July 31, 2005

Al T.V.

I've been following with interest, and more than a little confusion, the story of Current Television, the network by Al Gore that is debuting tomorrow. Below the fold is a lengthy analysis on what I think this network's main accomplishment in this new, and possibly exciting format of "citizen television" is going to be... more...

Posted by: Vinnie at 10:51 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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Anybody Wanna Meet for a Beer?

By Demosophist

So anyway, I'm gonna be down near the National Mall tomorrow morning, in case anyone wants to meet for hot dogs or pizza or something. Pretty close to the Air and Space Museum, or the Smithsonian "Castle." Should be free by about 10:00 AM in case there are any Jihadists who would like to take a shot at me. Which wouldn't be that tough to do, since I can't carry in "The District." About as vulnerable as I can be. Well, for a macho sonofabitch, I mean.

Just give me a time and place. Like the X-15 exhibit in the A&S Museum at 10:30AM? How about that?

I'm not going near that reflecting pool though. And I'm in a real shitty mood, so don't count on much scintilating conversation. It's freakin' July in the swamp, after all.

Posted by: Demosophist at 08:03 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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While The MSM Brings Us Body Bags, Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, And How The Word Hates Us - They Ignore What's Right With America And The Things That "Make Us Proud"

Can anyone please explain to me why the AP and CBS rush to bring us a phony fatwah story along with the image below on the right of a Muslim and a Crescent defaming our national symbol, but totally ignore the story behind the man and the image below on the left?

Media Disgrace.psd.gif
(Image on left is the Navy Cross, via Bob Lonsberry and Mary Jones. The disgusting image on the right that defames our nation's flag and in effect, symbolizes an Islamic takeover of America, is from the AP and CBS)

Had I not received an email about this I wouldn't have known about it either.

"The odd fact about the American media in this war is that it's not covering the American military. The most plugged-in nation in the world is receiving virtually no true information about what its' warriors are doing." If it doesn't undermine the war effort and our nation's effort to keep Islamofascists from blowing us up and replacing every church and synagogue in America and Europe with a mosque, the press doesn't report it.

For those of you who might not know, the man on the left in the image below is the Commandant of the Marine Corps, and he is proud to know the man on the right.

MAKEYOUproud 1.jpeg

Meet Brian Chontosh, the man on the right; Churchville-Chili Central School Class of 1991, proud graduate of the Rochester Institute of Technology, husband and about-to-be father, First lieutenant (now Captain) in the United States Marine Corps, and a genuine hero.

At 29 Palms in California Brian Chontosh was presented with the Navy Cross, the second highest award for combat bravery the United States can bestow. And "That's a big deal." But you didn't see it on the network news that night. And all you'd have read in Brian's hometown newspaper is two paragraphs of nothing.

All we get from the likes of the AP, CBS, and most of the MSM is a "non-stop feed of gloom and doom," but we get nothing about our progress in Iraq and on the War on Terror, and worst of all, we don't hear about our American heroes, the guys fighting and dying in the crotch of the world so all of us can continue on with our lives and the MSM can continue it's anti-military, anti-administration, anti-American, ostrich-imitating rants.

As Bob Lonsberry writes in the tribute to Capt Chontosh, "Accounts of American valor are dismissed by the press as propaganda, yet accounts of American difficulties are heralded as objectivity. It makes you wonder if the role of the media is to inform or to depress - to report or to deride. To tell the truth, or to feed us lies."

And as for our incredibly brave GIs who honorably do their duty, the ones "our grandparents would have carried on their shoulders down Fifth Avenue," well, we never hear anything from the media about them, and because of the MSM's failure to report what's right with our country, guys like Capt Brian Chontosh go completely ignored.

It was a year ago on the march into Baghdad. Brian Chontosh was a platoon leader rolling up Highway 1 in a humvee. When all hell broke loose.

Ambush city.

The young Marines were being cut to ribbons. Mortars, machine guns, rocket propelled grenades.

And the kid out of Churchville was in charge. It was do or die and it was up to him.

Thanks to journalist and broadcaster Bob Lonsberry and Mary Jones, you can learn all about how Capt Brian Chontosh won the Navy Cross in this beautiful tribute.

Hat tip with extra thanks to Red Falcon at The Steiner Aid, who posted on this story back on June 28.

Cross posted by Hyscience
Semper Fi! From one Marine to another.

Posted by: Richard@hyscience at 05:20 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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You guys seen Rusty lately?

Al-Qaeda's websites are getting blasted off the airwaves, one by one, and the London Times and Israel think it's MI5 getting frisky:

The web has become the new battleground of terrorism, permitting a freedom of communication denied to such organisations as the IRA a couple of decades ago.

One global jihad site terminated recently was an inflammatory Pakistani site, www.mojihedun.com, in which a section entitled How to Strike a European City gave full technical instructions. Tens of similar sites, some offering detailed information on how to build and use biological weapons, have also been shut down. However, Islamic sites believed to be “moderate”, remain.

One belongs to the London-based Syrian cleric Abu Basir al-Tartusi, whose www.abubaseer.bizland.com remained operative after he condemned the London bombings.

Don't they wish they'd done this two months ago? (H/T: Little Green Fooballs)

Me? I think there's a certain little Jawa out there, fooling with their droids.

And speaking of the IRA...you know that "shoot subway bombers in the head" policy in Britain that some folks are getting upset about? It dates back to the Thatcher years. From the American Spectator:

If shoot-to-kill for suspected bombers was good enough for the IRA under Thatcher, why should al Qaeda get a pass under Blair?

Umm...because Abu Ghraib? No wait, I know this one...Guantanamo! Or maybe Imperialism! Blood for oil! I got it....Karl Rove!

Posted by: seedubya at 02:47 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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7/21 suspect Didn't Mean to "Harm People Nearby"

According to new reports, Osman Hussain, the suspect arrested in Italy following the botched London 7/21 bombings claims that they didn't intend to hurt anybody. Hussain doesn't consider himself a terrorist, and is fighting extradition to the UK.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

From the Associated Press:

ROME (AP) - A suspect in the failed London transit bombings admitted Saturday to a role in the attack but said it was only intended to be an attention-grabbing strike, not a deadly one, a legal expert familiar with the investigation said.

Osman Hussain told interrogators he wasn't carrying enough explosives even to "harm people nearby," the expert told The Associated Press. The expert spoke on condition of anonymity, citing the ongoing investigation, which under Italian law must remain secret.

Also worthy of note is that Hussain's court-appointed attorney is a woman, Antonietta Sonnessa. Very subtle of the Italians to have Hussain represented by a female infidel, especially one who favors casual and rather scanty Western dress (photos accompany the AP story).

Via Dr. Rusty Shackelford who was tipped to the story by reader Kim.

Cross-posted at The Dread Pundit Bluto.

Posted by: Bluto at 12:32 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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Go sit on the bench marked group W.

It was two days ago on Friday thatÂ’s about 48 hours ago from today Sunday. When my Friends and I were all hanging out at RustyÂ’s blog.
But RustyÂ’s blog is not he name of the blog itÂ’s just the name of the song.ThatÂ’s why I call the song RustyÂ’s blog.

We all decided that it would be a nice gesture if we all posted stuff and commented on RustyÂ’s blog while he was on vacation.
So we packed up PCÂ’s, MacÂ’s and implements of destruction, loaded them all up in a green VW microbus and headed on over to the mu.nu domain.

When we got there we saw a pile of words. We figured one big pile was better than a bunch of little piles and rather than download his we decided to upload ours and thatÂ’s what we did.
Went home drank a bottle of homemade wine that couldnÂ’t be beat and didnÂ’t get up until the next morning. When we got a call from Officer Opie.

He said KidÂ…. Â…. We found your name on a piece of trash on the blog. We donÂ’t like your kind. And weÂ’re gonna move you down.
And after speaking of it for about 25 minutes on the gmail it came down to the fact that we were going to have to come down to the blog office.

When we got there was some good looking feisty girl sitting at a desk giving directions she said, “Go over there and wait on that bench marked group W”.
Group W is where they put you if you may not be moral or smart enough to post stuff on the blog after comiting your special blog crime.

There were all kinds of nasty critters sitting there on the bench. Greg, DSM, Greyrooster, IM, Filthy, Osama, Â…Â… There were commentrapers Â… Â… bloggerstabbers. Â…. .Â…bloggerrapers!!!Â…
They were all mean and nasty sounding and the biggest meanest ugliest bloggerraper of em all was coming right over to me and he was all mean and nasty and scary lookinÂ’.

He said, “What did you get?”

I said, “I didn’t get nothing, just had to pay $50 and let people read my garbage.”

They asked, “What are you here for?” and I said, “littering.”…. …. Well they all moved away from me there on the bench. …… ……

Till I said, “And creating a nuisance.” And they all came back and we had a good time talking about bloggerstabin’, comment rapin’, stupid postin’ and all kinds of groovy things.

Then Sith Master Rusty came over and said,


“Thisblog’sgot40000hits30000readers- 200regularcommenters23authorsi
workdmyassoffhowie- youmoronstoppissinoffthe
otherbloggers-a ndlikingthetrollsthinkaboutwhaty
oursay- infoolandthatgoesfortherestof- youtooyoubig
bunchofpainsintheass Â…Â…. For 45 minutes and none of us understood a thing he said. But we had fun playing sol in tiny windows on our cell phones and filling out the forms there.

We all went back home had another glass of homemade wine that couldnÂ’t be beat and didnÂ’t get up until the next morning. When it was time to go back to work. .
IÂ’ve been typing this crap for 25 minutes and I could go on for another 25 minutes. IÂ’m not proud Â… Â… or tired. But IÂ’ll give you a break and save it.


Guest posters and regulars have at it, commentators too, remember you are without trolls this week. DonÂ’t let me get too bored or IÂ’ll post something or start an argument. IÂ’ll be around if anyone needs anything I should have a bit of time now and then. Rusty should be back next week.

Signed Howie

humble sith beotch padawan to Sith Master Blogger Rusty Shackleford.

Posted by: Howie at 12:27 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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July 30, 2005

"Over There" - Overblown

Well, that was disappointing. Not that Bochco's new show about the Iraq War offended me as an American - I didn't get the impression that a leftist, anti-war agenda was being pushed. No, Over There offended me as a writer.

And the show's writers started sucking right off the bat. From the Viet Vet cliché trooper lighting up a joint while on duty through the long, long tirade the held-past-his-tour-and-pissed-as-Hell sergeant inflicts on his squad, to the unimaginative use of cable-permitted expletives, Bochco's writing staff was underwhelming.

Do senior officers undermine their lieutenants' authority (and the chain of command) by agreeing with a sergeant who has just insulted the lieutenant's leadership abilities - in front of the men? I hope not.

Do sergeants address senior officers with contempt while using "goddamn" as a frequent modifier? Maybe once.

Cross-posted at The Dread Pundit Bluto. more...

Posted by: Bluto at 10:36 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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Carter: Iraq War is 'Unjust'

A flailing President and a failed Presidency best sums up the tenure of Jimmy Carter in the White House. A one term President who's naiveity was surpassed only by his intellectual bewilderment. A Don Quixote mentality without the heart to do battle.

BIRMINGHAM, England — Former President Jimmy Carter said Saturday the detention of terror suspects at the Guantanamo Bay Naval base was an embarrassment and had given extremists an excuse to attack the United States.

Carter also criticized the U.S.-led war in Iraq as "unnecessary and unjust."

"I think what's going on in Guantanamo Bay and other places is a disgrace to the U.S.A.," he told a news conference at the Baptist World Alliance's centenary conference in Birmingham, England.

"I wouldn't say it's the cause of terrorism, but it has given impetus and excuses to potential terrorists to lash out at our country and justify their despicable acts."

Carter said, however, that terrorist acts could not be justified, and that while Guantanamo "may be an aggravating factor ... it's not the basis of terrorism."

Critics of President Bush's administration have long accused the U.S. government of unjustly detaining terror suspects at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base on the southeastern tip of Cuba. Hundreds of men have been held indefinitely at the prison, without charge or access to lawyers.

"What has happened at Guantanamo Bay ... does not represent the will of the American people," Carter said. "I'm embarrassed about it, I think its wrong. I think it does give terrorists an unwarranted excuse to use the despicable means to hurt innocent people."

For me this man is the perfect negative barometer. If he is on one side of an issue, you can bet the farm the other side is the place to be. During his Presidency how we escaped getting our a$$ kicked by Russia or for that matter Cuba is a miracle.

Companion OpiniPundit

Posted by: Traderrob at 04:49 PM | Comments (29) | Add Comment
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Hot Muslim Chicks of the World, Unite and Take Over

I now know Muslim women are hot and America is the greatest country in the world.

Taking a break from my writing/vacation duties I came across several Google Ads on my site that took me to a couple of Muslim Singles websites. Huzzah, I says to myself, what better way to get a fatwa than to say bad things about Muslim women? Victory is mine!

But in order to see what the chicks look like I had to register and upload a photo. No problem.

Married w/kids. Looking for mutÂ’ah wife [meaning wife for temporary enjoyment--ok in Shia teachings] to fulfill my needs while my wife is ha'rem [you know, OTR]. Must be faithful and willing to receive instruction and be disciplined [you know, I can slap you around if I want]. Must be at least 12 years older than Muhammed's (peace be upon his name) wife Aisha [Muhammed married a six year old.].
So I finally get to look at some of these pictures and to my astonishment, there were quite a few hot Muslim chicks! Seriously. This is what I'm talking about when I'm talking about America. The ability to take this:


Raise her in an atmosphere of freedom. Give her rock and roll. Introduce her to a credit card and a shopping mall. Install cable TV with two MTVs and a VH1 station dedicated entirely to the 1980s. Then she transforms into this: more...

Posted by: Rusty at 02:51 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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An Open Letter To CAIR

So you managed to get Mr. Graham fired from his talk radio job.

Whoop de doo dah.

Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back.

Despite your pathetic attempts, one simple fact remains.

You are the followers of the bloodiest "religion" ever to befoul planet Earth. Your holy book reads more like H.P. Lovecraft than anything else.

The prophet you exalt, Mohammed (Pig blood be upon his name) was a pedophile. He married, and had sex with, a 9 year old girl. Your prophet, Mohammed (Dog poop be upon his name) was also a pimp. Bet you didn't think that we'd find out what muta'a was, did you? Your prophet, Mohammed, when he was proselytizing (something Christians are executed for in your home countries) was considered a nutcase in his time.

This from my private email from one who knows:

When Muhammad
first got "touched" by Gabriel and was walking around
Mecca denigrating everyone's religion in Allah's name
(that's how Islam has been since the beginning), the
Meccan polytheists would diss him by calling him
"mudhammam," a play on his name which means
"reprobate, miscreant, lowlife," etc. Nice, huh? I
learned that in his biography (written 150± years
after his death), "Sirat Rasul Allah," by Ibn Ishaq
(ed. Ibn Hisham). Highly recommended book.

You don't have a religion, CAIR, you have a death cult. You don't like it? Tough shit. You had Yahweh, Christ, and even Buddha. You chose to follow Mohammed (gratuitous phlegm be upon him).

Bring it on, bitches, you'll still lose.

Posted by: Vinnie at 03:26 AM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
Post contains 265 words, total size 2 kb.

July 29, 2005

Confronting Cultural Duplicity in the Ummah

By Demosophist

I've never been convinced that the problem we confront with Totalitarianism 3.x is Islam, though there are certainly one or two mountains that need climbing for the people of the Ummah. There are, for instance, cultural reasons why most Muslims have a habit of avoiding statements that might put them at odds with other believers, even when there's deep disagreement. Tarek Heggy, a courageous Egyptian Muslim, satirizes this cultural duplicity by adopting an obvious artifice: "It is not I who criticizes and raises uncomfortable questions about the Ummah and its people, but my eccentric friend." Although an "inside joke," the purpose is far from humorous. If you haven't yet read Heggy's excellent series on Winds of Change that oversight can be easily corrected:

Thus Spoke My Eccentric Friend (1/5): Dreams of the Arabs
Thus Spoke My Eccentric Friend (2/5): A Word in the Palestinian Ear
Thus Spoke My Eccentric Friend (3/5): Rejecting Progress
Thus Spoke My Eccentric Friend (4/5): MI-6's Intelligence Failure
Thus Spoke My Eccentric Friend (5/5): What's in a Name?

(Cross-posted by Demosophist to Demosophia and Anticipatory Retaliation)

Posted by: Demosophist at 09:30 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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High-octane Nightmare Fuel.

Dave of Garfield Ridge calls a short "educational" film he links to the most surreal film ever. It's that for sure, plus revolting (and NSFW due to shouted euphemisms for "wiener"): it's Planned Parenthood's take on how to educate the mentally handicapped about sex--from ugly-plaid-and-geeko-glasses 1975.

Other revolting things, besides the ones Dave mentions:

The idiot whistling and strumming soundtrack, like the gibbering voice of Azathoth across the cold void of space.

The bleached-out Poop-o-color print that all cheap-ass educational films and filmstrips seemed to come in. The IMDB entry says it was filmed in color--Yeah, it's in color: brown. Except for the twin black abysses of skeevy-looking narrator Richard Dix's pupils. Had the color just leached out of the film by the early 80's when I saw these things? No not this specific one, doofus, but films like this: Death Zones! (scroll down)

The funny thing is things really did look kinda colorless in the 1970's, according to my memories of that time which are, like most of America's, kinda hazy. (I have a good excuse.)

The vacuous nitrous-oxide smile on the face of the mom who catches her impaired son en flagrante and wishes him well. I've had a cult member try to recruit me and she was wearing that same beatific lobotomized smile the whole time.

The horrendous moral relativism of the 1970's and Planned Parenthood in particular...no values! Don't teach them any values! There are too many values out there already! You'll just confuse them! (Some things never change.)

Actually I'm surprised Planned Parenthood, given their eugenics-movement roots, didn't advocate a stricter control over the reproductive functions of the mentally handicapped.

How did our nation survive those dark times?

Posted by: seedubya at 08:01 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Do-it-yourself Festival of the Fatwas: beach burka bikini bingo edition

Have an interesting post? Just link to this post and send us a trackback and we will issue a fatwa against you. A lot of people keep sending me stuff not realizing that I'm on vacation. Here's your chance to participate without me having to do any actual, you know, work. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 05:46 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 80 words, total size 1 kb.

Anarchy Blogging: Jawas Reveal High School Cliques

You scored as Punk/Rebel.



Ghetto gangsta












Drama nerd


What's Your High School Stereotype?
created with QuizFarm.com

Punk's not dead, oh no! Hat tip Professor Chaos. Any other Jawa authors should feel free to post their results here. I have a feeling we're a regular Breakfast Club of bloggers.

More below the fold. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 05:30 PM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
Post contains 124 words, total size 5 kb.

Brother Against Brother

Chapter Eight of 'Brother Against Brother' is up at Euphoric Reality. I am not just posting their links because they purchased an ad or because I am friends with both writers, but the story is intriguing.

A quick summation is in order for those just tuning in. A team of special forces in Vietnam fought off an insurmountable number of NVA while the base was hesitating to bring in reinforcements. The men who survived though have been attacked by a fellow Vietnam Veteran who has accused the group of war crimes. The authors of Euphoric Reality, who were first contacted by the accusers, have painstakingly done their research into this story and found out the accusers have no leg to stand on.

The entire 'Brother Against Brother' episode is a lesson in why we should honor our heroes and why we as critical-thinking adults should look past what is told to us. Do yourself a favor and start from Chapter One if you have not done so already.

Posted by: Chad at 04:41 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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British Terror Sweep

These are my notes on today's sweep for the suspects in the July 21 failed terror bombings. All four prime suspects are believed to now be in custody. Of note is that police believe there may be a fifth bomber because a fifth device was found in a rucksack dumped on open ground at Little Wormwood Scrubs.

Here's a brief status of the investigation:

- SWAT teams in dramatic raids at several W. London locations with no reports of shots fired

- Muktar Said Ibrahim, 27, arrested today in London for attempting to blow up the Number 26 bus in Shoreditch

- Ramsi Mohammed (possible alias) arrested today in London for attempting to bomb Tube near Oval

- Hussain Osman (aka Osman Hussain), 27, Somali-born naturalized Brit, was arrested today in Rome for attempting to bomb Tube at Shepherd's Bush

- Yasin Hassan Omar, 24, arrested in Birmingham last week for attempting to bomb Tube near Warren St.

- Two unnamed women were pinned to the ground and arrested today at Liverpool Street Station in London. Both were described as dark-skinned, 20-ish, Muslims with full headscarves. One woman ran when police asked to see inside the bag she carried.

- Total terror suspects currently in custody at 20.

Sky News

Companion post at Interested-Participant.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 03:54 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Olbermann trails the Jawa on the Death Blow story

Keith Olbermann has "discredited" the Osama-poisoned-my-cocaine-and-all-I-got-is-this lousy-T-shirt theory that we hashed out (snicker) a couple days ago. And if Keith Olbermann says it, you can put in the bank and slap your mama.

I pretty much peed on this story this three days ago. Can I have a damn show on MSNBC now?

I say pretty much because while I'm 99% sure this didn't happen, there is always that crazy one percent possibilty of just really crazy, entropic stuff going down. And there's maybe a two percent chance that something vaguely related to this happened--Hezbollah was busted with their own coke ring in South and North America, remember--and got distorted and passed along to the DEA through intelligence channels. Or perhaps through an arrested Colombian desperate to save himself from prosecution and making up crazy crap to string the feds along.

Wouldn't be the first time that happened. You guys ever heard of the "Dark Horizons" story? Basically, a busted Nicaraguan coke dealer in San Francisco claimed he was running coke for the contras and was under CIA protection. It blew up into this whole big deal and was promptly shown to be screwy...debunked by an independent commission. Then the reporter who broke the story was fired and later shot himself. That doesn't stop this story from remaining an article of faith among the conspiratorial left who are grasping at straw men for reasons to hate our country.

What's irritating to me, though, is the way Olbermann "debunks" this. More below the jump: more...

Posted by: seedubya at 03:03 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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The MSM War On Christians 'And America' - They've Gone 'Off The Charts' In Bias (Updated)

First off, the issue here isn't about Christians, as much as what's become a tool of the MSM to propagate liberal views and liberal appeasement of Islamists, to the detriment of the continued existence of the American way of life. And of course it's not just against Christians, but our very civilization, it's just that Christians have become the MSM's favorite target as the so-called professional journalists do their utmost to facilitate the Islamization of America! Silence the Christians (the Sunday people) and the door is open for sharia and fullfilment of Islam's "Twenty year plan for America. "

As with most Christian Americans, I just can't help but notice the ongoing American press' love of Islam and it's embracement of everything anti-American and anti-military while allowing and promoting every deceitful feint of Islamic leaders to hide their true agenda - world domination and turning the White House into the Muslim House.

Today, an AP/CBS image in their hyped-up, dhimmi-article (which many Americans will get suckered into believing), "Muslim Scholars Condemn Terror," the AP and CBS made it over the top, insulting every American that ever fought(and those that are continuing to fight) for his/her country, and every American citizen that believes in freedom, tolerance, and our way of life.

[AP/CBS image - A 'Crescent and Stripes']

My very first thought when I saw the above treasonous image, what Clarity and Resolve refers to as the "new and improved Islamic American flag (with optional prostrated Muslim everyman in Western attire and Kufi skull cap), courtesy of al-Sociated Press/CBS," were the words, "FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS." (notice the Muslim encouragement of repealing our right to bear arms so we're defenseless should they feel the need for their jihad to turn violent or so their terrorists don't have John Q to deal with)

The AP and CBS, the so-called professional journalists, really got suckered into this fatwah thing, a fatwa issued by none other than the Fiqh Council of North America, headed by Muzammil Siddiqi, past-president of the Islamic Society of North America. As it's head, Siddiqi has advised American Muslims to participate in the political system - BUT ONLY IN ORDER TO CHANGE AMERICA INTO A MUSLIM COUNTRY... AND WE MUST NOT FORGET THAT ALLAH'S RULES HAVE TO BE ESTABLISHED IN ALL LANDS, AND ALL OUR EFFORTS SHOULD LEAD TO THAT DIRECTION (Infiltration, p 21., Nelson Current 2005). [much more to come on this and al-taqiyya in future posts]

Aside from the 'professionals' getting suckered, which I took no pleasure in, seeing the AP/CBS image symbolizing the defeat of America by Islamofascism, invoked a deep sense of disqust, and made me think of two images of my own that represent the exact opposite of what the AP and CBS have in mind for America:



As the AP/CBS image appears in print and online - the guys in the below image, and thousands like them, are fighting for the right and freedom of the AP, CBS, and the rest of the Islamofascist-supporting, Islamist-appeasing, ostrich-imitating American press to continue helping our enemy, the moderate-pretending Muslims and the Islamist agenda, to throw sand in our eye as they continue, with the help of the MSM, their ongoing culture and publicity war supporting the Islamication of our country, to the detriment of the religious freedoms of non-Muslims everywhere:


In the above image, two of our very special troops doing a very special job are risking their lives multiple time a day (I know this for a fact because I speak to the guy on the right with the rifle - several times a week), to bring a halt to the spread of Islamofascism around the world - while the likes of the AP, CBS, and the rest of the liberal MSM continue their own special assault against the very foundations upon which our nation was built. more...

Posted by: Richard@hyscience at 02:05 PM | Comments (20) | Add Comment
Post contains 1472 words, total size 12 kb.

Condi interview.

I got home in time last night in time to catch some of Jim LehrerÂ’s interview with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. I must say Condi was much better than in other recent interviews IÂ’ve seen. That incident in Sudan the other day seems to have built a fire under her. She appeared relaxed and ready to move forward. Gone was the tired expression and canned answers. She looked refreshed. Pretty good interview especially the subject of GWT. Look out Hillary this may be the first lady President of the USA. SheÂ’s got you beaten by a mile.

When are we going to stop making excuses for the terrorists and saying that somebody is making them do it? No, these are simply evil people who want to kill. And they want to kill in the name of a perverted ideology that really is not Islam, but they somehow want to claim that mantle to say that this is about some kind of grievance. This isn't about some kind of grievance. This is an effort to destroy, rather than to build.

I think IÂ’m in love. You go Condi. She even talks about the Bolton nomination and I detect that she is not Mr. BoltonÂ’s biggest supporter although she does give the polite answer considering her position. There's lots more at the above link.

Well, that's unfortunate and we -- what we can't be is without leadership at the United Nations. I can tell you, Jim, that I'm spending an awful lot of time these days preparing for the high-level meetings that are going to take place in September where all of the world's leaders are going to be here to talk about refreshing the United Nations after 60 years.
The United States needs to be active in that and we have a good team at the UN, but we need our permanent representative to the United Nations.

A quick review of Mr. BoltonÂ’s problems.

Although the split has largely been along party lines, one Republican on the Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. George Voinovich of Ohio, has joined Democrats in opposing Bolton's nomination.

Ed at Captains Quarters has more.

IÂ’ve got to say IÂ’m with Captain Ed. While Bolton is the right type of person IÂ’m not sure he is the right person for this position. The perception of him is that he is a jerk. I would hate to see all CondiÂ’s hard work ruined by this guy. IÂ’m pretty sure the President will stick with him. So Mr. Bolton should withdraw himself. I donÂ’t think he can or will be productive in that position. For sure abroad people have a bad perception of him. We need a strong personality there but IÂ’m pretty sure he is not it. My party should not waste political capital on this, is a mistake. Mr. Bolton is a loose-loose for my party and for America. A recess appointment will get the President what he wants but will also enforce the bad perceptions that this Casey Jones run we are on created. Maybe Trade him for Roberts would be good. We also have to consider that appointing this guy on a recess appointment will make the Roberts nonination that much harder. Which is more important?

Hat tip Omnipundit:

Actually I started this in the am until events took over.

Posted by: Howie at 01:28 PM | Comments (17) | Add Comment
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W.House gives strong signal on Bolton appointment

You've heard of someone having a conniption.....well if you've never seen one keep your eyes peeled because you're about to see several from the likes of Reid, Kennedy, Durbin, Schumer, Clinton, Pelosi and others.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) The White House gave its strongest signal yet on Friday that President Bush will soon bypass the Senate and appoint John Bolton to become the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Senate Democrats have stalled the nomination of Bolton, a favorite of conservatives, over accusations he tried to manipulate intelligence and intimidated intelligence analysts to support his hawkish views while the top U.S. diplomat for arms control.

Bush can bypass the Senate and give Bolton a "recess appointment" when the Senate begins its August recess this weekend. Bolton would be able to serve until January 2007, when a new Congress is sworn in.

Asked about the possibility of a recess appointment for Bolton, White House spokesman Scott McClellan gave a strong hint.
"We do need a permanent representative at the United Nations. This is a critical time and it's important to continue moving forward on comprehensive reform," McClellan said.

Companion OpiniPundit

Posted by: Traderrob at 12:42 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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