October 18, 2004

Putin says what everyone is thinking

Via the Commissar and Kevin this novestiy Putin: International terrorists have set as their goal inflicting the maximum damage to Bush, to prevent his election to a second term. If they succeed in doing that, they will celebrate a victory over America and over the entire anti-terror coalition

Let me just gloat for a minute and remind y'all that I've been saying that Putin was our ally for awhile. I wish some out there would stop there bitching and realize that, yes Putin is a flawed autocrat with anti-democratic tendencies, but so the freak what?!?! He's our ally. Allies are built on mutual interests. Who cares if Putin appoints governors or if Yukos has to sell off a few assets? Hell, if appointing governors was akin to fascism then half the unitary states on earth would qualify. After Beslan, Putin woke up and realized what a tragic mistake he had made in Iraq. He believed, wrongly, that by appeasing Muslims by opposing the Iraq war he would by some sympathy. How wrong was that? It is only a matter of time before Islamic terrorists massacre French school children. When that time comes, France will be lucky that Americans have such a short memory span and we are willing to forgive so quickly.

Related posts:
Media should be allies in war on terror says Putin
Russia's New Foreign Policy: Preemptive Attacks

Posted by: Rusty at 05:27 PM | Comments (20) | Add Comment
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1 "It is only a matter of time before Islamic terrorists massacre French school children. When that time comes, France will be lucky that Americans have such a short memory span and we are willing to forgive so quickly" speak for yourself, the way I figure it once a backstabbing nation of weasils allways a backstabbing nation of weasils. I will never knowingly buy french products again, they can eat cake... made from crap for all I care.

Posted by: rumcrook at October 18, 2004 11:00 PM (s6c4t)

2 Putin said after 911 "We told you so, but you busted our balls over Chechnya" Putin has found that tapdancing in and out of the fray like schoolchildren skipping in a group in the playground won't work when dealing with terrorists.

Posted by: qpr jon at October 19, 2004 07:00 AM (mXWnw)

3 Both you guys-so what? We ought to do what is in our interests, and when the Frogs find a dirty-bomb in Paris it will be in our interests to help them hunt down the SOBs who did it. Emotionally I'm with you, but let's not act on our emotions.

Posted by: Rusty Shackleford at October 19, 2004 08:01 AM (JQjhA)

4 "...Putin is a flawed autocrat with anti-democratic tendencies, but so the freak what?!?!" Wow, the drivel that comes from your mouth keeps getting worse and worse. I can't believe someone thought you were qualified enough to teach kids. Hey, Saddam fit those qualifications 15 years ago...how come we're not friends with him anymore? Oh yeah, I forgot...because dictators (read: "flawed autocrat" if their "allies") can't be trusted. But in the meantime, let's just look the other way, right? You know what's awesome? How 20 years ago people like you hated Soviet citizens for the same reasons you're so quick to dismiss now. I bet in 20 years, you'll love hard-line Muslims.

Posted by: Venom at October 19, 2004 10:30 AM (dbxVM)

5 Bush defeated himself when he started an illegal invasion(no, revenge killing is more accurate) based on presumptions that were laughably skewed at the outset. i'm far from being an expert on the Middle East but even i was able to predict the outcome of: chaos in Iraq, and global contempt for the USA.

Posted by: jack at October 19, 2004 10:44 AM (AaBEz)

6 Bush stuck a stick into a hornets nest and stirred, and now we blame the hornets for stinging him? everyone knows you can walk within inches of a hornets nest without being stung, if you so desire. its amusing to see redneck america(redundancy?)using France as a whipping-boy; at least france attempts to come up with solutions, and changes tack when the boat obviously flounders. ......and i'm sure the likes of Rumcrook up there sip Bordeux and nibble escargot frequently

Posted by: jack at October 19, 2004 10:59 AM (AaBEz)

7 nibble this jack, I just pulled it out of your mother.

Posted by: rumcrook at October 19, 2004 02:49 PM (s6c4t)

8 JACK: If jack is your 1st name. I'm sure that ass is your last name.

Posted by: greyrooster at October 19, 2004 06:32 PM (CBNGy)

9 May I remind some. This is not a war against individual countries. This is a Religious war. This is a war because one religion teaches the attacking and killing of others simply because they don't belong to that religion. The religion itself is the terrorist. Look at a map. Islamic nutso Pakistan is between India and Afganistan. Islamic nutso Iran is between Afganistan and Iraq. Islamic nutso Syria is between Iraq and Israel. Keep it simply stupid.

Posted by: greyrooster at October 19, 2004 06:47 PM (CBNGy)

10 Jack: Was able to predict the outcome. News for you fellow, the outcome hasn't come yet.

Posted by: greyrooster at October 19, 2004 08:19 PM (CBNGy)

11 greyrooster: Interesting hypothesis that Islam teaches that it's ok to kill others that aren't Muslim. I guess that's why there are so many killings of foreigners in Quatar, Bahrain, Oman, etc, all sanctioned, of course, by their respective governments...oh, wait. I guess you're theory's not right. The Muslim religion has the same notion about peace and respect to others and their religions as Christianity. As an aside, did you know that Iran actually has a small (but sizeable) Jewish demographic that is remarkably well-treated by the Iranian government? Jewish! So, how come they're not dead? Anyone that thinks this is about religion has lost all grip on reality. This is about power, under the guise of religion. It's in the U.S. best interests to take out Saddam because he wasn't playing ball anymore (see: Noriega), and it was in the best interests of those who despise American foreign policy to resist American encroachment in their homeland. This isn't about human rights, this isn't about democracy, this isn't about religion (despite what murderous Iraqi fanatics might think), and this sure as hell isn't about liberation. This is about neutralizing a former ally who had all his power go to his head in a BAD way for American interests in the Middle East. If you think this is about religion, you're being as short-sighted as those who are committing those awful atrocities over there.

Posted by: Venom at October 19, 2004 09:30 PM (h7+qE)

12 "This is about neutralizing a former ally who had all his power go to his head in a BAD way for American interests in the Middle East. " Annnndd.......soooo........what? It's bad to neutralize despotic dictators? Even ones that were strategically useful at one point? Even now that we don't worry about the USSR being in forced in to a game of chicken with ICBM's anymore? Now we just have to turn over the rock once and for all and clean off the maggots? Why not call it what it is? And what is essentially wrong with the way it is? What's the dealio? Sheesh...

Posted by: Tman at October 20, 2004 01:31 AM (yJWsz)

13 VEMON: Shortsighted? Or having the common sense to simplify to what actually is. The countries you mentioned have reason for welcoming the non-muslims. It's called technology and work. They have oil. we have technology and money. If Jews are in Iran theres a reason Iran can gain from them being there. Now you're telling murderous religious fanatics they don't know why their killing innocents. That's strong. You know more about their religious convictions than they do. Why bring up Christianity as a comparison for Islam? Muslim don't get along with any other religion either. You need to study Islam. Religion is power. That's the purpose of it.

Posted by: greyrooster at October 20, 2004 09:08 AM (CBNGy)

14 VENOM: I just checked a video to see if you are correct? While the ISLAMIC pigs were cutting the head off an innocent man they were not screaming power is great. They were yelling that god is great. If you cannot understand this you are as shortsighted as the killers. The Koran states that muslims must attack any neighbors that are not believers. Wake up and smell the shit! ISLAMofacists (get it) are real!

Posted by: greyrooster at October 20, 2004 09:22 PM (CBNGy)

15 Tman, So, just so I understand your position, you're saying one of two things: 1) it's ok to let despotic dictators to run free in the world, but only as long as they're useful to the U.S., or 2) all despotic dictators should be eliminated from power, acknowledging that they may have been useful at one point. If it's #1 (which I imagine is the case regarding U.S. foreign policy - see: Pinochet, Rios Mont, Cerezo, etc.), then it's pretty a pretty hypocritical attitude. How does a country claim that it wants to uphold democracy by removing tyrants like Saddam Hussein while turning a blind eye to dictators in its own hemisphere. If you're going to go around the world and take out dictators, take them all out. If it's #2, so be it - but I don't see that happening, otherwise Kim Jong Il wouldn't still be in power. And you know that the U.S. isn't going to try anything over there, especially with China looking over matters.

Posted by: Venom at October 22, 2004 10:06 AM (dbxVM)

16 greyrooster: Attibuting the actions of an extremist group to a general population is, again, pretty shortsighted. After all, that's why they call them "extremists" - because their actions are of an extreme nature compared to the overall majority. I don't see the entire U.S. population as murderous scum because John Wayne Gacey, Ted Bundy, and Burkowitz all went on killing sprees. I don't think the U.S. population is a drug-addicted nation because the major cities have drug addicts in them. And I'm not going to assume that Muslims say it's ok to kill non-Muslims just because a bunch of murderous CRIMINALS decide to bastardize the word of God and decide for themselves what's right and wrong. Again, your theory that Muslims say it's ok to kill non-Muslims doesn't hold water or we'd all be dead right now. Oh, wait, I forgot - your excuse for this glaring irregularity is that they keep us alive for their own benefit. C'mon, lay off the crazy pills, greyrooster. I don't see Christians as being a murderous religion just because there happens to be a line in the Bible that says "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth," even though some Christian fundamentalists may say it's ok. "You need to study Islam." Thanks, and you need to study some grammar skills. Here's a tip: when you write a nonsensical blathering, try to make it somewhat intelligible. Oh, and thank you also for using one source (of an extreme nature) to try and prove your point. Far be it from you, I guess, to make a generalized comment about a billion people and not use anything other than a beheading video as your proof. Good job, here's hoping that master's thesis of yours pans out (though you might want to use more than ONE SOURCE to back up your ideas). But then again, YOU must know Islam, otherwise you wouldn't take that kind of attitude here.

Posted by: Venom at October 22, 2004 10:28 AM (dbxVM)

17 VENOM: Talk about nonsensical blathering. You make excuses for them while others are dying because of them. Why not take a trip to Iraq! I'm sure all the good muslims will protect you from the bad muslims. My grammer skills. Never had any interest in proper grammer. Sad but true. My children remind me all the time. However, since they are all driving new cars to college paid for by me they don't complain too much. I spent my life building America. Not tearing it down. Poor literary skills? yes, but I can design and install a bank of elevators in a 70 story building. Think you could? I don't think Gacy, Bundy and such sicko's killed in god's name. There lies the difference. The bible does say an eye or an eye. It doesn't say a head for nothing. If we did attempt to remove all the despotic leaders in the world people like you would piss and moan like you do everything else. If you are equating the actions of modern day Christians with modern day Islamics I can only hope the muslims get you first. Just how would the Muslim world have destroyed the non muslim world? It seems to me the capabilities are the other way around. We had better keep it that way. I don't know where your hated for America and its policies comes from. Maybe nature wasn't nice to you. You're one sick puppy. Maybe educated, but still a sick puppy. I reserve my hatred for those who hate me. Not my own. Anyway since you have nothing good to say about my country. Kiss my ass.

Posted by: greyrooster at October 23, 2004 02:11 AM (CBNGy)

18 greyrooster: Good for you for deciding that poor grammar skills aren't a necessity in life. I guess that's why you're installing elevators and not riding in them. But hey, if that's what floats your boat, again, good for you. And I think it's admirable that you bought all of your kids cars instead of teaching them the "hard work" mantra that you're trying to shove down my throat. Hypocrite. 1) I don't hate America. You might view that as such, but I think you're jumping to conclusions (I guess because it's convenient and you don't have to back it up). Please, show me where it says I hate America. I hate idiots that blindly follow leaders (Democrat or Republican) without questioning them when it seems they've messed up. My thinking that the current American president is a complete fuck-up doesn't mean I hate America. Far from it. 2) "Talk about nonsensical blathering. You make excuses for them while others are dying because of them." Are you this stupid that I have to reply to this? Apparently so. I was responding to your comment that all Muslims want to kill non-Muslims. Suddenly you equate back to the terrorists in Iraq (who, if you had actually bothered to READ my reply, I described as CRIMINALS). Let me re-iterate what I said before you decided to move the goalposts and change the argument: All Muslims DO NOT want to kill non-Muslims. Understand? If that was the case, relations with Muslim countries (like those I mentioned in the earlier reply) would be tenuous at best, instead of the cozy friendships that have evolved over the last 30-40 years. Stop being an idiot and learn some comprehension skills before you decide to reply. 3) "I don't think Gacy, Bundy and such sicko's killed in god's name. There lies the difference. The bible does say an eye or an eye. It doesn't say a head for nothing." Again, you're missing the point. My point was that you can't draw conclusions from a small segment of the population. I could try explaining this to you (again) but I doubt you'd understand (again). 4)"If we did attempt to remove all the despotic leaders in the world people like you would piss and moan like you do everything else." Nope. I would applaud. It would be commendable. But again, it's convenient for you to assume otherwise. 5)Your "us vs. them" mentality doesn't surprise me. And wishing me personal harm? ("...I can only hope the muslims get you first.") A bit extreme, don't you think? Or is that how you try to come out on top in a debate? I doubt a Muslim would want to kill me for no reason, but a terrorist/criminal (Muslim, Irish, Red Army, Shining Path, etc.) probably would. These terrorists in Iraq bastardize the name of God to justify their killing, so you hate all Muslims. So, does this mean that you hate all blacks because South Africa has one of the highest murder rates in the world? Or that you hate Asians because North Korea is still technically at war with South Korea (and, by associate, the U.S.)? Because these are the same kinds of generalizations you're making, regardless of the generalizations' content.

Posted by: Venom at October 25, 2004 09:30 AM (dbxVM)

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