September 29, 2005

Tom Delay, Please Resign (UPDATED)

Tom Delay should resign from Congress. Did he do anything illegal? I've no idea. Campaign finance laws are like the tax code: so complicated as to lose all meaning to the average citizen. But whether or not Delay broke any laws is beside the point in my mind. He is the poster child for the peddling of Washington's largess to special interests.

He is the Republican version of Dan Rostenkowski. Did Rostenskowski break some minor federal laws? Perhaps, but the larger problem with the former Democratic Ways and Means Committee Chair was not that he committed 'mail fraud' but that he used his position in Congress to take my money away from me and give to his constituents, his campaign donors, and his ideological allies.

Congress is full of politicians who engage in quid pro quos with special interests. But some are worse than others. Tom Delay is one of the worst.

Is Ronnie Earle a partisan hack? That's a given. But even partisan hacks sometimes get it right, even when they are motivated by, well, partisanship. I've no idea if he's gotten it right here, but again, that is the least of my concerns.

There is a second and unrelated reason Delay should resign. Tom Delay hurts the Republican Party and helps the Democratic Party. I don't really care if Delay hurts the Republican Party. I am a big believer in the two-party system--as long as those two parties are Republicans and Libertarians. What I am not a big believer in are the statist principles at the core of Democratic philosophy and which are increasingly becoming part of Republican practice.

As long as the Democrats remain the party of bigger government as opposed to the Republicans just being the party of big government, then anything that helps them win cannot be good for the country.

The perception of corruption and ineptness in Washington by the public is uncannily familiar. I smell 1994 in the air again. The Democrats only need to come up with their own Contract With America--some coherent alternative vision based on a 'reform' agenda--and they will win back the House of Representatives.

So, Tom Delay, do us all a favor: resign. Spare us all the headache of putting a party in power who wants even more government so that it can dole out even more favors to even more special interests, campaign donors, and ideological allies. The country is in bad enough shape with you helping to run it, let's not make it any worse.

This will serve as my one and only post on the Delay scandal. The Jawa has spoken.

More Delay reaction from RINOs here at The Politburo Diktat. UPDATE: Due to heavy schedule here, I've been kind of out of it. Michelle Malkin has big roundup here. Ahhh, and check out the two last paragraphs from Captain Ed. UPDATE II: Professor Chaos, truth detector. Hawkins is right, but he needs to go go, not just go. UPDATE III: Chris Abraham, right on. Rusty Shackleford, 'bedwetting right'?? Are you kidding me?--Update: I have been assured that I was not part of the 'bedwetting right' alluded to here. Good to know.

UPDATE IV: Ok, John from Wuzzadem pretty much has the 'don't get on the indict Delay bandwagon yet because this just gives the moonbats fuel for the fire' argument summed up--sorta.

UPDATE V: Let me make myself clear:

I call on Jack Reed, Paul Sarbanes, Barbara Lee, John Oliver, Jim McDermott and all other Leftists in Congress to resign BEFORE Tom Delay because you are far mor dangerous to the nation


UPDATE VI: Willisms de-links me because I don't drink the party kool-aid at every turn, even after I try to reassert my street cred by calling on Leftists in Congress to do the same. Very unclassy. PS-had I realized you weren't on the blogroll I certainly would have added you, especially if you had asked. And, BTW, The Jawa Report is 'skinnable'. If you want a light background with dark text, simply click on the link in the upper right corner.

What I've never understood is people who put party loyalty above principle. It's the same reason I think the modern Democratic party has largely become a farce and an anti-American institution. They oppose the war because, er, they have to because, er, they're the party of opposition.

I'm not going to support Delay simply because he is the enemy of my enemy. This isn't war, no one is going to die if Delay goes down, he's not that important to my agenda--which is winning the war on terror.

There is something deeply disturbing about people who think it is their duty to be the propoganda arm of the Republican party and who think it an act of betrayal to oppose any one or anything that they are for.

I, for one, encourage reasoned disagreement. And, as always, I am open to having my mind changed if there is some angle that I haven't given enough thought to.

UPDATE VII: Let me get the two sides of the argument straight. One side, my side (now joined by Pieter Dorsman), thinks defending Delay helps the Democratic party by associating the party with perceived misdeeds. The other side, most of my readers are in this category (I'm looking in your general direction Filthy), think that if Delay goes down then the Dems come out on top and will go after the next politician they hate--thus, we must support Delay so that this doesn't happen.

Is this a fair presentation of the two sides of the argument?

UPDATE VIII: Loyal reader Marcus Aurelius disagrees.

UPDATE IX: We are officially in a blogfluffle.

UPDATE X: For John at Wuzzadem. I'm not supporting Delay's indictment. How should I know whether the charges are true or not? I just want him gone, gone, gone. It's a logical fallacy, in my mind, to equate someone resigning from office because they're pathetic scoundrals (which Delay is) and hurt the overall cause, with supporting those that wish to see him in jail. Anyway, those following the debate should probably go read John's post. But I wonder, isn't the greater pack mentality the reflexive defense of Delay because he's 'our guy' than we few who dare call for his resignation?

And for Beth, long-time blog-friend, I'd say that the Left hates Delay for a number of reasons, and that, yes, one of them is that he's effective. Mostly the effectiveness they hate him for has to do with the Texas redistricting push that he was largely responsible for. But just because they hate him for those reasons does not mean that I must also hate him for the same reasons. I hate him for the same reason Newt Gingrich hated the Democratic leadership of the 1980's--they were spendthrifts and Washington insider influence peddlers of the highest caliber. I did not support the Democrats when they drummed Newt out of Congress. Tom Delay, though, is no Newt Gingrich.

Posted by: Rusty at 10:18 AM | Comments (92) | Add Comment
Post contains 1176 words, total size 8 kb.

1 Amen

Posted by: Howie at September 29, 2005 09:17 AM (D3+20)

2 I second that amen.

Posted by: Wine-aholic at September 29, 2005 09:25 AM (Wsn+K)

3 Should Nancy Pelosi resign? Moonbats infect Jawas? Tell me it isn't so.

Posted by: From the Swamp at September 29, 2005 09:37 AM (7evkT)

4 I agree. I have little doubt that the charges against DeLay will be dropped. Unfortunatley, I also believe he has pushed the ethical limits too far to many times. He time has arrived to step aside.

Posted by: Dean at September 29, 2005 09:43 AM (1fMm/)

5 It's not often I disagree with the good Doctor but this is most definately one of those times. Dealing with the left is no different then dealing with terrorists, (oftentimes because they are one in the same)give in to them and it only emboldens their cause. Aquiesce to their demands and they will roll over you. Personally I am not a huge DeLay fan but he has accomplished some monumental feats, especially in Texas politics. He was almost single handedly responsible for electing a Republican legislature in Texas. Extremely important considering that the state legislature is responsible for drawing up redistricting maps. With the election of a Republican majority in the Tx house DeLay orchestrated a net pickup of (5) Republican US HOR seats, no small accomplshment. That aside, this entire indictment is bogus at best. If I had the slightest doubt that he had done anything illegal, I'd be on the hang em high bandwagon. But by all indications this is nothing more than a politically motivated hatchet job by a self important hyperlib hayseed DA with delusions of grandeur. Go ahead and bend over for them now if you must but prepare to get rectally probed on an increasingly frequent basis from here on out.

Posted by: traderrob at September 29, 2005 09:44 AM (3al54)

6 I'd like to see a purging of the ranks of the old guard in the GOP. Too many people there with too much time in Washington, we need some new blood who are beholden to their constituents, and the Constitution, and not a bunch of lobbyists. The apathetic behavior of the current crop of Republicans in the face of nothing less than daily acts of treason and sedition on the part of the Dhimmicrats tells me that we've elected a bunch of eunichs to office, and we need to throw the bums out come next election. Speaking of which, everyone should contribute to Glichrist for Congress. You know him, he's the Minuteman guy, and he's running in a special election in Mexifornistan.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at September 29, 2005 09:44 AM (0yYS2)

7 Traderrob, Ok, so he helped win a Republican majority in Texas? And that means what? We can't simply be for Delay because the Democrats are against him.

Posted by: Rusty at September 29, 2005 09:56 AM (JQjhA)

8 Please Bill Clinton, have a Stroke and die.

Posted by: Filthy Allah at September 29, 2005 09:59 AM (5ceWd)

9 You guys are as loyal as the french. Delay is a victim and you guys turn on him like jackels as if Nancy Pelosi has her fingers up your ass like puppets. This is the problem with the GOP now. No spine, No Backbone, No Loyalty. Get down and dirty and fight this scum on their own level. I would like to see the GOP grow a pair of big pink hairy balls and squash this minority group of goat pimps like a grape. You guys would turn on your own mother.

Posted by: Filthy Allah at September 29, 2005 10:02 AM (5ceWd)

10 No, but I would turn on yours. Dude, check out Chris Abraham's post in the trackbacks. He's right. This isn't about loyalty, this is about sacrificing Delay for the good of the country. This isn't the Marine Corps, this is politics.

Posted by: Rusty at September 29, 2005 10:06 AM (JQjhA)

11 PS--guys, check out all the Democrats advertising to in the Googl ads to the left. Do us a favor and click on them. I find this extrememly ironical.

Posted by: Rusty at September 29, 2005 10:08 AM (JQjhA)

12 I think that the GOP should band together and crush Pelosi and Co once and for all and then purge the ranks. You don't purge your officer corps in the middle of Battle! Paint Ronnie Earl as a loonie, find the pics of him banging a boyscout, spray Pelosi with depleted uranium and fight old school. These people are the enemy and you offer them Delay on a platter? What message is that sending? Crush the liberals and then clean the party.

Posted by: Filthy Allah at September 29, 2005 10:13 AM (5ceWd)

13 DR. R There are right ways and wrong ways to do things. We have a problem with DeLay we must as an individual or party remove him. But only according to our proceedures and our timetable. I am vehemently against what the Dims are doing and how they are doing it.... not neccessarily the end result By your reasoning what the Dims are doing is OK because you don't like DeLay and you think he should go. What happens when they try similar tactics on someone you happen to like?

Posted by: traderrob at September 29, 2005 10:14 AM (3al54)

14 I agree whole heartedly on this one. The Republicans are infested with bad apples like DeLay. They only hurt the true conservative cause. In essence, we vote Republican and we get what special interest groups want. Regardless of wether you hate Earle or really hate Earle we have to understand something. He already lost loud and big on Hutchison and now with the whole country watching him and knowing his association with the Dems, it's doubtful he would have gone for this unless it was a slam-dunk. It is simply too risky to go around baselessly indicting House Majority Leaders on the eve of an election year. What we need are politicians who cares deeply about our country. Not a stand in for special interests and pork.

Posted by: Bill Boxx at September 29, 2005 10:17 AM (BmtfW)

15 As soon as someone comes up with some substantiated proof that DeLay is guilty of a crime I will join you in asking for his resignation. Until that time I refuse to join the leftist media smear campaign against effective Republicans on thier hit list. Who needs political enemies when when your friends buy into the hype and knife you in the back. I'm tired of Republicans eating their own because the media has smeared someone so often that you begin to believe it. You don't have to like him personally unless you are in his distrct in Texas.

Posted by: bindare at September 29, 2005 10:18 AM (/BWjM)

16 Er, who ever said I was a Republican?

Posted by: Rusty at September 29, 2005 10:24 AM (JQjhA)

17 Actually, if you listen to the media all you hear is doubt and speculation, not about DeLay's guilt, but about Earle's motives. The Republican party is far from perfect. It's time we cleaned up this mess before it blows up in our faces and then whole party is out in the cold for another 8 plus years. Can we afford that?

Posted by: Bill Boxx at September 29, 2005 10:30 AM (BmtfW)

18 Delay = Ryan. How can defending corruption be good for the party? The only reason I think he should keep his seat is the innocent until proven guilty thing. but if you think old ladies won't run away and stop voting for Republicans if they think they are corrupt just look at what happened to ILL after Ryan. Long tradition of Rep Gov here and now what have we got. We have Rob Blacojevic and DICK Durbin. Rusty is right on the money.

Posted by: Howie at September 29, 2005 10:38 AM (D3+20)

19 Amen, brotha!

Posted by: Rusty at September 29, 2005 10:38 AM (JQjhA)

20 There's nothing I loathe more than people willing ot sell out their friends and allies because it is expedient. Bedwetting right is absolutely correct. Shame.

Posted by: Will Franklin at September 29, 2005 10:40 AM (Qqgf2)

21 As long as Ted Kennedy remains out of Jail and no one in the Senate is calling for him to pay the piper for murdering that girl, then Everyone should shut their F-ing traps regarding anyone else. Kennedy is allowed to Murder and he gets to keep his job. Ohhhh He is a Kennedy. Did you know two of his brothers got their heads drained? Give him a pass the I supposed. Poor guy. Delay is only accused of some BS and you guys Yammer for him to step down? Bunch of pussies if I ever saw one.

Posted by: Filthy Allah at September 29, 2005 10:41 AM (5ceWd)

22 I am not in the Senate nor House. Delay is not my friend or ally.

Posted by: Rusty at September 29, 2005 10:44 AM (JQjhA)

23 The Democrats can't beat the Republicans at the ballot box, can't beat them in the House or Senate, and thier efforts to legislate from the federal court is coming under attack. They therefore count on the Republicans to assume the worst about thier own party, knowing that they will sacrifice thier own regardless of how assinine the charge is. Sounds like a winning strategy.

Posted by: Fersboo at September 29, 2005 10:44 AM (x0fj6)

24 Also worth while to note that since Ryan ILL electoral votes have went to the Dems in presidential races. Now tell be those votes were not critical in 2000. Enough to erase all doubt. Thanks GEORGE.

Posted by: Howie at September 29, 2005 10:56 AM (D3+20)

25 Thanks for the linkage, Rusty. As a rule, I'm never in favor of doing anything in fear or anticipation of what the far left might say or do. As far as they're concerned this is the most corrupt, scandal-ridden, criminal administration in the last century, and the "far-right" media at CBS, NBC, ABC and every single cable network just read the scripts they're given by KKKarl Rove. I don't think anyone should get on the "indict DeLay" bandwagon unless, of course, there's proof he did something illegal, and if people want him removed from his leadership position, I think they should be very careful about setting a precedent whereby we take any action based on what might be a baseless, politically motivated action. Let's keep the issues of whether or not DeLay committed a crime and whether of not we need new leadership separate. I don't think he should be used as a "burnt offering."

Posted by: John from WuzzaDem at September 29, 2005 10:58 AM (Pt3Le)

26 Hey guys...I'm glad to see a lot of you think DeLay should be bounced out. He disgraces our "gubbamint". Funny thing is, I know lots of people are claiming it's a baseless partisan attack, but the guy who's going after him has gone after Dems more than anyone. On another note: RUSTY! Jawa is featured in Salon today! Granted, they make you subscribe or watch a silly ad to read their articles, but I'll share a secret with you: paste this link... No matter what the daily ad is, the cookie enabling you to read stays the same. Jawa is featured under "The Daou Report".

Posted by: osamabinhiding at September 29, 2005 11:01 AM (QMrot)

27 A tortured conclusion Howie, The problem with Blue Illinois has a everything to do with Chicago and little to do with Ryan. Blagoavich (sp) polish names jeeeez, has plenty of probs too. Even if he gets booted under a cloud and Edgar takes over, I seriously doubt Ill. will go red in 08

Posted by: traderrob at September 29, 2005 11:02 AM (3al54)

28 I thought the Republican party was a party of higher standards? It's not about winning a game for the sake of saying, 'we won-your side sucks'. It's about giving us honest responsible government. If people want to bitch and moan about how corrupt clinton was and how kennedy should be in prison, but turn a blind eye to the corruption in our own back yard, we are no better than they are. Frankly, I'm thinking to vote Green... just kidding. But seriously, I won't automatically be voting Republican anymore.

Posted by: Averageguy at September 29, 2005 11:08 AM (BmtfW)

29 Cut your nose off to spite your face eh averageguy

Posted by: traderrob at September 29, 2005 11:11 AM (3al54)

30 Stick it up yer ass and vote green. You smug pimp. You wouldnt vote republican even if someone had a gun to yer mums head. There is no repulican or conservatives on this one. It is US v. Them. No grey area.

Posted by: Filthy Allah at September 29, 2005 11:11 AM (5ceWd)

31 The only way Ill stands a chance of going red in either '06 or '08 will be if the U. S. Attorney hits the trifecta and gets Daley and Blagojevich indicted along with Ryan.

Posted by: irish19 at September 29, 2005 11:21 AM (l7ehe)

32 Me mum went to school with Edgar I'd vote for him again. I aggre that The growth of the latino population in Chicago is one factor but not the only one. I still think Edgar may be able to pull it off. It takes the whole rest of the state to balance the Chicago Dems. Way down here little old ladies count it takes every vote you can get. I did not vote for GEORGE Ryan. I would vote for White our current sec of state. And no I did not vote for Rob. I voted for the other Ryan just not GEORGE.

Posted by: Howie at September 29, 2005 11:29 AM (D3+20)

33 Funny thing is, I know lots of people are claiming it's a baseless partisan attack, but the guy who's going after him has gone after Dems more than anyone. Instead of just counting the number of D's and R's after the names of the politicians Earle has indicted (something the press is peddling to prove Earle's "objectivity"), I'd like to know how many of those Dems may have been political enemies, or maybe even, oh, what's that word? Oh, yeah: Guilty. It's not about winning a game for the sake of saying, 'we won-your side sucks' And it's not about short-term gain, either. One of the reasons Dems are in the minority is because they're reactionary - always panicking and pandering to voters by throwing whatever beliefs they have out the window in an attempt to win the next election. Did I mention they're the minority? Voters can smell panic and opportunism, and they don't like it.

Posted by: John from WuzzaDem at September 29, 2005 11:39 AM (Pt3Le)

34 Filthy Allah, you accuse people who agree with this article of turning on their own then go and do the same thing yourself. Way to run the people who disagree with you right out of the forum. Actually, way to run them right out of the party! It's people like you who are making a really bad name for us true conservatives. When you alienate, embarrass, and attack like that is it really proactive? Is it for the greater good? Or is it just feeding your sad little ego? It takes no brains whatsoever to post the stuff you do. I hope others run YOU out of here. Do not forget that you are speaking to real people on here, so show some respect. If you disagree with something I said in my post, debate me on that. Read it again and note the words 'just kidding' and where they are placed. And just one more thing, Filthy. You have no idea who you are talking to right now. Your insults only make you look tough on this site. But if I ever caught you on the street and you said what you wrote to my face, my fist would be buried in your skull.

Posted by: Averageguy at September 29, 2005 11:50 AM (BmtfW)

35 So Rusty gets featured on Salon today by giving them Delay. A couple of months ago you were on CNN for your post on "Give up Rove" day. Rusty, are you seeing a pattern here? I usually agree with you, but here I'm with filthy. At this point, let the hand play out. This DA has a poor track record. Why reward the left with a victory just because they can field a bunch of professional agitators who shout Delay's name over and over again until the politically uneducated just assume Delay = Hitler or Rove = Hitler. Like someone else said; if we give them this one expect much more to come. They will just turn their professional protest dogs on someone else. I wish I could get a group to stand outside the Kennedy compound with pictures of Mary Jo for a month sort of like Sheehan, but my friends and I all have jobs. Anyway keep up the good work on the blog, I just donÂ’t agree with this one.

Posted by: Brad at September 29, 2005 11:53 AM (6mUkl)

36 Don't you see that they will just go after the next one, and the next one, sensing weakness? As we turn on our clearly innocent own, just because it is easier than a bit of loyalty, they will just go after the next target, then the next one, then the next. And they do it because their ideas are losing and they can't win elections. It's stupid. I am de-blogrolling The Jawa Report as of now. Bleh.

Posted by: Will Franklin at September 29, 2005 12:05 PM (Qqgf2)

37 Average. If your only recourse is violence then, you are an ass. One day, your temper will get the better of you. You will be arrested. You will cry. You will be assraped on your first night. You will weep. Besides, my kung fu is better than yours. Iron penis style WHOOOOOOOOP! SMAK SMAK SMAK SMAK! You have just received a virtual ass beating. Enjoy.

Posted by: Filthy Allah at September 29, 2005 12:05 PM (5ceWd)

38 I understand the two sides (Rusty/traderrob both have good arguments) but I wouldn't say that DeLay should resign. And wishing so won't make it happen. He was voted in. He didn't assign himself to the post. I WOULD say that if he is bad for the party, and in many ways he is, he should be "voted" out. I realize that's easier said than done, but if another good conservative is willing to step up to the plate, perhaps we should do all we can to support that person if they fit the bill we are looking for. ie. someone who doesn't kowtow to special interests, campaign donors, etc. I don't live in Texas and I'd venture most of us here don't (I know some do) so we can't actually vote for or against him, but isn't that what most blogs are about? Getting the word out on who's good and who's bad and why? (This is providing they don't crush us with more upcoming regulations, of course.) It just makes better sense to me to use our democratic processes to solve a problem. Or am I just talking out of my hind quarters again?

Posted by: Oyster at September 29, 2005 12:06 PM (fl6E1)

39 And Allah, keep that iron penis away from me! ;-)

Posted by: Oyster at September 29, 2005 12:10 PM (fl6E1)

40 Just in case Average didn't get it. WHOOOOOP!!! SMAK SMAK SMAK POW THWAP SMAK SMAK (flip flip flip) WHOOOOOOOOOP! SMAK THWAP POW SMAK! Additional ass beating brought to Average by: Filthy Allah. The one Allah you can trust to be Filthy.

Posted by: Filthy Allah at September 29, 2005 12:10 PM (5ceWd)

41 I'm with Will on this one. This blog has only 2 types of person. Turncoat fair-weather republicans and dumb-ass children who think this blog is romper room play time with all their retarded posts. Oh, and the odd person with the right idea. It's too much to bear. This blog is getting too popular anyway and is veering away from the right. Take me to where the real neocons roam! Jawa Report, good bye!

Posted by: Daschle-corpse at September 29, 2005 12:37 PM (BmtfW)

42 M-kay Daschle Corpse. SMAK SMAK SMAK

Posted by: Filthy Allah at September 29, 2005 12:38 PM (5ceWd)

43 It's not Kool-Aid, dude. It's sticking by a good person who is clearly being railroaded. I just wouldn't want to have you as a friend is all. And thus you're off the blogroll. Bloggers and pundits often try to establish their "independence" to prove they are not some sort of mouthpiece of the administration or of the party they generally support, and so on. There is a time for that. This is not the time to sell Tom DeLay up the river.

Posted by: Will Franklin at September 29, 2005 12:54 PM (Qqgf2)

44 Personally I don't desire nor do I appreciate a political echo chamber. Goose stepping in unison to the same song played over and over makes us on the right no different then the delusional moonbats we so despise. Confronting dissention promotes intellectual growth and only by being forced to defend beliefs can one truly determine their validity. If I agree with a person 80% of the time they're paisan, any more than that it gets a bit spooky.

Posted by: traderrob at September 29, 2005 01:08 PM (3al54)

45 People are so thinned skinned. Geese. Seriously, it's like they wish to exist in a vacuum where the only people they read are the ones they agree with. When it comes to Bush's foreign policy I'm all on board. In fact, if anything, Bush is too big of a wimp for me. More bombs, please! But when it comes to his, and the Republican Party's, domestic agenda, then why do I have to be on board? What compels me to support all the big government hypocrits like Tom Delay. I'll let the politicians and the insiders wrangle over whether it is politically expedient to support Delay or not--it might be--but I'm not a political insider. I'm just, you know, some guy with a blog. I don't support Tom Delay because he's a) a jackass b) bad for the party. If you think he's a) a swell guy or maybe b) good for the party (or at least defending him is) then, well, that's cool. Two things I've learned in life: a) there is such thing as truth b) I don't always know it. Were actually on quite a bit, care of Peter Daou. We were on yesterday for our fabulous coverage of Anna Nicole Smith's boobies going to the Supreme Court. It's only when we say something controversial, though, that people really notice. Personally I thought the 'good Anna Nicole' vs. 'bad Anna Nicole' thing was pretty spot on, but that's just me. Do you think we'll get an Air America mention this time? Oh, wait, is there still an Air America?

Posted by: Rusty at September 29, 2005 01:08 PM (JQjhA)

46 PLEASE! Donate now! Just make your check out to me - Al Franken.

Posted by: Al Franken at September 29, 2005 01:14 PM (fl6E1)

47 Need I say more??? Like a dog to it's own vomit, eh Filthy? Yaaaaaaawn... Zzzzzzzzzzz To all who still have a brain, look at this article. Look at the title. Read it. When it came up I couldn't believe my eyes! And you think that being in Salon is a good thing? Liberals will come in droves now and just pollute the site. The comment pages will be filled to the brim with name calling and retarded posts like the one above. I'm pretty convinced that this Filthy guy could be a stealth post. But I digress, look at the this article again. I fully understand where you are coming from Will. I felt betrayed when I read what I did. I was hurt. Imagine what Tom is feeling now with all the Dems and many of his own party turning on him. It's not living in a vacuum, it's remembering what side you are on and who was there for you when you were down and out.

Posted by: Daschle-corpse at September 29, 2005 01:16 PM (BmtfW)

48 But I don't know Tom Delay. He's not a friend of mine. He's just another politician. He knows how to play hardball. He got his reputation from playing hardball. He's not going to cry over this.

Posted by: Rusty at September 29, 2005 01:20 PM (JQjhA)

49 PS-We love the Daou report, but just for the record, it's only one of several 'blogs' on The readership isn't that spectacular big. So, it's not like the whole world is going to be exposed to this post. I think Filthy has exposed himself to far more terrorists than Salon will ever expose us :-)

Posted by: Rusty at September 29, 2005 01:23 PM (JQjhA)

50 IÂ’m now looking for a pattern linking Anna Nicole Smith and Tom Delay to support my earlier post. Can a brother get some help out there?

Posted by: Brad at September 29, 2005 01:24 PM (3OPZt)

51 If we only give then Newt, the Dems will play nice. Cornered rats don't play nice. Now is the time to draw the knives and join the fight.

Posted by: From the Swamp at September 29, 2005 01:30 PM (7evkT)

52 In reference to Dr. Rs last post..... Close but not quite. By all indications and from a past history of this type of behavior Puke of Earle is out to get DeLay. His pattern of seeking retribution against his political advisaries is well documented. Whether you like or dislike DeLay should be of no consequence. A politically motivated prosecution of anyone right or left is at the very least unethical and should be fought with all available means. Don't support the man but at the very least support the principle that an indictment (especially this one) is evidence of absolutely nothing. To have Tom DeLay resign over a highly suspect charge is akin to putting someone to death after they have been charged with murder by a DA who's wife was the victim. He's was elected to the office by his constituents and appointed to his position in the House by his peers. The only opinions that are valid concerning his resignation are theirs. If he is innocent (at least of this) as I suspect and the left succeeds in bullying the right into submission before even the slightest shred of evidence is presented, they have won a far bigger battle than anyone will ever imagine.

Posted by: traderrob at September 29, 2005 01:37 PM (3al54)

53 Delay and Pelosi should both leave. But Delay is worse, at least Pelosi tends to tell us where she stands. Delay lies to us and says one thing and does the opposite. I do not think he is guilty of the charges. the DA like Cal's AG (Big Bill) is a political hack. Delay is guilty of being a liberal who says he is conservative. No fat in the biggest government in history? How stupid does he think we are? Seems he thinks none of us has an IQ room temp.

Posted by: Rod Stanton at September 29, 2005 01:38 PM (tplWd)

54 Pelosi should be chased around a stripmall parking lot by wild chimps, cornered behind the dumpster next to Arbys and thrashed within an inch of her life. Delay has been a hard hitting loyal republican in congress. Delay is one of the few with big dangly balls and he is not afraid to wave them around. I suppose you would rather a fair weather Goper like McCain and Spinckter? I think the Vietnamess knocked some of McCains brain cells out of kilter and Specter should just succomb to cancer. "Delay is worse".... F-you libbie.

Posted by: Filthy Allah at September 29, 2005 01:48 PM (5ceWd)

55 Rusty. I like your report but I don't know why you are putting all those updates on your original article. It makes you look like you are trying to say that with both sides of the coin, no one is right or wrong. Let's face it, the ones who cry the loudest are always the ones who get their way. I think the majority of people who look at this page would tend to take your side and not post anything. It's the few people who disagree with you who are crying the loudest now. I'd be mighty proud if you stand your ground and dont be wishiwashy in order to please the noisy few. If they are going to go, then they are going to go.

Posted by: Jason at September 29, 2005 01:53 PM (BmtfW)

56 Filthy is staying with Rusty despite our conflicting views. Filthy is LOYAL to his Jawa Sahib. Loyalty is something lacking in the GOP.

Posted by: Filthy Allah at September 29, 2005 02:08 PM (5ceWd)

57 I'm not trying to please any one, I'm just trying to make my position clear. I'm also trying to reason with those that take the position that you cannot possibly disagree and remain loyal to the Republican party.

Posted by: Rusty at September 29, 2005 02:54 PM (JQjhA)

58 Tom DeLay should resign when, and only when, he is convicted of a crime. If DeLay succumbs to this pressure to resign, no Republican who stands up to the Democrats will ever be safe again. There is always a Democratic hack waiting in the wings to further the ambition of the party of the Left. Here at Jawa we should all take a deep breath and rethink our positions. And be prepared for a troll invasion worst than what we've had the last week. Cough, spit, ...

Posted by: jesusland joe at September 29, 2005 03:28 PM (rUyw4)

59 Yoda could tell even with a blindfold on that this indictment of Congressman Delay is as phony as John Kerry's purple hearts. Yet you take this trumped up charge and run with it all the way to "Congressman Delay should resign"? Innocent until proven guilty is still the law of the land, last I checked. Perhaps you think John Kerry actually deserved the three purple hearts he was awarded in Vietnam.

Posted by: bill bundy at September 29, 2005 04:04 PM (W1mrP)

60 My side...thinks defending Delay helps the Democratic party by associating the party with perceived misdeeds. That's the key work: Perceived. I assume by that you mean that you don't even know if he's done anything wrong. Give DeLay's job to any effective conservative and see how long it takes Pelosi and crew to come up with a laundry list of perceived misdeeds. You don't bail on someone who's doing his job because of false or unproven accusations. If you don't think he's doing his job (spending too much, supporting legislation you don't like, etc.), then you work to vote him out. The other side...think that if Delay goes down then the Dems come out on top and will go after the next politician they hate--thus, we must support Delay so that this doesn't happen. I get the impression you think "supporting DeLay" means supporting him no matter what, because he's a Republican, or on "our side." That's not what I'm saying. If DeLay has broken the law, there should be consequences. Until I see evidence he's done something wrong, I won't bend over in hopes of appeasing the left. I'll stick to my principles, and if necessary, suffer the consequences. But at the end of the day, I'll still have those principles.

Posted by: John from WuzzaDem at September 29, 2005 04:36 PM (Pt3Le)

61 John, I don't know whether he's guilty of a criminal offense. I'm not calling for him to be indicted or thrown out of the House, just to do the right thing and resign.

Posted by: Rusty at September 29, 2005 05:01 PM (JQjhA)

62 So anyone who is indicted in the House or Senate by some partisan tinhorn Jack McCoy wannabe should resign regardless of guilt or innocence???

Posted by: traderrob at September 29, 2005 05:10 PM (3al54)

63 No, not everyone, but when you have Delay's reputation and already infamously low public regard, then yes, resign.

Posted by: Rusty at September 29, 2005 05:20 PM (JQjhA)

64 If that's the litmus test then GW better get ready to pack his bags because his repuation thanks to the left and MSM is pretty starchy and last I checked is maintaining a lower favorability rating then Delay.

Posted by: traderrob at September 29, 2005 05:31 PM (3al54)

65 when you have Delay's reputation and already infamously low public regard, then yes, resign. "Reputation" and "low public regard" are in the eyes of the beholder. As traderrob points out, depending on who you ask, Bush's "public regard" (however that's measured) and reputation are much worse (lower?)than DeLay's. You've seen Kos, DU, and all the usual suspects. Ask them and they'll tell you Bush should be impeached, and then arrested (along with practically everyone in his administration) immediately. So who gets to decide when a politician is so unpopular that they should resign?

Posted by: John from WuzzaDem at September 29, 2005 06:14 PM (Pt3Le)

66 I'm from Texas and I know a bit about Ronnie Earl. He is making a pretty good living using his office to intimidate companies out of large sums of money. Why any company would give money to a hack like Earl is beyond me, but suffice it to say that it was given after consulting with company lawyers. Funny how these lawyers have little or no loyalty except to their collegues. Hey, it's a new technique to acquire money without having to work for it. And the friends it makes you! I will say this, Rusty, if anyone gives in to this tactic, and that is what it is, a political tactic, then we are lost. The lawyers will have a field day, and who's to say who might be indicted in Federal Courts in Blue States?

Posted by: jesusland joe at September 29, 2005 06:16 PM (rUyw4)

67 The turds wish to put Tom Delay in prison. For what? Lying about contributions? But the same turds did not wish to put Clinton in jail. REMEMBER: I NEVER HAD SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH THAT LADY, MISS LEWINSKY. NEVER, NOT THE ONE TIME as the prick waved his finger at the American people on television. Talk about hypocrites. I also have my doubts that Delay is guilty of anything. I sure would like to know the race and political choice of the grand jury. This low life prosecutor has been trying to get something on Tom for years. It's a personal/political agenda. He has spend 100% of his time on the taxpayers dime in his efforts to get Tom Delay. He should be sent to prison for abuse of power and not representing the people he is payed to represent. Excuse me while I gape at the woman in the building next door who by ACCIDENT continues to leave her blinds open while she undresses every evening. She could work for Hooters and she knows it. My comment on the jury? Am I over re-acting in my suspicion of juries. Think about the O J Simpson jury. That sucker got away with murder because of the make up of the jury.

Posted by: greyrooster at September 29, 2005 07:02 PM (M7kiy)

68 jesusland joe, Since you're from TX, can you give us any insight into cases involving the politicians Earle's prosecuted in the past? The press and the left (I know, that's redundant) are peddling the "Prosecuted more Democrats than Republicans" meme, and I'm wondering how many of those Dems, if any, were: A: Political enemies of Earle B: Guilty - as in tried before a jury with substantial evidence of their guilt.

Posted by: John from WuzzaDem at September 29, 2005 07:10 PM (Pt3Le)

69 AVERAGEGUY: Filthy Allah and others including myself learned about attacking others from the dems on this blog. He/we showed some balls and fought back. You apparently do not have much history on this blog. The liberal, leftards democrats showed us how to name call and make personal attacks instead of staying with the issue. Some may disagree with our tactics. But you can't agrue with winning. We got just as personal and run the weenies off, true. But it's better than listening to their lies and anti-America propaganda. I would rather be crude that lose. AVERAGE GUY???? You sure.

Posted by: greyrooster at September 29, 2005 07:17 PM (M7kiy)

70 AVERAGE GUY: You also passed the line of good debate that you claim to believe in. Threats of physical violence. Oh so scared. Shame on you. It really does scare me. The reason? Because the last one to try it with me cost him his sex life and me $42,000 and 3 days in jail. I used to fight alot. Really injoyed it. Hell in high school I got into so many fights I got good at it. My football coach in college taught me better. Sitting out games was not for me. Anyway as I got to old to turn in on like in the old days I found that Smith & Wesson is what made man equal. A dumbass with 1/2 a prick and no balls is living proof. May you learn before its too late as someone may take you serious. Have a nice day.

Posted by: greyrooster at September 29, 2005 07:34 PM (M7kiy)

71 Way too funny, there is going to be a Ronnie Earle movie about stalking Tom Delay. The pre-release has already been shown, back in August. Read about it here

Posted by: From the Swamp at September 29, 2005 09:08 PM (7evkT)

72 Haha! Gayrooster's story is one of the funniest and saddest I've ever heard. It also doesn't surprise me that it happened to someone on here. Yeah, it's typical of the rightwing nutjobs to threaten "those who oppose" with violence. All the time I read on these posts, rape Cindy, kill the libs, f-u if you disagree, belch, fart, piss. Do you think that ANYONE from that anti-war march would kick or punch (or bite) someone in the nuts so hard that they would lose them??? I hope you can pull your head outta your ass and come to your senses. Your party and friends are hateful blood thirsty sleezoids with the same mentality you say you had when you were younger. Cheering on the war, making racist remarks, threatening to bash fellow rightwingers, and wishing for the death of anyone who is a liberal. You say you have changed? Yeah right. You are on a downward spiral dude and when you and your party are dead, I'll spit on your grave. Oh yeah, you ain't runnin' any liberals outta no place. Sticks and stones as they say. But just incase, I'll make sure to wear a jock next time I post.

Posted by: I spit on your grave at September 30, 2005 04:40 AM (BmtfW)

73 Klanrooster, calm yourself you popinjay scraping from the disused sewerpipe. Chimp-worshippers are getting comeuppance as the truth bursts forth like wild slurry from the hole you hide.

Posted by: Downin Street memo at September 30, 2005 05:37 AM (A5eqb)

74 We are not the ones covering our faces at protests. Nor do we have a senator who used to put on a sheet and hang black people.

Posted by: Filthy allah at September 30, 2005 05:39 AM (bikuR)

75 No, at your protests, no one shows up. And if you want to talk about black people, don't dare ignore your own party. Remember a little fella named Strom Thurmond? Oh, he was a nobody right? Just about the most notorious racial segregationist in recent history. (Woah, say that 10 times fast. It ain't easy!) Sick sick sick.

Posted by: I spit on your grave at September 30, 2005 06:04 AM (BmtfW)

76 Your party has done more to ruin blacks then the sickle cell. I don't think Strom ever lynched anyone. Your Grand Cyclops sure did. Oh and Bull Connor was very active in the dem party. Libs are race baiters and haters. YOu hate Jooooos, Gays, Blacks, Christians, Nascar fans and Rednecks.

Posted by: Filthy Allah at September 30, 2005 07:58 AM (5ceWd)

77 You don't know much about the Dixiecrats do you? Bull Connor was from Alabama and he was an evil bastard. He was also a Dixiecrat. If you didn't know, during the 1948 Democratic National Convention 35 delegates walked out before the thing even started. Where were they from? Glad you asked! Southern States like Mississippi and Alabama. Why did they walk out? They were pissed that Truman was supporting the civil rights movement. So, who was it that organized the Dixiecrats to form their own party? Why your good friend, Strom Thurmond! You see, he was a Dixiecrat before he was Retardlican! Yes, the road of evil and hate leads through many places but eventually ends up in Republicanville.

Posted by: I spit on your grave at September 30, 2005 08:31 AM (BmtfW)

78 okay okay. Move along Hitler. No Joooooooes to kill here.

Posted by: Filthy Allah at September 30, 2005 08:56 AM (5ceWd)

79 Dear "I shit on your mother's grave": To align yourself with DSM is to admit your head is so far up your rear end you're fighting for air. DSM hates you too. DSM hates everyone.

Posted by: Oyster at September 30, 2005 10:43 AM (fl6E1)

80 Yes master. Must turn off brain and follow the heard. Conform conform conform. Hey, I only speaky the truth. Don't blame the messenger when you can find this info in a history book. Uh-duh!

Posted by: I spit on your grave at September 30, 2005 10:55 AM (BmtfW)

81 ISOYG....I herd that too

Posted by: traderrob at September 30, 2005 11:07 AM (3al54)

82 Ha ha! Sorry, sometimes I forget how two spell.

Posted by: I spit on your grave at September 30, 2005 11:15 AM (BmtfW)

83 Dude, That acronym was "borrowed", remember? It also refers to a much larger group to which you don't belong, since you're not a Republican. I feel kind of silly talking about a stupid satire bit, but if you reread it you'll see that no one was saying they wanted to see DeLay in jail, they just thought this would be a good opportunity to call for his resignation because they don't like him (for various reasons). Personally, I want proof that he did something wrong before I toss him overboard. I don't know what criteria you used to reach the conclusion that he's a "pathetic scoundrel", but once again it doesn't sound like you're being very objective. My defense of DeLay isn't reflexive. As I said, I want to know if he did anything wrong. I haven't heard any evidence of that yet. If he broke the law, he should suffer the consequences, whether he's "our guy" or not.

Posted by: John from WuzzaDem at September 30, 2005 11:24 AM (Pt3Le)

84 John, I'm from NE Texas and frankly haven't followed Ronnie Earle's career. I know that he is from the only truly liberal part of Texas, and being from Travis County, he does have jurisdiction of some state political matters. I doubt that he has much of a record of prosecuting Democrats for polical offences or of indicting Dems in particular. I know he's been around for 20 years of so, and has been getting corporations to give money to various groups to settle lawsuits based on an obscure election law. Why these companies haven't fought Earle is a mystery to me. I just happen to think that these organizations receiving money from these companies are probably manned by some of Earle's cronies. One wonders whether this kind of intimidation is legal under Texas law. This needs to be checked into. Ronnie Earle has basically built a fiefdom down in Travis County, and I doubt that he can be beaten in an election. But what he does is not ethical, so one wonders how he has gotten away with what he has. Perhaps he has bitten off more than he can chew this time. We shall see. Sorry I was not more help.

Posted by: jesusland joe at September 30, 2005 04:02 PM (rUyw4)

85 I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE: Are you saying Strom Thurman knew what to do with blacks? To tell you the truth I never liked the guy. Except for the fact that he had balls I didn't see much else in him. Not running the liberals off. Stick around and we will see. Your post of 4:40 AM is a typical liberal moonbat post. Mostly grossly exaggerations, falsehoods and misleading bullshit. This lying thing is why I place liberals and muslims in the same class. The truth is unknown to them.

Posted by: greyrooster at September 30, 2005 10:07 PM (ywZa8)

86 gayrooster - Frankly, attacking a guy cause he posts at 4:40 AM is pretty lame. Pure Retardlican attack tactics (Again, say that line 10 times fast. There's no way you can! But if you can do it, I'll vote for anyone you want.). And who cares if you liked or disliked Strom, the guy was in your party. Same with Jesse Helms and a bunch of other redneck racists.

Posted by: I spit on your grave at October 01, 2005 12:31 PM (BmtfW)

87 Spit, Sorry, but the Grand Wizard of the KKK is in your party. What are you going to do about him? What will you do? You must do something quick, because your hypocrisy is shinning like a new penny for all to see. Have a nice day!

Posted by: jesusland joe at October 01, 2005 08:36 PM (rUyw4)

88 Spit you numb nutted knuckle head. I didn't attack because of the time. I atteacked because of the bullshit content. You to much of a liberal sissy to know the difference. MOONBAT

Posted by: greyrooster at October 02, 2005 10:45 AM (ywZa8)

89 Rusty, I can only categorize this post as iridescence without illumination. If the guy is guilty, he gets punished - but you anticipate guilt - asking him to step down. I don't think anyone should resign their post "just in case" they are found guilty - roll over like a submissive dog and reveal the throat? I agree with one of the other commenters. Sounds very French to me. The political elite in this country are what we allow them to be. Our attitude towards them is much like walking into a cathouse and complaining about all the prostitutes around - after we built the cathouse.

Posted by: Joel (No Pundit Intended) at October 02, 2005 01:39 PM (DiPBR)

90 I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE: Remember, nothing can change the fact that you are a faggot. You talk like a faggot, you write like a faggot and you act like a faggot. Surprised that I figured your sickness out so soon? I've have lots of practice on this blog and I've always been right. You freaks of nature are so easy to figure out. Everyone of you uses the same diction. You can't hide faggot. We gotcha.

Posted by: greyrooster at October 02, 2005 09:41 PM (ywZa8)

91 The real reason Delay should resign is the astonishing farcial idiocy of "Terri's Law". Everything since then just contributes to critical mass.

Posted by: matoko kusanagi at October 03, 2005 09:34 AM (LHCy/)

92 I'm asking myself: How can it be that I've never ran through your site before? It's a great one! Opponents can Steal Circle: , when Grass is Tournament it will Steal Mistery when Soldier is Soldier it will Give Gnome , Increase Con Destroy - that is all that Soldier is capable of when Slot is Cards it will Lose Corner

Posted by: Nathan Ballard at December 03, 2005 06:28 PM (IbCQd)

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