January 27, 2005

Muslim Studen Union celebrates the liberation of Auschwitz at my alma mater

In case your wondering, my alma mater won the NCAA football championship this year....Via Mere Rhetoric:

holocust schmolocost.....
that whole thing drives me nuts.
there arent that many holicost surviviers.
most of those guys havent experienced anything -- except possibly excess. its a tool the zionists use... but to be honest wonder how effective it is these days.
Just thought id contribute its fun reading about the holohoax. it probably happened but 6mil is a lot i think the figure was much smaller and yes i think its possible to fabricate such a story. the jews are masters at this and congrats to them for being able to do so. not only do they claim sole bearers to the "anti-semetic" crimes, but they are able to live of reparations forever. smart idea dont you think?
Ah, to be young and in graduate school again so I could pop one of these guys in the mouth.

On a paranthetical note, on 9/12/01 I was in a class and we were discussing the events of the previous day. I made the comment that the "Islamist extremists are every bit as dangerous as the Nazis." The Professor's eyes went buggy and he (literally) screamed at me to shut up.

Funny, he never flinched when students would call George Bush a Nazi. (ht: Charles Johnson)

Posted by: Rusty at 03:54 PM | Comments (61) | Add Comment
Post contains 244 words, total size 2 kb.

1 I have several relatives that are full Prof (including one dept Chm) at big name U's in Cal. They went through the inverviewing process professing no love of America. One of them even after many years keeps his patriotic feelings to himself on campus or at staff parties. My sister (his wife) sometimes gives some party goers what for when they bad mouth America which causes a great deal of embarassment for my brother-in-law. The others are also tenured and feel a little more comfortabel to stand up for America, but in a diplomatic way. But they all are sure they would never have been hired if they had expressed their patriotic feelings at the start. The point of the above is that universities have for at least 50 years screened out patriotic Americans from their faculties; even though like Rathergate they deny bias.

Posted by: Rod Stanton at January 27, 2005 04:45 PM (IcheV)

2 I came to this site just now and I intend never to return again. Wanna know why? Because the holocaust DID happen, and 6 million WERE MURDERED. My people. You'll never understand. Read the stories, hear the survivors, see the pictures of naked women being shot and babies thrown onto electrified wires, and then dare to say the Holocaust is hyped. You're sick. Whole towns were wiped out, thriving Jewish life knocked out, lawyers, doctors, scholars, peasants, everyone. The Nazis didnt discriminate. religious or not, young or old, powerful or poor-you're a gonner. On average 3000 Jews died every day. The Nazis has special squads, einsztrguppen or something like that, whose specific task was to go around countries and just mass murder Jews. The locals willingly assisted. They lined up a few hundred, made them dig their own graves, then just shot them all. THERE WERE CRACK SS SQUADS WHOSE SOLE JOBS WERE TO KILL JEWS. Originally, the Nazis has mobile truck gas chambers. However, it wasnt "efficient" enough for the perfectionist Nazis, as it only killed a few at a time. So they built permanent gas chamber structures. 6-7 just at auschwitz. Upon arrival, Jews were told they were having showers and they were all forced to go naked. Then they were taken to the gas chambers, who had spouts to make it look like showers, locked in and poisonous gas released. Hundreds died in minutes. Then they were taken by the ******** Nazis to the crematoriums, where their bodies were burned, and the smoke from these places of death was seen for miles while the horrific stench of death was everywhere. the Nazis had no mercy. It is said that Auscwitz is an evil place, that no birds or any living things fly over there. There is a profound silence. There are many amazing stories of the Holocaust, miracles etc. Howver the horrific suffering of that 6 million will not go unpunished. G-d will certainly exact 1000 times vengeance for their spilled blood. Just think for a minute, 6 million men women and children, of whom there were more than 1.5m killed, wher murdered for NO CRIME EXCEPT BEING BORN JEWISH. I have seen identity papers of 1 year old babies, who were killed by these devils. I recommend that for you to mend your ways and appreciate the devastation and sheer scale, you take a visit to Aushwitz-see the hell on earth for yourself, the whole chambers piled high with human hair, extracted gold teeth, peoples single suitcases. You will be sorry you ever made your sick comments.thank You

Posted by: me at January 27, 2005 05:23 PM (Ak8mQ)

3 hey, Me, maybe you ought to take a zanax and read the post again.

Posted by: Mr. K at January 27, 2005 05:26 PM (2ym4b)

4 I stand corrected, in my foolish haste, I acted irrationly and did not read the article fully. please accept my apologies. However, what I wrote should definately be told to those Muslim students.

Posted by: me at January 27, 2005 05:30 PM (Ak8mQ)

5 well now that you have calmed down, read this, more on one of my favorite subject: weenie ass eunuch college professor dingle shits who really should get the fuck out of this country: http://www.qando.net/details.aspx?Entry=980

Posted by: Mr. K at January 27, 2005 05:36 PM (2ym4b)

6 Nice blog you have-mine is http://spaces.msn.com/members/onews

Posted by: me at January 27, 2005 05:43 PM (Ak8mQ)

7 I can't for the life of me, understand how all that shit went on, and our leaders chose to ignore it, or as they've said, didn't know it was happening!!!!!!! What the terrorists are doing today is NOTHING compared to what went on at Auschwitz, not that it is any less gruesome, just smaller scale, in that they are not killing masses, thank God. Did anyone ever try to assasinate Hitler? I mean, come on, did his peons really think that what they were doing was right? "I just followed orders" my ass.

Posted by: Laura at January 27, 2005 05:49 PM (ptOpl)

8 yes, laura, some of the officers in the german military did try to nail Hitler. I believe Erwin Rommel, one of the best of his generals, was implicated in the plot and killed himself.

Posted by: Mr. K at January 27, 2005 05:51 PM (ms+b/)

9 hey, Me, your blog has that cool photo thingy...is that free? I have been wanting to post some pics on my blog...but that reminded me of this site, which my nephew, who it looks like is heading into the Navy, sent me: http://www.grouchymedia.com/index.cfm

Posted by: Mr. K at January 27, 2005 05:55 PM (ms+b/)

10 They didn't try hard enough!

Posted by: Laura at January 27, 2005 05:58 PM (ptOpl)

11 Sure! The pictures are free for all to take. My site is http://spaces.msn.com/members/onews . ps. 100% true Laura Mr K, Rommel may have tried to assasinate Hitler, but that doesnt make him good. He did it because he knew they would lose the war. I'm sure he was up there with the rest of them in sheer evilness.

Posted by: Me at January 27, 2005 05:58 PM (Ak8mQ)

12 Me: don't be so sure. There was a big difference between regular wermacht and ss...regardless, there is a strong parallel between the anti-semitism of the Nazis and that of the Arab world. In my own over-simplified view, a delusional arab invented a religion and chased most of the jews out of palestine. Many of these ended up in Europe. After the German beating in WWI, many in Germany blamed a jew conspiracy for the defeat...add to this that Britain had acquired Palestine from the Turks in that same war...and also had envisioned the zionist movement, so now there was a possibility to create a jewish homeland...then Hitler came along with his hideous agenda and more jews flooded into palestine...and now here we are...the propaganda from the arab world is very much like that used by Hitler.

Posted by: Mr. K at January 27, 2005 06:11 PM (YYTA7)

13 Kudos to "ME" for stepping up like a man and admitting he was wrong, above, we need for folks with that attitude :-)

Posted by: Lucius Severus Pertinax at January 27, 2005 08:50 PM (grMvH)

14 'The Professor's eyes went buggy and he (literally) screamed at me to shut up.' OK, and THEN what happened? This could be a good story! AND, who is this guy? What is his name? It would be interesting to Google his ass and see what other academic enormities he has committed!

Posted by: Lucius Severus Pertinax at January 27, 2005 09:08 PM (grMvH)

15 Lucius, Since I blog anonymously, that wouldn't exactly be in my own self-interest. What happened next was I shut up. He was the Prof, after all, and I was the TA.

Posted by: Rusty Shackleford at January 27, 2005 09:35 PM (JQjhA)

16 ah! I see! ~( 8(o) DOH!

Posted by: Lucius Severus Pertinax at January 27, 2005 10:03 PM (grMvH)

17 3 cheers for ME:

Posted by: greyrooster at January 28, 2005 06:53 AM (To5gU)

18 I am a really good liar. And I don't really care about what I lie about... I am really a modern day Obi Wan Kenobi or something. But I think what it would take to create a "holohoax," and I can say that no matter how much the International Joooo Banking Conspiracy controls us, pulling off a lie of this magnitude would be pretty damn impossible. And that is why I believe the Holocaust did occur. Well, that and the Wansee Conference. And, like, the photos of the American liberation and stuff. Oh yeah, and the people that disappeared. Now that I think about it, you have to be a pretty big dipshit not to jump on this bandwagon. I guess the cool kids aren't in the Muslim Student Union.

Posted by: Wine-aholic at January 28, 2005 09:08 AM (Wsn+K)

19 Hey anyone see "Dirty War" on HBO last night? Pretty intriguing and scary story about London getting hit by suicide bombers in a van, then radiation spreads throughout the town. I didn't like the ending...it just kinda ended, with no solution.

Posted by: Laura at January 28, 2005 09:10 AM (ptOpl)

20 Laura and all else, This is a different war than World War II and Hitler. This one is under constant scrutiny not only by us but by the media, especially the embedded media (although they don't make me very happy either)but back then, it wasn't that simple. By the time other Europeans knew something, it was by letter. Not today. The internet has changed that and if we had embedded media and the internet during that horrible war with it's horrible, sickening, heartbreaking acts, it may not have happened at all but we can't compare the two; there's a world of diffferences between them. As for professors and whatnot hiding their American love, they should not be hired for any reason. You can still teach and show both sides but that does not mean you give up your love for your own country and any college, grad school, whatever that practices such bias should not even exist in our society today - for it's all WRONG. This kind of shit makes me sick to my stomach. Maybe we should start boycotting our own colleges that practice this kind of bias. Cindy

Posted by: firstbrokenangel at January 28, 2005 10:48 AM (D39Vm)

21 I like ol' "me". He/she get's pretty darn intense.

Posted by: EC at January 28, 2005 11:22 AM (yYGP5)

22 But seriously. Of course the holocaust happened, but modern Jews see little to no reprocussions from it. They have taken something that was a tragedy and turned it into their own gain. Nobody say anything about the Jews because there was a holocaust. So what. They probably gouged prices when they found out that their brothers were fleeing the holocaust. That is their attitude. Poor, poor us. Sudan doesn't matter to Jews because it means the holocaust wasn't a singular tragedy for them to raise hell about. It is stupid to blame the Jews for everything, but they do take the holocaust too far and complain about it too much.

Posted by: Johnny at January 28, 2005 12:02 PM (cp2CN)

23 "but they do take the holocaust too far and complain about it too much." What the fuck is that supposed to mean? An organized attempt to exterminate their religion, and you're criticizing them for "complaining about it too much?" You must think the war on terror is completely overblown since "only a few thousand" died on 9/11.

Posted by: Venom at January 28, 2005 12:08 PM (dbxVM)

24 9/11 was less than 4 years ago; the holocaust was 50. We still feel the effects of it: gas prices, economy, etc. They do not. At some point you just need to shed the victims mentality. We know it happened and don't need to be reminded of it every five minutes when there are things going on present day just as bad that we still have a chance to rectify. Just shut up about it. It was 50 years ago. You are not personally effected. Nobody can do anything about it now. Just stop complaining and deal with current problems.

Posted by: Johnny at January 28, 2005 12:33 PM (cp2CN)

25 Commemorating it is not really "complaining" about it. Now, I'm not Jewish, and I bet you aren't either. So, maybe we're not the right people to comment on it. But, I can tell you that Jewish people view the Holocaust as much a part of their religious identity as the Exodus and Hanukah. I don't see remembering it as being all that detrimental to either your life or mine. By the way, the Holocaust was 60-65 years ago.

Posted by: Venom at January 28, 2005 12:40 PM (dbxVM)

26 WTF are you on about, Johnny? Do you think we like to hear the blacks complain about slavery even though THAT happened WAY before the holocaust???? Big fucking difference. When MLK started his speeeches, the blacks rioted all over the big cities, like NYC, Chicago, Watts, LA, etc. They wanted their civil rights but they sure didn't go about it civilly. Many of my friends' parents got their heads bashed in by angry blacks rioting in the downtown streets of NYC's finest department stores. It was a mess. Blame, blame, blame for what our forefathers did to them 200 years ago....want handouts because they were so violated. Now, the Holocaust is NOT to be compared to the race riots! People were slain only for the fact that they were JEWS and nothing else! They probably would have loved to have been a slave, then suffer the atrocities they got at Auschwitz!! I don't see any Jews rioting in the streets saying they were wronged, do you? So, they show a few documentaries about it every now and then. So what? Why does mentioning that it happened bother you? Besides, they are memorializing those that suffered as it's the 60th anniversary of the closing of the camps. Why can't they have a remembrance? No one should ever forget what happened and I don't give a shit how many times they bring it up! Unless you're German, of course, and feel a twinge of guilt, perhaps?

Posted by: Laura at January 28, 2005 03:07 PM (ptOpl)

27 Blacks are still sufferring for wrongs committed during slavery and segregation. A quick look at the education and poverty gaps will tell you that. They still have many reasons to carry on. Jews don't. There are few who still suffer the reprocussions of the holocaust. The holocaust has become an excuse to extort aid and sympathy from the rest of the world. How many billions of dollars have we spent helping them hold Israel? How many lives are lost because of the anti-Americanism developed through mindless devotion to an Israel we installed because we felt bad because of the holocaust. Not that that is the fault of the Jews, but it is an effect of our sympathy. After we give them land that is not theirs, protect them in every way, they still complain. The holocaust is not their fault, but what has happened to us recently is a product of their clever manipulation of the western world through means of a guilt complex over the holocaust. I mean, if you have the opportunity to get what you want from someone easily, with no cost to yourself, why not? They are playing us to the tune of the holocaust.

Posted by: Johnny at January 28, 2005 03:37 PM (cp2CN)

28 I don't think that we're friendly towards Israel out of guilt--we DO share certain core beliefs with them, as Christianity, for Christians, is the fruition of the Jewish faith. Anyway, anyone that Bin Laden and company hate can't be that bad.

Posted by: Young Bourbon Professional at January 28, 2005 03:59 PM (x+5JB)

29 With the help of the NAACP, EEOC and affirmative action clauses, I'd say the pendulum has swung the OTHER WAY and is staying there! The blacks have no excuse not to better themselves. Over 80% of black children come from a single parent household, mostly single mothers. They keep having babies and getting more Food Stamps and welfare benefits. With the EOE policies at big corporations, I'd say the odds are in their favor at getting the job solely on their color, rather than qualifications. Case in point: my brother was refused admission to college because they found out he was Italian and not hispanic! My maiden name is a common name for both Italians and hispanics with one consonant being repeated for the Italian spelling, yet many mistook us for hispanics, and we were given more attention because companies and schools thought we were the minority! Another situation: A doctor I once went to had an attorney friend who was afraid of firing a black employee, because she said if she was ever laid off, she'd pull the race card! So, it's cheaper for the lawyer to keep paying her 20,000 salary than risk a big lawsuit. Ridiculous, isn't it? I'd say they got us hands down these days. WE are the minority now.

Posted by: Laura at January 28, 2005 04:51 PM (ptOpl)

30 Since someone brought up blacks and slavery, lets all take some time to remember that a bunch of pansy assed Brits in powdered wigs did not rush into the wilds of Africa and round up slaves for sale on the market. Many of the slave hunters/wholesalers were arab muslims, or black muslims. And the tradition of slavery in the muslim world continues to this day...which gives me the opporunity to say, Louis Farakhan is a complete fucking asshole, may his head explode some day soon.

Posted by: Mr. K at January 28, 2005 05:22 PM (zun7D)

31 And I hope it explodes while it's inside Jesse Jackson's ass!

Posted by: Laura at January 28, 2005 06:37 PM (ptOpl)

32 So, Laura, you're saying that you would rather be black and overcome poverty, dangerous streets, and absent parents than try to get a job as a majority member of society? I think not.

Posted by: Johnny at January 28, 2005 06:55 PM (dz1ur)

33 Johnny, your antiSemitism really belongs somewhere else. Like a Klan meeting. Or are you already there? Six million dead - Please tell me how you can pull off a hoax to tune of 6 million deaths. Not to mention the gays, gypsies, handicapped, and others that were all slaughtered. Please, since you know so much, tell us how someone could have pulled this off? You can't. So why don't you take the time you've been using to spew hate and falsehoods and visit the National Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. or read a book like Elie Wiesel's "Night." Or watch the freaking History Channel. Go get informed. Or keep being an ass. Whatever. Lucky you, you live in a time and a place where you get that choice.

Posted by: Maureen at January 28, 2005 08:46 PM (ny5O/)

34 You are right Johnny, you think not at all...you simply ejaculate idiotic drivel

Posted by: Mr. K at January 29, 2005 07:19 AM (3KZB/)

35 Obviously, Maureen, you do not understand what I say. go back and actually read the posts instead of just the first line.

Posted by: Johnny at January 29, 2005 11:02 PM (RUHY2)

36 If I'm held responsible for slavery, I want one. Why should I pay for something my great, great, great granddaddy did? I didn't know him and he didn't leave me shit. The holocaust was real. I'm convinced of that. The Romans destroyed Carthage. The huns and mongels destroyed entire populations, often killing every man, women and child in a city. Do Italians, Mongols, Hungarian, Germans need to be reminded everyday? How long before it is put to rest? Does it help anything? My own Nordic ancestors slaughtered many different people. Am I responsible? I don't think so. Unless it's in a good movie, like the Vikings, I don't want to hear it. It's over with. Let it die. The Germans had their nation destroyed because of their behavior. Something tells me they are not proud of it. The question should be, does constantly reminding the German people create good will or bad will? Germany has a way of making tremendous comebacks. They are once again a world power. Wonder what young Germans today think? Would they not back us in a war in Iraq due to an underlying reason like Israel? Don't know, don't care but I did sell my German car. To JOHNNY: Please learn that if you say what you feel about anyone except a white man, you are automatically branded a racist. We have liberal, small minded, academic nerds that have been educated in closets. They have been conditioned to attacking anyone who doesn't have their ridiculous agenda. Their agenda is to drop their britches and bend over to everyone who isn't a white Anglo/Saxon type. I believe Venom's domestic partner is a black raghead.

Posted by: greyrooster at January 30, 2005 08:47 AM (gvOyZ)

37 JOHNNY: By the way. I'm not saying I completely agree with you. You have the right to think and write as you please. It's the AMERICAN way. My point is telling it like it is, whether the true or not, will bring attacks on your intelligence. Some of our bloggers here are Jewish. They are extremely protective. For good reason I might add. I would like to add that yes America has suffered due to Israel. Americans have been killed because of our association with Israel. We have spent hundreds of billions of our dollars as a direct result of our association with Israel. Many nations and peoples hate us because of our association with Israel. The question is ARE WE DOING THE RIGHT THING. Standing by and letting millions of people be slaughtered again is not my way. Yours either I would guess. However, you have spoken. You will now be accused of Racism and genocide. Welcome to the club. Liberal nutso's beware. Our club is growing and you're the reason. Got to go now. Have to cut wood for tonights bombfire. We've made an effigy of VENOM bent over with a camel humping him. Going to set it afire after the dogs piss on it. Hey Ma, where's my sheet?

Posted by: greyrooster at January 30, 2005 09:28 AM (gvOyZ)

38 Greyrooster: Please tell me, did our Nordic ancestors also set up mass production factories specifically to eliminate one ethnic group, and others that did not meet our criteria for the perfect race? Did the huns and the mongols also set up these sorts of facilities? Did these same groups also conduct a wide variety of cruel experiments on living human beings? The reason I think we need to never forget the holocaust is that while it was ongoing, and the Germans were gearing up for it, the rest of the world that could do a damn thing about it was in denial. As a result, many, many millions were killed not only in the concentration camps but also in World War 2. Remember Neville Chamberlain, "Peace in our time" he said, then the Nazis rolled through Poland. You remember things like the holocaust in the hopes that history won't repeat itself, not to stick someone's nose in it for eternity. Those who were in denial are essentially the same groups who proclaim the US is an evil empire because it is almost single handedly combating the same sort of hatred, only this time the banner is carried by Islamofascists instead of Nazis.

Posted by: Mr. K at January 30, 2005 12:52 PM (gwxfq)

39 MR K: While I agree with much/most of what you say. I still believe constantly rehashing the issue doesn't make allies for Israel. Islamics hate Jews every bit as much as the Nazis ever did. The difference, the Jews can kick the muslim's asses. As you say, the world sat by then and they are sitting by now. Proof in itself that reminding people/nations of past horrors doesn't have the needed reaction. No Mr. K, I'm proud to say our ancestors only wanted the women and the money. Ah, for the good ole days. For the record, Thor could whip mohammeds ass any day.

Posted by: greyrooster at January 30, 2005 04:25 PM (gvOyZ)

40 No, rehashing the holocaust doesn't create allies for the Jews, but neither does it solve this problem elsewhere in the world. Jews should be the first ones in the Sudan, where, not only is a holocaust-like problem going on, but it is being performed by the hated Arabs. Instead, they look and say, "The holocaust was much worse," and go about their business. Basically, they either need to drop the subject or back their words up by actions in other parts of the world.

Posted by: Johnny at January 30, 2005 04:50 PM (RUHY2)

41 well, we agree on one thing...maybe its a deep rooted genetic yearning...yes, the good ole days!

Posted by: Mr. K at January 30, 2005 04:52 PM (b1Q+0)

42 I'm fixing to go beserk any minute. Any muslims in the neighborhood.

Posted by: greyrooster at January 30, 2005 05:31 PM (gvOyZ)

43 Come on JOHNNY: How can Israel send troops across Africa? They need every soldier they can muster just to exist. They're surrounded by enemy countries. How can they take on more? I mean they can and have kicked the shit out of the muslims but numbers do count. Hey! I just thought of something. Shit, when I went to high school none of the Jewish guys could fight. I mean these little shits were easy. Couldn't play basketball, football or win the big fight after the football game. WHAT DOES THAT SAY FOR THE muslims?

Posted by: greyrooster at January 30, 2005 05:42 PM (gvOyZ)

44 Mr. Greyrooster you are right. Israel has its hands full, but there are Jews everywhere in other parts of the world. They control the major movie studios, Harvey Weinstein, Jefferey Katzenburg, etc. They are prominent actors, Adam Sandler, William Shatner, etc. And politicians, Joe Liebermann. They have the power to publicize racial and religious atrocities in the world and pressure other governments to take action. As brother of victims of the holocaust they should feel a particular empathy for people being wronged in that manner. Yet mention Sudan and they invariably say it is nothing compared to the holocaust and dismiss it offhand. They inevitably make it all about them when they could and should use the fact that it was once about them to make the world see that it is now happenning to others.

Posted by: Johnny at January 30, 2005 09:30 PM (RUHY2)

45 JOHNNY: Power to pressure other governments? Shit the United States couldn't do it. How would a few wealthy Jews come out? We will agree to disagree on the Sudan thing. Personally I don't think the US should be there either. There is no present or near future threat to us. If we solve their internal difficulties, there will be more of them to hate us in the future. Feed em. Save em. Cure em. Then they multiply and theres more to hate us. Damn the truth hurts!! Worst of all they will want to come here so we can again, feed em, save em, cure em. Then they multiply on our welfare and vote to give em more. Ouch! I guess I get called a racist again. You know, Sudan is Black. If I were talking about a flood of Russians or Irish I wouldn't be racist. If we get involved it will be for one reason only. Islam. One issue I would like address is Israel not having a part in Iraq. They have much more knowledge in handling terrorist shitheads. We could have used that experience. Additionally, why do they get a free ride when much of the hatred toward us is caused by our siding with them. Mildly disturbing to me that you feel that the Jewish Americans are different than the rest of Americans. My race is not my country. I am Norweigan/Swedish by race. My loyalties are 100% American. All the people you mentioned are American. Do you feel they are different? Excluding Hasidics (they dress funny)and may be more Jewish than American. I don't know. Only one I ever met was the one that owns the stationary store on lower Broad Street in Manhattan. Dressed in black with jerry curls and a little masonic looking apron. Why should they be concerned about an Arab/black thing thats really none of their business. Let the do nothing assholes at the UN address the issue. That's what they are paid to do. That is if there's any money left after Kofi the clown mis- appropriates the majority of funds. Have a good day. I am happy today. The elections in Iraq were a big defeat for the Islamofacists. If Kerry had been elected the election would have never taken place.

Posted by: greyrooster at January 31, 2005 06:41 AM (vehol)

46 Yep, I'm happy too. But of course, the liberal media would have everyone believe otherwise. Whenever anything good happens, they always skip this on the reporting. The civilians are dancing in the streets and one lady said it was the most memorable day in history, besides the day we got Saddam. But, the lib's will STILL keep chanting, "it was Bush's illegal invasion". Yeah right, and let Saddam remain in power and kill hundreds of thousands more than WE ever have or ever will.

Posted by: Laura at January 31, 2005 04:20 PM (ptOpl)

47 Watch the news today and MSN was interviewing a young Egyptian on the election in Iraq. He said the election was good and would without a doubt be the start of great things for the Arab world. Sadam was bad and it's good that he was removed. However. he didn't like the way Sadam was removed. I've spent time thinking of this. Was there another way to remove Sadam? I wonder how this young Egyptian planned to do it. Assassination? More of a muslim thing. Keep bombing until we get lucky and get him? What was another way. He was massing billions from the food for oil program. He had underground bunkers that went for miles. Weapons were pouring into the country from all sides. He had a terror organization to control the Iraqi people. He was the only candidate during elections. He had a mad dog muslim sect(Sunnies)100% on this team. I believe the young Egyptian just didn't want to face the truth and give America/Bush any credit. How do you get through to a closed mind? I guess time is the answer. They have been raised on hate America, hate Bush, hate Christians, hate Israel propaganda so long they cannot muster the mental capabilities to question their reasoning. I thought this was exclusively a liberal democrat thing. You know, anything republican is bad when reality shows the other way around.

Posted by: greyrooster at February 01, 2005 11:26 AM (XC1Qx)

48 I wonder why this is so? You watch CNN and get one perspective, usually lib-slanted, then you watch FOX and get another. Seems the media is divided...you are either one or the other. CNN never shows any "good" that is happening over in Iraq. Why are they so quick to cut us down? And why are these countries taught to hate us? What the hell did we ever do to them?

Posted by: Laura at February 01, 2005 12:18 PM (ptOpl)

49 I think this liberal, America is bad crept into our educational institutions in the 60's. They were taught just as Islamofacists are taught. Rebellion against anyone over 40 who didn't have a pony tail. Now those same students are in positions of power in the media. Also in our educational institutions. That is, certain public supported institutions. Others still turn out leaders in business, technology, etc. You don't hear from these successful business types. They are too busy being productive. 95% of these leaders are republican.

Posted by: greyrooster at February 02, 2005 12:05 AM (D+Kmg)

50 I agree with this. Suddenly, in the 60's, there were demonstrations on campuses galore--some no doubt fueled by drugs. Egalitarianism and a lack of respect for authority was, and in many ways, continues to be the order of the day. It has since trickled down to grade-school children And we wonder why little kids today have no fear to talk back to their elders/teachers/parents. O tempora! O mores!

Posted by: Young Bourbon Professional at February 02, 2005 07:27 AM (x+5JB)

51 I'm ashamed to say that it may be a product of our own liberal society. I have two close friends that were born in other countries. One a Cuban who came to Miami. His son is now a Doctor in Miami. My friend owns a large boat building company. Is very successful. Why boats? His answer. If you ever crossed the Gulf on a intertube you would understand. His son and daughters were (still are) to most respectful kids you can imagine. My other friend lives in Millbrae, Calif. A Greek immigrant who arrived here with $80.00 in his pocket. Again his son is a college grad in Real Estate. Best mannered young man you could dream of. It's yes sir, no sir all the way to his $90,000 Car. My friend Angelo owns blocks of apartments from South San Francisco to San Mateo, Calif. I could not guess his value. My point is, it seems like they did a better job of raising their kids. Don't really know why. I think instilling respect at a very early age. Also teaching them the value of money. This also leads me to TERRIBLE ECONOMY shouted by the democratic nutsos. If the economy was so terrible how did they gain the American dream so quick? I guess the economy is only bad for those without the will to pay the price for success.

Posted by: greyrooster at February 02, 2005 11:32 AM (GpysX)

52 Yes--I love this country, but we can certainly all learn from some of the "Old World" attitudes about respect for tradition, elders, authority, etc., sadly lacking in many of today's people. Paradoxically, we as a country can be very puritanical (say, on public smoking) AND liberal (like on abortion) at the same time. The same for Europeans, but perhaps in DIFFERENT ways on some things.

Posted by: Young Bourbon Professional at February 02, 2005 11:54 AM (x+5JB)

53 YBP you hit the Nail on the head. We need to go back to "old school" ways. This BS going on now, if you hit your kid in public, they can report you to CPS. Tell that to my now departed Dad, who'd slap us silly if we misbehaved. Take one of his hard slaps, and you straightened up pretty quick. Used to be if I got in trouble at school, I'd be shit scared to report it at home. Yet today, the teachers can't do SHIT or the kids will go home, tell their parents, and the parents will come to their rescue and tell the school off. A little smacking around never hurt nobody. Sure kept us in line in my day.

Posted by: Laura at February 02, 2005 04:44 PM (ptOpl)

54 Absolutely, Laura. All many kids talk about these days are their "rights," even if it means the right to elicit help in trying to kill a teacher on their web-site. (True story! Even the kid's parents claimed it was a freedom of speech issue. I cannot think of the story without remebering the last line from Bridge on the River Kwai--"Madness!") My dad was known for his heavy hand as well--he didn't abuse us, but we surely knew right from wrong.

Posted by: Young Bourbon Professional at February 02, 2005 04:51 PM (VPJmC)

55 I've raised 5 kids. 3 of my own and 2 I just picked up at the start of their highschool years. No need to go into the reasons why. My families gain, their parents loss. I must confess I never hit any while they were growing up. Never needed to. I did strike my son when he was 19. Hell I beat the shit out of him. He crossed the line and the shock of my attack brought him back to reality. Two black eyes, no car keys and no money for a few months will make one think. He then went on to graduate from college with a better than fair GPA. He is now a serving officer in the Marine Corps. He led his company into Fallujah. I was proud and scared at the same time. He has extended his tour. His reasoning. Doesn't wish to abandon his men. Never spanked my kids. But would have. They knew it. Probably why I never had to. I've also never had a problem with them. Knock on wood. They were/are a pleasure to be with. 3 years ago I was in the hospital for 4 months. They drove 100 round trip every day to see me. Unbelieveable huh. The girls even dragged their boyfriends with them. My kids are my greatest success. No credit to wife of 30 years. Did it all by myself. Ha

Posted by: greyrooster at February 02, 2005 05:29 PM (GpysX)

56 The pendulum has definitely swung the other way with all this "free speech" crapola! Call someone a "nigger" and you're a racist, but let a black go off about the whites, and it's "free speech"...funny, how the term means different things depending on which side of the mouth you're shooting from! Like that asshole father in CA...wants to get the "under God" out of the Pledge...he has the "right" because it's freedom of speech....well, doesn't the other side have the right for it to remain in the Pledge? Worked ok since 1954, now all of a sudden, this jackass thinks it's not right? Gay marriage thing too...all of a sudden, everyone wants to be legally married AND gay...I have no problem if that's the way you play, and I do feel that they should have the same rights as married people, such as power of attorney, medical issues, next of kin making decisions in the hospital, etc., give them the rights, but don't actually "marry" them. Marriage is, was, always should be between a man and a woman. Let them live together and give them the same rights. We need to go back to the 40s and 50s morals again. Hell, even the turbulent 60s were no match for this day and age. I sure wouldn't want to be dating age again, what with HIV going around. In my day, you were afraid to get pregnant, now the kids are afraid to DIE. Equal opportunity and affirmative action are a bunch of shit too. Now, we're the minority! I say if they have the QUALIFICATIONS and/or INTELLIGENCE, give them the job or admittance to college based on THAT AND THAT ONLY, not this "well, we need so many blacks, so many hispanics, let's give them a chance" shit.

Posted by: Laura at February 05, 2005 06:01 PM (ptOpl)

57 Johnny, u r completely full of shit. Ever herd of "lest we forget?" The jews are not complaining about it, and they are not trying to change it. Do u really think that they belive that they can do something about what happened??? You are sitting here preaching about dealing with current problems, and that is excactly what they are doing. They are trying to prevent this from happening again, even on a smaller scale. Making sure that people haven't died in vain. That good doesn't ALWAYS conquer evil. You could learn a thing or two. And Laura, jesus christ u r soooo upset about the jews who were murdered and u are acting just as rascist as the germans were. Do u think this is what your people would have wanted to hear come out of your mouth??? "Black's" were not only being kept as slaves but they were being dragged along the street tied to the backs of cars and being scraped to death buy the roads. Stoned, skined alive. quote, "They probably would have loved to have been a slave, then suffer the atrocities they got at Auschwitz!!" yeah, and the "black's" probobly would have rather been gased than beaten and made to follow orderes. I know I would. I knew the americans were ignorant but damn....

Posted by: ash at February 13, 2005 04:17 AM (qLHzL)

58 Johnny, u r completely full of shit. Ever herd of "lest we forget?" The jews are not complaining about it, and they are not trying to change it. Do u really think that they belive that they can do something about what happened??? You are sitting here preaching about dealing with current problems, and that is excactly what they are doing. They are trying to prevent this from happening again, even on a smaller scale. Making sure that people haven't died in vain. That good doesn't ALWAYS conquer evil. You could learn a thing or two. And Laura, jesus christ u r soooo upset about the jews who were murdered and u are acting just as rascist as the germans were. Do u think this is what your people would have wanted to hear come out of your mouth??? "Black's" were not only being kept as slaves but they were being dragged along the street tied to the backs of cars and being scraped to death buy the roads. Stoned, skined alive. quote, "They probably would have loved to have been a slave, then suffer the atrocities they got at Auschwitz!!" yeah, and the "black's" probobly would have rather been gased than beaten and made to follow orderes. I know I would. I knew the americans were ignorant but damn....

Posted by: ash at February 13, 2005 04:18 AM (qLHzL)

59 Johnny, u r completely full of shit. Ever herd of "lest we forget?" The jews are not complaining about it, and they are not trying to change it. Do u really think that they belive that they can do something about what happened??? You are sitting here preaching about dealing with current problems, and that is excactly what they are doing. They are trying to prevent this from happening again, even on a smaller scale. Making sure that people haven't died in vain. That good doesn't ALWAYS conquer evil. You could learn a thing or two. And Laura, jesus christ u r soooo upset about the jews who were murdered and u are acting just as rascist as the germans were. Do u think this is what your people would have wanted to hear come out of your mouth??? "Black's" were not only being kept as slaves but they were being dragged along the street tied to the backs of cars and being scraped to death buy the roads. Stoned, skined alive. quote, "They probably would have loved to have been a slave, then suffer the atrocities they got at Auschwitz!!" yeah, and the "black's" probobly would have rather been gased than beaten and made to follow orderes. I know I would. I knew the americans were ignorant but damn....

Posted by: ash at February 13, 2005 04:18 AM (qLHzL)

60 sorry, computer stuffed up

Posted by: ash at February 13, 2005 04:20 AM (qLHzL)

61 Iam so fucking pissed at these people. Wtf are u ppl talking about. Like common the Jews are killing the palestinians, THOUSANDS of them die everyday. And u ppl are still complaining about 9/11? The Americans are also killing up the Iraqis and ive seen sick magazines of them stripping them and playing with their balls, those sick faggots. Everytime one american dies everybody goes hyper and man, but then howcome none gets angry and upset when a palestinian or Iraqian is killed???

Posted by: Anwar at April 06, 2005 06:32 PM (lXf//)

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