November 22, 2004

NY City Anti-Semetic/Anti-American Art Exhibit

Zorkmidden over at Little Tiny Lies brings word of this fundraiser for Palestinians held in NYC over the weekend. Here's a piece of the 'art' with a description from Honest Reporting. I would only add that the 'art' in question also is clearly anti-American.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon collecting and boiling a young Palestinian's blood

Posted by: Rusty at 04:07 PM | Comments (22) | Add Comment
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1 This illustration depicts exactly how the palestinians,the Arab and largely Moslem countries now see the Israeli Americain accord.America provides the equipment and we will do the killing.

Posted by: chris at November 22, 2004 04:34 PM (BYNt1)

2 You're right, this is how they see it. The Germans under the Nazis saw WWI as instigated by international Jewry and the financial collapse following the war as a result of Jewish manipulation. Oh, Germans also blamed the Poles (and Jews) for starting WWII. A lot of people believe a lot of stupid things about a lot of stuff.

Posted by: Rusty Shackleford at November 22, 2004 04:37 PM (JQjhA)

3 It's that old blood libel rearing its ugly head. Damn, I wish we Jews were as rough and tough and mean and nasty and conivving and sneaky and rich and controlling as we're so often "painted". That's one hell of a reputation to have to uphold and it's hard. LOL Now here we're depicted in true dead (as opposed to living) color. I checked out the organisation behind this exhibit. Yeicht!!

Posted by: bj at November 22, 2004 06:02 PM (Y3dKR)

4 Sweeping comments and generalisations are far too easy. I prefer to deal with the facts.Thousands of Jewish men fought and died in the trenches fighting the British for Bismarck's Germany in 1914-1918. Leading up to 1914 the German Emperor had been amassing warships to match the force of the British Empire. This and the building up of the German army was part of his plan to create his own Empire in the world along the lines of the British Example.This desire and only this was the reason for the Great War,the German people and the Nazis of the second world war were well aware of this fact,propaganda asside. The assassination of crown prince Ferdinand of Austria by a Serb was merely an excuse, moreover the catalist to set Europe in flames as undoubtedly Germany would side with Austria and Russia with the Serbs,then Britain and France the natural allies of Russia would become involved. The German people and Nazis,''lets remember many Germans that opposed the Natzis were executed'',were very well aware for the real reason for the second world war.The impossible burden of reparations for the first world war reduced Germans to absolute poverty and mass unemployment. Is it any wonder that a tyrant like Hitler was able to rise to such power over the German people when the British and French allies had brought such humiliation to them.Everybody knew and does know that this and the impossible to maintain reparations were the real reason for the war.Yes Hitler had his own private agenda of annihilation of the Jewish race.The facts which you omited speak volumes abour your political stand point. Or would you prefer like Hitler that the voice of fact and reason goes unheard on your blog.If two people agree in an argument theres no need for the second person.

Posted by: chris at November 22, 2004 08:17 PM (jKd94)

5 According to Shirer's book "The Fall of the Third Republic", both the Allies and the Germans found it advantageous to overstate the size of the reparations that were actually squeezed out of the Germans: the French and British governments wanted to be able to demonstrate to their electorates that they were being hard-nosed to the Germans; for the Germans it was a convenient excuse to blame everything on the allegedly extortionate size of the reparations. In actual fact, American bond holders ended up being stuck with a lot of worthless paper. In this case, the perception was still as damaging as the faux reality, and the reparations issue greased the skids for the Nazi ascent to power and the subsequent descent into WW II - the latter being helped along by a lot of fecklessness on the part of the Allies and a totally useless League of Nations. (Sounds a lot like the current situation.)

Posted by: MrGrumpyDrawers at November 23, 2004 12:43 AM (wVSJa)

6 chris, "Jews" isn't a race regardless of what hitler said or thought. We are a religion, a culture and a way of life. To continue that misconception is part of hitlerian propoganda.

Posted by: bj at November 23, 2004 07:08 AM (lTvh2)

7 bj this was not my point,you seem to be splitting hairs that have already been split.The Jews are indeed a race, and as you well know if you are Jewish as you say, allbeit semite,the same race as the Arabs.To be more precise the Jews are uniquely a race and a religion.

Posted by: chris at November 23, 2004 04:55 PM (M+x3h)

8 People are people regardless of religion.We all have the same basic needs.It is unfortunate that Jews and Arabs have to hate each other.If someone occupied my land I would hate the occupier.Israelis want to live in peace in their self made garden of eden.I hate neither the Arab or the Jew. We are all paying the price however for this Jewish Paradise.There shall be no peace in the world until Israel accepts how wrong it was to displace the Palestinians from land which they had lived and worked in for hundreds if not thousands of years.The Israelites are the chosen ones they believe,that they have returned to the promised land from whence they were ejected. Whats the difference, one Exodus for another.There is a great opportunity for us all to set asside our differences. I hope we can, yet fear that we cannot.The religious hatred and biggotry runs deep.From father to son.One thing I know is that if I ever have children I will show them the way of love. Hatred shall not abide in my home.All the great religions espouse love yet they all too espouse hatred of other religions as inferior and blasphemy of their own.The major problems of the world right now are to do with religion and its negative effects on man's ability to coexist with fellow man.

Posted by: Chris at November 23, 2004 05:26 PM (M+x3h)

9 The "Jews and the Arabs" do not hate each other, chris, certainly not for religious reasons. That is total fallacy. Some may hate but it's not an embedded emotion with Jews of which I, indeed, am one of the Diaspora .. wherein my anscestors assimilated into and intermarried/related with their captors who were from many different places. Semitic refers to the languages of the ME region, not race or blood. Technically, we're from the Asian continent at the apex. To call Jews a race is, as I said, repeating hitlerian propoganda which was responsible for the murder of many innocents.

Posted by: bj at November 23, 2004 06:27 PM (0V1RM)

10 Chris: So what do you think the Jews (Israel) should do? Please suggest a workable solution.

Posted by: greyrooster at November 23, 2004 08:03 PM (RluOl)

11 Anyone out there have a solution for the Israeli/Palistinian thing?

Posted by: greyrooster at November 23, 2004 09:04 PM (RluOl)

12 Start by recognising that it was wrong to displace people from their homes and land. Everything must start from this one simple truth. All things are possible once this first step is taken.

Posted by: chris at November 24, 2004 11:38 AM (KidDN)

13 bj,would you please stop miss quoting me.I did not say the Arabs Hate the Jews for religious reasons. I meant they hate them full stop.The real reason for that hate is the displacement of Palestinians and their continued suffering under Israeli rule.(bj what would you not do if your home and land was forcibly occupied and confisacted from you and to ad insult to injury you were placed in a refugee camp?)If you answer me this one question in brackets I am prepared to have a dialogue with you. If not then this will be my last posting regarding said matter as there would be no point of continuing in this vain.

Posted by: chris at November 24, 2004 12:03 PM (Hodkw)

14 greyrooster You type one line and a word asking me to make a suggestion to the problem. This would take ions of time that I do not have.Far more than a one line comment thats for sure.Recognising that there is a problem would not be a bad start.If I had the solution to the problem I could probably retire on the proceeds of making such a monumental plan of winning the hearts and minds of both peoples in this conflict.Verbal bashing is not going to solve the problem.Recognising the root cause and addressing the situation is the only answer. This will take years of discussion and dialogue from moderates on both sides of the divide far more qualified than the likes of you or I to make such monumental descisions and choices to bring about said solution. The world mightthen be a safer place for all of us.

Posted by: chris at November 24, 2004 12:35 PM (C5VrF)

15 Everyone in the world recognizes there is a problem. My point is we keep getting this Israeli/Palestian thing brought up. Many refer to it as the root cause of terrorism. But no one, no one seems to have an answer. As for discussion and dialogue this has been going on for years and years. If Israel's location is the problem how can talking solve it? Jews need a country. Palestians need a country. They cannot live in the same spot at the same time. It hasn't worked and will never work. I have found that the two most stubborn people on earth are Jews and Muslims. They will never get along. SOMEONE'S GOT TO MOVE. Now that should start some shit. They moved the London bridge to Arizona. Why not the wailing wall to ???????.

Posted by: greyrooster at November 24, 2004 01:12 PM (XioYD)

16 CHRIS: We recognize the problem. We recognize the problem. We recognize the problem. We recognize the problem. We have empathy for the Palestians. We admit the Palestinians got a raw deal. I am almost 63 years old and had nothing to do with it. My people are being murdered because of it. Mr country is spending 100's of billions because of it. The world admits there is a problem. The world knows there is a problem. Individuals and countrys keep pointing to this same problem. Politians (greater than us) ha, bullshit, have discussed the Israeli/Palestinian problem for decades without solution. Now what can be done about it?

Posted by: greyrooster at November 24, 2004 01:30 PM (XioYD)

17 What can I say,like you I am powerless. The powers that be want this situation to continue because it sereves their purpose. That purpose being in securing the vote to enabel them to stay in power. You seem like a reasonable man,I'm sure you see the relationaship between Ariel Sharon and the current state of impass between Arab and Jew. All the signs are that things are going to get tougher and tougher for the Palestinian people. They are still building on occupied land.With Yasser Arafat gone one might have hoped for a thaw in relations but does not seem to be happeniing. I would be interested if anyone out there has any consildered solution with bias to neither side.As for muself I was brought up catholic and even went to priest school as a kid. Now as an adult having met all kinds of people from many different creeds and religions I know that we are all basically the same.We are human beings and until people from the different religions or no religion at all start to treat one another with unconditional humanity we shall continue to sow the seeds of wrath

Posted by: chris at November 24, 2004 04:39 PM (oF88l)

18 Greyrooster I have just seen on the news that the burning down of mosques in Holland has stepped up a pace. that a leading moslem cleric in the Netherlands has said in effect that it might be a good idea if a leading dutch politician died of cancer. This looks like some sort of veilled fatwa threat.The more I see the news these days the more I want to go and live on a small peace of land somewhere, grow my own food supplies,have a few hens whatever and escape this madness we call the modern world. Nothing means much, what I thought of before as a given stands for nothing.Looks like were headed for hell on a rollercoaster ride with no breaks.People given shelter in our countries want to kill us. Society is so much chasing the money that nobody seems to realise the impending dissaster.I once believe it or not thought of going to America and joining a far right movement up in the hills somewhere I forget the name of but this was because I felt so under threat from the agression of the largely black and very anti white population of where I live. From originaly being quite a none racist white person I was beginning to hate all blacks because of the way they act around me.I realise now tha it is very much an education and system thing. The blacks where I live are largely brought up un a system that said through the media,T.v. comedy and drama that if you are black you are bad.Unfortunatley too many blacks lived up to the T.V. and newspaper stereotype and have turned lots of what would be normaly un racist types like myself before living in a neighbourhood full of them actualy into very wary of them.As much as I find black people in my experience in my area to be agressive and anti white on the whole wht scares me much more are these religious fanatics that may be sleeping time bombs in our midst waiting to go off and kill us.

Posted by: chris at November 24, 2004 05:08 PM (d5+3w)

19 I must admit when I would see a gang of blacks inside a mall, gas station, mall store, etc. my hackles would go up. Nowadays, if I see a group of Mid East people in the same places, I am even more leery. I would rather be stuck on an elevator with a group of blacks than I would a group of Mid East people. Sorry, but I didn't get this biased overnight. There's a reason. Nine Eleven.

Posted by: Laura at November 24, 2004 06:35 PM (ptOpl)

20 I do not wish to get into the Black thing. Wrong place. Wrong time. More important things on my mind. Problem yes. No big deal compared to ISLAMIC FACISTS MURDERING ASSHOLES. I know black people join the black muslim thing just to piss white people off. So what. It only matters if you let it. They really don't believe in that dog shit religion. Our main concern now should be patriotism and most blacks are patriots. Even if some of them wear their pants below their knees. Ha. Really folks lets stay focused on the biggest threat to world peace. ISLAM. This religion should be outlawed same as the muggers of India past. May everyone except MATT BING & FEDERICO ( my hypocracy only goes so far) have a wonderful thanksgiving. Think of our troops while stuffing your face.

Posted by: greyrooster at November 24, 2004 08:21 PM (XioYD)

21 Do you think they got a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts? for this kind of offensive art? or was it from MICHEAL MOORE looks like what you would have gotten from the NAZIS in WW II

Posted by: sandpiper at November 27, 2004 08:36 PM (NLR3Q)

22 Where's the anti defamation league when you need them.

Posted by: greyrooster at December 01, 2004 05:40 AM (wJPgF)

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