual date at which the Qaqaa explosives went missing is of no importance whatever. Which, of course, is like saying that the US was responsible for Saddam's weapons (all of them, not just WMD) before it wasn't responsible for them. more...

Posted by: Demosophist at 09:45 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Deadline Passes for Japanese Hostage: Body of Asian man found in Tikrit

The deadline set by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's terrorist organization before they threatened to behead Japanese hostage Akio Koda has expired. Internet sites tied to Zarqawi have made no announcement of Koda's impending murder. However, since US forces stepped up their efforts at capturing or killing the terrorist, many of the websites normally used by Zarqawi seem to have been abandoned. Some suggest this is a possible sign that Zarqawi is feeling the increased pressure and may be on the run. In the past six weeks Zarqawi has changed his MO, opting to post messages and videos to an Islamic bulletin board.

The Japanese government, for their part, is taking the lack of any announcement on Koda's fate as a sign of hope. Reuters reports:

"We are making every effort to rescue him on the premise that he is alive," Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura said.

In Tikrit, the body of an Asian man was found this morning causing early speculation that the victim was Koda. However, an AFP report in ABC News Australia suggest that the body does not match the description of Koda.

"The body is for someone with a large build, dark skin and a black moustache. He was wearing a white shirt and pants and he is between the age of 35 and 40," said Duraid al-Tikriti at Tikrit general hospital.

He added the man had gunshot wounds to the head and body.

Other sources suggest the victim was probably either from Pakistan or India.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:13 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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October 28, 2004

Iraqi WMD in Syria

Via Robert Spencer these Satellite images of possible WMD sites in Syria. An accompanying article by a Syrian journalist suggests that the WMD were moved from Iraq to three locations. It is an old report, but worth the read.

Posted by: Rusty at 10:04 PM | Comments (20) | Add Comment
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3 Hostages Taken in Afghanistan, Two More Missing

Three of the hostages are UN workers. The Guardian identifies the victims as "Annette Flanagan, from Richhill, Co Armagh, who has dual British-Irish citizenship, Angelito Nayan, a junior Filipina diplomat seconded to the UN, and a woman from the Balkans."

Two cameramen have also gone missing in Afghanistan in recent days. Najibullah Quraishi and Aslamouddin Mael were both cameramen working on a documentary in the country.

The NZ Herald reports that following the kidnapping of the Western election workers:

A massive manhunt was immediately launched throughout Kabul, with NATO helicopters hovering above the city and roadblocks set up. One British UN official said: "After the election went so peacefully foreigners here became complacent. First of all there was the suicide bomb attack, now this."

Posted by: Rusty at 09:43 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Video Shows American Terrorist

Segments of a controversial al Qaeda video were shown on ABC today in which a man who identified himself as 'Azzam the American' warns of an impending terrorist attack in the United States. ABC aired the video today after news leaked out by Matt Drudge that the organization was holding the story until after Tuesday so as not to sway the election. The implication from Drudge was that any heightened terror threat would only benefit President Bush in the waning days of the close election. Surveys consistently show that the American people trust President Bush more than John Kerry on who is better equipped to handle terrorism.

While 'Azzam the American's' face is covered in the video, one prominent terrorism expert told the Jawa Report that the man on the tape was probably California native Adam Yahiye Gadahn. The FBI website lists Gadahn as a man 'being sought in connection with possible terrorist threats against the United States.' The FBI further warns Gadahn, 'SHOULD BE CONSIDERED ARMED AND DANGEROUS'.

Gadahn attended a mosque run by extreme Wahhabist, Muzammil Siddiqi, but his views became too radical even for the extreme Wahabbists running the mosque and Gadahn was expelled from the congregation.

According to Reuters:

In the portions of the tape shown by ABC, the speaker, whose face is cloaked and who has a slight accent, says he is a follower of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. He denounces Americans as "guilty, guilty, guilty."

"You are as guilty as Bush and Cheney," he said.

The speaker vows new attacks worse than the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. "After decades of American tyranny and oppression now it's your turn to die. Allah willing, the streets of America shall run red with blood matching drop for drop the blood of America's victims," he said.

The AP reports that Gadahn's parents are cooperating with the CIA, but they have been unable to identify the masked voice on the tape.

ABC, for it's part, claimed that it was waiting for verification on the tape's authenticity before running with the story. However, The Jawa Report was able to authenticate the video within minutes of learning of the story, but due to an server outtage, we were unable to run the story. While it was not known how serious the threats made on the tape were, the tape was authentic. According to the Northeast Intelligence Network the tape was distributed by the media arm of the al Qaeda network, al Sahab Enterprises.

While the Mainstream Media continues to play up stories which might be damaging to the Bush reelection, they choose to suppress or ignore stories that would help. For instance, bad news coming out of Iraq, such as the recent slew of kidnappings or reports on missing weapons at al Qaqqa, recieve headline news. These stories are usually put into the context of the 'Is Bush losing the War in Iraq?' angle. The news of Polish hostage Teresa Borcz-Kalifa and Japanese hostage Akio Koda have both been run by the MSM within the caveat that the overwhelming majority of Poles and Japanese oppose the Iraq war. The news that eleven Iraqis were murdered by another terrorist organization was also accompanied by similar gainsaying.

Rarely does the MSM put such stories within the larger context of the Global War on Terror. Even more rare still is the MSM's willingness to address the issue of global terrorism as primarily routed in the teachings of Islam.

UPDATE: Via James Joyner I learn that Drudge is now reporting that "ABCNEWS withheld portions of an alarming new al Qaeda videotape which warns the next terror attack will dwarf 9/11 from the CIA when they submitted the video for analysis". Amazing if true.

Previous post on Gadahn: Ratt Lead Singer Wanted on Terrorism Charges

Posted by: Rusty at 09:31 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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Vote Bush....

...he's not a pansy.

PS-How did Bill and Jeff get production credits on this?

PPS-This is how much guys with pretty hair bug me: my head, it's shaved. Call it latent homophobia, but any dude who spends more than thirty seconds on their hair has crossed a line....(apologies to Kevin Smith)

Posted by: Rusty at 08:29 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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