March 06, 2006

The West's Deadly Ideological Battle With Islamic Jihadism


Today, two different opinion pieces target the same important issue, one that we need to not only hear much more about, but one that we must get deadly serious about making our number one priority - the battle over ideologies, to win the battle of hearts and minds with the clear objective of ending the threat of terrorism by the totalitarian ideologies of Islamic jihadism. (It is wrong and even deceitful to argue that jihadism has nothing to do with Islam, because the jihadists believe that they are acting as "true Islamic believers" and learn the Islamist mind-set in mosques and Islamic schools, including those of the Islamic diaspora in Europe).

We in the United States, the Western Europeans and other allies, as well as moderate Muslims, are engaged in a global battle of ideas, and our enemy is "barbaric if possible and deadly and suicidal if necessary." This battle is against those who want to "destroy the secular Western societies of Europe and the United States, moderate Muslim societies throughout the Middle East, as well as India, Indonesia and Israel, to mention just a few". There is no negotiating our way through this war, that's impossible, and defeat is unthinkable.

The challenge that we in the West face, along with our allies, is to utterly discredit the totalitarian ideologies of jihadism just as we discredited Nazism and communism before. And we need President Bush and all of our leaders" to lead us in the ideological fight just as Ronald Reagan did in the Cold War. "We need to hear from him – and the rest of our leaders – the kind of blunt comparisons we heard from Reagan - that radical Islam enslaves people."

In Jed Babbin's excellent opinion piece at Real Clear Politics, we are reminded of our failure to adequately engage the Islamists in the idealogical battle that is as much a necessity in the War on Terror as the military operations:

(...) We arenÂ’t fighting a war against terrorists to win the hearts and minds of the Middle East. We are fighting it to end the threat of terrorism. Victory canÂ’t be achieved with bullets and bombs alone. This is, at its core, an ideological war. Just as we defeated communism by defeating the communistsÂ’ ideology, we need to attack and destroy that of the radical Islamists.

(...) To do that, we first have to understand that radical Islam – the Islam of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Usama bin Laden and the rest – isn’t a religion. It is an ideology that cobbles totalitarianism together with a messianic vision of religious nationalism. Radical Islam (unlike the actual religion) tolerates no other religion, and demands that its adherents give up the basic human freedoms enshrined in our Bill of Rights. No freedom of speech, no free press, no fair trials by a jury of your peers, only enslavement. Like the Nazis, the radical Islamists play on the sense of persecution and cultural inferiority that many people in underdeveloped nations have because they are truly oppressed. And, like the Nazis, the Islamists have convinced their followers that the problems of their world are the fault of others. The Islamists blame every ill of their world on America, the West, the Jews and Israel. Like the Soviets, the Islamists believe that their enslavement of the world is inevitable (though, unlike the Soviets, they believe it is God’s will that they must succeed). Its adherents, like the Nazis and the Communists before them, believe their victory is both inevitable and irreversible. That is a powerful ideology which we have yet to engage with the necessary weapons.

(...) Our military – comprised of many of the best people our country has ever produced – is winning every fight it enters. But it can’t win the war alone. Our politicians have to do that by fighting the ideological war.

(...) President Bush needs to lead us in the ideological fight just as Ronald Reagan did in the Cold War. We need to hear from him – and the rest of our leaders – the kind of blunt comparisons we heard from Reagan. Radical Islam enslaves people.

Read all of "Fighting the Ideological War".

However, just getting President Bush and our political leaders to stop fighting each other and join in battle with the enemy of America and the West, is only the begining; what's needed is not only recognition of the problem and leadership, but also a sound and solid strategy to win. That's where Ariel Cohen's piece comes into play.

Ariel Cohen, Ph.D., a Senior Research Fellow in the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International Studies at The Heritage Foundation, offers agreement with Babbin (above) that we are engaged in an ideological battle, and in referring to the latest violent convulsion in Iraq, he says that this homicidal rage has nothing to do with the United States. It has everything to do with the political ideology of militant Islam:

(...) The recent spate of violence gripping Iraq in the wake of the Askariya Shiite shrine bombing conclusively - and tragically - demonstrates that ideas of hatred cause wars and claim thousands of lives. A war of ideas is under way that manifests itself in the conflict between the extremist Sunnis and Shiites, as well as between the West and Islamist terrorists.

(...) militant Islam ... traces its development to the establishment of the radical Wahhabi sect in the 18th century in the Arabian Peninsula, then to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in 1928 and, finally, to Ayatollah Khomeini's seizure of power in Iran in 1979.

(...) unlike most wars of the past, cold and hot, this one could take generations. It calls not only for public diplomacy, but also for political covert action, something the United States hasn't attempted since the early stages of the Cold War. This campaign, fought largely on the battlefields of information and media, pits the West not against a state or coalition of states but against an array of radical organizations and the governments that support them.

However, Cohen doesn't stop at identifying our need to fully engage in an ideological battle with the Islamists, but goes further by laying out ideas and strategies for doing so:

(...) The nature of the conflict requires overt and covert action. Our opponents and their financial backers employ stealth, and sometimes so must we. We'll never curb the radical Islamic brainwashing taking place in madrassas throughout the greater Middle East without penetration by undercover agents. And our foreign-service personnel with public diplomacy expertise won't be allowed to practice their craft in Iran or Syria, so we need for the CIA to rebuild its political action capabilities.

(...) Public diplomacy, a more overt activity, also presents a challenge. As we have seen from the State Department's past efforts in "branding" of the United States, the Pentagon's short-lived Office of Strategic Influence, and the modest inroads made by the U.S. government-run Middle Eastern broadcasting, regaining the upper hand in a post-Cold War media world won't be easy.

(...) The administration needs to set a determined course in this area, and its main weapon should be truth. We must tell the truth about the terror masters and the societies they create, and we must tell it through as many channels as possible. We can't let violence be glorified any longer or the lies and deceit that sustain jihad go unchallenged. We must take it on in the schools, in the media and in society.

(...) We'll need to assemble new talent for this new war. The government and non-profits alike must beef up their public-information skills. People from Muslim countries now living in the West should be recruited to manage - linguistically and otherwise - the challenges we all face together.

(...) Jihadis use and abuse the Internet for propaganda, recruitment, intelligence gathering and operational management - in all major languages of the world. Their Web sites and information warfare operations must be identified and shut down, and their funders, ideologues and Web masters arrested.

(...) The United States also should expand the publication of books, journals and newspapers that promote views which debunk radical Islam and endorse liberal values.

(...) U.S. officials should demand that Muslim states reform their educational systems to expunge messages of hate against Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists. They must demand that governments cease to operate hate-spewing radical mosques and madrassas, which exist solely to indoctrinate potential terrorists. And the Bush administration should use the CIA to topple or destabilize radical Islamist movements Islam and regimes that support them.

Read all of Cohen's piece - The real war is a battle of ideas ...

As Cohen suggests in his article, we've accomplished much already, such as toppling the governments of Afghanistan and Iraq and replacing them with emerging democracies (albeit they are still works in-progress), however, these efforts have done little to discredit, demoralize or defeat our enemy the jihadists. Now, it's time to fully engage in the ideological nature of the conflict and do with words and pictures what we might otherwise accomplish through bullets and missiles.

Using Cohen's exact words, "We didn't start this conflict. But it's up to us to finish it"!!!

Additional informative reading (referred to and linked in introductory paragraph, above) - Jihadism's roots in political Islam (written by a Muslim living in Europe, whose views I find myself "mostly" in agreement with):

After any terrorist attack by jihadists - from the Sept. 11 attacks to those in Bali in 2002, Madrid in 2004 and London in July - two contradictory views are usually heard. Some people claim that such religiously legitimated terror has its roots in Islam; others, principally Muslims and politically correct Westerners, say such terrorism has nothing to do with Islam.

The truth can only be reached by putting aside both extreme views and by recognizing the difference between Islam, the religion, and Islamism, the religious-political ideology. Although jihadism may not be Islamic, it is based on the ideology of Islamism, which has emerged from the politicization of Islam in the current war of ideas.

It is difficult to overstate the importance of recognizing this truth. Jihadism will continue to be with us for decades to come, as long as the movement related to it within Islamic civilization continues to thrive and to disseminate its deadly ideas.

Jihadists see themselves as non-state actors waging an irregular war against "kafirun," or unbelievers. They see their struggle as a just war legitimated by a religious, political and military interpretation of the Islamic concept of jihad.

Jihadism's relation to Islamism can be stated in a nutshell: Jihadists read the classical doctrine of jihad in a new mind while reinventing Islamic tradition.

"A Nuclear Powered Rogue State" VIDEO (While there were divergent views on the continuing global war on radical extremism, there was a strong consensus among those at the conference regarding the gravity of the impending threat of a nuclear holocaust should Iran get its hand on nuclear weaponry).

Jihadism and denial

Cross posted by Hyscience

Posted by: Richard@hyscience at 02:21 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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1 Hyscience, i don't know about this "ideological war" in placing to much emphasis on it. Granted, i have read only what you have wrote here (haven't read the links yet), but Muslims/Islamists/Arabs have been subjugating their own Women for centuries (not to mention "Honor Killing", etc.), and that is just for 'starters'. If this subjugating or basically the enslavement of their own Women isn't caused by Islamism, then who or what causes it?!? To even play silly "Ideological" games with such a mindset is a waste of time, in my humble Low and Ignorant Insane swamp hermit's opinion. Islam must first accept that human Women are not the property of human men or Men. It seems to me, that Islamic jihadism is deeply rooted in the base (or basic family building blocks) of the Muslim/Islamist/Arab world, and that the "West" needs to help the Muslim/Islamist/Arab Women first!!! And, in my humble opinion, talk is a waste of time, and only actions will provide results. Muslim/Islamist/Arab Women have Voted in hordes, when given the chance to Vote...just look at their turnout in Iraq and in Afghanistan, when they have the help and support of the "West" and even the UN. Heck, the "West" can't even win their own "ideological war" in the "West" (take America for just one of many examples) to speak. KårmiÇømmünîs†

Posted by: KarmiCommunist at March 06, 2006 04:22 PM (icxd8)

2 I think both pieces are well off the mark. The struggle to adapt Islam to modernity is a problem for Muslims to solve. America can do nothing more in this regard than funding reformist elements. If there is an ideological war to be fought it will not be won by infidels. Jihad is not a new and mysterious phenomenon and the scripture and logic that support it now did the same a thousand years ago. We are faced with a revival of traditional Islam rather than some strange contemporary mutation. Those who would distinguish between religious Islam and political Islam are utterly clueless. Both articles are in my opinion utterly worthless.

Posted by: Ken Lydell at March 06, 2006 04:49 PM (6WO3K)

3 I agree with Ken. The resurgence or aggressive Islam is more in line with their historic beginnings. Mohammed himself took part in the beheading and plundering of the Jewish tribes in the Arabian peninsula. The jihad came riding out of Arabia in the early 630's and had conquered a large part of the known world in just 65 years, including Spain in the West all the way to India in the East. The slaves, riches, women and booty were incalculable, and financed the jihad for the next several hundred years. The period of relative calm we have enjoyed the past 200 years is what is unusual, not the 1200 years of the jihad. That has been the usual rather than the unusual with respect to Islam.

Posted by: jesusland joe at March 06, 2006 05:13 PM (rUyw4)

4 The title should be changed to, Look What Happens To You When You Worship A False Moon God.

Posted by: Leatherneck at March 06, 2006 06:15 PM (D2g/j)

5 The only thing that needs discussed is the best way to dispose of all the muslim and liberal corpses when we have to kill them all.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at March 06, 2006 06:39 PM (0yYS2)

6 i agree with Leatherneck here. How difficult can it is just one example: The Islamic Jihadism's Deadly Ideological Battle With W Will Bring *DEATH* to Islam Women are not meant to be mere sexual slaves to mere horny human to speak of such 'Thangs. Does anyone reading this, know how much it costs in Prison, to have sex with a *REAL* Woman?!? i do. It costs a lot...far more than the 'Free World' mind can to speak gently. Simple solution here...start killing the weak males, or let them try to run Prisons. Life on Earth is a *LOT* like Life in a Prison... KårmiÇømmünîs†

Posted by: KarmiCommunist at March 06, 2006 07:17 PM (4cWxS)

7 I also have to agree with Ken. I don't know how one of the authors can say that "jihadism may not be Islamic" when it is a fundamental part of Islam. How can there can have been a "politicization of Islam" when Islam is inherently political -- they don't call it SharÂ’ia "Law" for nothing?

Posted by: Don Miguel at March 06, 2006 09:14 PM (UAn5X)

8 Barbra Streisand is choking, and humble me hasn't even allowed her to see me yet. Her lusting is like a bolt of lightning...simple as that. Older Ladies are like that, huh. Well, "babs"...nice try, but i am a devote hermit. Karmi Former *LOVE* God

Posted by: KarmiCommunist at March 06, 2006 09:46 PM (aZULh)

9 I think it is almost time for line of fire, pop smoke, shift fire, single envelopment, pop smoke, cease fire. HEY IMPROBULUS MAXIMUS, STOP FIREING! BZO or die!

Posted by: Leatherneck at March 06, 2006 10:28 PM (D2g/j)

10 I will cease fire when I'm out of ammo, or when all muslims, hippies, liberals, communists, nazi's, et al, are dead.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at March 07, 2006 05:17 AM (0yYS2)

11 As Rusty has said numerous times, Islam is not only a religion. It's a socio-political system. They're intertwined. You can't have one part of it without the other and be a "true" Muslim. The biggest aspect of Islam, as it's taught in the Middle East particularly, is intimidation, guilt and fear. Intimidation from their Imams and tribal leaders, guilt for the slightest pleasures and fear of Allah. It's ingrained in them that the slightest deviation can buy them a one-way ticket to hell. To change a fourteen hundred year old mindset is a monumental task. One I'm not convinced we can ever achieve without constantly hammering away at it for generations. The children are our best hope. These people are innured to death and destruction. They've lived with it all their lives. They've lived with this since long before the Soviets ever invaded Afghanistan or since Iraq was invaded by the coalition. The worst crimes committed against Muslims have always, always, been from their own people. It's very heartening to see the kids over there smile and play and hopefully, with a taste of freedom, they will grow up to reject their parent's hateful and backward ways. They should be the main target for reform. The rest, those who intimidate, should be dealt with harshly. This isn't to say that all the adults are lost. But a significant number of them are. It's too deeply rooted in them. Even some women will be hard to crack. Subjugation is all they know. Iraq was the best bet for instilling a democracy in the Middle East. I think mostly because of the literacy rate. Saddam signed his own death warrant by educating the people and being secular. Islamism is not yet on its death bed, but it is being admitted to the hospital. Maybe I'm too optimistic, but that's what *I* think.

Posted by: Oyster at March 07, 2006 07:05 AM (YudAC)

12 Once again ,there are NO moderate muslims,moderation is not within the compass of islam,there is no choice either follow the way of the paedophile , or you are not muslim.

Posted by: bob at March 07, 2006 09:19 AM (JKxsf)

13 Let me give you all an historical example. In Spain a Muslim ruler was trying to decide whether to allow his city to become a vassal of a Christian king or call for aid from the Berber tribesmen in Africa, who he knew would take over and never allow him to rule again. Here is what he said: "I would rather be a sheepherder in Africa than be ruled by a Christian". I believe that sums it up. The moderates will pick radical Islam over Christianity or secularlism every time. That's how Islam is. Until the religion is remade, it will not change.

Posted by: jesusland joe at March 07, 2006 10:32 AM (rUyw4)

14 You're right JJ. They've been under ham-fisted rule for so long they're accustomed to not having to make their own decisions or determine their own destiny. Islam does it all for them. They don't even have to decide which hand to wipe their butts with or what size stick is proper to beat one's wife with, let alone who to marry, what to do for a living, how to split up your stuff when you die or what food to eat. They're told who to hate, when to have sex and how many times a day to pray. Muhammed left no stone unturned and dictated every aspect of life right down to the smallest detail. And if you're willing to be a snitch and a watchdog, you get rewarded. And if you shed blood for Islam, you get the big whorehouse in the sky!

Posted by: Oyster at March 07, 2006 12:58 PM (n/nt4)

15 in order for muslims to be able to live as free people, as do we, they would have to be able to think for themselves, which they do not, can not, and will not. They are verminous drones, spreading their plague of death to the ends of the earth, and will not stop until we have killed the last one.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at March 08, 2006 05:51 AM (0yYS2)

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