April 29, 2005

The Cedar Revolution is NOT Over Until AFTER the Elections

Michael Totten sends me this news that Lebanon will hold elections on time. He even goes so far as to say:

Chalk up another, final, victory for the Cedar Revolution.
Before claiming victory in Lebanon, I'd suggest dwelling on this quote attributed to Joseph Stalin:

Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything.

Thanks for the babe photo man, but nevertheless it's not over until it's over. The fat lady has definitely not sung.

For instance, check out the Lebanon Star today:

Regarding the Christian opposition's chances of success in the upcoming polls, Abi Nasr said: "The Christian opposition in particular expects the same marginalization experienced in previous elections with the same exclusion, but this time under an international supervision."
So Jimmy Carter will declare the elections 'free and fair' and that will be that.

Totten does have some beautiful photos from Lebanon, though. Sorry, no babes.

UPDATE: He who will not be named has similar thoughts. Only, you know, more pithy.

UPDATE II: Not so fast Kevin, there may be more babe pics to come. I agree with Right Pundit's assessment and again with Willisms.

I would also warn that it is not wise to gauge the prospects for democracy in a country by measuring enthusiasm for democracy at, well, an encampment of pro-democracy advocates.

Lebanon was, at one time, the Paris of the Middle East. But those were the days when Christians were in the majority and still in the shadows of French colonialism. Today, Lebanon has a majority Muslim population. History shows that no Muslim nation has ever granted equal status to non-Muslim populations. Will Lebanon be the first? Let's hope.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:48 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Osama bin Laden Dead? (Again)

Ok, it's DEBKA, so take it for what it's worth. As I reported yesterday, this has been sort of circulating on the jihadi message boards. The expectation was the Bush would make the announcement, but that didn't happen. Again, this is still speculation based on rumors started at Islamic message boards.

But as Ace said yesterday, "if the media is chattering about it behind closed doors, why shouldn't the public know what they're chattering about?"


An announcement of Osama bin LadenÂ’s death appears Friday in one of his close aidesÂ’ most credible Web sites. It has sparked a storm of controversy in al Qaeda circles, some of whom claim notice is false.

Signed by the Pen of Jihad Warriors, the site provides no information on circumstances of death, only asks:

Where are those who break out of borders? Where are the lamenters? Where are those who throw themselves from the tops of towers and skyscrapers? Where are the heart-rending cries?

Egyptian bin Laden adherent, Yasser Sari, calls notice a lie and promises new videotape soon in which leader announces end of al Qaeda truce in Europe. Other followers credit the announcement as “authentic and Islamic.”

Oh yeah, hat tip to Filthy Allah

UPDATE: In the 'don't count your chickens before they hatch category TRADERROB e-mails with this Sky News story:

An Islamist website has inadvertently triggered rumours that Osama bin Laden is dead.The article about the al Qaeda leader carried a headline suggesting the Saudi fugitive had died.It prompted flutters on the financial markets and triggered rumours on internet sites of bin Laden's demise.

However, closer reading of the article revealed that the author was simply suggesting the 9/11 architect could die at any time and Muslims should be prepared for his death.

Yasser al-Siri, an Egyptian dissident who ran the Islamic Observation Centre in Britain and who is considered close to al Qaeda, told the Al Sharq al Awsat newspaper that bin Laden is alive.

What's interesting is the Pakistanis go on to claim they would know if he was dead, and that they sort of know what region he's in. So why the hell don't you have 10 divisions out searching for him? Instead we hear of 'hundreds' searching for bin Laden in Waziristan. Some allies indeed.

On a related note, as long as we're speculating, I'm gonna say we're looking for Osama on the wrong continent. Try Africa.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:57 AM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
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Zebra + Donkey = ZONKEY

Zonkey.jpgBarbados giving Tijuana a run for it's money? Young Bourbon Professional sends me this news about a new 'zonkey' show. Maybe they're just trying to save money. You know, so they don't have to paint those donkeys in TJ. Plus, notice the article doesn't ask the hard questions. You know, like, what does it taste like? AP:

It's male. But what is it? A zonkey? A deebra? That's the debate in Barbados since a zebra gave birth to a foal sired by a donkey.

Alex was born April 21, a milk-chocolate brown creature with the black stripes of a zebra on his ears and legs. His face looks more like a horse, with a distinctive black "V" patch on the forehead.

"It's really funny and a little bit freaky," said Natalie Harvey, a 29-year-old waitress. "I was stunned to hear about such a weird thing happening here."

While zebra hybrids are not uncommon, most Barbadians have never seen anything like Alex.

His mother, Allison, is one of two zebras brought to the Caribbean island from Botswana, in southern Africa, in the early 1990s. The other is George and both live at Highland, a six-acre ranch where goats, sheep, ducks and donkeys roam free.

George, however, suffered a long illness, and Allison became friendly with a donkey.

"We knew she was with foal but were not sure who the father was," said Philip Atwell, the head of Highland ranch.

The slippery slope of gay marriage begins. Anyway, I'm thinking of starting a new blog: Zonkey Butchers

Posted by: Rusty at 08:44 AM | Comments (38) | Add Comment
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April 28, 2005

The Damned of the West 4: Interview with Carrie Hallums Cooper (part 2)

roy_hallums_carrie_hallums_quote.jpgAmerican Roy Hallums was abducted from his temporary Baghdad home on November 1st, 2004. He was in Iraq as a civilian contractor working on rebuilding efforts. His mission had everything to do with helping the Iraqi people rebuild their country after decades of war, mismanagement, and terror under the Saddam Hussein regime.

I had the opportunity to have several e-mail conversations with both Susan Hallums and Carrie Hallums Cooper recently. They have graciously agreed to letting us interview them. What follows is part 4 in a series of interviews with the family of Roy Hallums. In part 1 and part 2 we interviewd Susan Hallums, Roy Hallums' ex-wife.

In part 3 we interview Roy's daughter, Carrie Hallums Cooper, asking her the same questions we asked her mother. This segment continues that conversation.

Carrrie runs the website Free Roy. Carrie is 29 and makes her home in California where she also works. Carrie has an MFT (Masters of Family Therapy) and is currently pursuing a Ph. D. in Clinical Psychology. Carrie also is engaged in fundraising to help defray costs associated with freeing her father.

You can donate to the Free Roy Foundation by clicking on the Pay Pal button below.

Or you can send a check or money order to

Free Roy Foundation
c/o Carrie Cooper
PO Box 947
Westminster, Ca. 92684

More information is on the Free Roy website. Roy and other heroes will be celebrated at the Inland Empire Memorial Day Heroes Festival in Riverside, CA on May 14th.

[You can read part 1 of this interview here]

Rusty Shackleford: Roberto Tarongoy was taken hostage on the same day as Roy, and the Filipino government as recently as two weeks ago claimed that they knew Tarongoy was alive. However, the Philipines has a policy of negotiating with hostage-takers and even paying ransom for hostages release. What are your thoughts on that policy?

Carrie Hallums Cooper: First IÂ’d like to say that I have a great respect for Ivy (RobertÂ’s wife) and the Tarongoy family. If I were in IvyÂ’s shoes I would do whatever I could to free my husband. Cognitively though, I understand that if we (the U.S.) pay ransom for hostages this will only increase more hostage-taking, which is why the United States adheres to this policy. So, from that frame of mind, the Philippines policy of negotiating with hostage-takers may be encouraging more kidnappings, which for the Philippines as a whole is not beneficial.

However, unless you have been a family member of a hostage, you will never understand the lengths that you would go to in order to free your loved one. If I had to choose between policy and my fatherÂ’s life, I would not hesitate to choose my father, and therefore pay a ransom (if I had the money). So, I do not fault the Philippines for listening to their hearts in hostage situations, even though it may encourage more hostage-taking.

I believe that the policy of not negotiating with terrorists was created for the majority (those familyÂ’s whose loved ones are not hostages), and most of the time it works out fine (as long as you stay in the majority). Right now IÂ’m in the minority (a family member of a hostage), so I donÂ’t feel like the policy works for me. I donÂ’t want to put other people in danger by endorsing paying terrorists, which I do think is what happens when you pay ransoms (because it encourages more hostage taking); but at the same time, there has got to be a better policy than to just not deal with the terrorists.

To be honest with you IÂ’m kind of torn about this issue right now. IÂ’m not a policy maker, but I feel like someone could come up with a better solution than what we have in place right now (though I donÂ’t know what it is), so that itÂ’s a win-win situation for everyone. IÂ’m sure the govt. would say that it is win-win now, but I donÂ’t feel like sitting back and letting my Dad rot over in Iraq is win-win for either me or my Dad. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 11:52 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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For everything there is a season

Wishing the Aylward family all the best in their time of distress.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:23 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The Thread Where We All Gang Up on Greg

I'll start: Greg, you ignorant slut.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:20 PM | Comments (19) | Add Comment
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'Sophisticated' and 'Continental' French Take Away Miss France's Title for Posing in Playboy

So let me get this straight, the French are taking away Miss France, Laetitia Bleger's, title for posing in Playboy? And she's not even nude! As Erik Svane says about this, "If this had happened in the United States, it's a sure bet that Europe's intellectuals and pundits would be besides themselves in bewailing, mocking, and shrieking about American puritanism and hypocrisy." Indeed.

Both Rob at Say Anything and Double Viking have the pics. Despite Rob's warnings about them, they are not really nude. A kind of see through top in one of the pics, but it's the kind of stuff you see in women's fashion magazines all the time.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:12 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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On the Filbuster, Checks and Balances and Senate Procedure

Dr. Steven Taylor has a good wrap-up on the Constitutional and historical implications of ending the filibuster on judicial nominations. I'm inclined to agree.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:30 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The San Diego Mess

Carpe Bonum has the latest on the San Diego mess.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:26 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Man Lies: Claims He is Hooded Figure in Famous Abu Ghraib Photo, Says He was Electrocuted

I somehow missed this over at LGF the other day, but Gaijin Biker e-mails me with the news that PBS is set to air an interview with Haj Ali Shallal Abbas, who alleges he is the man in the photo above. How do we know he's full of crap? Check out what he says:

"They made me stand on a box with my hands hooked to wires and shocked me with electricity," Ali recalls through an interpreter in his first in-depth American TV interview. "It felt like my eyeballs were coming out of their sockets. I fell, and they put me back up again for more."
Of course, even a cursory glance at the photo reveals the wires weren't hooked up to anything at all. The alleged 'torture' in the photo above is that prisoners are told that if they fall off the box, they will be electrocuted. Of course, they never are. And Gaijin Biker notes that the Taguba report never mentions electorcution as among the abuses at Abu Ghraib.

Abuses happen at every major prison on the planet. Abu Ghraib was not exception. While such abuse is deplorable, it is routine. Let's not forget what kind of abuse happened at that same prison, as a matter of policy, before the U.S. occupation. For a comparison, see my post Torture vs. Torture [warning: graphic images].

Gaijin Biker also takes Haj Ali Shallal Abbas to task for changing his story over time. Check it out.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:20 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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Interview with "Forsake the Troops" Founder

The Dread Pundit Bluto has interviewed Michael Crook, the force behind the Forsake the Troops website. When this site first was put up I thought it was a sick joke. Apparently I was wrong.

Would it surprise any of you to know that the man who wrote this:

Two entertaining photos for your amusement..an injured US soldier being carried away like the candy-ass punk he is, and a dead US scumbag (aka member of the US military) who will now probably cost the taxpayers money for many years to come.
Is also a white supremist? From Bluto's interview:
I am a member of an organization that preserves the rights of White men and women. It does not, despite popular opinion, condone violence or hate crimes towards members of other races. Just as blacks have the NAACP, we have our organizations. I personally believe that we each have the right to live our lives, and each racial group has the right to promote and preserve their causes.
Right, you're no racist pig. Go read the rest.

Posted by: Rusty at 07:58 PM | Comments (37) | Add Comment
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Darth Vader's Blog

Darth Vader says:

Have I mentioned before that I am surrounded by idiots? Let me cut to chase and just tell you up front: the rebels got away. All of them....

I mean, come on.

I've seen drills that were more challenging. And yet, they escape. I have worked among these men this past generation and I have always known them to be, with only a few notable exceptions, truly outstanding military professionals. A galaxy quails before them because they are efficient, effective and keen.

...You try to be an effective manager, you weed out the bad apples like the late Admiral Ozzel -- only to find that an insidious culture of incompetence has somehow transformed your deadly pan-galactic armada into a fleet of spaceballs.

Hat tip: C-3PO

Posted by: Rusty at 07:43 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Muslims Sue Denny's Over Discrimination

A group of seven Muslims is suing Denny's because a night manager refused to serve them saying, "We don't serve Bin Laden's here ... You're not welcome here anymore."

Ok, that much sounds like it's within the realm of the possible. After all, there are a lot of biggoted jerks in this country. But here is the part that raises the old suspicion meter.

"Two officers from the Miami-Dade and Homestead police departments eating at the Denny's asked the seven men to leave the restaurant, and said they would arrest them if they didn't, the lawsuit said."

Then there is the same event described like this, "But when one of the plaintiffs requested a police report of the incident, a female officer refused and pulled out her handcuffs.

She then ordered the men to ''Get out, get out!'' the men claim."

That just seems a little far-fetched. I mean, Sheriff Roscoe P. Coletrain wasn't even that big of a redneck.

Posted by: Rusty at 03:58 PM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
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Bin Laden Dead?

Several e-mails have come in saying the Osam bin Laden is dead. No verification yet and this would not be the first time such rumors have circulated.


UPDATE: I'm officially calling this a false alarm. Not so fast.......

Ok, here is a link to the same rumor overheard by K.J. Lopez over at The Corner (hat tip to Reliapundit):

Was chatting with Jim Robbins. He keeps hearing this morning that the president might have some OBL news tonight? A new Islamist website is reporting that bin Laden is dead...and Musharraf has for the first time said publicly that OBL is in his country.
UPDATE II: Just to clarify, these are rumors, not facts.....I'm VERY skeptical.

UPDATE III: Well, it was fun while it lasted, right? And some of you were having too much fun with this.....

UPDATE IV April 29th: DEBKA now reporting bin Laden dead. New post here.

Posted by: Rusty at 12:54 PM | Comments (51) | Add Comment
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Religion of Tolerance: Americans Arrested in Moderate Islamic Country of Malaysia for Distributing Christian Pamphlets to Muslims

Religion of tolerance my ass. Islam is only tolerant as long as you think of tolerance in the 15th century conception of the term. I would really love to be wrong on this one, but name one Muslim country where a Christian may openly evangelize Muslims. Meanwhile, in the Islamophobic and intolerant West name one country that forbids Muslims from openly evangelizing Christians. Via Dhimmi Watch this AFP article:

Malaysian police arrested two Americans for allegedly distributing Christian religious pamphlets to Muslims, police said Wednesday.
The two men were detained on Monday and a local court had ordered them to be held for 14 days to assist in investigations, a police spokesman told AFP.

"We want to find out if they had breached any regulations in Malaysia," he said.

It is an offence in mainly-Muslim Malaysia to try to convert Muslims away from their faith.

Another police official named the two men as Ricky Ruperd, in his 30s, and Zachry Harris, in his 20s.

The official Bernama news agency said they were arrested for distributing pamphlets with religious content at Malaysia's new administrative capital Putrajaya, 50 kilometers (31 miles) south of here.

Putrajaya police chief Mohamad Khalil Kadir Mohamad said the men were detained during routine checks by police and and were found to be without any travel documents.

A spokesman for the US embassy confirmed the detentions but would give no further details.

Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said earlier this month there was no ban on Bibles published in the Malay language but they must be stamped with the words "Not for Muslims"...

Posted by: Rusty at 12:38 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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College Professor Interferes in Student's Sex Life

From my pal Professor Chaos. Speaking of books he assigns his class:

Another is Somerset Maugham's The Razor's Edge, which on a basic level is a novel about a young man's quest for enlightenment in the face of a materialistic and consumerist world.....

Having read this, one of my students approached me today and she said that the book literally changed her life. How so? I asked. "Well," she said, "I finished the book and the next day broke up with my boyfriend. I realized that I was dating Gray [a character in the book]."

Way to go Chaos! Now, how about assigning The Jawa Report to ruin their mushy left-wing worldviews?

Posted by: Rusty at 12:01 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Insurgents Funded by US, Run by Mossad, Tools of Zionists

A series of articles written by Hassan al-Haifi accuses the anti-American insurgency in Iraq of being financed and run by, who else, the American government. Because, you know, it's the American Military Industrial Complex that benefits the most from all this. Yemen Times:

No this is not a genuine struggle for freedom. One might find it easier to believe that this insurgency is working for the benefit of the occupier....

The most intriguing thing is that it does not even seem that the Americans are even looking for the people behind all the senseless killings Iraq. One wonders, if they are really interested in finding them or even if there isnÂ’t a clandestine link between the occupation and their energetic and deadly presence in Iraq....

It is often proven that people who tend to follow an agenda based on vested interests, rather than real moral motives to justify their actions, will never look seriously at the negative consequences of their actions. This seems to be the case in Iraq. An invasion was undertaken for the vested interests of the American military-industrial complex, which is reportedly recording record earnings these days (even if at the expense of a huge budget deficit)....Iraqis can keep on dying forever as far as the Washington war lords are concerned, as long as the bottom line is in the black for the machine that thrives on war and bloodshed.

Via Jane at Armies of Liberation, your headquarters for all things Yemeni.

And here's some more from the same author, if you can stomach it. Notice the impeccable logic. Islam=Peaceful, Just; Insurgency is Not Peaceful, Just; therefore Insurgents Not Muslim:

...most Moslems are bound to question the genuine motives behind those “insurgents” in Iraq, who claim to be protectors of the faith, but in fact have violated religious dictates by their wanton disregard of Islamic teachings that place great value in the sanctity of the lives of innocent unarmed civilians and in the tolerance that Islam teaches of other faiths existing in the midst of Moslem domains....

These insurgents are neither guided by Islamic jurisdiction or ordinances and are more likely serving the interests of non-Moslem forces that have found so called Moslems to carry out their designs for distorting the image of Islam....

Who are they? What are they really doing there in the first place?...many Iraqis and most observers would agree that the occupiers could not be pleased more by anything than to have an ugly (non-Islamic) portrayal of the insurgency in Iraq, so as to give the occupation some degree of legitimacy, as part of the “war on terror”.

Most observers cannot help but assume that these insurgents are encouraged by the real forces that have been behind the push for the American invasion of Iraq. The facts are proving more and more that the Zionist lobby in the United States was very active in encouraging the Bush Administration to occupy Iraq. There is also strong evidence that the Israeli intelligence organ, the Mosad is working discreetly in Iraq to create the venue that will encourage any acts that will lend credence to the soundness of the American invasion of Iraq. The idea behind this is that all these acts of barbarity would cover up for the real motive behind the uncalled for invasion of Iraq, in terms of serving the Zionist agenda and providing a buffer that secures Israel from what Israelis fear is a potential “menace” in Iran.

Many observers (even Western observers) would not hesitate to suggest that there is logical reasoning to believe that there is a strong link between these mysterious fly-by-night operations, carried out by bogus gangs, that operate under Islamic names, and the energetic activities of the Mosad in Iraq. There are well over 100 Israeli companies operating in Iraq and most are owned or headed by “former” Israeli military or security officers....

So, how could the bombings of Christian churches be logically associated with Islamic teachings or viewed as sound acts of truly believing Moslems? May God cleanse the Moslem world from these dangerous elements of a fifth column that has been implanted among Moslems.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:39 AM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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Moonbats in Seattle: "Let's Ruin Newspaper Dispensers"

"Freeze the Media Day" is when people all around the country drop superglue and toothpicks into the money slots of slimy corperate media newspaper dispensers.....Indy Media Watch has more

Posted by: Rusty at 09:17 AM | Comments (20) | Add Comment
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Zarqawi Responsible for Closing of Iraq WMD Investigation

Why did Charles Duelfer's Iraq Survey Group end their investigations into Iraq's WMD program when they did? Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Chad at In The Bullpen sends me this Independent article:

The American who led the hunt for Iraq's missing weapons of mass destruction has revealed that the investigation was cut short after he was targeted by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the militant leader in an attack that left two people dead. The head of the Iraq Survey Group, Charles Duelfer, has reported that his investigation into the possible transfer of WMD to Syria had been wound up because of the "declining security situation".

But, in an interview with The Independent, Mr Duelfer said that Zarqawi had claimed responsibility for the car-bomb attack on his convoy on 6 November 2004. "A car-bomb tried to get me and my follow car," Mr Duelfer said. "Two of my guards were killed and one was badly wounded. My hearing's not been right since."

Chad has the political angle on this thing too. Check it out.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:15 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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US Senator Calls James Dobson & Focus on the Family 'Antichrist'


Decision '08 has more.

UPDATE: Opinipundit e-mails and tells me Salazar did 'takebacks'. What a freaking anti-Christ....

UPDATE II: I apologize for my remarks indicating that Salazar is the anti-Christ. See how that works.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:55 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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