February 23, 2006

Able Danger: Still Simmering

I participated in a conference call tonight with Representative Curt Weldon (R-PA) and several other bloggers about the Able Danger program, 9/11, the USS Cole attack, and the ongoing coverup by mid- to senior-level bureaucrats spanning two administrations. Frankly, a lot of information was forthcoming and I need time to process it all.

But I do want to address a charming bit of character assassination by Washington Post writer William M. Arkin, who has a problem with Able Danger whistleblower Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer:

And then there's Shaffer, who offered a rambling, paranoid, messianic story in his testimony claiming again not only the existence of the chart, but also Defense Department efforts at cover-up and retribution against him for revealing the TRUTH.
I read Shaffer's February 15 testimony this afternoon, in preparation for the conference call - all 48 pages of it. It details the vicious steps that have been taken to try to silence Shaffer.

I have a different perspective from Arkin. When I was a Federal employee, I had occasion to blow the whistle myself. Shaffer's testimony rings true. Every word. This is how bureaucrats cover their asses.

The tone of Arkin's piece is set when he pronounces the testimony of Under Secretary of Defense Stephen Cambone as "truth", yet never mentions that Cambone refused to be sworn in, and that the testimony of three sworn witnesses contradicts Cambone.

Of the DoD investigation to which Cambone refers, Curt Weldon had this to say tonight, "No one was put under oath...there were no sworn affidavits." Arkin missed that tidbit.

Others on the call:
Mike Kasper of the Able Danger Blog (the organizer)
AJ Strata of The Strata-Sphere
QT Monster's Place
Pierre of The Pink Flamingo Bar & Grill
Rory O'Connor
Curt from Flopping Aces
Dan Pico from Common Sense Political Thought
Also a blogger from "common sense" -I didn't catch his name or URL, but will update later.

Also posted at The Dread Pundit Bluto and Vince Aut Morire.

Posted by: Bluto at 08:11 PM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
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1 Well, character assasination is the only thing left to the anti-ideological ideologues of today in defense of Able Danger BS. Its rather interesting, how undifferentiated each major party has become from one another. Democrats are the socialists with more taxes, Republicans are the socialists with a few "tax cuts" and then some hidden taxes (deficeits.) Essentially the politics of today has more the feel of a sporting event than any actual ideological confrontation. Instead of a stand between principled opponents each attempting to prove their consistant ideology is what is best for the nation, you have a pair of personalities that are universally anti-idealistic, "pragmatic" (funny how so-called "pragmatists" are so unpractical, in the long run,) and totally divorced from any thought except how to justify themselves, not even the day after tomorrow, just tomorrow. This culture is evident in the numerous amount of spending, the inability to be fiscally responsible, and the flat-out refusal to deal with big issues - on the premise that, since nobody has any ideology to guide them on their actions as to what is right, they have no idea what is the good and proper thing to do. Thus, no one wishes to be the first one to act when the first one to do so is going to be blamed for the shebang. Thus, our "practical" politicians have an ever-shrinking range of concern, limiting themselves to issues that can be predicted by today's focus group, tomorrow's exit polls. And that, of course, is the price one pays for allowing that dirty word, "practical," into the political scene. To be "practical," in this day, is to compromise on whatever principles you hold for some (supposed) advantage. It has lead to the insane contradiction of a politician seeking election for the sake of being elected - as, once you've compromised enough, the only ideal you have left is that you must compromise to get anything done - and thus, you have nothing to compromise on and are incapable of any significant action in the political realm. A lesson to learn. Too bad it has to be learned at the worst possible moment - but such is the penance for America's abandonment of principled stands for the individual.

Posted by: MiB at February 23, 2006 09:59 PM (tFcEO)

2 Just found the site and my pagan ass loves it! keep up the outstanding work! love g

Posted by: girish at February 24, 2006 01:12 AM (IpuE8)

3 Anyone else noticed problems with Jihadwatch? Seems to be frozen up or possibly hacked.

Posted by: dave at February 24, 2006 04:07 AM (GHTct)

4 MiB, you're right on, I will only add that the only thing the parties agree on is that they must steal as much as possible from us before we wise up and hang them all. Girish, welcome. Dave, it works fine now.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at February 24, 2006 04:56 AM (0yYS2)

5 No, Jihadwatch still isn't updating, and the sidebar with the links and email form has vanished. Thats how it's appearing to me. I can't post a comment at all. Very odd.

Posted by: dave at February 24, 2006 05:44 AM (GHTct)

6 I think JW/DW has been cyber-attacked. By the way, I think MiB speaks truth.

Posted by: kentim at February 24, 2006 05:56 AM (CqTKB)

7 Dave, re: JW/DW, I didn't notice the side bar missing until you mentioned it . Since last night, I (only) noticed that the final comment on each thread was not identified by who posted it. It didn't dawn on me that I couldn't comment until you mentioned it. I thought it was my system blocking cookies or something . . .hmmmm.

Posted by: heroyalwhyness at February 24, 2006 06:00 AM (XU9K/)

8 JW has been frozen like that for at least 15 hours I'd say.

Posted by: dave at February 24, 2006 06:07 AM (GHTct)

9 oh, and sorry for butting into this thread.

Posted by: dave at February 24, 2006 06:11 AM (GHTct)

10 I had not heard about this "Able Danger" thing before. Senator Joseph McCarthy comes to mind(more and more every day), remember what he said? Paraphrased-- "if these things were mistakes due to incompetence, the perpetrators would do the right thing "accidently" at least once in a while, but instead there is a distinct pattern that suggests a coherent pursuit of a specific goal". I have no doubt in my mind anymore he was right. While chasing the Leninists, who were so obvious and easily identified, he stumbled upon the Pragmatic(Americanised) Fabians, that's where the real power is, and that was the force that destroyed him. Goldwater knew too, probably Wallace too. The fact is, with this knowledge, almost all "history", or "conventional wisdom" is suspect. This fact is dangerous for a truth-seeker. Power is what determines what is "sane and rational", but that may or may not coincide with truth and reality. "The Naked Capitalist" by Skousen and "Tragedy and Hope" by Quigley pretty much shatters the myth of "self-government" here.

Posted by: kentim at February 24, 2006 06:56 AM (CqTKB)

11 I'm still reading Shaffer's testimony, but so far I'm shocked that the megalomaniacal, self-aggrandizing attitudes of those charged with the defense of this country are so systemic. I guess I always knew it, but seeing so many individual accounts of it is still shocking. Has the House Armed S_ervices Committee subpoenaed any of Shaffer's documents or email (or anything) to corroborate his testimony? It would be a dereliction of duty not to. Unless they've been purged too. This entire investigation would be a farce without it. The House Armed S_ervices Committee member's list is extensive. I wonder how many of them are taking this seriously. I also read Cambone's testimony. Eighteen pages of obfuscation with no names and many generalities. His testimony reads like a parent making light of some child's game. His answers focus consistantly on Atta even when not requested to do so. So this is their Able Danger "expert"? Someone who was not involved in the program while it was underway and was charged with finding information on 2.5 terabytes of information which was purged? His testimony is basically useless. (Sorry for the underscores in some words. MuNu's filters are over-zealous)

Posted by: Oyster at February 24, 2006 07:06 AM (YudAC)

12 Everyone who has taken the time to read this, don't forget the numerous supporting military and contractor witnesses supplying their own statements backing up Colonel Shaffer, some found here: http://www.fas.org/irp/congress/2006_hr/index.html#ad . P.S. Shaffer names conspirators in Pentagon--now anyone can call them and let them know what real Americans think of them.

Posted by: jim at February 24, 2006 10:17 AM (6Q9ZO)

13 Hang in there friend and pursue the able danger to the bitter end. It looks to me like there is far more being withheld than is being exposed.

Posted by: Earl J Prignitz at February 24, 2006 11:47 AM (m2XUf)

14 gambling addiction Probaly you should read this. gambling addiction Hope this helps. See you next life. Buy gambling addiction now

Posted by: gambling addiction at March 24, 2006 05:26 AM (0oDgr)

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