July 29, 2005

The MSM War On Christians 'And America' - They've Gone 'Off The Charts' In Bias (Updated)

First off, the issue here isn't about Christians, as much as what's become a tool of the MSM to propagate liberal views and liberal appeasement of Islamists, to the detriment of the continued existence of the American way of life. And of course it's not just against Christians, but our very civilization, it's just that Christians have become the MSM's favorite target as the so-called professional journalists do their utmost to facilitate the Islamization of America! Silence the Christians (the Sunday people) and the door is open for sharia and fullfilment of Islam's "Twenty year plan for America. "

As with most Christian Americans, I just can't help but notice the ongoing American press' love of Islam and it's embracement of everything anti-American and anti-military while allowing and promoting every deceitful feint of Islamic leaders to hide their true agenda - world domination and turning the White House into the Muslim House.

Today, an AP/CBS image in their hyped-up, dhimmi-article (which many Americans will get suckered into believing), "Muslim Scholars Condemn Terror," the AP and CBS made it over the top, insulting every American that ever fought(and those that are continuing to fight) for his/her country, and every American citizen that believes in freedom, tolerance, and our way of life.

[AP/CBS image - A 'Crescent and Stripes']

My very first thought when I saw the above treasonous image, what Clarity and Resolve refers to as the "new and improved Islamic American flag (with optional prostrated Muslim everyman in Western attire and Kufi skull cap), courtesy of al-Sociated Press/CBS," were the words, "FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS." (notice the Muslim encouragement of repealing our right to bear arms so we're defenseless should they feel the need for their jihad to turn violent or so their terrorists don't have John Q to deal with)

The AP and CBS, the so-called professional journalists, really got suckered into this fatwah thing, a fatwa issued by none other than the Fiqh Council of North America, headed by Muzammil Siddiqi, past-president of the Islamic Society of North America. As it's head, Siddiqi has advised American Muslims to participate in the political system - BUT ONLY IN ORDER TO CHANGE AMERICA INTO A MUSLIM COUNTRY... AND WE MUST NOT FORGET THAT ALLAH'S RULES HAVE TO BE ESTABLISHED IN ALL LANDS, AND ALL OUR EFFORTS SHOULD LEAD TO THAT DIRECTION (Infiltration, p 21., Nelson Current 2005). [much more to come on this and al-taqiyya in future posts]

Aside from the 'professionals' getting suckered, which I took no pleasure in, seeing the AP/CBS image symbolizing the defeat of America by Islamofascism, invoked a deep sense of disqust, and made me think of two images of my own that represent the exact opposite of what the AP and CBS have in mind for America:



As the AP/CBS image appears in print and online - the guys in the below image, and thousands like them, are fighting for the right and freedom of the AP, CBS, and the rest of the Islamofascist-supporting, Islamist-appeasing, ostrich-imitating American press to continue helping our enemy, the moderate-pretending Muslims and the Islamist agenda, to throw sand in our eye as they continue, with the help of the MSM, their ongoing culture and publicity war supporting the Islamication of our country, to the detriment of the religious freedoms of non-Muslims everywhere:


In the above image, two of our very special troops doing a very special job are risking their lives multiple time a day (I know this for a fact because I speak to the guy on the right with the rifle - several times a week), to bring a halt to the spread of Islamofascism around the world - while the likes of the AP, CBS, and the rest of the liberal MSM continue their own special assault against the very foundations upon which our nation was built. AND, while Islamic terrorism continues worldwide (see database - updated only through June 2005), the MSM continues it's culture war against Christians, them being a stalwart component of the block to Islam's domination of the world. Ed Vitagliano writing in Agape Press, says that "the culture wars have turned nastier than ever. And if conservative Christians are offended by being called insane, stupid, sinister -- or even the next incarnation of fascist storm troopers -- they'd better get used to it."

The news media is a major player in these cultural conflicts, and if there was ever a pretense of impartiality when it came to liberal versus conservative, or secular versus religious, that disguise has been stripped away.

Over the last few years, it seems as though more members of the media have been willing to admit that real bias exists within the journalistic community. For example, in his 2001 book Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News, former Emmy-award-winning CBS News correspondent Bernard Goldberg plainly said the news media is biased against conservatives and Christians. For his honesty, Goldberg was blasted by many of his media comrades.

But that seemed to open the door enough to allow others in the media to come clean. Recently Michelle Cottle, senior editor for the liberal magazine New Republic, said on CNN's Reliable Sources that there is a strong bias among journalists when it comes to issues like evolution, the public display of the Ten Commandments, and same-sex marriage. These journalists "do behave as though the people who believe these things are on the fringe, when actually the vast majority of the American public describes itself as Christian."

Others, like New York Times' veterans Steve Roberts and R.W. Apple, and William McGowan, who has written for Newsweek, the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal, have said the same thing.

However, in the months approaching, but especially in the months following, the 2004 presidential election, the liberal media bias against Christians seems to have gone off the charts. Read the entire article ...

"Off the charts," he says. Well, I don't know what you'd call the crescent-flag with a Muslim on it, but I call it 'OFF THE CHARTS' as Ed Vitagliano has done. This is not just a Christian problem, Christians have no problem with the 'state' and faith being seperate issues, only Islam does, and if secularists, Christians, Jews, what few truly moderate Muslims that exist, and those of other faiths, as well as those with no faith, don't ban together and let the MSM know in no uncertain terms that they'd better get educated to Islam's agenda for America, or we're all in deep doo-doo, and them with us.

UPDATE FROM THECOUNTERTERRORISM BLOG: Looks like I'm not so all alone in my disbelief and criticism of the fatwah. Steve Emerson writing at TCB says...

This morning a group of American Islamic leaders held a press conference to announce a fatwa, or Islamic religious ruling, against “terrorism and extremism.” An organization called the Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA) issued the fatwa, and the Council on American - Islamic Relations (CAIR) organized the press conference, stating that several major U.S. Muslim groups endorsed the fatwa.

In fact, the fatwa is bogus. Nowhere does it condemn the Islamic extremism ideology that has spawned Islamic terrorism. It does not renounce nor even acknowledge the existence of an Islamic jihadist culture that has permeated mosques and young Muslims around the world. It does not renounce Jihad let alone admit that it has been used to justify Islamic terrorist acts. It does not condemn by name any Islamic group or leader. In short, it is a fake fatwa designed merely to deceive the American public into believing that these groups are moderate. In fact, officials of both organizations have been directly linked to and associated with Islamic terrorist groups and Islamic extremist organizations. One of them is an unindicted co-conspirator in a current terrorist case; another previous member was a financier to Al-Qaeda. Read it all ...


Clarity and Resolve is writing an analysis of this "sensational event" and you can expect much much more on this from Hyscience as well, and very soon [after all, it's Friday - {no not because it's Friday prayers day - yet), but have some medical articles to get out)]. We plan to make clear what the Islamic leaders are really up to, unlike the MSM and their blind belief in whatever is said by Muslim leaders that SOUNDS peaceful.

Related reading

Special Hat tip - Dan at California Yankee

Related coverage: Chad at InTheBullPen, reelcobra, Vince Aut Morire,Jawa Report, Pajama Hadin,

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Cross posted by Hyscience

Posted by: Richard@hyscience at 02:05 PM | Comments (20) | Add Comment
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1 If it wasn't for hate crime laws, they'd be getting there allah barking faces tenderized by American fists on the street.

Posted by: Andre at July 29, 2005 02:30 PM (mfvPa)

2 Hmmm, what would have been the reaction by the MSM if a flag was shown with the Star of David or a cross in place of the crescent...

Posted by: JFH at July 29, 2005 02:32 PM (arxyn)

3 Good post

Posted by: Howie at July 29, 2005 02:58 PM (D3+20)

4 It is interesting that the media conciders the headline Muslim scholars condemn terrorism with Fatwa as a sign of good faith, It is not like this edict came from the real source of power, Saudi Arabia. what headline I consider to be a better sign of good faith, and would have more impact to me would be: Mosque informs local authorities of intent of radical members to recruit terrorists of course, this has not happened?

Posted by: dave at July 29, 2005 02:58 PM (DO6vD)

5 It is also interesting that the media has made several comments in regards to the fast arrests made by the British police of the terrorists, often saying "Maybe we should send these guys to find Osama" You would almost think that the American police and FBI have not arrested one Terrorist, except I guess a greater percentage of the American arrests have been PRE attack, you know before the bad guys kill citizens.

Posted by: dave at July 29, 2005 03:02 PM (DO6vD)

6 I saw a post on some blog(I can't remember which one) where they quoted a poll that supposedly said that Americans were just as afraid of evangelical Christians as they were of fundamentalist Muslims. If true, then the MSM has succeeded in its quest to demonize Christians and promote the Islamofacists. The media is truly the enemy.

Posted by: jesusland joe at July 29, 2005 03:07 PM (DDXXI)

7 I also have a very good idea why Mr. Afeeg, who is the author of an article advocating the repeal of the Second Amendment, wants to do away with gun ownership in America. It has nothing to do with controlling terrorism, I can assure you. No, it is far more insidious. He obviously wants to disarm the public in an attempt to make it easy for his buddies(the Islamofacists) to take control of this country. His arguements are groundless. Are people in Egypt allowed to own guns? Weren't they just attacked by terrorists this past week. Can the British own firearms? They have been attacked numerous times in the past month. So you see, the Muslim writer of this article has another agenda. I'll leave it for you to work out what it is, but I already know. And may I say he has cheek to be telling us about our Constitution. He must go to school at Berkeley. The bastard!

Posted by: jesusland joe at July 29, 2005 03:25 PM (DDXXI)

8 dint we americans learned the vietnam leson? why are we in irak for? their democratisation? come on dont underestimate our inteligence. if there where a 9 11 connection with sadam hussain ok or if there realy where WMD mabe, but u know there where none. so why are we there for? halliburtons, oil companys, military industy. I acuse bush that he made osama bin laden more powerfull and gave him a new theater of operations to show the world how his folowers can kill american soilders ( about and avarage of 2 a day every day ). and also giving the terrosist more arguments to enlarge their ranks. is this wining the war on terror-----no way. it is counter production. now we american are in the midel of this war with no victory insight. lets get out and put bush and his elite gang into history like what they realy are, the worst american adminitration in history. i was a republican till afganistan. after irak i was not. i also voted for bush father against clinton. now im anti bush anti republican but not anti american its so sad we are in this situation but lets not forget who put us here......bush rumsfeld wolfowits and the rest of the gang and companies that profit from war. shure war is justified some times but not this time. irak war not in my name

Posted by: michael at July 29, 2005 03:55 PM (+UbXo)

9 Michael, we sure did. We will not abandon the people of Iraq like we did the people of Vietnam. Michael, you're not a Republican and I have my doubts as to whether you are an American citizen. Either way, we will not abandon our military like we did in Vietnam. The MSM no longer controls the media, so we can't fall in that trap again.

Posted by: jesusland joe at July 29, 2005 04:15 PM (DDXXI)

10 Al-Pazeera (aka the AP aka The ASSociated Press) is up to its old tricks.

Posted by: Marcus Aurelius at July 29, 2005 04:32 PM (69ZRZ)

11 Good article. I've just one nit to pick. Mr. Vitagliano's use of Andy Rooney as an example of biased against Christians is an "air-ball". If Rooney is an atheist, of course he thinks religion is nonsense. That's what makes him an atheist. Does being atheist automatically qualify a person as being biased against Christians? It does not. I need only introduce myself as a negation. I am atheist. My wife, son, sister and mother are all Christian, however. I may think their belief system is nonsense, but I am quite biased - for them. I love them and frankly, since my belief system lacks supporting evidence every bit as much as theirs does, it's easy to not denigrate them for those beliefs. If you ask me what I think of their beliefs, I'll tell you quite candidly, just as Rooney did. Having a negative opinion about just one aspect of a person's character does not influence my opinion of that person's whole character. And, if you are a Christian that thinks atheism is a bunch of nonsense, no offense taken. I expect you to think that way. After all, my wife, son, sister and mother all do.

Posted by: Doug Purdie at July 29, 2005 05:45 PM (00DOn)

12 Thanks, Doug, but I beg to differ that the belief system known as Christianity lacks "evidence." Read the Gospels, sworn testimonies. Or read an account of Padre Pio.

Posted by: Young Bourbon Professional at July 29, 2005 06:07 PM (q6t3C)

13 YBP - there is evidence but not in words written by men. But, if there is a God and his words were ever spoken on earth it was by JC in the sermon on the mount.

Posted by: Mr. K at July 29, 2005 06:37 PM (VudXl)

14 "Muslim scholars condemn terrorism..." And OJ wants to find the real killer. And Michael Jackson likes women. And Michael Moore is not a scumbag. And the MSM is credible and unbiased. And Hillary Clinton has America's best interests at heart. Et cetera ad infinitum...

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at July 29, 2005 07:46 PM (0yYS2)

15 Michael: You are wrong concerning no victory in sight. You are only informed by the liberal/only report what is bad media. I get a report every fews days direct from the guys there. When my son can't call (he is a company commander) one of his men calls. Anywhere from E-1 to O-4 so I think I get a real take on whats happening close up. The terrorists Islamofacists are becoming quite unfashionable by the ordinary people on the streets. Sorry to say this but the best thing the idiots ever did was consentrate their killing on innocent local citizens. Even at police and Army recruiting depots the volunteers continue to grow inspire of being targeted. Even a muslim has enough sense to tell the good guys from the bad guys if given enough time. I THINK! One thing I have learned is that this is not a Iraqi war. This is a war of Pro-choice against the members of a religion that believes in world conquest by any means. Freedom, bravery, mercy, understand, live and let live are words or ideals they understand. Imagine going into a Christian/or any other church and having the preacher say it is alright to kill, bomb and injure innocents to spread their religion through fear. I think history will show that we are at least 1000 years more advanced than the muslim hippocrits. This war is not against a people it is against a religious philosophy. And a stinking one at that. This nation, with a few others has decided for the good of our children and grandchildren to take a stand now. And rightly so. We should be proud of ourselves. America once again shows its bravery in taking a stand against what is wrong. Vietnam was an interesting thing. I was there twice. America financially broke the back of the communists as they spent billions on the war. Simply stated we could spend billions without affecting our economy. They couldn't. Did we lose? News for you kid. We never lost a major battle I heard the same liberal bullshit in the 1950's. The same insane shouts of we will bury you from the commie leaders. Whose still standing? America. As always.

Posted by: greyrooster at July 30, 2005 04:20 AM (CBNGy)

16 Greyrooster is wrong, we did lose the Vietnam war, because we did abandon South Vietnam. Now he is right, that the U.S. military did not lose the war or any major battle either. What I think is funny, when the Philippines got all high and mighty and wanted our military bases out of Philippines, Vietnam was chompin at the bit to get us to come back to them. They finally woke up and realize, American Dollars are good.

Posted by: Butch at July 30, 2005 09:49 AM (Gqhi9)

17 "THE ABOVE IMAGE IS THE TRUE AMERICAN FLAG - AND THERE IS NO MUSLIM ON IT AND THERE IS NO CRESENT WHERE OUR STATES ARE SYMBOLIZED." Amen to that This is an outright insult to every American. Everybody ought to see this, when are the mainstream media dogs going to stop holding CBS back and/or get their heads out of their ases and start reporting? It's a big deal, I want to see some very big heads roll. I'd like to note that I'm a regular reader of CBS News online and consider most of their reports interesting and informational despite their bias leaning. I never considered Rather Gate such a big deal despite the fact that Rather goofed up big time. But he did apologize and gets to live with getting mocked for his un-journalism.

Posted by: Ren at July 30, 2005 11:22 AM (a9tRx)

18 We Celts have a very old saying - "Actions speak louder than words." When they stone the terrorists in Lodi, instead of supporting them, I will believe they are against terrorists. Believe me I do not plan to hold my breath.

Posted by: Jo macDougal at July 30, 2005 04:37 PM (LbyCD)

19 Hey Michael, if aethiests are so passive and inclusive of others' rights, why is has my city of San Diego been UNDER ATTACK for the past 15+ years by one "offended aetheist" and ... wait for it... the ACLU over a war memorial at Mount Soledad that just happens to feature a Christian cross, the symbol of the majority and founding religion of American. I think we all can see through your false logic and realize that aethiesm is the problem and ACLU is the instrument of this godless aression.

Posted by: San Diego Shawn at July 31, 2005 01:19 AM (zo9Jb)

20 Hey, at least they're not burning it!

Posted by: Downing Street Memo at July 31, 2005 06:13 AM (ScqM8)

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