June 02, 2005

Totalitarianism 2.0 and 3.0 Find Common Ground

By Demosophist

Well, this piece from the Counter-terrorism Blog might go a ways toward undermining the wholesome image of Al Qaeda so carefully cultivated by the western left:

Yesterday, Israeli president Moshe Katzav warned in a speech that Muslim terrorists may plan on using neo-Nazi groups to carry out attacks in Europe. "Let's not be surprised if terror organizations use neo-Nazis for carrying out terror attacks," he told the German parliament.

While there's little evidence thus far of operational links between Islamist terror groups and neo-Nazis, this is an intriguing possibility -- and some white supremacist groups have already made overtures toward the Islamists. For example, Aryan Nations leader August Kreis said of al-Qaeda earlier this year, "You say they're terrorists, I say they're freedom fighters. And I want to instill the same jihadic feeling in our peoples' heart, in the Aryan race, that they have for their father, who they call Allah." Going a step further, Kreis told CNN that he had a message for bin Laden: "The message is, the cells are out here and they are already in place. They might not be cells of Islamic people, but they are here and they are ready to fight."

Posted by: Demosophist at 09:25 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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1 Soon Libs will be justifying white supremacy too, as long as it hurts "Bush", or Israel.

Posted by: Carlos at June 02, 2005 10:02 AM (8e/V4)

2 "wholesome image of Al Qaeda???" Do you have a permit to build that straw man?

Posted by: Busholini at June 02, 2005 10:06 AM (n4e7j)

3 "Going a step further, Kreis told CNN that he had a message for bin Laden: "The message is, the cells are out here and they are already in place. They might not be cells of Islamic people, but they are here and they are ready to fight."" lol...as if white supremacists would follow orders from a race of people they consider inferior. And yeah, I don't really recall the Left (or anyone) ever painting Al Qaeda as "wholesome." Maybe anyone who doesn't subscribe 100% to the neocon dogma is considered to be an Al Qaeda sympathizer?

Posted by: Venom at June 02, 2005 10:12 AM (dbxVM)

4 first off, if you think that the neo-Nazis and Islamic-Nazis wouldnt work together becuase they have different beliefs....Hitler and Stalin , even though they didnt trust each other and didnt like the others political idealogy, they did work together for at least a few years before turning on each other....it is a good possibility that Osama would love to use the neo-Nazi groups in America and Europe as allies to do his dirty work and once they are weakened enough he would turn on them..i mean, there have ben stranger allies in history against a common foe....is the enemy of my enemy my friend or my enemy??....and i think what Rusty means by the "wholesome" image is that it seems that the MSM and some liberals are only worried about what the US troops are doing to civilians in Iraq, and if the US troops are doing anything wrong or if they are being brutal...they hardly ever seem to really jump all over the terrorists for killing Iraqi civilians in suicide bombings at markets and mosques...the MSM is more critical on a US soldier shooting a terrorist who is faking death and suddenly makes a move and than gets shot by the US soldier than about the terrorists cutting off some tied up victims head while it is filmed....the MSM has its priorties all wrong as far as im concerned..make the US soldiers look like brutal animals while the terrorists look kind of fuzzy and mysterious while doing nothing brutal at all....

Posted by: THANOS35 at June 02, 2005 10:25 AM (b7uP2)

5 Hell, it's not at all far fetched. Haj Amin al Husayni worked for years trying to gain recognition from Hitler, constantly offering his support for the Nazis and Hitler finally accepted him in '38. He recruited Muslims for Hitler's military. He was a useful idiot and had Hitler been successful, he would have thrown Husayni under the bus afterwards. However, the same people who know this and don't discount the possibility that it is likely to happen again will also tell you that Saddam and bin Laden would never have worked together. Bull. There are fewer degrees of separation between Saddam and Osama than any Muslim and neo-Nazis.

Posted by: Oyster at June 02, 2005 02:52 PM (fl6E1)

6 August Kreis sounds a lot like Greg did.

Posted by: SPQR at June 02, 2005 09:38 PM (xauGB)

7 lol...as if white supremacists would follow orders from a race of people they consider inferior. And yeah, I don't really recall the Left (or anyone) ever painting Al Qaeda as "wholesome." The thesis is actually very simple. Totalitarianism, like slavery, is a unitary foe. Fundamentally there's no difference between Totalitarianism 2.x (Italian fascism and Naziism) and Totalitarianism 3.x (Islamofascism and Salafism). They use the same literature and appeal to the same prejudices, and there's even a transitional ideology (Ba'athism) that also links to Marxism. Is it a fact, in the same sense that the increase in the frequency of hurricanes are a fact? Pretty damn close. You know what a fact is, right? Now find some other explanation than a unity of purpose.

Posted by: Demosophist at June 04, 2005 04:36 PM (d0CtA)

8 1) I was being half-sarcastic. Mind you, the other half still finds it incredulous that white supremacists would start following the orders of Arabs. That, actually, is the point I find hard to believe. Not unity of purpose - hell, Thanos made an excellent point in bringing up Soviet-Nazi cooperation in invading Poland. I'm talking about white supremacists actually saying: ""The message is, the cells are out here and they are already in place. They might not be cells of Islamic people, but they are here and they are ready to fight."" which, to me, sounds like Kreis is telling Osama "give me a shout, and tell me what you want done." (maybe not in such a colloquial way, but along the same lines). "Unity of purpose" is one thing. Unity of ideology...that's what defines strong relationships. Which is why I think an alliance between white supremacists and non-white Islamic fascists is more unlikely than likely. Sure, they're both fascists, but fascists of differing ideologies will only take orders from other fascists for so long before the relationship sours. But hey, this is a fucked up world. Anything is possible, I suppose.

Posted by: Venom at June 06, 2005 08:34 AM (dbxVM)

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