All it takes are rumors of Koran flushing and silly little cartoons to send the muslim "street" into a frothing rage.
"You can't do that, you'll make a billion people mad!" the useful idiots throw at us.
In response to this latest atrocity commited by the cowards of Islam upon my faith, I am going to post the entire string of Mohammed cartoons that were published in Denmark underneath the fold.
In support of the Danish cartoonists I drew my own Muhammad cartoons:
Soft Muhammad, the Mo-Man as a full-lipped nancy boy without a serious beard; and
Hellfire Muhammad. I encourage other bloggers to draw pictures in the spirit of the Danish newspaper cartoons. If 12 pissed off so many Islamists, what will they think of a internet filled with them?
Posted by: Thomas the Wraith at January 29, 2006 06:55 PM (zTWhc)
I wanted to post the second one from the top on my blog. I wrote the Danish paper asking their permission but no reply. I'm wondering if I'll be in breach of copyright?
Posted by: jonny at January 29, 2006 07:15 PM (nytWC)
Judas priest, these ninnyhammers are ready to start 'splodin' over some cartoons? What would they do if some "artist" were to display, oh...I don't know...say a crescent and star in a jar of piss, or made a "portrait" of Mohammed (may fleas infest his anus) out of elephant shit?
Must be why "artists" prefer to mock the Christian religion.
Posted by: The Dread Pundit Bluto at January 29, 2006 08:02 PM (RHG+K)
I like the cartoon where Mohammed's head is a bomb. Just seems to fit, I guess.
Posted by: jesusland joe at January 29, 2006 08:17 PM (rUyw4)
Dear writer and drawer its ok and great that you have democracy and freedom in your countries but this effect on us "the Christians in Arab countries "especially in Iraq that in one day 6 churches were attacked and who knows whatÂ’s coming?!!
bcause they think that all the west is Christians so the can attack any christian any where!!!
"Christian from Iraq"
Posted by: memo-Iraq at January 30, 2006 02:43 AM (vopx5)
If you Google for
fatwa images you may be amused by one in the first page of results. Ditto if you search for images of our pal
Links to actual images. You can do the image Googling yourself.
Posted by: Aaron's cc: at January 30, 2006 04:46 AM (ov6Vw)
Who among us would not support the Cartoon War?
Posted by: Dale at January 30, 2006 05:22 AM (6qCfg)
The intelligent way to respond to the supposedly offensive cartoons would be to show the world proof of Mohammed's compassion, caring, love of bunnies, baking of cookies, love of interior design, care of the environment, etc. But I guess that would be a tad difficult given what's written in their religious books, soooooooooo that just leaves throwing tantrums in the street like a bunch of four year olds while screaming "Those bad people said mean ol' things about us!" As an Anglican, I don't feel the need to b*tch and moan every time someone says something bad about Henry VIII, because, well, you can't really say anything good about Henry VIII.
Posted by: Graeme at January 30, 2006 06:25 AM (VOCa6)
Petition agains freedom of speach:
Every good muslim should sign it!
Posted by: Skla at January 30, 2006 06:51 AM (hWJvj)
We should all support these cartoonists purely for the basic right of free speech
Posted by: mel at January 30, 2006 07:00 AM (RhkAB)
such cartoons will help the muslims to unite all over the world, thanks for such great job, where the leaders of muslims have failed, you guys,bush and his team are doing wonderful job too, we appreciate this great work by all of you guys, then the force of the muslim empire will be felt all over the world
Posted by: at January 30, 2006 07:45 AM (4cHwP)
Yes, available, we know, that's why you must be stopped, because you and your monkeys want to return the World to the Dark Ages where savages reign supreme. You wish for a primitive time where slavery, murder, rape, and every form of savagery is sanctioned for Muslims, just as long as it is done in the name of your pedophile prophet.
Well, count me out of your plans, bud, and know that I am well prepared for you.
Posted by: jesusland joe at January 30, 2006 08:54 AM (rUyw4)
Available2go? Well then, go! Idiot.
I swear, it kills me that mental hospitals let the patiets just wander around getting onto their computers and flinging virtual feces.
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at January 30, 2006 09:06 AM (0yYS2)
Posted by: Venom at January 30, 2006 09:21 AM (dbxVM)
Death To women's Rights.
Death To women's Freedoms.
Death To women's Liberties.
Destroy feminism.
Posted by: m at January 30, 2006 10:41 AM (MXWyj)
I know that you want a tangible thing. Since Muslim has showed very good sign to defend their prophet Mohammed, Allah has promised such believers to support and defend them as you will see yourself. Then you will realize God might. Stay toned and watch the news.
Posted by: Abdullh at January 30, 2006 10:50 AM (Ypfe+)
Just like Allah protected his supporters in Aceh in Indonesia from a tsunami, and his supporters in Pakistan from an earthquake.
Posted by: jesusland joe at January 30, 2006 10:56 AM (rUyw4)
Yeah we'll hold our breath Abdullah. Sure thing.
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at January 30, 2006 11:20 AM (0yYS2)
Gee whiz, kids. It'd be a REAL SHAME if the Mosque of the Holy Prophet in Mecca had an accident, huh?
Posted by: mojo at January 30, 2006 01:19 PM (U9foz)
To Jesuland Joe:
If Allah protects every Muslim in this world, then every person in the world will become a Muslim. Allah wants to test the people who will believe in him as the only creator without seeing him as mentioned in Torah, Bible and Koran. In addition, the Muslim will not be a Muslim until he believes in Torah, Bible and all profits without distinguishing between them including Jesus and Moses.
Posted by: Abdullh at January 30, 2006 01:33 PM (C43Yy)
Abdullah, are you trying to be a Sufi or something?
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at January 30, 2006 02:19 PM (0yYS2)
Uh....Abjullah, that is wrong on so many levels that I really don't know how to respond. And here I was thinking that it was Allah's will for everyone to become Muslim, but not in a non-violent way, I suppose from your answer, so kill them, beat them, rape them into submission. Allah is a great god.
Posted by: jesusland joe at January 30, 2006 02:20 PM (rUyw4)
jesusland and
improbulus, are you two still up to your racist antics?
Last time we exchanged comments on jawa, improbulus was reduced to a sorry state whereby he had nothing but venom to spew, the very thing we find militants doing in the face of the (very sorry) decision made by the press across Europe.
And jesusland, I had hoped that I was able to illustrate the misconceptions you have about Islam.
On the subject of cartoons, it appears there's nothing but a caricature of intelligence to be found on this blog.
What's so wrong with being offended at cartoons drawn when we don't wish that they be drawn? What's the crime there? You may ask, what's the crime in drawing the cartoon. None, I suppose, according to the legal rule of the offending countries, but it is an obvious display of a complete disregard of the
wishes of a very large portion of the world. That lack of respect for our wishes, the blatant disregard speaks volumes. If you cannot show respect for those that Muslims revere, then you haven't begun to understand why there is such an uproar across the Muslim world about these cartoons.
I don't condone violence over blasphemy -- in fact, the Quran tells Muslims to leave the area where people are found blaspheming and return when the conversation changes to a different topic. It's obvious that the raging militants and those committed to violence are going to go about doing their own thing. Shame on them.
But shame on all you for not respecting the wishes of another group of people. You don't have to agree with us, and understanding may come with time, but we don't think it's too much for you to respect our wishes regardless.
Posted by: Sohail Mirza at February 01, 2006 05:00 PM (SHPL6)
I am an avid supporter of free speech. However, anyone can express an opinion, the real question should be how informed is that opinion or expression.
There is a point where the speech produced has no constructive value to our society and is nothing but mere baseless and crass vitriol that doesn't befit as advanced a civilization as the West.
Many Western countries draw a limit on the freedom of speech when it comes to the identity of child rape victim, slander and libel. Another main exception that some countries have adopted is hate speech. Hate speech is speech which condemns or dehumanizes the individual or group; or expresses anger, hatred, violence or contempt toward them.
Depicting the Muslim's prophet as a terrorist, with absolutely no corroborating or intellectual support or discourse, is hate speech.
I do not believe Christianity teaches us to dehumanize nor express hatred, anger, violence, or contempt against an individual or group.
Such behaviour fails to show even the slightest modicum of decorum and civil behaviour. Jesus would be ashamed.
Posted by: Dissonance at February 01, 2006 05:47 PM (/MxB3)
You are punch of hookers' and homosexuals that went out of control . You lost any sense of direction except one single direction is the Satan's direction. So good luck and enjoy each other in hell. And send us your pathetic drawings from there.
Posted by: ara at February 01, 2006 08:02 PM (b/3we)
show respect our believes!!!
Posted by: muslims at February 02, 2006 04:15 AM (PrVhR)
You know, I've never replied to posts on any site but I've reached my limit. I'm sick and tired of you Camel-Jockies spreading out all over the world, living of our tax dollars and spewing of the mouth about how bad the "West" is. If you don't like it here in the west, GO HOME. Live in a sand castle and spend your life praying to a pedophile. Stop taking my tax dollars and sending them home to your sand box. If it were not for the "West" you'd still be roaming the desert and fighting with the camels for something to eat. I have some advise though first. Anymore attacks in our countries will be met in kind, maybe we'll start cutting the throats of some Imams here in the west, Eye for an Eye type of thing. Enough is enough, if you don't like it, get on your carpet and fly home.
Posted by: topper at February 02, 2006 09:57 AM (9j4FO)
Fuck all you guys. Fuck prphets, fuck the brain washed christians and muslims. fuck you all. Are the Christians saying that mohamed is a phaedophile....and the muslimes are supposed to throw shit at jesus? well you know what? jesus is a piece of shit created by some dumb fucks.
He is nothing but an ordinary fag. Jesus was fucked in the ass by women with dildos and crucified.....fuck jesus....fuck mohamed......fuck all religious extremist...i don't mind the cartoonsd at all. i just sympathise with who ever drew this knowing that it would be a huge insult. this is deliberate. fuck americans too...
fuck all of you dumb fucks.....christians and muslims. fuck you fuck you fuck you
fuck you
and fuck jesusland joa. keep your faith to yourself. keeo your shit to yourself. stupid son of a know what, a miracle happened recently.....blood was pouring out of virgin mary's she has started bleeding out of her ass...
jesus my ass
Posted by: Anjuna at February 02, 2006 11:14 AM (C9S0h)
to topper: Ha Ha Ha, You poor thing, you still live in the camel, desert , and carpet era. Don't you read news papers or hear the news? Haven't you heard about invading Iraq, Afghanistan, and before them Palestine with your dirty army? Haven't you heard about stealing our land, our petrol (oil), our natural treasures, our museums, and many more... But the good news is we give your so called men in uniform good lessons as we speak, Don't you know that your so called army are wearing pampers before walking in Iraqi streets, they are so frightened to the limit that they wet themselves. In Afghanistan they can't dare to travel from one place into the other. Just watch more TV news to see your army arriving back home in Coffins. Or you only watch big brother, and after nine rude programs? who come to who, you better read more you tax payer thing?, wake up!!!
Posted by: mona at February 02, 2006 02:47 PM (x35f/)
Prophet was a rapist, killer and an illiterate. His manual is the Koral which calls for killing of all non muslims and take over the world for Islam. So Islam is a danger to the world. The only thing the dull muslims are capable of is human production by having more wives and using bombs and suicide bombers to kill others.
Posted by: APJ ABDUL KALAM at February 03, 2006 11:54 AM (m+tQd)
Muslims you are idiots.....if your one of the few that aren' is time to tell your fellows to get with it...they are making themselves look just as we all know they are......complete freaks!
Posted by: Muslimsareidiots at February 03, 2006 03:28 PM (Ffvoi)
America America America ....God Bless You.....
Destroy the Native American people, STEAL all their land and place them in reservation, drop the A bomb and kill half a million (and then dare to tell other soverign countries that they cannot have nukes), hate the black man and keep them below the poverty lines as you could clearly see after Katrina, have a jackass for a president who can't even speak properly, have every other priest be accused of molestation.......what a great country!!!!!!!!!!!!!Continue fueling the hate that everyone in the world now has for you. Is there any nation that does not hate Americans now....All of Europe, Asia, Africa and South America......Create more and more hatred. Keep doing it.......the outcome would only be more violence. But maybe that's what you want....Big money in War....Look at Iraq....somebody pockets got fat and it isn't the Iraqi people. Defenders of the world only if it suites you. Why didn't you save the million people in Africa that were killed due to ethnic cleansing....oh...i forgot there is no oil there. Africans in the US you will always be a second class citizen. You may not be sitting at the back of the bus but count how many of you are CEO's of top corps or how many of you are in the Country are living a lie. They have put you in a reservation called the your mind......
Posted by: jordan at February 03, 2006 05:47 PM (kP0nW)
It doesn't seem that muslims really understand the concept of free speech in free countries. We don't follow their silly rules of censorship. We have been fighting for that right of expression for centuries, and continue to fight for it every day. It is a core democratic value. The muslim rule of not being able to depict the prophet or allah DOES NOT APPLY TO ME.
But to be honest Nor does the jewish one saying that I can't work on whatever day is special to them (or i shall be stoned). Or the christian one saying I can't take the lords' name in vain (or whatever useless ancient rules you can come up with from any "bible"). They're all bullshit, and anyone with an atom of intelligence can see they're psychological tools of coercion, not true words of a god. When you try to show me a book (torah,bible,koran) and say that it's the word of god, it's YOUR idea and interpretation of god, NOT FUCKING MINE. And I will never believe your garbage no matter what forms or names or stories you change. Or how many other people believe it too. Apollo drags the sun across the sky in a chariot, a whole lotta people used to believe. And if humanity lasts another thousand years (religion and nukes? I doubt it), they will look at us like we look at the apollo worshippers - like small minded sheep willing to follow anyone with a promise of virgins and gobs of gold and candy and everlasting orgasmic perfectness.
Like you're all LOBBYISTS of GOD.
If I have to live with you religious fundamentalists and hear your propoganda over and over because you can't stand it that I don't buy your lies, then you should have to live with a few provocative cartoons and learn a little something about free speech and lighten the fuck up.
Posted by: noreligion at February 03, 2006 08:06 PM (6KkLz)
Posted by: the dude who fucked your sister at February 03, 2006 08:10 PM (ikYsl)
Can someone tell me if anyone here in america has republished these cartoons, as far as papers and tv? Aren't we the fucking leaders of free speech? Or is this an attempt to not further inflame the violent idiots? Like they could hate us more. I guess blogs and the internet really are the only hope for free speech in this country anymore.
Posted by: noreligion at February 03, 2006 08:29 PM (6KkLz)
how ignorant and racist are you? you claim to be civilised when u are creating hate! I guess you have so much hate in ur heart, do something about it and seek the truth, like the 9/11 infligh which opened my eyes. prophet Muhammad (pbuh)is never shown in pictures because it interferes with his spirituality, how can you draw a person when you don't know how they look like? even muslims don't depict jesus christ (pbuh)..... what a shame, if only you knew the true prophet Muhammad (pbuh) he never took revenge on people that were even intending on killing him! This is not about freedom of speech its about making islam secular, what a shame even some christain churches are being forced to become secular and have gay marriges! Anyone in the world can have freedom of speech, the cartoons are not freedom of speech they are ridicule, provocative, untrue, humiliating, interfering with his message.
I will boycott all denmark products and other countries that decide to follow, even my own country!!!
When i read some of these posted comments i can see that most of you are uneducated, or cant even think for yourselves......yes I am a muslim and yes I have freedom of speech and freedom of everything, I am not oppressed just incase some of you are assuming that!
Posted by: joanne Ali Fredrik at February 04, 2006 06:17 AM (+XbaD)
Denmark is primarily a Christian country. The Mualims who live there are immigrants. I have no problem with immigrants until they start telling people what they can and cant do. A Christian country has no obligation to stop its press from printing images which others may find offensive.
I can see why the images are offensives to Muslims. However, just because something is offensive does not mean the public should be sheltered from it. The images of Muslims across the world, burning flags, standing out side EU offices with guns and generally being violent simply confirm my suspicions that Muslims are still stuck several thousand years in the past. Feel free to denounce the West as enemies of Muslims, your idiotic childish behaviour will sooner or later make the West hate you.
Posted by: Allah my Arse at February 04, 2006 01:15 PM (djvcY)
I don't see what all the fuss is about.... by making such a fuss you inspire other to take it a step further. Check out this dutch competition link, purpose is to post pictures featuring prophets as a mean for commercial benefits.
(click this at your own risk)
Posted by: Neo at February 05, 2006 07:27 AM (fjhgW)
You all are motherfuckers......couse only motherfuckers fuck their mothers....sons ova bitches....
jesus the christ
Posted by: Jesus at February 05, 2006 08:56 AM (3Fg1D)
Do you know that the Christians are wining the hatred of the Muslims with these stupid and provoketing cartoons.I condemn the cartoonists and all these newspapers.
Posted by: Melih at February 05, 2006 09:19 AM (wrcyl)
Perhaps its just me....but..If these cartoons haven't been published in Muslim come millions of
uslims in those countries are 'enraged' over the content of the cartoons and calling for the heads of 'none believers'and burning down embassies because of some images they haven't actually seen for themselves.
The way I see it is...
If my local reverend told me there had been a cartoon showing Jesus in a comprimising position with a goat and encouraged me to take to the streets you better believe I would want to check the facts and see the cartoon first..!!
If Muslims can't look at images of Mohammed may i suggest that none of these protesters have seen and therefore are unable unable to draw their own conclusions about these pictures
(if they have looked then they have been a bit naughty)....
it does strike me as rather strange that you can get so upset and hurt over something you know nothing about and blindly trust and follow opinions and behaviour of others...
If I draw some images of what I think Mohammed looks like and show him holding a plackard which says 'Behead all non-believers'would I get into trouble and have a fatwa set against me for drawing an image...??
An idea...
To ensure no one is ever offended again by a cartoon, perhaps the world should consider setting up a 'clearing house' system for all cartoons/pictures. These would all be examined by censors of all creeds and religions..-if any of the censors state they are offended by any submitted item that item shouldn't be published.
Somehow, I feel that this idea would put an end to all cartoons because someone, somewhere will play the 'I am offended' card..
In time we could expand this idea to cover all written articles, photos, film...the list is endless.
Oh, doesn't that sound rather like a state where religous law is the only law and to have an alternative viewpoint is forbidden.
Sometimes, whatever you do or say will 'offend' someone..
Oh, and if so many Muslims dislike the 'decadent west'so much, pleae, don't put yourself out for our sakes, don't come here on holiday, don't buy our products, know the sort of thing, motor vehicles, any pharmacutical products, electrical items, after all, you have thriving industries in all areas of commerce.
Remember to boycott Danish bacon while you are at it..
Posted by: John at February 05, 2006 02:20 PM (I313z)
Posted by: Turkey at February 05, 2006 02:47 PM (z0UG4)
Muslims in West must go back to own countries. Now. No Muslim must be allowed in the West. You hate the West, you must leave. Or we will not be responsible for your fate, which is looking very serious. Take this as warning, look what happened to you in Malta.
Posted by: Crusader knight of Malta at February 05, 2006 02:59 PM (rUyw4)
We didnt your regilion's prophet. Coz u make fun with self prophet Hz.Muhammed ...
i said only one
fuck you DENMARK !!!....
Posted by: Gharipc at February 05, 2006 03:00 PM (Q1Biq)
I think you all are useless persons and I never go down your standing.Allah(c.c.) in my hearts Allah(c.c.)in our hearts.We(müslims) respect your belief during history
Posted by: Allah in my hearts(AkA) at February 05, 2006 03:08 PM (yXUIe)
put away this cartoons
Posted by: ajsdjsda at February 05, 2006 03:52 PM (v2Phl)
siz şerefsizden başkası değilsiniz
Posted by: sizisiken at February 05, 2006 04:27 PM (rbp6C)
it is a shame on you......
Posted by: Erik at February 06, 2006 02:53 AM (M/0xN)
You religious people are messed up how is it that in this day people can still be brainwashed by what some random person wrote about a couple thousand years ago and lead their life around it, have wars about it seriously have you no mind of your own do you not have your own moral beliefs and your own say or do you need to check your bible and koran on wot to say. its just a fucking cartoon people are offended about religion all the time look at the priests all of them are now considered phedophiles. you need thicker skin and just cause you believe whatever doesnt mean the rest of us fucking should
Posted by: fucking relax at February 06, 2006 03:07 AM (1NtUO)
vous n'arivez jamais àtoucher notre islam et notre foi àmohamed et dieu
vous etes des imbissiles des salops des terro
Posted by: stéphane at February 06, 2006 06:49 AM (AugPz)
ya seve seve ya sike sike karikatürler geldiği yere (ıts either you all or our )
Posted by: AkA at February 07, 2006 07:03 AM (YAHJb)
ya seve seve ya sike sike karikatürler geldiği yere (ıts either you all or our )
Posted by: muslims at February 07, 2006 07:04 AM (YAHJb)
you all are'll burn in hell with devil and appeal to Allah(c.c.) but Muslims will to be in Paradise with Muhammed(S.A.S)
Posted by: AkA müslims at February 07, 2006 08:47 AM (hmT9V)
The post is to respond to Sohail Mirza(5 Feb) If the Muslim population is so offended by cartoons--We(the rest of the world) are supposed to be sensitive to that? Give me a break! Why is it okay to make fun of every other religion as they have done because all do not believe in Allah? Have we burned down embassies and strapped bombs to ourselves and gone into your religious sanctuaries and blown people up? Uh, let's The bottom line is that this is not a religion, this is a violent cult. If you consider yourself open-minded, go read "Under the Banner of Heaven" to learn about religions of violence. Maybe it will make sense that terrorizing and killing innocent people to get them to think like you is not the way to get things done.
Posted by: Lit'l one at February 07, 2006 11:33 AM (GBGnu)
Having read Mohammed,Believe it or Else! and seen some of the jokes,(Shake More Ham Head, etc) the Danish cartoons are mild. Are there any Islamic attack cartoons?
Posted by: Fr. David at February 07, 2006 09:28 PM (YKu7i)
all muslims hate denmark!! we never buy your products.God will punish you!!
Posted by: denmarkfucker at February 08, 2006 07:20 AM (ITAgK)
You have no right to publish and attack to muslims beliefs and religion, it is not a subject to be flexible about. You are not in the right way, anybody can not make any comment on any subject if they have no idea about it. You dont know the KORAN or Muslims... We are shaming on you and damn your people who think on this way... !!!! God will punish you... Go out from your home and look around yourself, the world is not turning around you...
Posted by: Turhan at February 08, 2006 10:39 AM (zj8Dk)
Hi all, all of this racism must stop... Day by day everyone in the world is becoming enemy of the other one... I dont want any religion wars, we aren't living in dark ages, no more jihads or crusaders... If you want Muslims be calmed down, please show a little respect... Of course there is some Muslim idiots, but there is also some idiot Christians... last word No Religion Wars Please... Don't Let Anyone To Kill the other for religion...
Posted by: Noone from nowhere at February 08, 2006 11:28 AM (E2+nj)
fuck the religion... it's just bullshit... aren't you tired from fighting? just like crusades. barbarian west for middle east and heretic muslims for west... it's really bullshit.
Posted by: agnosticfront at February 08, 2006 05:29 PM (VPiRp)
these caricatures are totally disrespect for muslims in the world. publisher of that cartoons are mother fucker
Posted by: arda at February 08, 2006 05:45 PM (fNfuI)
I liked the "out of virgins" cartoon. You could also add the phrase "we can only supply two hookers and a goat - we have plenty of those"
Posted by: freeman at February 09, 2006 02:29 PM (pUKbi)
We don't have to portray your prophet as a terrorist, your people do a good enough job all by yourselves when you murder innocent women and children in a pizza shop, with a drugged-up suicide bomber, in the name of Mohammed. We are not afraid of want a global war, you will get one, and we will win, because we are free and you are not.
Posted by: freeman at February 09, 2006 02:50 PM (pUKbi)
I went to Iraq. What a fucked up place.Muslims should stay in thier shithole countrys. We should apply all the rules that muslims apply to christians in thier countrys to the muslims in ours. See how they like that. They can bomb and kill , well so can we
Posted by: Muslimkiller at February 09, 2006 05:49 PM (SDEEM)
Posted by: UGUR TABU at February 09, 2006 06:06 PM (6G+sw)
hepinizin gtüne koyyuım amına kodumun kaşarları saygı seviyenizin gtüe koyım szin yavşaklar ananaıza hadçektitiklem bu laflar sze amınızı gtütünü bir ettimin kahpeleri
Posted by: muzo at February 10, 2006 09:26 AM (vT/xR)
Posted by: gokhan at February 10, 2006 10:00 AM (O4CJ3)
gavatlar allah korkunuz yokmu sizin tabi sizde farkındasınız olayların bu olayların sonunda değil ama en sonunda islammiyet dünyanın dini olacak bu vatikanın ve NSA arşivlerinde bile var am işiniz gelmiyorr ...allahınızdan bulun...
Posted by: merasti at February 10, 2006 01:26 PM (sayRF)
gavatlar allah korkunuz yokmu sizin tabi sizde farkındasınız olayların bu olayların sonunda değil ama en sonunda islammiyet dünyanın dini olacak bu vatikanın ve NSA arşivlerinde bile var am işiniz gelmiyorr ...allahınızdan bulun...
Posted by: gemlikli at February 10, 2006 01:27 PM (sayRF)
Ass hole why don't you understand why ur boiling the issue it will way beyond your throats fucking europeans u won't be able to digest humilation u caused to muslims. Now you will see ur cartoons and will become the part of ur heritage so ur next generation can see how stupid there fore fathers were.
Posted by: Aziz at February 11, 2006 01:39 AM (R7uA+)
Allahınızdan bulun küfür ederdim ama sizin gibilere küfür etmek yetmez kurandaki fil suresini biliyorsanız danimarkalı karikatürüsler ve onu destekleyen insanlar allah en büyük ve yukarda ya bu tarafta ya o tarafta bunların cezasını acı acı ve yanarak çekeceksiniz
Hz.Muhammed senden bu insanlar adına özür diliyoruz la ilahe illallah la ilahe illallah
Posted by: halil at February 11, 2006 06:06 AM (o6FD5)
siz karikatürsler cehennem de yanarken bizler yani müslümanlar cennette temiz ruhlu insanların olduğu yerde allaha ibadet edip her istediğimizi elde edebilecez
Müslümanlar tekrarlayın allahüekber,allahüekber,allahüekber,la ilahe illallah ,amin
iyi günlere tüm müslüman kardeşlerim
Posted by: halildenizsever at February 11, 2006 06:17 AM (o6FD5)
İşallah allah sizi şiş kebbap yapıp üzerinize ketçap dökerek şeytana verir pis danimarkalılar ben sizin bayrağınızı da yakarım.sizi döner ekmek diye yerimlan
Posted by: halildenizsever at February 11, 2006 07:16 AM (o6FD5)
We wake up to see video on CNN showing rampaging Muslims around the world. In Europe, the Middle East, the Pacific Rim ... Muslim Mobs spreading mayhem. It seems that these mighty mad Muslims are rioting and firing their ever-present AK-47s into the air because of cartoons. Yup ... this latest epidemic of Muslim outrage comes to us because some newspapers in Norway and Denmark published some cartoons depicting Mohammed. No big deal...........
Muslim outrage huh. OK ... let's do a little historical review. Just some lowlights:
·Muslims fly commercial airliners into buildings in New York City. No Muslim outrage.
·Muslim officials block the exit where school girls are trying to escape a burning building because their faces were exposed. No Muslim outrage.
·Muslims cut off the heads of three teenaged girls on their way to school in Indonesia. A Christian school. No Muslim outrage.
·Muslims murder teachers trying to teach Muslim children in Iraq. No Muslim outrage.
·Muslims murder over 80 tourists with car bombs outside cafes and hotels in Egypt. No Muslim outrage.
·A Muslim attacks a missionary children's school in India. Kills six. No Muslim outrage.
·Muslims slaughter hundreds of children and teachers in Beslan, Russia. Muslims shoot children in the back. No Muslim outrage.
·Let's go way back. Muslims kidnap and kill athletes at the Munich Summer Olympics. No Muslim outrage.
·Muslims fire rocket-propelled grenades into schools full of children in Israel. No Muslim outrage.
·Muslims murder more than 50 commuters in attacks on London subways and busses. Over 700 are injured. No Muslim outrage.
·Muslims massacre dozens of innocents at a Passover Seder. No Muslim outrage.
·Muslims murder innocent vacationers in Bali. No Muslim outrage.
·Muslim newspapers publish anti-Semitic cartoons. No Muslim outrage
·Muslims are involved, on one side or the other, in almost every one of the 125+ shooting wars around the world. No Muslim outrage.
·Muslims beat the charred bodies of Western civilians with their shoes, then hang them from a bridge. No Muslim outrage.
·Newspapers in Denmark and Norway publish cartoons depicting Mohammed. Muslims are outraged.
Dead children. Dead tourists. Dead teachers. Dead doctors and nurses. Death, destruction and mayhem around the world at the hands of Muslims .. no Muslim outrage ... but publish a cartoon depicting Mohammed with a bomb in his turban and all hell breaks loose.
Come on, is this really about cartoons? They're rampaging and burning flags. They're looking for Europeans to kidnap. They're threatening innkeepers and generally raising holy Muslim hell not because of any outrage over a cartoon. They're outraged because it is part of the Islamic jihadist culture to be outraged. You don't really need a reason. You just need an excuse. Wandering around, destroying property, murdering children, firing guns into the air and feigning outrage over the slightest perceived insult is to a jihadist what tailgating is to a Steeler's fan.
I know and understand that these bloodthirsty murderers do not represent the majority of the world's Muslims. When, though, do they become outraged? When do they take to the streets to express their outrage at the radicals who are making their religion the object of worldwide hatred and ridicule? Islamic writer Salman Rushdie wrote of these silent Muslims in a New York Times article three years ago.
"As their ancient, deeply civilized culture of love, art and philosophical reflection is hijacked by paranoiacs, racists, liars, male supremacists, tyrants, fanatics and violence junkies, why are they not screaming?"
Indeed. Why not?
Posted by: denmarkfordanes at February 11, 2006 11:13 AM (8EMRj)
An answer to john;
It's a dogma that muslims can't look at muhammed's pictures, we're not blindless people, of course we all saw the cartoons and I can not imagine why a person wants to joke on a population's religious thoughts and why a country supports such provocative things.Another important point is; we were not forbidden to see or make muhammed's pictures, it's only respect to him and to our religion , he's in our thougts and in our heart such as god, he isn't an ordinary thing to be idolized. May be christian's behaviour on jesus is different, they put his images, pictures and sculptures everywhere and pray directly to him, but we muslims pray only god and put no other mediatorbetween us and God .We'RE ONLY waiting for some respect to our religion, please read and learn more about our religion and decide then about muslims. I don't support wars or terorism but european countries know the sensitivity of muslims about their religion and they always follow a way to provocate them. I only wait for an excuse from Denmark people and Rasmussen 'cause this's not a freedom of speech or another thing that danish people made, this is only a disrespectfull behaivour, and shame on them. Muhammed was a very tolerant person and accept all christians, jewish people and their religions, and he didn't deserve such insultance. I don't support such protests like burning flags etc. these musn't destruct all muslims 'cause most of us don't support such protests, but we need an excuse!
Posted by: shame on you at February 11, 2006 03:42 PM (kU4GO)
To Shame on you,
With all due respect, I think that you should check your facts. Point one, the Danish People (Denmark people as you write) do NOT owe ANYONE ANY excuse for ANYTHING!It was a Danish Newspaper, Jyllands Posten that published these totally ridiculous drawings that have caused so much anger. As far as I know they have apologised, likewise the Danish PM has also apologised. What more do you want? The Danish people including Danish Muslims have no responsibility for any of this. You ask others to respect your religion, perhaps you TRUE Muslims should do more to stop the fanatic extremist Muslims that commit terrorist acts and murders in the name of Islam. Then perhaps we others will try to understand and learn respect for your beliefs. At the same time you must control the Imams that spread such hatred and lies about Western Society. The Imam group from Denmark has deliberately twisted the facts and lied about the situation here in DK, they have shown pictures that have nothing to do with the truth. Shame on you a good alias, it fits with many of your kind!
Posted by: denmarkfordanes at February 11, 2006 04:48 PM (8EMRj)
we are looking to atack on washington usa are u ready for this and bush we are looking to ur wife
Posted by: alqaeda at February 12, 2006 03:25 AM (CNXwE)
ready usa now the times come to destroy u
Posted by: alqaeda at February 12, 2006 03:38 AM (Djyhx)
ugikufajfslkfjapirfjalsdkmcv sadc nvaijosfd naafihosidhvlkdnv lxkc noiazshdvoisfd vvihdzfv njzkx boizudfhv \azibvhoia\dz bjhpidzvjapoi\uvoafhd bdozlxighaofidbvh zdjfnvzuodshgvaodihv
Posted by: alqaeda at February 12, 2006 03:44 AM (Djyhx)
Wow I really regret not coming back to this post, because it really brought the rats out of the woodwork. I hope all the 'slamotards and their little liberal dhimmi bitches do start some shit soon so I can kill a bunch of them.
Hey Sohail, is you mom still whoring for American soldiers in Baghdad?
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at February 12, 2006 07:30 AM (0yYS2)
I was dissopinted by the cartoons insulting Muhammed. Nobody has a right to insult someone or somebody. It is very thought-provoking of being done by a civilized country. Yes, in the islamic world there is a terrosim but it doesn't depend on our religion and Hz Muhammed. If you read Hz Muhammed's life you can understand it very easily. He prayed for his Allah to forgive the person who broke his teeth. You cannot believe our religion as I don't believe your religion. But neither you nor I can insult them. If you attack the other religions you can only increase the terrosim and nobody can suit. I love Hz Muhammed, Hz İsa, Hz Musa, Hz Süleyman. All of them are our prophets.
Posted by: Süleyman at February 12, 2006 08:21 AM (ANTmh)
To those who are not Muslim - check out the Muslim commentators above and what they write. Any questions? Do you buy into their "Islam is a peaceful and tolerant religion" or do you see that claim for the bullshit that it is?
We're in a religious war folks. Islam has declared war on civilization and every other religion.
Posted by: likwidshoe at February 12, 2006 08:31 AM (XJO7P)
Süleyman wrote,
Nobody has a right to insult someone or somebody.
Yes we do. Understand that, repeat it, say it aloud, and do whatever it takes to learn it. We can say whatever the hell we want about that prophet of yours who liked to have sex with children**.
** Incidentally, this is not an insult. Your prophet was a sick pedophile.
Posted by: likwidshoe at February 12, 2006 08:35 AM (XJO7P)
Shame -- when Muslims worldwide start acting in a manner that merits respect, we in the West might begin to show you some. Until then, we could not care less about your feelings or religious law.
Tell you what -- when the severed heads of binLaden, al-Zarqawi, al-Zawahiri and the rest of the leadership of al-qaeda are deposited on the doorsteps of US embassies by Muslims, and when the terrorism stops, then we will consider the possibility that your religion has something of worth in it.
Posted by: Rhymes With Right at February 12, 2006 11:13 AM (6Soqt)
The muslims of this world are to ready to jump to conclusions.They want the whole world to be muslim. Its a fact. Well I will not bow to an dictatorship, that controls your whole life. As to the terrorists. Well , Kill them, chop of thier hands and feet, and bury them in pigskins.If muslims want respect, they must earn it.
Posted by: muslimkiller at February 12, 2006 04:36 PM (zrznb)
Fuck your mothers! This cartoons are really SHAMEFUL!
Thats not acceptable!
Siktirin amk.
Posted by: Piçler at February 13, 2006 02:20 PM (2te/T)
Posted by: babbaa at February 14, 2006 10:56 AM (Qo8v5)
Hz. isa sizden utanıyor. O çarmıha siz layıksınız.
Posted by: yusuf at February 15, 2006 09:15 AM (OlhZf)
lan amını evlatlarını siktiğimin evladları sizin analarınızın götünün amına korum piçin evlatları ne idüğü bellisiz babası orospu cocukları sizin anlarınızın amında 3 kıl kaldı diğer 20000 tane kılı ben sike sike döktürdüm ya aaaaaaaaaaaa ebeninizin amını gördünüzmü bkz. ebenizin götüne morsa vede buruşmuşsa sorumlusu benim hehehehhehehhe kusura bakmayın gavurlar
Posted by: deli-yusuf at February 15, 2006 09:25 AM (OlhZf)
hey ragheads. write so that we can read, not in your backward squiggle
Posted by: muslimkiller at February 17, 2006 05:20 PM (3kV/c)
ulan orospu çucukları sizin hepinizin amına korum piçler ananızı sikiim hepinizin ulan amcık aızlıu gavurlar
Posted by: sadnasn at February 18, 2006 11:25 AM (bvIyv)
when muslim's are in heaven,you all christs burn in hell.devil will do meetballs from your bodies.
fuck you all christs.
you all are son of bitches
bastards.fuck you muslimkiller.
Posted by: christ fucker at February 18, 2006 11:39 AM (bvIyv)
Hmm, letme see here:
- LOTS of variations of "fuck" references here;
- LOTS of references to "fucking" mothers here;
- LOTS of other assorted perverted "fucking" references here:
- Instigator of this whole camel-jockey mess was an open pedophile;
- The one Hollywood movie that best describes relations between towelhead* men is "Brokeback Mountain";
- Random squiggly drawings published in an obscure newspaper** in a small European country = worldwide mouth-foaming/street fighting/bomb throwing insanity;
Oh, yes, I see where the whole world should bow down to your superior religion/culture/mores/system of law. Point well taken, lads, we'll take it from here!
What a bunch of maroons.
*Actually, they were first published in a prominent Egyptian newspaper some 8 months before the Danish one. Why no mass protests back then? It was a
Muslim newspaper. See?
**I have just been informed that the Splodidope crowd does not wear towels on their heads, they are in fact small sheets. Ah, I see. My bad. I will remember to refer to you all (using short, monosyllabic words and no fast movements) as
Sheetheads from now on.
Posted by: NotATard at February 18, 2006 03:01 PM (VqJjL)
Oddly, I'm not too worried about you dark-age rejects f***ing my mother. I guess that's because I know you prefer goats and young boys.
I won't even bother posting a picture of Muhammad (piss be upon him). Why bother? Every gay porn movie made features him prominently.
Posted by: Master Shake at February 18, 2006 05:08 PM (mq3NB)
It would seen that muslims are obsesed with fucking. Well as they fuck small boys and virgins I aint surprised.
When muslims die they come back as pigs, so every one can make bacon from them.
It would seem strange that all muslim countries are slightly backward?
Also the recent calamitys that have befallen contries like the tsunami, the earthquake and other, all happened to muslim countries. It would seem to me that muslims are been punished for killing inocent christians. But then who do they crawl to for help. May be we westerners should leave them in the cesspits the create
Posted by: muslimkiller at February 19, 2006 12:53 PM (3kV/c)
I think muslim are over reacted, what r they trying to proof, they should all be nuke, before the iran has arms with nuke.
Posted by: A at February 20, 2006 08:36 AM (Xqz/P)
you don't know what did you do...Do you belive life after will go to hell for this caricatures....your god is Allah too...Chirstian Jewishness and Islam are religion....yes religions of Allah.....your God is Allah, my god is Allah too..please read Koran....only a lot of sura.... Edison did read Koran (sura of glory)and he did find electric...Captain Custo did read Koran and leard this...."Salty water don't mix with drinkable water" KORAN SAYS ONLY REALS.
Posted by: elhamdülillah müslümanım at February 20, 2006 10:15 AM (aFxhM)
nuke nuke nuke uffffffffffffffffff...... These are lie.....Lie of America..... America wants oil ...not peace..... Dad Bush is liar... son bush is liar too......i miss Clinton...He is real pacifist....Bush wants Turkey too.... Why? But we have very borons and toryum....if war starts, turkey isn't silent as iraq..... I know this..." Persia isn't silent too.....
Posted by: TURKEY at February 20, 2006 10:33 AM (aFxhM)
MoHAMmed was a prophet for the Devil,
AKA, Satan.
Posted by: The Other Dave at February 20, 2006 09:43 PM (yJVqu)
Posted by: yusuf at February 21, 2006 05:33 AM (xVx1N)
Posted by: muslimkiller at February 21, 2006 02:49 PM (MEmoY)
Have a look at this sie for more fab cartoons
Give those islomoturds something to think about
elhamdülillah müslümanım, I think you are smoking bacon to think Edison would hve read your rag before inventing electricity, so go and fuck camels
Posted by: muslimkiller at February 21, 2006 02:58 PM (HTsZu)
this is not a dogma for muslims(for us).thıs ıs only a respect and a precaution for againist to idolize our religion.
we only want a little respect ourselves from the other religion communities.just as we respecet their beliefs.
Posted by: kenan the survivor at February 22, 2006 10:13 AM (Dn4bp)
May I just quikly interfear with your heated discussion?
Christians- arnt you supposed to win souls for God through practissing his love and forgiveness, but remain silent at times when you can not feel this love?
So Live and Love.
Muslims- do you really belief God is so small weak and feable that he will feel heart and deminished in his almightyness by the sribbles a little insignifficant and confused human, who is probably fighting his own inner spiritual battle?
No, and you know it.
Spiritual rules exist because a God cares about us. And --Yes we have responsibility for those around us, we shall help them learn individually, for every heart matters.
But for those astray we shal have pitty as we do for an injured, not hatred.
The doctor that beats his sick patient with a stick will never cure him. The Docter who listens and cares does.
So Listen and heal.
Nonbelievers- rejoice- for you heaven is on earth, but try to make it heaven cause it's the only chance you have.
So go and creat heaven for the rest of us.
Posted by: simon at February 24, 2006 05:34 PM (lHzdZ)
Posted by: Faustinus at February 27, 2006 07:32 PM (CxG96)
Posted by: kill of denmark at February 28, 2006 11:16 AM (bxo46)
anasını siktiğiminin danimarkası orospu çocukları gotunuze sokayım piçççç lleerrrrrrrrbunu yayınlayan siteye sokum
Posted by: fuck you denmark at February 28, 2006 11:18 AM (bxo46)
I adress all the people in the world.We,Muslims are fully free. You, Christians, are slaved with your greediness and desires. No one is immortal. What are you going to do in the other world? You wont have freedom of speech there. I do not expect you to change your religion.but just respect us and our Holy prophet. Keep in mind we can die for him without hesitation. Anyone insulting him in fact insults himself. I hope you will put an end this nonsense war among the religions. May God be with you!
Posted by: Muhammed Ak at March 01, 2006 02:47 AM (fap1V)
hepinizin anasını sikiyim. hepiniz anası sikilmiş orospu çocoklarısınız. o karikatürler yüzünden tüm piç hristiyanlar cehenneme gidecek.. tüm hrıstiyanların bacısını sikeyim... (turkısh)
Posted by: muhammed at March 02, 2006 01:27 PM (eqO3R)
sizin ben ananızın amına sokarım
yalnız anana zaten benden öncede islam ordusu girmiştir ananı bacını eşiktekini beşiktekini sizin hepinizin anasının amına kızıl haç ordusu girmiştir
Posted by: nalan at March 07, 2006 01:11 PM (ZBYSJ)
orospu çoçuklari din iman kok mintan hepsini sikkiimmmmmmm sike sike sikim kan gren olsada yine sikimmmmmmmmmmmmmm orrospuuuuuuu çoçuklariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Posted by: cazannowa at March 15, 2006 07:39 AM (1ghuf)
Yep, I did it. I read ALL of the posts before this one. From all of it, I've determined there are three basic post types. Christian, Muslim and not-involved. The Christian says "why the bombs and anger" over the cartoons. The Muslim says "respect me or you'll be blown up and burn in hell". The not-involved simply says "you're all idiots for believing in lies".
The bottom line truth is EACH and every one of you reading these posts should resort to their own WRITTEN belief system. Christians, should do unto others as they would have done unto their own. Muslims should pray for the salvation of the non-saved world. Since Muslims are taught to believe in Jesus; Muslims should not regard Christians as not-saved. In theory, they should balance each other out. The rest are fair game.
Christians (yes, you get the first spanking because you should know better):
Continue to live in Grace with peace and understanding for all others. Get back to the two commandments (you know what they are).
Muslims (because you're the sensitive ones, you're second in line for the spanking):
No one doubts your faith (it is strong). But please, to live in this multi-cultural world, you really should continue with your education. Remember, if you allow violence and hatred into your world, then thats all you have when its finally done. And for YOUR GOD's SAKE; stop throwing bombs.
All the rest of you; I pray you choose your after death fate soon before you lose life and become nothing.
And a moral scolding to all of us: We've come a long way; haven't we yet learned that love of all others is better than hate of each other?
Muslims: Respect is earned, not demanded. Allah does not want slaves for followers.
Christians: Remember to love and forbear, for all these things must come to pass.
All others: try not to enjoy the show too much.
Posted by: Balancing the rhetoric at March 21, 2006 08:25 AM (af0Nx)
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