November 30, 2005

The Lesson Of Susan Hallums: Or, Why I Refuse To Condemn These Hostages

Susan Hallums, ex-wife of former hostage in Iraq Roy Hallums, left this comment on my post here:

I was deeply saddened to hear that more hostages were taken. These men were good Christian men trying to help promote peace in Iraq. I will pray for their safe release and for their families. There is such devastation to the families , I know this horror... I pray for them , I wish I could help in some way.

I replied to Ms. Hallums via email, here is what I wrote:

Please do not take any criticism I have for the CPT organization as a whole to mean that I have no empathy for the plight of these people.

I do not believe for one minute, no matter what brought them to Iraq, that anyone should be subjected to what Mr. Hallums went through.

I've watched what happened to Nick Berg and the others, I know full well what these people are capable of, and I wish that on no human being.

I still pray for Mr. Hallums', and your, good health, although I know you may never fully recover from his ordeal.

Ms. Hallums was kind enough to reply, however, since I don't have permission, and it's irrelevant to this post anyway, I won't publish it.

Look, kids, I spent a healthy chunk of my dwindling free time yesterday perusing the CPT website, and I wholeheartedly disagreed with just about, well, no, absolutely everything they do. From the Adopt a Detainee campaign to opposing any kind of enforcement of our national sovereignty on the border.

But I still won't wash my hands of these hostages. Here's another nugget I found this evening:

The organization is supported by several Protestant denominations, including the Mennonite Church, that believe Christianity forbids all war-making and violence. It has sent activists into war zones, including Bosnia and Haiti, since the late 1980s. It has about 160 members around the world and about a dozen in Iraq.

Folks, based upon their website, I was under the impression that this group was far larger than it really is. Had I known this, I wouldn't have spent so much time on that website. The influence they wield is precisely nil. Jane Novak, one woman with a blog, has had more global impact in a year than these people have in 20.

So what is the lesson here? First off, as Rusty said in his reply to Ms. Hallums' comment, and I paraphrase, "I believe they're misguided, but they're victims nonetheless." Second, I draw from my own experience. I've written posts about local stories on my home blog about murdered children, and twice the mothers of those children, like Susan Hallums, commented on my post. And like Susan Hallums, I've had a nice exchange of email.

These hostages, whose politics and ideology I may wholeheartedly disagree with, are still human beings. They have, from what I know right now, committed no evil acts that have placed them in the situation they're in. Granted, running around in Iraq as a member of the Christian Peacemakers may not be the smartest thing to do in this day and age, but it's surely not evil.

There's that, and there's what I've been alluding to this whole time. These people have families and friends. They more than likely have family and friends who, like me, totally disagree with the mission they undertook, or the views they hold. But, be that as it may, the loved ones of these people probably don't care one whit about those political views right now. They surely don't believe that these people deserve to be in the place they are.

And neither do I. Granted, this all may turn out to be one big stunt, but at this point, I could care less. If it is, all I'm out is the fact that maybe I cared a little too much. I can live with that.

What I couldn't live with is if I were making statements like the ones I've read, on this blog and others. Glib, making flip comments, only to see these people get the Nick Berg treatment. If it were my brother (quite a moonbat in his own right, I must say) over there, and I stumbled upon some of what I've read both here and elsewhere, I would be disgusted.

If you still can't find empathy for these four based on their ideology, that's fine, I can't control what you think or feel. But at least pause for a moment and consider their families.


Posted by: Vinnie at 11:51 PM | Comments (19) | Add Comment
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Fox News Holiday Ornaments?

IMPORTANT UPDATE: The Fox News Store is now selling Christmas ornaments for Christmas trees.

Real Teen has tipped me off to a story that is just somewhat baffling. The FOX News Shop is selling ornaments this year but not just any ornaments holiday ornaments; not Christmas tree ornaments:

Fox NEWS Holiday Ornaments

You'd think a cable news channel with Bill O'Reilly who has been saying that Christmas is under attack and that he doesn't think it's right and then you have John Gibson who has a published book titled, The War on Christmas: How the Liberal Plot to Ban the Sacred Christian Holiday Is Worse Than You Thought would be smart enough to have Christmas tree ornaments for sale.

The ultra-liberal blog, Daily Kos is calling Bill O'Reilly a hypocrite and thinks that all of us Conservatives will follow suit giving Fox News a pass on this one. I have to say that those Kos readers will be sadly disappointed when they realize that Christmas is here to stay and that no store or news network will get a pass on this one.

Real Teen is lobbying bloggers to call for a boycott of the Fox News Channel if they don't change the wording from holiday tree and holiday ornament to Christmas tree and Christmas ornament. The boycott will start on Saturday, December 3, 2005 at 1930 EDT. You should express your concern to those at Fox News via one of these methods:

Fox News Contact Page
(88 369-4762
1211 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036

I'm sure if">Bill O'Reilly and John Gibson were alerted to this they'd be furious too so you might as well drop them a line.

Merry Christmas,
Chris Short

UPDATE: PROGRESS! Already the titles of the products have been changed to Christmas Ornament but the term holiday tree still exists. The boycott stands until holiday tree is changed to Christmas tree:


Originally Posted at Conservative Thinking

Posted by: Chris Short at 07:43 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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U.S. Delegates Snubbed at Caracas Airport

A senior delegation of U.S. lawmakers, led by Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Ill., the powerful chairman of the House International Relations Committee, was snubbed by Venezuelan authorities at Maiquetia International Airport in Caracas. The delegates were not allowed to disembark from their plane and eventually left.

Venezuelan officials denied reports that the incident happened, however, U.S. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said the Venezuelan government had in fact apologized for the incident.

It's my perception that Hugo Chavez's attitude toward international diplomacy will soon be indistinguishable from the attitude of North Korea's Kim Jong Il.

Hugo-Chavez Kim Jong Il

Both are thug communists that (and I know this is redundant) cannot be trusted.

Companion post at Interested-Participant.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 06:12 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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On the Fall of the West

Indication #1: 50 Cent plays a bat mitzvah

Indication #2: Celebration of absolutely dreadful writing

Indication #3: Sen. Kerry still sees himself as an important voice for policy matters (ha, the joke's on him though... he was never important)

Indication #4: Rusty gives me the key to this place. Certainly some will recognize me, as I have been around here since the beginning. My comments usually make no sense and involve the International Jewish Banking Conspiracy in some way, or are latent with extreme hostility.

In order to prevent the fall of the west, I will do the one thing I know how. I will rant with furious anger, babble with furious anger, and bring this blog back to it's core and true foundation -- ethnic slurs and Star Wars. Expect lots of both. You have been warned.


UPDATE: Rusty reminds me that I should always make room for "religious slurs" as well as ethnic ones. Tally-ho, sir. I couldn't agree more.

Posted by: wineaholic at 03:43 PM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
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I Heart Firefox

I just downloaded Firefox 1.5 and although I try to keep personal stuff out of this blog, can I just say how much I love Firefox. The Jawa Report looks so sweet with Firefox 1.5. That little glitch which doesn't allow IE users to copy and paste text from The Jawa Report is fixed in Firefox 1.5. Even writing this post seems like a better experience. And it is soooo much faster than my IE browser ever was!

And the best part? This little Jawa logo that the good folks at Mozilla have somehow managed to add to The Jawa Report url field:


Posted by: Rusty at 03:06 PM | Comments (24) | Add Comment
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Propaganda in a State of War

Far too many people are unclear on the concept of propaganda. In their minds, propaganda is equated with intentional lies spread by governments. This is wrong. From Merriam-Webster we learn that propaganda is:

2 : the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person
3 : ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause; also : a public action having such an effect
Propaganda, then, has nothing to do with the accuracy of information, only with its deliberate use to further goals. Hence, The Jawa Report has always proudly proclaimed our mission to be that of spreading propaganda in the cause of America and targetting those who spread the propaganda of the enemy.

Propaganda is not a problem, it is what that propaganda is used for that is a problem.

So, when the Left villifies the use of propaganda in furthering the goal of winning the war in Iraq, they are a) unaware of how to use the term properly, b) unaware that all armies--by definition--must engage in the spread of propaganda because facts are meaningless without some context, c) are hypocritically comfortable with a Marine killing a terrorist but not with a Marine paying a newspaper to say that the terrorist is bad, or d) are only comfortable when propaganda is prepared by them--in which case they don't believe the propaganda is really propaganda, because we all know that the objective truth is whatever the Left says it is--in which case we return to (a) since this means that they are unclear on the definition of propaganda.

Earlier today a Leftist reader e-mailed me a story from the L.A. Times which claims the U.S. pays Iraqi newspapers to publish stories favorable to the U.S. By definition this is propaganda. What is vexing, though, is why any one would have any objections to this unless they are making any of mistakes a-d listed above?

Jeff Goldstein is always a good man to go to in a pinch when semantics are at issue.

I’m not so sure I see “largely factual” pro-American “propaganda” as too much of a problem if it helps to burnish the image of Americans in the eyes of skeptical Iraqis long under the boot heel of a tyranical dictator—and in doing so, helps save soldiers lives and expedites the victory on the ground and the establishment of a strong and viable Iraqi government.

Also, it bears noting here the the US military is working with willing Iraqi newspapers in an effort to thwart the insurgency by defeating them not just on the battlefield, but in the sphere of public perception.

Questions: have we used these same techniques in other wars? Certainly. Should we? Absolutely—particularly if it could save US soldiers’ lives and help end the insurgency. [READ THE REST]

And Steve Green chimes in:
Except, of course, the news isn't "fake." Biased? Yes, but it's supposed to be - it's part of the propaganda campaign. Propaganda is important in any war, but it's vital in a media war.

That's not fascism; that's fighting a battle where no one gets shot at and no one gets killed.

Which is exactly the point. How can one be in favor of killing in war but not telling stories in war?

What made the Nazi propaganda of Josef Goebells and Tokyo Rose so wrong (and why both were legitimate military targets) was not that it was propaganda but that it was propaganda meant to undermine the victory of the United States millitary.

Propaganda is a weapon in war. When any weapon is in the hands of our military, it is an asset. Weapons are bad only when they are in the hands of the enemy.

Which makes one wonder why Leftists, so-called 'moderates', or even some on the Right, would consider a weapon in the hands of the U.S. military a bad thing? Unless, of course, they considered the real enemy to be.......

Not that I would ever question anyone's patriotism....

(via Glenn, who I'll hat tip even though I would have got to Steve and Jeff's post had not "I" come before "P" and "V" in my RSS reader)

More below if you're really into the philosophy of contextualized and hierarchical rights in a state of war. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 02:23 PM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
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New Chancellor: Germany Will Not Negotiate with Terrorists

The first female Chancellor in German history has come out shooting. In a 180 degree turnaround from her predecessor, the first words out of Angela Merkel's mouth to the newly constituted parliament:

"This government, this parliament will not let itself be blackmailed," Merkel said. "It (terrorism) is directed at everything that is important to us, at the core of our civilization. It is directed against our entire value system."
Merkel's statement was directed toward terrorists who have threatened to murder German archaeologist Susanne Osthoff. The terrorists have threatened to murder Osthoff if Germany does not stop cooperating with the U.N. sanctioned Iraqi governemnt.

Can some one please tell me how any one in the MSM--in even the most conservative of publications--can call a group or an individual threatenting to murder a hostage a 'militant'?

Posted by: Rusty at 01:28 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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Call off the dogs

Rumors of Osama's death in the Kashmir earthquake are nothing new and nothing secret. I had heard this a long time ago and it's not surprising Harry Reid did as well.

The video clip linked from Pajamas Media has an anchor indicating that Reid is just speculating here, and then shows him saying, "Well I'm not sure he's alive anymore. I think it's possible that the earthquake in Pakistan...took him down as well."

No law against his saying that. Even if he were briefed at a top-secret level about Osama's demise, what he said is available through open sources and therefore fair game. But I think he's just speculating.

Posted by: seedubya at 01:12 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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Excuse Me While I Kiss the Sky

Although I'm not sure what this 'Christmas' thing every one seems to be supporting these days, I have always been a big fan of X-mas. Except for that killer robot Santa. Anyway, I'll axe all of you to sign the petition to save X-mas.

I, for one, welcome our new Messiah overlord in Iran.

Osama bin Laden is dead. I know becaue Harry Reid told me.

I've been following the case of Joel Henry Hinrichs closely and have read all of the documents released from the FBI which Michelle Malkin has archived. Although I agree with Michelle and Jason that the MSM reaction to Hinrichs was baffling, to say the least, given the context of a hot war against Islamist extremists, I find that the documents are exculpatory rather than damning. In fact, given the large number of e-mails read by the FBI in Hinrich's Yahoo account, you would expect that if a larger Islamist plot existed that it would be in these e-mails that such a plot would be revealed. The FBI--at least in its public statements--have found no such evidence. Further, the documents reveal that Hinrichs Muslim room mate cooperated with the FBI and allowed them to search his room. So, in my opinion: case closed.

Happy Birthday Winston Churchill

Saddam's top prison complaints include: "The rape rooms in this prison are way different, and far less enjoyable, than the ones I used to run."

A new pro-Iraqi democracy blog written by Nibras Kazimi. Cool.

Need I remind you that failure is not an option in Iraq?

The Man has evidence of photoshopping by to cover up their ignorance of the American military. Personally I'm glad they replaced those gay British shorts with some American pants.

Fwance imploding.

New Orleans to become largest free-porn city in America in effort to attract residents to move back in.

Bill Moyers believes that it is a myth to call the media 'liberal' since, you know, focusing reporting on how the government ought to spend more on welfare programs is just 'good reporting'. (hat tip: Joe Goat)

Rusty Shackleford is hoping to displace his Imperial Highness as Most Annoying Right-Of-Center Blogger. So any blogger involved in this year's RWN poll, please remember just how annoying I have been this year.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:20 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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WTW Deersicles

Yeah I reckon I had best rant about something. So first of all my dog who is black as coal but won’t leave me alone since I put that deer in the freezer. He says he wants a deersicle. Bad dog, daddy’s deer meat, go lay down!! Then we have old DUKE who is not a dog but forgot who his master is. Really DUKE who did you work for? Can’t say much for the way the system is running right now look what it did for old DUKE. I pretty much figure that about 534 others need to take a look at this. I can understand the salary that “we the people” pay you pales in comparison to the real money in politics. That might lead to a little confusion about who you are working for, so let me remind you. It’s the people who you represented dipshit. Nothing pisses me off like scraping around all year for nickels and dimes only to see this crap. And it’s not just one side of the isle. People like Jackass Abramof lobby both sides. Maybe the people should put a boot up both sides ass to you know kind of remind them. It’s hard to forget who you are working for when he has a size 13 shoe up your rectum. Speaking of rectum, DUKE a word of advice I hope you saved back a few bucks for rectum protection. So look at what greed has done in this case. Taken a fine man and 8 term congressman and made him into a slave to the money and left the people holding the bill.

So while IÂ’m all pissed and stuff we have another big giant rectum out there somewhere hacking Grey EagleÂ’s site. Mr. Right emails again today that Anna, his co-blogger (see got that right this time), is calling our attention to Grey Eagles plight again. So another size 13 boot should be fit snugly in some hack bastardÂ’s sphincter.

Here are your White Trash Wednesday bloggers


Posted by: Howie at 10:17 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Every Picture Tells a Story(Update)

Yes vacation over. I could have taken another year or so off cept for I need the money. But look what falls into my lap this AM on MYYAHOO. Plus I see we have a new font. Wow I did miss a lot. Whew I'm worn out from all that resting.

Updated : Howie has picked a winner for this one tough job.

Caption this pic of Cindy's book signing last week in Crawford Texas. I mean just look at the line.

Winner Graeme :

Even during moments of mind numbing boredom, Cindy Sheehan still wasn't willing to read her own book.

Honorable mention Thirdee:

We should've had refreshments.
and kanerogers:

V the K does not win cause his captions are on his blog not here, but read em here anyway. Good title too.

Posted by: Howie at 08:43 AM | Comments (29) | Add Comment
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Islamic Site: Pentagon Behind Western Kidnappings

The 'news' site uruknet blames the CIA:

One look at the CPT (Christian Peacemaker Teams) in Iraq website and it becomes obvious who abducted Kember and his associates and why....No doubt all of this Christian activity sincerely upsets the Pentagon and the Bushcons.
Uruknet conveniently leaves out the fact that the video WAS NOT first released on al Jazeera as has been reported in the MSM. Rather, the video was released on a well known terrorist website linked to the Islamic Army in Iraq.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:40 AM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
Post contains 95 words, total size 1 kb.

November 29, 2005

The Plot Sickens Even More

Now this is fascinating. From the CPT History/Mission page:

Iraq – a Baghdad-based presence since October 2002. Team members accompanied the Iraqi people through the U.S.-led 2003 war and continue during the post-war occupation to expose abusive acts by U.S. Armed Forces and support Iraqis committed to nonviolent resistance.

This organization went into Iraq while Saddam Hussein was still in power.

Yet, I still hope for the hostages safe release.

UPDATE: Geez, 18 comments on this post and no one noticed that I spelled "history" as "hisory." With friends like you, who needs enemas?

Posted by: Vinnie at 06:36 PM | Comments (37) | Add Comment
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'Peace' Group Blames U.S. for Terrorist Kidnappings

The 'Christian Peacemaker Teams' organization has confirmed the identities of four Westerners kidnapped in Iraq after The Jawa Report first revealed their names earlier today. In addition, the group blamed the U.S. and U.K. governments for the terrorist abductions of their team members. Like many Left wing 'peace' activists, the group decided to condemn the unintended consequences of the U.S. invasion while overlooking the very intentional acts of violence against civilians by terrorists.

Sources tell The Jawa Report that the "The Swords of Righteousness Brigade" may be an offshoot of The Islamic Army in Iraq. The announcement and video were posted on that group's website earlier today. The Islamic Army in Iraq has murdered foreign hostages in the past, including Italian Red Cross worker Enzo Baldoni, and has worked with Abu Musab al Zarqawi's al Qaeda in Iraq in the past. The group routinely murders those suspected of being 'collaborators', 'apostates', and 'spies'.

This is bad news for the hostages if confirmed. If the mesage from the Christian Peacemaker Teams is meant to garner sympathy from the Salafist terror organization, then they are barking up the wrong tree. The only hope for the four Westerners is if the U.S., British, or Iraqi armies find them and liberate them--as they did former hostage Roy Hallums. Ironic, since these are the very people who are risking their lives yet who are blamed by the pacifist organization for the plight of their representatives.

Despite the misguided efforts of the pacifist organization, these four activists are victims of Islamist aggression. We condemn the hostage takers and pray for the immediate release. And, unlike the 'Christian Peacemaker Teams', we hope that the terrorists die at the hands of an angry Marine.

Their press release is below: more...

Posted by: Rusty at 05:57 PM | Comments (34) | Add Comment
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The Plot Sickens

The Christian Peacemaker Teams organization to which the 4 hostages belong just recently suspended their Adopt-a-Detainee program.

You read that right. Adopt-a-Detainee:

After a year and a half of coordinated advocacy for Iraqis detained by U.S. and other occupying forces, Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) is ending its Adopt-a-Detainee Letter-Writing Campaign. CPT's Iraq project will, however, continue to monitor the situation of Iraqis captured by the Multinational Force in Iraq (MNF) and by the new Iraqi Forces.

The Adopt-a-Detainee Letter-Writing Campaign, beginning in March 2004, matched individual detainees with congregations, mosques, synagogues, and peace groups in North America and around the world. These groups wrote letters to U.S., Iraqi and other relevant officials on the detainees' behalf. The campaign grew out of CPT's investigation of and reporting on abuses within the U.S.-run detention system in Iraq during the fall of 2003. The Adopt-a-Detainee Letter-Writing Campaign included a total of twenty-seven detainees, nine of whom U.S. officials released during the campaign, ten of whom were still detained at last word, and seven of whom U.S. officials never confirmed as detained (i.e., the "disappeared.")

They're still running the Campaign For Secure Dwellings though:

Since 1995 the Christian Peacemaker Team in Hebron has provided a violence-reduction presence with street patrols, responding when we hear word of trouble, and staying with people in tense times and places. The team also supports Israeli and Palestinian peacemakers in their work. It is clear to us that there can be no security for Israelis or Palestinians as long as the Israeli military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip continues.

Hm, guess no one bothered to tell them about the Gaza withdrawal earlier this year.

I still hope the hostages are released unharmed.

Posted by: Vinnie at 05:54 PM | Comments (21) | Add Comment
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What Fallujah War Crimes?

Clinton Taylor's latest from Townhall:

WP is a terrible weapon, but it isnÂ’t illegal, and the charges are ably refuted in this essay by Scott Burgess. All that needs to be added to BurgessÂ’ analysis is some context: Fallujah was Al-QaedaÂ’s vision of paradise on earth, their ideal Taliban-style Islamic government, and it was hell. It was a nest of insurgent command and control, a site for making suicide vests and IEDÂ’s, and a slaughterhouse where beheadings were filmed and sent over the Internet to recruit more terrorists. (This slide show offers a chilling retrospective.)

Our troops are there to kill the enemy efficiently, not to inflict pain on them. When a bullet or a conventional explosive can do the job, it makes moral, tactical, and public-relations sense to employ it instead of WP. In this case, though, more Marines would have been killed had the Fallujah jihadists not been routed from their fortifications by the Willie-Peter rounds. Most of America sheds no tears for the head-hacking ghouls of FallujahÂ’s dungeons, who got no worse than they deserved, and who now reside where white phosphorus feels like a cool shower.

Read the rest.

Let's not forget that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi had turned Fallujah over to 'Shura councils' that were enforcing Taliban-like Sharia law. Crimes such as owning Western CD's were punished in Fallujah with execution for the unrepentant.

And the Left still thinks liberating that city was a mistake? Perhaps they also think Europe should have been left to the Nazis since, you know, invading the Continent caused so many civilian casualites......?

Posted by: Rusty at 05:13 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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Suicide Bomber in Iraq was Belgian Woman

A convert to the ROP left France Junior (Belgium) to become a suicide bomber in Iraq. Here's the saddest part: her Muslim husband is said to have talked her into it.


A woman who carried out a suicide attack in Iraq two weeks ago was identified Tuesday as the first European female suicide bomber.

The Belgian anti-terrorism unit has confirmed that the woman was a Belgian citizen who converted to Islam after her marriage to a Muslim fundamentalist, news service RTL reported Tuesday.

American military forces identified the woman at a combat scene in Baghdad. She was carrying recently issued Belgian identity papers which revealed she had traveled via Turkey. There are no traces of her radical husband who is believed to have organized her trip.

Europe: breeding ground for radical Islam.

Posted by: Rusty at 04:11 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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(Updated) Hostage Video Released, Hostages Identified (Images/Video)

**Jawa Report Exclusive**

***The Jawa Report releases names of four Western hostages.***

A hostage video has been released of the four Western peace activists taken hostage in Iraq. The Jawa Report has obtained a copy of the video. Images from the video and links to video posted below. The video shows American Thomas Fox of Clear Brook Virginia, Canadian Harmeet Singh Sooden, who resides in Auckland, New Zealand, British citizen Norman Kember, and some one who appears to identify himself as James Loney(spelling confirmed) of Canada.

Previously only Norman Kember had been identified. The Christian Peacemaker Teams organization has confirmed to The Jawa Report in an e-mail that the four hostages were working for that group.

The copy of the video I have makes no ransom demands, although a voice can be heard directing the hostages in the background. UPDATE: Ian at the Political Teen is hosting a segment of the video here.

Here is a transcript of the video:

My name is Norman Kember. I am 74. I am a member of the Christian Peacemaking team in Iraq.

My name is Harmeet Sooden. I am 32 and I am working..I'm a volunteer for the CPT in Iraq.

My name is James Loney. I am 41 years old. I am from Canada and I am part of the Christian Peacemaker team in Iraq.

My name is Tom Fox and I am 54 years old. I am from the United States and I am a member of the Christian Peacmakers team in Iraq.

Hat tip: Doubletap who e-mailed me the video.

Here is a rough translation of the statement accompanying the video--again, thanks to Doubletap:

foreign arrest of four spy

Praise be to God god of the scientists and the prayer and the faithful peace on the prophet, and on his family and accompanied him ['ajme'yn]

As for after. Losing managed your brothers in secrecy of swords the truth from arrest of four spy is foreign forces of the occupation under cover do for what Christian team the peace rises in, [wllh] the praising god of the scientists.

Secrecy swords of the truth

Swords of Righteousness Brigade is how some MSM outlets are translating the announcement. The group accused the four peace activists of "masqerading" as peace activists and of really being spies. Update: My sources indicate that "The Swords of Righteousness Brigade" may be an offshoot of The Islamic Army in Iraq. The announcement and video were posted on that group's website earlier today. The Islamic Army in Iraq has murdered foreign hostages in the past, including Italian Red Cross worker Enzo Baldoni, and has worked with Abu Musab al Zarqawi's al Qaeda in Iraq in the past. This is bad news for the hostages if confirmed.

The original announcement in Arabic can be downloaded here if some one would like to offer a better translation.

UPDATE: Flip from Suitably Flip has a different machine translation here which is a little clearer.

UPDATE II: Shawn of Bareknucklepolitics points us to these dispatches from Iraq written by hostage Thomas Fox who wonders if Americans are inheritly racists and have colonialist attitudes. We pity people like Tom who have such low regard for the men who will now risk their lives to save his.

UPDATE: Jawa Report revelations force CPT to confirm identities of hostages.

We can confirm the identities of those who are being held as follows:

Tom Fox, age 54, is from Clearbrook, Virginia and is a dedicated father of two children. For the past two years, Mr. Fox has worked with CPT in partnership with Iraqi human rights organizations to promote peace. Mr. Fox has been faithful in the observance of Quaker practice for 22 years. While in Iraq, he sought a more complete understanding of Islamic cultural richness. He is committed to telling the truth to U.S. citizens about the horrors of war and its effects on ordinary Iraqi civilians and families as a result of U.S. policies and practices.

Mr. Fox is an accomplished musician. He plays the bass clarinet and the recorder and he loves to cook. He has also worked as a professional grocer. Mr. Fox devotes much of his time to working with children. He has served as an adult leader of youth programs and worked at a Quaker camp for youth. He has facilitated young people's participation in opposing war and violence. Mr. Fox is a quiet and peaceful man, respectful of everyone, who believes that "there is that of God in every person" which is why work for peace is so important to him.

Norman Kember, age 74, is from London, England.He and his wife of 45 years have two married daughters and a 3-year old grandson. He has been a pacifist all his life beginning with his work in a hospital instead of National Service at age 18. Before his retirement he was a professor teaching medical students at St Bartholemew's Hospital in London. He is well-known as a peace activist, and has been involved in several peace groups. For the past 10 years he has volunteered with a local program providing free food to the homeless. He likes walking, birdwatching, and writing humorous songs and sketches. In his younger days he enjoyed mountaineering.

James Loney, 41, is a community worker from Toronto, Canada. He has been a member of Christian Peacemaker Teams since August 2000, and is currently the Program Coordinator for CPT Canada. On previous visits to Iraq, his work focused on taking testimonies from families of detainees for CPT's report on detainee abuse, and making recommendations for securing basic legal rights. James was leading the November 2005 delegation in Iraq when he went missing.

James is a peace activist, writer, trained mediator, and works actively with two Toronto community conflict resolution services. He has spent many years working to provide housing and support for homeless people.

In a personal statement from James to CPT, he writes: "I believe that our actions as a people of peace must be an expression of hope for everyone. My hope in practising non-violence is that I can be a conduit for the transformative power of God's love acting upon me as much as I hope it will act upon others around me."

Harmeet Singh Sooden, 32 is a Canadian electrical engineer. He is studying for a masters degree in English literature in Auckland University in New Zealand to prepare for a teaching career. He enjoys art, is active in squash and worked part time as a local squash coach. His family describes him as peaceful and fun-loving and he is known to be passionate about the plight of the underprivileged around the globe. He works tirelessly in his spare time to educate and help others.

Update: Ex-wife of former hostage Roy Hallums chimes in:
I was deeply saddened to hear that more hostages were taken. These men were good Christian men trying to help promote peace in Iraq. I will pray for their safe release and for their families. There is such devastation to the families , I know this horror... I pray for them , I wish I could help in some way.

-Susan Hallums


Images below. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 11:14 AM | Comments (122) | Add Comment
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German Archaeologist Susanne Osthoff Taken Hostage in Iraq

Susanne_Osthoff_hostage_iraq_small.jpgThe Jawa Report has learned that the name of the German woman shown in a hostage video is Susanne Osthoff. Osthoff is an archaeologist working in Iraq and was abducted with her driver last Friday. Osthoff was presumably working on a dig at the ruins of Isin when she was abducted.

UPDATE: Chad at In the Bullpen e-mails me about a NY Times report that Osthoff had been targetted by Abu Musab al Zarqawi's al Qaeda in Iraq over the summer. If she has been abducted by al Qaeda then her only hope lies in a quick rescue and your prayers.

After news of Ms. Osthoff's kidnapping became known here, a German newspaper, the Neue Osnabrücker Zeiting, reported that Ms. Osthoff had been targeted by extremist groups close to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi during the summer, when she was living in Mosul in northern Iraq. At the time, the newspaper said, Ms. Osthoff was escorted by American soldiers to Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone. Since then, Ms. Osthoff has been negotiating both with the German Embassy in Baghdad and the local Kurdish-dominated government in the northern town of Arbil to build a German cultural center there, the newspaper said.
Osthoff was active in documenting archealogical sites looted in Iraq after the U.S. led invasion and was widely quoted in the media at the time.

More information about Susan Osthoff below and in the Susan Osthoff archives. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 09:51 AM | Comments (20) | Add Comment
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Muslims Cuffed in Gay Mass Marriage Raid

(Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) Authorities raided a hotel and arrested 26 men for alleged adultery and prostitution during a mass homosexual wedding. The men were UAE nationals, Arabs, and Asians. Some were dressed as women, with make-up and hairstyles, and the others were dressed in Arab attire.

A rash of Muslim Arab homosexual gatherings and group arrests has occurred recently and the country's leadership is alarmed. According to Interior Ministry spokesman Issam Azouri, the men will probably be tried under Sharia Law and they could be sentenced to receive government-ordered hormone treatments, jail and lashes. However, Islamic scholar Abdul Salam Mohammad Darwish said that a man who has intercourse with another man "should be executed" under Sharia Laws.


Police acting on a tip raided the hotel in Ghantout, a desert region on the Dubai-Abu Dhabi highway, and found a dozen men dressed as female brides and a dozen others in male Arab dress, apparently preparing for a ceremony that would join them as husbands and wives, Azouri said.

"It was a real party with balloons and champagne," he said.

The 26 men arrested include those from the Emirates as well as an Indian disc jockey and three men from neighboring Arab states. One of the arrested was to perform the wedding ceremony. Azouri said some of the group told police they worked as prostitutes. Others had been arrested before.

Last year, there were mass arrests at gay blowouts in Sharjah Emirate and Fujairah Emirate which only resulted in symbolic punishment, meant to humiliate, said prominent Emirati lawyer Abdul Hamid al-Kumaiti. The men were subsequently released.
"There are so many others like these guys," al-Kumaiti said. "The police and rulers need to do more than just lash them and let them go."
Based on al-Kumaiti's statements, I suspect that there is a significant homosexual influence on the Arabian Peninsula.

As would be expected, the Arab and Muslim media have been very reluctant to report on the homosexual clusterings out of fear that tribal leaders will become incensed by the appearance that homosexual behavior is tolerated. Homosexuality among Muslims in an Arab country is deemed too "delicate" a matter to be reported to the public. Consequently, if people in Muslim countries want to know what's going on in their gay communities, they won't find it in the local newspaper. They'll have to backdoor it from the Western media.

Companion post at Interested-Participant.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 09:50 AM | Comments (23) | Add Comment
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