June 16, 2006

So Much for 'Elevating the Level of Discourse'

We often hear Bush-haters denounce the right for "hate speech" and preaching that we should raise the level of political discourse. Their comments would carry a lot more weight if they would lead by example. You'd have thought they would've learned their lesson after the negative reaction to Kerry-Edwards' attempt to use Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter as a wedge issue. Apparently, using personal issues and family tragedies is still considered clever by some. Former CIA officer and New York Times columnist Larry C. Johnson, who blogs at No Quarter has been a real sweetheart lately:

Karl [Rove] is a shameless bastard. This could explain why his mother killed herself. Once she discovered what a despicable soul she had spawned she apparently saw no other way out. It would be one thing if his vile tactics were simply mere smears of politicians like Kerry and Murtha. They are big boys and should be able to defend themselves quite ably against this turd. But Rove, like Josef Goebbels, has used fear and smear as his primary tools to keep George Bush in power. And to what end?
Nice. One could perhaps mark this nastiness up as the hateful ranting of a single individual and not reflective of lefty sentiment in general. Surely Larry's fellow Rove haters will take him to task for stepping over the line? Surely this is going too far, even for the lefty bloggers. Guess not. Check out these "enlightened" comments to his post:
Larry isn't sick, he is just pointing out a fact... He was explaining that he understood why she could have done it, not that he was 'glad' she had done it... choose YOUR words more carefully. You are playing in the big league here. This is not myspace. dot whatever...


Well I say good for Larry! I would kill myself too if I had produced such a putrid son as Karl Rove. Would it that he had never been conceived, let alone born into this world.

Wow, it's amazing how some people can dish it out but can't take it. And the only thing taking the high road got democrats was a one way trip over a cliff.

Larry brought up two facts:

1. Rove's mother committed suicide.

2. Rove is a loathsome human being based on his smearing Kerry and Murtha.

Maybe number one has something to do with number two. If it's true, it's not a smear. If Karl Rove can question John Kerry's and John Murtha's patriotism. We should be able to question whether or not Karl Rove drove his mother to suicide. Karl Rove, Ann Coulter and their ilk have damaged this country with thier lies. If it takes implying that Rove played a role in his mother's death in order to stop him I'm all for it.

Larry's mother probably would have aborted him had she been able to read then the screed he writes today.

P.S. Rove's mother committed suicide in Reno, Nevada, when Rove was 30 years old. Whatever reasons she had to kill herself, knowing the sort of son she brought into the world may have been a contributing factor. Because, by age 30, Rove had already become practiced in the fine arts of lying, cheating, stealing, smearing, libel, breaking and entering, etc.

Thanks to Sweetness and Light and LGF for the heads up.

Posted by: Kos_Irhabi at 10:28 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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