August 27, 2005

Rusty Responds to 'Fan Mail' from Dubai

Here is a letter I received from Dubai. I thought you might like to read it. Notice how the self-proclaimed not an antisemite accuses me of being a J-O-O.

Dear sir,

Ive visited your website, n i read almost everything u have there. Dont u think ur too biased?

Yes, I am biased. This is my personal website reflecting my personal opinions. By definition, then, this site is biased.

Im an arab muslim who lives in the United Arab Emirates, in Dubai.. You
probably odnt know where that is, cause Americans are too busy to think of
the outside world normally, unless it concerns energy probllems. Dubai is one of the only 5-Star cities in the world (There are only 5 5-star cities).

I know where the UAE and Dubai is. Nice place. I believe Michael Jackson is there now. Of course, by 'nice place' I mean nice as long as you stay within specially designated zones where we infidels are allowed to act like infidels. I'm not so sure I would like the rest of your country where I could not openly practice my chosen religion of South Park Universalistic Hedonism (Missouri Synod). I am required to shout 'Allah is a Buddhist' three times a day at the top of my lungs or I will be excommunicated.

Many foreigners live here, Including European and American people, who happen to love it here.

Personally I'm more into liberty than making a buck, but I understand the allure. The beaches, from what I've seen, look pretty kick ass. Any topless ones?

Dont you think you make us all sound like people who are ready to put guns to the heads of every american and kill them ?

No, I do not. I certainly hope not, at least.

I Have numerous American and English friends who would disagree. I love my american friends, ive lived with them almost all my life, we share respect and trust, and so do our families. We do not seperate Muslims from Christians (that is one of the biggest sins in Islam by the way), we do not see things that way.

I guess you are not a good Muslim then, or at least not a traditionalist, since the Quran and Hadiths explicitly place Christians not living in second-class dhimmi status as part of dar al-harb--a seperate nation. Perhaps you are a reform minded liberal Muslim who has rejected Sharia, most of the Hadiths, most traditional interpretations of the Quran, and has decided to join the 21st Century? I hope so.

We are all peacefull people, who happen to be ill-treated by your government.

Since when has the U.S. government done anything harmful to the people of the United Arab Emirites? Oh, by 'we' you mean 'Muslims'. I thought you didn't seperate people and that was like a big sin or something?

Look at Palestine. Israelis Have been destroying the homes of familes whos sons have suicide bombed places in Israel. U might think "hey, they deserveit, let the bastards take it all, "

Yes, I do. I only wish they made bigger tractors. Hey, how do you people in the UAE treat Jews? Oh, wait, all of them were forced to leave.

But What do u think it takes a man to decide to suicide and kill himself?! Lots of guts, and desperation.

Very true. And hatred. And faith that Allah will accept him into paradise for killing Jews.

Desperation caused by Israeli Forces who kill children and familes, and let kids watch their parents rot infront of them while they surround their house.

Then perhaps the fathers should not be terrorists? That would go a long way in solving that problem.

You dont know a thing about what we fell, you just look at the Israeli perspective.. your probably a jew too, and i dont mean it as an insult.

Again with the we thing. I don't take it as one. I'm not a Jew, although I'm cut, but I would count myself in good company if I was one. Did you know that Natalee Portman is a Jew? Not that it's important, but I'd definitely convert for a pice of that. And if you don't mean it as an insult, then why make the accusation? Unless you think there is something wrong with that?

You have to open your eyes. Your people are rated the most close-minded people on earth, and yes you are.

I'm sure the people of the UAE are much more open minded. I have a Bible, a Book of Mormon, a Theravada, and a Rig-Veda sitting around the office. How about I come to your country and pass them out on the street? Since your people are so 'open-minded' let's see what kind of reaction I would get.

People dont just decide to kill themselves or bomb a building, they are "forced" to do that.

Gee, I wasn't aware of that. It must be those Jews forcing terrorists to blow up other Jews. It's always the Jews, you know.

Bin laden owns more money than any american ever will, then why did he sacrifice all that and decide to live in caves?

I think Bill Gates might take umbrage.

There must be a CAUSE.

There is. It's called taking your religion too seriously.

Something, maybe hate, causes people to give up their lives and fight for something, even if that cause maybe "wrong".

Or, maybe it is love for Allah, hope for recreating the Caliphate, and a dream of inhereting paradise? Honestly, I could care less why they do what they do. I just want them dead so others like them can't do it again.

(I am against the sep11 bombings by the way).

How very big of you. I hope that didn't cause a major moral conflict.

Any american who had that much money would probably spend it on alcohol and whores,

I know I would. The whores, that is. Once you get that much money no need to drink because those high-end whores all look good. Or so I hear.

Because you americans do not know what it feels like to suffer, and > you never will (sep11 must have given you a clue though),

And you people in Dubai suffer sooo much. I'm glad you were against 9/11, though, because one might think from that last statement that some part of you was happy 3,000 civilians were intentionally murdered.

and you do not understand the honor of fighting back, to protect your people and family.

We do, only we understand the that it is a much higher honor to fight back effectively. This means when we fight back, such as in Afghanistan, our goal is to kill the other guy. In case you hadn't noticed, that was fighting back.

Islams stresses peace more than any other religion

How do you reconcile that with the statement you just made about fighting back? Many Christian fundamentalists believe violence, even fighting back, is always wrong. They take that saying by Jesus to 'turn the other cheek' pretty seriously. Many Buddhists too, some going so far as to become vegetarians so they don't have to take any life--even animal life.

You actually believe that Islam stresses peace more than, say, Buddhism? I guess that's why the Dalai Lama and his followers are so violent in opposing Chinese occupation?

Islam stresses submission more than any other religion, I will grant. But to say it stresses peace more than any other religion is to overlook the fact that 9/10 of every violent conflict in the world today has Muslims involved in some way or another. Either Muslim on Muslim violence, as in Afghanistan or in Iraq, or Muslim on infidel violence, as in the Phillipines.

I'm afraid the empirical evidence does not support your claim.

yet what do you know, youve close your mind already.

Again with the closed minded thing. Give me evidence that Islam is peaceful. I want to see it. You make a claim, now back it.

Unfortunately, your education system has taught you a lie about the history of Islam. Islam has bloody roots that go right back to Muhammed's conquest of Mecca. Both Jesus and the Buddha were strong advocates of non-violence, can the same be said of Muhammed? No.

While it is true that the Caliphate was at one time much more civilized and peaceful than the Western European countries, that time has gone and past long-long ago. Further, the 'peace' offered by Muslims to their conquered people was always the peace of submission. Contrary to Islamic propaganda, Christians were never allowed to worship as they wished under Islamic rule. One of the key components of Christianity, just like in Islam, is the Christians are under the obligation to try to convert the non-believer--something forbidden under your religious law.

If Islam is so 'peaceful' and if it is so self-evidently correct, then why would Muslims be afraid to let religious ideas compete? Why has your religion historically forbidden, under penalty of death, a Muslim from leaving the faith? Christianity abandoned this practice centuries ago. Buddhism never had such a practice.

The peace offered by Muhammed is the peace enjoyed by the slave. As long as he is obedient to his master, he has nothing to fear.

Goodluck in continuing your work of making americans even stupidier.


That would be 'more stupid'. Thank you for your letter Karim. I needed a good laugh.

Dr. Rusty Shackleford

Posted by: Rusty at 05:25 PM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
Post contains 1596 words, total size 9 kb.

1 "While it is true that the Caliphate was at one time much more civilized and peaceful than the Western European countries, that time has gone and past long-long ago." I would not even concede that, Rusty. I so often hear that Islam contibuted this or that...algebra, brought back aristotle, my view, Islam is totalitarian communism in the guise of religion. Algebra was a pagan Persian invention...the concept of zero came from the Hindu...and the bastards invaded Greece. It is nothing more, nor has ever been, anything but a failed ideology, a disgusting, misogynistic abberation that needs to be flushed down the big white toilet of history. It was never more peaceful of civilized; that is just bullshit.

Posted by: Mr. K at August 27, 2005 06:19 PM (aFc8I)

2 Karim, if you don't want people to think you're terrorists then stop acting like big jackasses. Stay on our good side and you'll prosper. Get on our bad side and we'll squash you.

Posted by: Carlos at August 27, 2005 06:36 PM (3Df08)

3 wow...karim means "generous hero" in arabic, and it is one of the principle "names of God" in the Qu'ran. I think karim was neither generous, heroic, nor godly in his dealings with you, Dr. Shackleford. I wonder if Karim is really a muslim....

Posted by: matoko kusanagi at August 27, 2005 06:37 PM (s4jJk)

4 For one thing, Karim is terribly misinformed about things that happen around Israel. Bad things have been done "to" each side "by" each side there. Albeit, one side is vastly more violent. And he is taking our insults against terrorism and those who commit terrorism personally. Why, Karim? If this is his way of reaching out to us so that we will better understand him, why does he begin by insulting us with "You probably odnt(sic) know where that is, cause Americans are too busy to think of the outside world normally, ..."? For Karim to announce that we are all so close-minded he's being awfully closed-minded. If he loves his American friends so much, why would he think the rest of us are any different?

Posted by: Oyster at August 27, 2005 06:58 PM (YudAC)

5 What is a "five star" city? I guess that's supposed to be pretty spiffy. Is it a Michelin rating ?

Posted by: D. Carter at August 27, 2005 08:30 PM (xT77+)

6 Yeppers, those gender segregated beaches in the UAE are soooo nice. And, just think, they are in the process of getting shod of the forced children jockeys. Isn't that nice and progressive? Karim, what status would I, as a Jewess, have visiting the UAE? What say I wanted to live there, what then? Would you sponsor me or would I just be another cast off along those awful pothole streets of Dubai?

Posted by: Bubbe at August 27, 2005 10:18 PM (cbAi4)

7 Typical shallow minded sand monkey. Brain washed by his stupid religion.

Posted by: greyrooster at August 27, 2005 10:35 PM (CBNGy)

8 How do you go a whole post discussing the differences between Buddha, Jesus, and Mohammed, and not make some note of the contributions to world peace made by Sea Man?

Posted by: Leopold Stotch at August 27, 2005 10:56 PM (Edjzk)

9 but on the other hand, of all the things to do in the world, he wrote to Rusty.

Posted by: Jane at August 27, 2005 11:01 PM (ywZa8)

10 I recently had breakfast with Karim... Ofwheat.

Posted by: Jason Smith at August 28, 2005 02:30 AM (TwSjW)

11 Some Italian guy kissed his Egyptian sweetheart in the back of a taxi and someone reported it. He got fined a lot of money $3000!!!! - Can't kiss in Dubai??!! Man I get so friggin mad thinking about the commie bastards swarming in the beehive in my back 40 - I'm going to nail that basketball-sized hive!! Don't they ever give up??

Posted by: Downing Street Memo at August 28, 2005 08:14 AM (ffEoA)

12 DSM still lives???...daym but i hope that next hive is full of really pissed off killer bees....hhhmmmmm, think ill go listen to that same named Anthrax CD...Attack of the Killer B's

Posted by: THANOS35 at August 28, 2005 03:45 PM (hcN1S)

13 The most distressing aspect of your mail from Karim is that he is the very kind of Moderate Muslim we hear so much about and are depending on to help us defeat the Islamic fascists. When even a "Moderate Muslim" cannot accept that the Muslims have any responsibility for their current straits and appears to not even recognize his own anti-Semitism, the prospects of containing the Jihadists seems dim. Golda Meir said, "we will have peace when the Palestinians love their own children more than they hate ours." Sadly, we are still a very long way from peace.

Posted by: ShrinkWrapped at August 28, 2005 05:00 PM (hb2K2)

14 When dealing with people from those countries one has to be aware that they are all inbred since centuries. The vast mojority is married to 1-degree and second-degree relatives. What inbreeding does is debilitating to the mind (hence the decompartmentalization of arab personalities, they don't see where they are wrong, their mind doesn't have the capacity to oversee all it's parts) and it produces overaggressivness. Both is clearly visible in these humans.

Posted by: Werner at August 28, 2005 11:10 PM (SEhIY)

15 I lived in the UAE for six years. Nice place. First off I do not recall any gender separated beaches in Dubai. They are not not even segregated in strict Sharjah. I spent some time on the Jumairah beach (with my wife to be and a friend of hers) and some time sipping ginnentonics on the beaches of Khorfakhan and Fujairah. It is a big secret but I do recall seeing Jews in the UAE, my uncle for one and a buddy of mine talked about this Jewish woman who made tons of money currency trading for one of the sheiks. Both were treated better than the average Palestinian is. A lot of lip service, oh the Palestinians but I recall one fellow of Palestinian in my office being run out of the country due to security concerns. However, an Israeli stamp in the passport was a problem if your sponsor did not want to help you out of the bind. Dubai is indeed a great city. The best ribs I have had I ate in a place called Billy Blues (I forget which hotel) in Dubai. Yes, some of what the UAE does is silly (the ultra hotels and the manmade island project) but it is a good place to live, provided you have the right passport. Five stars? Says who? I did not live in Dubai, but about 1-1/4 hour drive away in Al-Ain which was on the UAE Oman border (and its Omani sister sister city was Al-Buraimi). The American ex-pats I ran into where overwhelingly to the left (from a little to a lottle) of the political center. Cheers.

Posted by: Marcus Aurelius at August 29, 2005 12:05 AM (R3XWj)

16 Rusty, Khorosho! (Towards the end, some of the Karim's words are not italicized.)

Posted by: The Commissar at August 29, 2005 06:19 PM (6w5HI)

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