March 22, 2006

Courtus Interruptus for Debra Lafave

Debra_Lafave_No_Shirt Debra Lafave Closeup Debra Lafave Gets No Jail

Prosecution drops charges. More details here, here, and here.

Previous Jawa Report on Debra Lafave: here, here, here, and here.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 05:34 AM | Comments (21) | Add Comment
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1 She's hot. Let her go.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at March 22, 2006 09:36 AM (8e/V4)

2 she gives me a stiffy

Posted by: Rubin at March 22, 2006 10:56 AM (M7vZ+)

3 only closeted gays would want to see her locked away.

Posted by: john Ryan at March 22, 2006 11:04 AM (TcoRJ)

4 I am torn in response. I know at fourteen I would have hit it, like a force of nature, however if it was my fourteen year old daughter and her twenty-five year old boyfriend or a teacher I would be outraged. She maybe hot, but how many 20-25 year old male offenders are in jail for the same thing? The law should be blind to her hotness, and treat her the same.

Posted by: davec at March 22, 2006 11:16 AM (CcXvt)

5 Not ever having been a fourteen year old boy I too am torn. But I can't help but think that just because a fourteen year old boy's hormones are raging, it doesn't mean he's emotionally ready for such a relationship. I could more fully understand it if she had also been fourteen. But this is an adult woman in the capacity of an educator and should set an example of moral behavior as much as any male should. This boy is not likely to suffer any adverse emotional problems and will probably brag about it when he's older, but that's not the point. What might it do to his perception of women later in life?

Posted by: Oyster at March 22, 2006 11:44 AM (g9UJq)

6 You seriously think he's gonna wait until he's older to start bragging about it? This kid's palms are still healing from the high fives.

Posted by: Eric at March 22, 2006 02:07 PM (UHKaK)

7 lol!

Posted by: Oyster at March 22, 2006 02:25 PM (g9UJq)

8 She looks like my wife. If my wife were young that is. And beautiful. And blond. And petite. And hot. And delicious. And desirable.

Posted by: James West at March 22, 2006 02:26 PM (UHKaK)

9 James, I feel you pain! namwarts

Posted by: Namwarts at March 22, 2006 02:39 PM (Y2ILH)

10 shes a loser if she has to get it from a 14 year old...

Posted by: ginger at March 22, 2006 02:39 PM (mf6AW)

11 davec, you right, but she has gone through so much. Plus, she is just to hot. Sorry davec.

Posted by: Leatherneck at March 22, 2006 02:39 PM (D2g/j)

12 She's a skank whore, if she was a he and having sex with little 14 year old girls everyone would pipe a different tune about this whole situtation. I for one am sick of these loser women getting treated with kid gloves for doing things that would land a man in prison for a good long time. Throw her away with the older women in cell block D and watch that overly makeupped face wither. bottom line, she's a skank.

Posted by: Andre at March 22, 2006 05:50 PM (/u+1F)

13 I can't believe you guys! She's a sexual predator! She fracked a 14 year old kid! No normal, adult woman looks at a 14 year old boy and wants to have sex with him. He was victimized, and he's not emotionaly mature enough to realize what a sicko this woman is.

Posted by: Princess Kimberley at March 22, 2006 06:30 PM (9xjdU)

14 Princess K, ok..Im way sick then.

Posted by: Rubin at March 22, 2006 06:51 PM (FlPMW)

15 Princess, Davec, Ande: I agree with you! What was the old adage? Pretty is as pretty does? I have 2 children, one of each sex. Male or female, I would expect the law to sentence anyone that molests a child to the maximum sentence allowed by law.(yes, I know - she's hot, she is a 14 year old's wet dream!) What on earth am I saying? After reading some of the guys'comments here, it appears that maybe boys don't grow out of it after all! I must say, I believe this is the first time that "she's too pretty to be in prison" thing has worked. I quite frankly, as a woman and a mother, am appalled! (BTW, I happen to be 5'3", 122 lbs and petite - doesn't mean I'm going to chase my son's 14 year old friends!) I am quite happy being the "hot, cool mom" (Embarrasses my son to no end when his buddies tell him that!) Debra should be in prison and have her makeup taken away!

Posted by: Melissa in Texas at March 22, 2006 07:09 PM (bbxLM)

16 I realize you ladies are right, and I know we are not living in the 50's, and 60's. However, there is still a double standard, and I am a pig when my wife is not around. If it was my son, I would be angry, and realize the event would be premature. If it was my daughter, ( with a male teacher ), the only chance for the teacher to stay out of the hospital would be for the police to get to him first. Sorry ladies, this is planet earth, not heaven.

Posted by: Leatherneck at March 22, 2006 07:30 PM (D2g/j)

17 I don't know about getting the high five's from his peers. Most likely they would be saying "Dude why did you tell your mom ?" And look at the age that both boys and girls are having sex now. Mom would you rather have your son banging one of his classmates or the teacher ? At least you know with the teacher there won't be an angry parent of the girl having the boy arrested.

Posted by: john Ryan at March 22, 2006 11:44 PM (TcoRJ)

18 The thought that sex somehow damages a boy's psyche is not just idiotic, it's hilarious. Boys and girls are different, people, and not just physically, but psychologically, but all the liberal gender-equality crap that's been force-fed to us over the years seems to have driven that fact from peoples' minds.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at March 23, 2006 06:31 AM (0yYS2)

19 Here's one for my own father's high school in his northern Minnesota town of 2,000 or so bored souls, it was common knowledge that a female high school teacher had had a sexual relationship with one of her students. She quietly left the area not terribly long after. Wonder why this didn't make the TV news? Well, because no one had was spring, 1950 ya see. You all act like this is some kind of new phenomena signaling the end of civilization and morals. Well, kids were banging each other, teachers leaped on their students, and guys were screwing the neighbors' wife long before this crap hit the social conciousness and Entertainment Tonight. So relax, the kids are alright.

Posted by: Eric at March 23, 2006 10:12 AM (UHKaK)

20 Y'all cannot tell me that you have not seen the story (Drudge) about the ugly, fat woman that is facing 4 to 20 years for having sex with boys under 16? Hmmm, I honestly think her story sounded better than Debra's! This is preposterous! Sorry, this whole thing just gets my thong in a wad!

Posted by: Melissa in Texas at March 23, 2006 08:27 PM (bbxLM)

21 does anyone have the video clips of her on the news?

Posted by: perverted bastard at April 07, 2006 10:55 PM (2i51Y)

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