November 22, 2004

Kevin Sites, You're Still a Traitor

The thing about traitors is that they rarely realize that they have committed treason. Traitors tend to believe either one of two things (or both). First, traitors believe that they are acting in the best interests of their country. They believe that the nation's leaders are taking the country down a terrible path. Therefore, they justify there acts of treason as a higher love of country. If only the leaders of the nation were as smart as me, they think, they would understand that Israel needs these secrets. I'm doing it for the good of my country.

The second way traitors rationalize their acts of treason is by saying they have an obligation to something higher than country. America is my country, they say, but world stability and peace are a higher duty. It's not so much that I sympathize with Soviet communism, it's that I know the Russians having the bomb will ensure it will never be used again.

Several days ago I called Kevin Sites a traitor. Today, I am even more sure of it. By putting journalism above the lives of his fellow citizens Kevin Sites reveals that his devotion to journalism supersedes his love of country and of the Marines he claims to love. James Joyner says that Sites argument is persuasive, but do not be fooled. Sites rests his argument on the assumption that journalists have a higher duty to that of country--their duty is to journalism itself.

Here is what Sites' says:

For those who don't practice journalism as a profession, it may be difficult to understand why we must report stories like this at all -- especially if they seem to be aberrations, and not representative of the behavior or character of an organization as a whole.

The answer is not an easy one.

In war, as in life, there are plenty of opportunities to see the full spectrum of good and evil that people are capable of. As journalists, it is our job is to report both -- though neither may be fully representative of those people on whom we're reporting. For example, acts of selfless heroism are likely to be as unique to a group as the darker deeds. But our coverage of these unique events, combined with the larger perspective - will allow the truth of that situation, in all of its complexities, to begin to emerge. That doesn't make the decision to report events like this one any easier. It has, for me, led to an agonizing struggle -- the proverbial long, dark night of the soul.

Kevin Sites, I have also searched your soul. You love your job more than you love your country. I hope you rot in hell. Here are Sites' conclusion on the incident:
So here, ultimately, is how it all plays out: when the Iraqi man in the mosque posed a threat, he was your enemy; when he was subdued he was your responsibility; when he was killed in front of my eyes and my camera -- the story of his death became my responsibility.

The burdens of war, as you so well know, are unforgiving for all of us.

I pray for your soon and safe return.

Mr. Sites, you have pronounced judgement on this Marine and I now pronounce judgement on you. You are guilty of treason. You put your devotion to the story above your devotion to your nation. You put your devotion to the story above the lives of your 'friends' you are embedded with. You are not their friend, you are their enemy and you are now an enemy of the people of the United States.

Like most traitors, you did not pause to think of the long-term consequences of your actions. I'm sorry, as a journalist you should have known about how the Arab media would have covered this. You should have known that this footage would incite others to murder Americans. There is a reason Muslims around the world hate us, it is because they believe Americans are out to get them. They believe we are in Iraq to steal their oil. They believe American soldiers are just as bad as the terrorists we fight. Your video has just proved this to them.

Like most traitors you excuse your actions. You had reasons to do the things you did. Fine. You had a reason to release this video footage. And Charlie Manson had reasons to kill Ms. Tate. So what? Unlike Texas Native, I will not be so forgiving of you. If you wish my forgiveness then ask for it. An excuse is not an act of contrition neither is it repentance. But before you ask for my forgiveness I suggest asking for forgiveness from the 17 Iraqis murdered in Mosul last week. Before you released your tape, hostages were murdered in the garb of Abu Ghraib. Now, they will be murdered with a shot to the back of the head as a way to remind Muslim viewers that the terrorists are just doing what the Americans are doing. Ask forgiveness from the hundreds of American soldiers who will die because the resistance has found a new piece for their recruitment videos.

Erik at No Pasaran brought to my attention this article by Jack Kelly:

Fallujah ranks up there with Iwo Jima, Inchon and Hue as one of the greatest triumphs of American arms, though you'd have a hard time discerning that from what you read in the newspapers.
There is only one reason why the enormous victory in Fallujah seems so hollow, and that reason is Kevin Sites. All military offensive have questionable acts committed in them, but Kevin Sites has made one action the focal point of attention for a billion Muslims. It is as if D-Day happened and the headlines were about the act of a single corporal in a single French village.

Kevin Aylward at Wizbang wants to know what we think of Kevin Sites' response. Did I mention yet that Kevin Sites is a traitor? No? Ok, Kevin Sites is a traitor.

Charles Johnson at LGF writes of Sites response:

The importance of journalists in war can be debated. But if the ultimate objective of any war is to win, then having people like Sites accompany soldiers on life-and-death missions, when his objective is not to win but to record and publicize and play everything “straight down the middle,” is a very dangerous situation.
The solution to this problem is clear: replace embedded reporters with military pool reporters. After Vietnam, the military realized that reporters were not patriots. Reporters were interested in the story, not America's victory. At the end of the Gulf War, though, the military rethought their position. The US had just won the most decisive victory in military history only to find that there was no video of it. The propaganda value of such a victory was clear to them. The solution was the present system of embedded reporters.

Reporters embedded in US military units are there for a purpose. They are there to spread our version of the events of battle. They are part of the strategy of victory. When reporters no longer serve this purpose they should be cut off. Kevin Sites has proved that the embed system is a failure.

Reporters working for such organizations as NBC, ABC, CBS, etc. should be replaced by reporters working directly for the US Armed Forces. To these reporters their highest obligation will be clear. Such military reporters could then give pool feed to the networks. The networks would then be free to run stories as they wish, given the limitations of the information given to them by military reporters.

Chad mentions that Sites' did not want any special attention from this. Fair enough. But it is also fair for us, the American public, to ask whether having people like Sites around serves our national interests? If the answer is no, then let us end the embed system. If all journalists have a higher allegiance to journalism than they do to America, then it is the system that is broke. Sites is just a sympton of the system.

Pennywit suggests that Kevin Sites' response gives a hint at what it might have been like to be there. It does not. What it shos is what it was like for an NBC reporter to have been there. What Sites' response does not tell you is what it would have been like had another Marine been taping the incident. Facts are facts, but cameras and film do not just show facts. As Hindrocket notes, Sites story does not factually differ from that of the Marines. But stories can be told from more than one angle. And since images are tools of propaganda, then let the images coming out of Iraq serve our purposes and not the purposes of our enemy.

Al Jazeera understands this. This is why the Sites video is shown over and over. This is why the images they show coming out of Iraq are of dead children, burning houses, and of American GIs dead on the streets. What does al Jazeera know about journalism that Kevins Sites does not? Al Jazeera knows that America is their enemy.

Kevin Sites believes that journalism precludes one from having enemies. I do not blame Sites personally for believing this. That is what they teach you at journalism school: journalistic ethics are higher than all other moral obligations. Beck claims Sites account is unbiased, but he is wrong. Sites account is biased by the very assumptions he makes about a reporters ethical obligations. Just read this NY Times article which Boing Boing (found via Wes Roth) claims is a first of sorts. The Times takes Sites' version of the story as the final word on the subject. And why should they not? They share the same ethical standards, the same guiding principals of what is right and what is wrong. The NY Times is not shocked at Sites behavior. They would only be shocked had Sites chosen not to pass along the footage.

Via Sue Bob I found this article by Ken Myers in the Telegraph. Like Sue Bob, I also think Ken Myers gets it:

We in the media must learn what our role in that struggle will be. Vicarious indignation at so-called atrocities is a moral frivolity: it proves that we are unaware of the scale of the crisis we face, now and into the foreseeable future. Our common enemy has vision, dedication, courage and intelligence. He is profoundly grateful for whatever tit-bits come his way: our media have a moral obligation to ensure that we are scattering absolutely none in his direction. (emphasis Sue Bob's)
Let me end this ranting by stating that I am agnostic on the Marine in question's behavior. I do not know if what he did was a war-crime, a violation of military rules of engagement, or completely justified given the context of the situation. I will let a military tribunal decide that question. But I trust our military will do the right thing. Give them the tools, and they will win the war. But cameras are also tools of war. Cameras are can be just as deadly as guns. I would not trust a neutral observer to ride around with the Marines carrying a gun. Why would we let one carry around a camera then?

Either reporters are on our side or they are not. If not, remove them from combat.

I echo the words of the Editor when I say, "nice going asshat!" But Sites is more than an asshat. He is a traitor. A man who put his professional obligations above his country is a traitor by definition.

If there is any hope to be found in this story it is to let this story serve as a clarifying moment for us. The Islamofascists had declared war on the US long before 9/11, but that event woke us up from the slumber we were in. Fallujahgate was not the moment that the media declared they were not on the side of US victory, they had always claimed their neutrality if not hostility. However, let us now wake up from our slumber and realize that the media is not on our side. Let this incident serve as the 9/11 of the media. The Bush doctrine says that if you are not for us in the war on terrorism, then you are against us. What Fallujahgate reminds us is that the media is not for us. If not for us then they are against us. And if they are against us, then WTF are we allowing the enemy riding around in a Humvee full of Marines?

That's all for now. I'd appreciate your thoughts on the matter.

Posted by: Rusty at 06:00 PM | Comments (90) | Add Comment
Post contains 2135 words, total size 14 kb.

1 For the record, Rusty, I don't forgive Sites (at least, not yet) because I haven't yet found anything to forgive him for. Obviously, we'll disagree on that point, too.

Posted by: Boyd at November 22, 2004 03:18 PM (VeBwJ)

2 DIE SITES, DIE!!!!!!!

Posted by: John at November 22, 2004 03:27 PM (AEjRy)

3 Hmm...interesting analysis...Rather than vent your anger at Sites, why not direct it at NBC if you're so sure it was wrong to air the video. Sites would have submitted the story, but, ultimately it would have been NBC to decide whether to air it or not. Calling him a "traitor" smells a little scapegoatish. His camera was running and the Marine knew he was there - he was going to capture whatever the Marines were doing, which, unfortunately, involved the shooting. (And, if it's any consolation, I'd be surprised if the army continues to allow the current embedded reporter system to remain in place) Sure, film has been a propoganda tool almost since it was invented. But, if you *really* want to show people what's happening, do you start deciding what's shown and what isn't shown? A reporter shows the good and the bad - if he doesn't and only shows one side, how does he maintain being objective? How does this erase the "MSM is biased" attitude? In such a case, the MSM is still biased, but in a different way.

Posted by: Venom at November 22, 2004 03:27 PM (dbxVM)

4 John, I don't wish Sites' death--only his incarceration. Or, short of that, that he and all other reporters are 'un-embedded'. Venon, good point. NBC is full of traitors too. I know that's not your point, but it is your logic combined with mine. I think you misunderstand how 'news' is 'made'. The very nature of the questions asked biases all reports in one way or another. By its nature news is not neutral. It can't be because all information must be reduced. Which pieces of information are left out and which are included bias all reports in one way or another. Further, facts are not reported in a vacuum. They have context. What I want is for all context to be toward a common goal: winning. If the context is otherwise, then the facts are propaganda for our enemies.

Posted by: Rusty Shackleford at November 22, 2004 03:31 PM (JQjhA)

5 Kevin Sites made a choice. He felt it was the right choice of himself and his future. I don't believe (as he claims) he did all this soul searching. He thought he would gain fame by stabbing the Marines (and America) in the back. All this crap about discussing the tape with Marine Corps Officers is bull shit. They had to agree to have it shown. If they hadn't he would have made a bigger story of the (so called) cover up. Same for NBC. He could be working for ABC next week. The safety of our Marines was not on his agenda. Only the glory he could gain. My belief is that the Marine was correct in his action. The biggest mistake was with the soldiers the day before that took them prisoners. The should have been killed at that time. They are the enemy. They do not follow the Geneva Convention amd should be killed on site. For all we know the terrorist shot could have been one of the ones who shot the unarmed hog tied Iraqi recruits. Have a good day Kevin Sites. You damn traitor.

Posted by: greyrooster at November 22, 2004 03:48 PM (BFaxF)

6 Come on people the same argument was made of when the photo's of the dead were printed for the first time during the Pacific campaign. Newsprint and video journalism is used by both sides for propoganda, general information, and inteligence. The armed services want those reporters there because they have the ultimate control over the news spin: our side of the story. People called Calley a coward for Mei Lay ... just because he stood in the way of some screwed up idiot thought he would have himself a village cookout. Reporters prevent the recurance of such situations by showing the general public military will not allow its soldiers to do such things. The media is good for the soldiers as well, it gets their story out as well ... but of course since everyone must think the same all that is mute.

Posted by: Salamander at November 22, 2004 03:48 PM (F26eZ)

7 "Either reporters are on our side or they are not. If not, remove them from combat." Well then you could use the guidelines of: Either the university prof teaches the classes in a manner exactly the provost and president want or they are out. The difference of what our Armed Forces stand for is as our soldiers have been seen on video and newsprint for the last ~ 215 years ... overall a group of hard fighting and hard playing people, with the an occasional messup. If you guys cant stomach the fact or the reality of it that a soldier screws up thats how it is in real life. Boot camp and the comanding officers teach those soldiers the rules of engagement, the enemy may brake them, but as soldiers of the United States Armed Forces they are bound to those rules. Thats is what seperates us from the monkeys that run around the streets and shoot at anything that moves.

Posted by: Salamander at November 22, 2004 04:01 PM (F26eZ)

8 If you shoot me in the leg and then I get in my car and run you down, what right do you have to bitch about my driving? Apply that here to Al-jism w/Sites is doing.

Posted by: Bullshark at November 22, 2004 04:08 PM (m6fxr)

9 Salamander, the last time I checked I never killed any one with my biases in class. Al Jazeera, on the other hand, murders American citizens every day through their incitement.

Posted by: Rusty Shackleford at November 22, 2004 04:10 PM (JQjhA)

10 salamander can find something wrong with Miss America.

Posted by: greyrooster at November 22, 2004 04:15 PM (BFaxF)

11 This Site's guy was really at the back of the queue when intellect was handed out.

Posted by: Paul Barwick at November 22, 2004 04:33 PM (PM/BC)

12 "Well then you could use the guidelines of: Either the university prof teaches the classes in a manner exactly the provost and president want or they are out." A what? Salamander, I'd try and argue with you, but you make no sense. Rusty - amen.

Posted by: Maureen at November 22, 2004 04:35 PM (ny5O/)

13 I was listening to a radio talk show in my car today, and a woman called in to say that her son's in Iraq, and although everyone's been talking about it among the soldiers, that they are still pretty much upbeat and are not taking it to heart. I was worried that morale would start dropping as a result of this big tadoo and that maybe our boys would start thinking twice about firing now, thus putting themselves in even MORE danger than before. This is a different kind of war with these insurgent bastids. They don't play by any rules, so why should our boys have to be subjected to criminal investigations??????????

Posted by: Laura at November 22, 2004 04:36 PM (ptOpl)

14 Rusty, The punishment for treason is death. That's why I wished death upon Kevin "Benedict" Sites. John

Posted by: John at November 22, 2004 04:39 PM (AEjRy)

15 Yeah, these modern day embeds are turning out to be like a girl with an accent (particularly Australian, NZ or Irish) - they seem all pretty and like a good idea, and then a year later they can't hide in their shell any longer and you find out what they're all about... ... uh, not that I'm speaking from experience. (dang, you can never get the good years back)

Posted by: Editor at November 22, 2004 05:28 PM (adpJH)

16 I'd love it if the patrol Sites was accompanying came under intense fire. Sites: Guys!!! There some guy pointing some kind of gun at me here!!! Help!!!! Marine: Shoot him with your camera?

Posted by: Red Devil at November 22, 2004 05:58 PM (+vlk+)

17 "They don't play by any rules, so why should our boys have to be subjected to criminal investigations??????????" Because, Laura, rules are what differentiate a soldier from criminal-infested insurgents.

Posted by: Venom at November 22, 2004 06:06 PM (dbxVM)

18 Indeed.

Posted by: Scott at November 22, 2004 06:18 PM (EVgBK)

19 (Putting on my John Lennon glasses for a moment) Imagine there's no country, and no religion too... Imagine who the press would report on and sell their papers to... Imagine there's no 9/11s, how many papers sold on 9/12? Imagine all the people, living lives of peace... You know... that would be real tragedy, for a newspaper editor. Only cats stuck up trees to report on, and babies born with six fingers. To tell the full "objective" story, this 2 second video would need to show how the Marines ended up in that room full of dead or dying insurgents... but we don't see that. Maybe it's because that insurgent whose brains now decorate the walls was holding a rifle 2 minutes earlier, hell bent on killing the Marine who eventually shot him. To get the full objective story, we would also need to be shown the videos of the guys who came out of a building 18 months ago waving a white flag then proceeded to blow away the soldiers who accepted their "surrender". But there's no paper sales and little TV debate spanning the commercial breaks when something is clear-cut and just. I just wish people would try to put themselves in this Marine's shoes. I know for a fact, that in such an intense situation I would be shooting anything that moves and even stuff that didn't move ... just to make sure that remains the case. Yeah, you can point to training but where the hell do you train for Fallujah? In training, at the back of your mind is always the knowledge that you are safe and that it is all just "training"... no guy is going to jump out of shadows and bullet your brain.

Posted by: Red Devil at November 22, 2004 06:28 PM (+vlk+)

20 see what greyhawk, an army guy in Iraq says about this, and if you want you can read my comments on the matter in his comments or I am now whining to the internet myself at

Posted by: Mr. K at November 22, 2004 06:34 PM (bRvsc)

21 Rusty, I gave Sites the benefit of the doubt. I believed it was extemperaneous editing by the Rather News Network (NBC). Now that his own words come on the subject I'm torn between offering him up to the terrorists that will behead him or going over there and doing it myself. Sites has earned his place of dishonor next to the likes of Hanoi Jane, and Communist Kerry. God may forgive him but I will not. other news a marine unit came under fire from an insurgent feigning death..and another one with a white flag..and another one from a mosque...and another one from a booby-trapped dead body...and another one from a school....and another one from a hospital.............

Posted by: Jeremy at November 22, 2004 06:42 PM (JYeBJ)

22 Kevin Sites clearly has been gunning for the military the whole time he has been in Iraq. Review the TOTALITY of his work. It clearly shows ACTIVE sympathy for the enemy, to the detriment of the soldiers. Their true story is not being told by this embed, and the American people are being cheated out of their proud history-provided to us in US military blood. When military history records this incident, it will mark a distinct change in the military-media relationship, thank God. Kevin Sites was the pool reporter when the first unit entered the mosque, encountered the wounded, then moved on. He then (coincidence?) happened to be with another unit, that also went into the same mosque. With tape rolling, he is heard saying "These are the wounded that were never picked up" After the shooting, he asks the soldier if he knew these were the wounded prisoners, and the soldier responds "I didn't know, sir". Sites then scurries off to superior officers shows them the tape and suggests they investigate it. He has been around long enough to understand the full ramifications of releasing this tape -- that's WHY he did it. He didn't know if that prone enemy was still alive, he had know way of knowing whether the guy was booby trapped or armed. Sites was standing behind a very large Marine the whole time, whom he repaid with a long closeup of the guy's name on his backpack. He knows EXACTLY what he is doing. I don't believe any news reporting coming from Kevin Sites. He has lost all credibility as a journalist. Instead of being an impartial observer, he inserted himself into the military process and got events rolling in a certain direction. Some have commented that he has seen alot of combat. It has all been under the protective umbrella of the soldiers he is embedded with. I don't believe his story about the harrowing kidnapping earlier this summer he reported. It stinks to high heaven. All we have right now is Sites' version of how things went down. I am sickened by his pious, self-serving, high-minded defense of his actions. WHAT ABOUT THE MARINE? It is reprehensible that any of our guys would have to stick their necks out to protect Sites. Does 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines know what his MO is? Do they know the extent to which they have been stabbed in the back? My heart goes out to these guys, 50 of which have paid the price for the decision to do surgical urban warfare so as to minimize civilian Iraqi deaths (NO Iraqi civilian deaths so far). They are being robbed of their righteous glory, and that is the true crime in all of this. Today, there was another incident where a "dead" terrorist actually got off the first shot when Marines approached him. Did they hesitate? Were Kevin Sites and his camera in the area? This guy is a danger to every soldier within 100 ft radius of him. What about punitive measures against the networks, including Matt Lauer, whose presentation appears to have been written by Zarqawi himself.

Posted by: jordan at November 22, 2004 07:06 PM (7y04D)

23 First of all, there shouldn't even BE a discussion over this. But, thanks to modern technology, we now have the means of getting everything on camera and available worldwide in a matter of minutes. God knows how many similar situations have happened in past wars. Only because this poor Marine was caught "on camera", like a "Cops" episode, we hear the backlash and hoopla. The war in the Mid East is like no other one. There isn't anything civilized about it. We are not there to mind our manners, we are there to defend ourselves and our country. I only hope and pray that no charges are filed against the Marine. If there are, every Goddamned soldier should protest and pull out.

Posted by: Laura at November 22, 2004 07:57 PM (ptOpl)

24 Question: Does a reporter get paid more depending how big a story he reports or captures on film becomes? If so how could a man like this be un-biased? Even answering the question no, they don't get paid more for how big the story is, that it's a flat rate no matter how BIG a story, the infamy he recieves from this means his stock just went up. I mean by that who knew of Kevin Sites before this? This really left him in a no lose position. I sure he thought hard about what was going to become of this nice marine and countless others in our coalition once he released this tape of his... And he said, you know what, what has my country ever done for me i'm gonna take care of number 1! I say make him stand in front of those guys over there and try to explain how his news footage supersedes there safety. Not that it only has the effect of giving ZAR,COW,WEEEE more ammo but the next marine might think twice before acting. I didn't here a "cock crow three times" but i think all our military men have been betrayed by Mr. Sites and his personal agenda.

Posted by: K G at November 22, 2004 08:50 PM (xXUWq)

25 This whole thing has my heart darkened. It doesn't matter a damn if Rusty, or me or anybody thinks Sites is a traitor. The fact is, he'll return home to accolades and Pulizers and Palm D'ors and dinner parties while the Marines will still get shot in the back by terrorists playing possum. Nobody gives a damn about the Marines. Or this country. America might as well be a 7-11 for as much as 9-11 means to anybody anymore. A sizeable portion of this country finds the concept of national sovereignty to be ludicrous, and so, much of this country finds no meaning in the concept of treason, except as a possible electoral smear. It's just a word. There is no honor left in this country. What the hell are we fighting for? The right of men like Sites to be deified and lionized by Hollywood gods for sticking a knife in the back of the men that secure that right for him? What the fuck is the point?

Posted by: SparseMatrix at November 22, 2004 08:56 PM (HI5ar)

26 Matrix, so fucking true! Like that song they played when we were in Nam? "What are we fighting for? Don't ask me cuz I don't give a stop is Viet Nam. Whoopie! We're all gonna die" Something like that, anyway.

Posted by: Laura at November 22, 2004 09:05 PM (ptOpl)

27 Off subject but I hope all watches the special on EURABIA coming on tomorrow night. I believe it's a four part series. May put some insight into why much of Europe is not with us. It may be to late for them to save themselves without immediate mass deportations. Amazing how European news agencies seen to be looking the other way during riots, hatred and violence in their countries but bring out the smallest transgression in America. EURABIA IS REAL. Watch this special.

Posted by: greyrooster at November 22, 2004 10:52 PM (BFaxF)

28 I think everyone needs to take a deep breath and calm down about Kevin Sites. He was assigned by the military organized pool to follow that unit, video what he saw, and distribute that video to the rest of the pool. If you have a problem with him, you have a problem with the military under whose auspices he was acting. The mere fact that we know his name is “Kevin Sites” reflects an attempt to invent some nefarious narrative for his actions when if fact he was doing EXACTLY what he was supposed to. The more interesting question is whether the military should have imbeds? Warfare by its nature is messy. Do we want to publicize our occasional screw ups? I think the answer is yes. We need to paint as stark a contrast as possible between us and the rejectionism and nihilism of the Islamofascists. We should have MSM and al-Jazerra imbeds with every unit. Make people realize that the US military, while merciless towards our enemies is inherently merciful. When they see how infrequently events like this happen, people will realize that those who use schools and mosques as ammo dumps and behead innocent women have no place criticizing us.

Posted by: John at November 22, 2004 11:01 PM (4FKl1)

29 I still don't believe this issue is going to go the way Kevin sites and supporters are hoping. His attempt at trying the Marine in his (letter to the Marines) isn't going to go over to well. If high ranking Marine Officers want the loyality of the troops they had better show some back. Anyway, got to get ready. Leaving at midnight (one hour) to go tuna fishing off Venice, La. Back tomorrow evening. Sushi for the holidays. Going to have one empty place at the table. We have decided to set his spot and fill his plate anyway.

Posted by: greyrooster at November 22, 2004 11:06 PM (BFaxF)

30 Good point JOHN, I just don't buy it. Human nature thing. When you're hunting deer you have to think like a deer. His wants, needs and desires are different than ours. He perceives every thing in his world, not the hunter's. Once, I learned this there has always been venison in the freezer.

Posted by: greyrooster at November 22, 2004 11:13 PM (BFaxF)

31 NO MSM and especially NO Al-Jazeera reports. Tough shit to them! If they aren't part of the military then to hell with them. Even if we DID allow MSM and Al-Jazeera, they can twist the story to fit their agenda, regardless of the circumstances. May I remind you of the Babylon 5 episode "The Illusion of Truth."

Posted by: Macker at November 22, 2004 11:27 PM (wdK9T)

32 The enemy was NOT a prisoner. He was an apparently wounded enemy who made a suspicious move. A prisoner is someone who has been taken prisoner. Check the regs for taking prisoners. My knowledge is 54 years out of date, but I imagine it still requires a verification that the prisoner is unarmed and of no danger. Any reference to the enemy as a prisoner before the process has been completed is a lie, and in this case a scurvey lie. I am ashamed that this has come this far without having been thoroughly squelched. I am sorry not just because someone disagrees with me, I am sorry that my grandson, a Mud Marine still in Fallujah, just might get killed because of hesitation brought about by this crap.

Posted by: Walter E. Wallis at November 22, 2004 11:48 PM (7XPVo)

33 I'm with Salamander and Venon. You other guys really need to stop hyperventilating. Do you really, really want news custom designed by the government for your consumption? You don't need conspiracy theories to realize that CYA is the name of the game within the bureaucracy. Left to their own devices, they'll tell you exactly what they want to tell you, not what you want or need to know, necessarily. Site had a job, he represented a pool of networks. He did his job and the chips fell very badly, it seems. I'd much rather that than to get my news exclusively from the USMC PIO. That's not a slam against the USMC or the PIOs. It's that this kind of stuff has to be recorded and acknowledged. You guys come across as though you were scared shitless of democracy and a free media. I really expect better from you.

Posted by: John B at November 22, 2004 11:52 PM (OmbAg)

34 Wasn't it standard practice by all sides in WWII to summarily execute partisans? What has changed? Why wasn't this muj wasted at the very onset?

Posted by: MrGrumpyDrawers at November 23, 2004 01:07 AM (wVSJa)

35 Rusty Perhaps you would like Bush to set up a Ministry of Information which censors all information to be broadcast. In fact lets go one better and make it a crime to report anything remotely critical of the government or its actions. For that is what you are suggesting. Perhaps you might be better off living in China and head up such a ministry. Any infraction by a journalist could be dealt with by his immediate execution and would serve as a reminder to all and sundry that the state matters most. Perhaps also Rusty, that if you had all the facts and hadn't swallowed the official line, you might not be so vocal in your support for the war. But then again "if you're not with us on the GWOT, then you're against us" appealed to your sense of patriotism. I wonder how many people felt the same way in Germany in the 1930s, though the issue was not GWOT but rather the creation of a unified Germanic superstate. Would a German man or woman whom questioned Hitler's motives deserved a trial for treason? Me thinks not. The German journalists who filmed the pograms against the Jews, were they traitors? I would have expected something better than this rant.

Posted by: James at November 23, 2004 03:37 AM (4PPsx)

36 Are you really an academic? Your spelling and grammar are those of an 11-year-old – to say nothing of your grasp of international issues. I think you should drop the “Dr” if it is not a real qualification; it just makes you look ridiculous.

Posted by: England at November 23, 2004 03:59 AM (6M7nL)

37 Sites gives a perfectly reasoned explanation of his actions. He has done nothing wrong. In fact he has done the world a service in exposing the US forces as every bit as cruel as the 'insurgents'. Like the soldier who entered a mosque several thousand miles from his homeland and executed a wounded, unarmed old man, Sites was just doing his job.

Posted by: sandall at November 23, 2004 07:30 AM (mwXE8)

38 An experienced "photojournalist" such as Mr. Sites would have known well the effect of the release of his inflammatory "news" story on the troops and the Islamic crazies who have used it as a progaganda and recruiting tool. Mr. Sites is a self-serving, hypocritical and contemptible poseur who seeks to advance his career by villifying the courageous young men who are fighting our war. Kevin, "you go, girl".

Posted by: Beel at November 23, 2004 07:41 AM (HW5G5)

39 I dont think he was out to vilify anyone. Given that he was present at a live operation he would have had the support of the top brass and the powers that be. My views on the war are well known (anti) but I feel that the soldier was within his rights to shoot the inured man. Remember, propaganda is being used by both sides in this war and the only person being vilified is Mr Sites

Posted by: James at November 23, 2004 08:17 AM (4PPsx)

40 I believe we need to separate the question of whether non-military reporters should travel with our troops from whether, having made that decision, Kevin Sites acted responsibily with the film he had. It is undisputed that he offered to hold the film while the Marines responded to the events. At a minimum this is some evidence of good faith on his part. The fact that the instant culture we live in made it impossible for the Marines to accept this offer without subsequently facing charges of "cover-up" is not Kevin Sites fault, and should not be attributed to him. I question the wisdom of having embedded photographers. Print reporters may be different simply because words generally do not have the same visceral impact. But having made the decision to allow photographers, it is wrong to kill (or curse) the messenger when his message is one we do not like. There is a seperate problem with our media agreeing to feed images to media that is hostile to our troops through pooling arrangements, but that is an argument for another day. Teresa

Posted by: Teresa at November 23, 2004 08:19 AM (HNG0V)

41 I don't think anyone wants to throw the baby out with the bath water. This particular incident doesn't necessarily mean the whole embed program should be shelved. We just want there to be some common sense applied to what footage is released, and how. Sites is squirming, but his explanation is long on his own inner turmoil, and short on empathy toward the Marines. His initial "context", before the inner turmoil post, was "The man did not appear to be armed or threatening in any way." In his letter, he says "Something just didn't seem right about this one." He throws out a moderating comment, "I have seen the Marines act in a disciplined and professional manner..." which he intends to provide balance for his concern with the enemy wounded, and to highlight that this particular incident was an aberration. In this case, Sites mistakenly set his "journalistic principles", freedom of the press, the imperative to show the public the honest truths of war, ahead of one poor Marine's life. Sites hasn't filed a story on the torture chambers, Margaret Hassan, the blood soaked mattresses, the shackles and cages. He sees this one justified shooting as the worst transgression in Fallujah worthy of reporting? How can he not be trying to undermine what the military is doing prioritizing stories this way? To his defenders, how courageous he has been has nothing to do with this incident. How brave others would be in his shoes is irrelevant. The "hyperventilating" on these blogs has shined a bright light on MSM motives, and therefore has corrected some of the distortion attempted in Site's original report. Sites' letter is all about his own inner turmoil, which is not interesting, and omits any real answers.

Posted by: jordan at November 23, 2004 08:51 AM (7y04D)

42 As Teresa says: "There is a seperate problem with our media agreeing to feed images to media that is hostile to our troops through pooling arrangements, but that is an argument for another day." The best example is the reality that media as whole works with: "If it bleeds, it leads". The recent sports brawls that turn a stadium into a war zone could be used by anyone to discredid another, they dont go find the camera person and penalize them, they fine the participants.

Posted by: Salamander at November 23, 2004 09:04 AM (V40IZ)

43 Very good responses, all. I can't respond to each one individually, due to time constraints. Apologies to my many typos and such, the way I write these things I don't spellcheck and often overlook my errors--I suppose 'England' doesn't get that. Look, let me spell this out so as to clarify my position if it is not already clear: Yes, I do want censorship. Disagree with me if you will, but that is my position. I do not want censorship at home. What I want is for stories to be vetted before the facts and images are turned over to the MSM. Is this censorship? Yes, but it a long and slippery slope until you reach Chinese style censorship. What I'm asking is for all non-military reporters to be removed from the war zone. That's it. Would this turn the news into propaganda? Absolutely. But my goal is to win. Propaganda is a tool for winning. I value the life of American soldiers more than I value the right of a journalist to be anywhere he wishes. I would not 'censor' in the sense of telling reporters what to write and what not to write. That is a principle I am not willing to violate at this time. So how do we not step over that line yet still manage images coming out of war-zones? Again, the only way I can solve the dilema in my mind is to put the reporters on the battlefield in uniform. Oh, BTW, during WWII we had actual censorship. Not slippery slope type stuff many of you mention, but LITERAL CENSORSHIP. This is where official governmnet policy was to tell papers what they could and couldn't print. Were we fascist then? Were we 'just as bad' as the Nazis we were fighting? It's really a lame argument. During war, things change. Civil liberties are restricted. This is one of the reasons war tends to be a bad thing (on top of the whole killing thing). It's also one of the reasons why I have some sympathy for liberals who worry over what a never ending state of war would do on the state of civil liberties at home. If you do not think the trade off is worth it, then being anti-war is a legitimate position. I, on the other hand, think the trade off is worth it.

Posted by: Rusty Shackleford at November 23, 2004 11:02 AM (JQjhA)

44 Sites, looking through a viewfinder at a Marine was able to discern with peripheral vision that the enemy made no suspicious moves? With no evidence to the contrary he identified the enemy as harmless? This was a Michael Moore type lie.

Posted by: Walter E. Wallis at November 23, 2004 11:25 AM (7XPVo)

45 I'm really tired of the apparatchicks running the media, all the negativity and bias - the bile they pour out. War reporters are especially vile because they get a kick off the combat adrenaline and the violence - the whole sex-and-death thing - while enjoying the protection of the troops. It's so damn standard that it's in almost every freakin' war-reporter book/novel/story, from Hemingway to Caputo to "Jarhead" - and it has become the primary subtext of the media reportage itself. There's no impartiality or objectivity in the Guardian's pieces of propaganda, or in the alphabet-soup network's. They are hyenas who tear at the viscera and get blood on their snout, without partaking in the kill. "If it bleeds it leads," is a trite catchphrase, an excuse to continue feeding, and while feeding on the misery of others share the blame for enjoying the lowest common denominator, their fixation on a spectacle of blood. Simply being there, their existence within the situation, changes the equation of the situation to one of novelty - it's Heisenbergian, it's Schroedinger's cat - the observer has no specific neutrality, that is the biggest myth. There is no impartiality in journalism, objectivity is a myth and a blinder. Lenin and Stalin knew this, so did Mao, so did Goebbles. It's impossible to be impartial or objective. As to, "if you're not with us, then you're against us" and phrasing that with, "How many people felt the same way in Germany in the 1930s," - is an exercise in rhetoric. How about the non-parallel, "How many people felt the same way _in Britain_ in the 1930s," when the German attempt at Euro-Unification was seen in the skies of London for months, when the Sudetenland was taken the way Hussein took Kuwait in the first Gulf War, or "how the Poles felt," when Stalin halted his army outside Warsaw and let the Germans crush the rebellion - though they were Allies, the Communists did not come to save them. "US forces as every bit as cruel as the 'insurgents'" betrays an incredible non-objective bias, equivocating the beheading and butchering done by the Baathist holdouts, their torture chambers, their leaving a dismembered female torso in the street as a calling-card and shooting tied-up civilians in the head - none of which is even remotely similar to US forces' behaviors. I'm just really sick of the media, and the leftists who prefer their totalitarian regimes, "by any means necessary."

Posted by: -keith in mtn. view at November 23, 2004 11:26 AM (04TFv)

46 I've written a couple of posts on this subject and more on the legal issues that surround it. By law, American journalists are Citizens with all rights and responsibilities thereto. Most of the extra rights claimed by the Old Media are not rights, but privilidges that they abuse at risk. No court has ever upheld that so-called journalists have the right to claim any higher allegance than the law of the land, any more than they have held that claim for any religion, race, or previous country of origin. Yet, many journalists feel and teach that they do have a higher duty, a higher calling (part of media mythology) that transcends normal law and duties. It is also the reason many Old Media are transnationalists. FWIIW, I continue to feel that he put his own glory and politics ahead of the lives of our servicemen. In so doing, he is a traitor.

Posted by: Laughing Wolf at November 23, 2004 11:28 AM (UbyeU)

47 Rusty by saying "Yes, I do want censorship. Disagree with me if you will, but that is my position. I do not want censorship at home." Its the age old adage of whats wrong with our society "NIMBY", for a complete explanation just refer to George Carlin's view on that social view. Also were do you draw the line of the war over there and here, since there has been an effort by those powers that be to smudge the line between terrorism and Iraq. Then you could argue that a camera person filming a sea boarding gone wrong with an illegal kill taking place during the bording part of the war, do you then ban the tape saying "We can't allow that to be shown, it hurts our image and chance of winning the war!"? Do you prevent the footage of TSA personal stealing from the bagage they are searching against terrorists banned "We can't allow that to be shown, it hurts our image and chance of winning the war!"? Do you ban footage of police officers beating a suspect just because "We can't allow that to be shown, it hurts our image and chance of winning the war!"? If you agree with that then you dont have any different image for this country than what people lived under communism. There is a very fine line between a socialist society and a democracy, what makes the democratic society free is its willingness to hold its freedoms close to its heart and march forward rather than a close its borders, clamp down on the media and then end up with a society that believes: Go buy something, or the terrorists win!

Posted by: Salamander at November 23, 2004 01:35 PM (V40IZ)

48 Salamander can find fault with new born babies.

Posted by: greyrooster at November 23, 2004 02:50 PM (RluOl)

49 Hmmm, ya think he and Venom deserve each other?

Posted by: Laura at November 23, 2004 02:54 PM (ptOpl)

50 Damn that Keith in Nor Cal does his homework. Refreshing.

Posted by: greyrooster at November 23, 2004 03:03 PM (RluOl)

51 Keith Beginning a post with "I'm really sick and tired" is hardly inspiring. This is more of the "same old same old" blame the media bilge. You write with great authority as though you are the only person who knows, is ware and fully comprehends the real situation. Perhaps you would be so good as to let us know where you get your news from? Accusing people of rhetoric and posing nonsensical questions does little to enhance your argument. Similarly deriding the left and the media as totalitarian is pure bunkum. The right and Fox news have their own agendas and are by no means the purveyors of truth that you infer. Were it not for the media, none of us would be having this conversation or any other conversation for that matter on this blog. By all means disagree with their line, that is your privilege, but do not castigate there existence, for the world would be a gloomier place without them. Perhaps you would prefer not be informed of what is going on, but there are some of us who do want to know what is going on, other than what the government is telling us.

Posted by: James at November 24, 2004 05:06 AM (4PPsx)

52 When I said the statement "If it bleeds, it leads!" was to cover all media outlets. James good call.

Posted by: Salamander at November 24, 2004 07:59 AM (V40IZ)

53 Salamander Cheers dude, not often is it that I get a thumbs up. Regards

Posted by: James at November 24, 2004 08:26 AM (4PPsx)

54 Salamander, That's just more slippery slope. I identified a line, that's where I would draw it. I support censorship up to a point, period. War and peace are two different conditions under which different liberties are given preference. War is necessary to secure the highest liberty, the right to life. All other liberties are secondary to that one. Only after the right to life is secure can we even begin to discuss things such as speech, protest, dissent, etc. In a war zone, such as in Iraq, no rights can exist until the first right--life--is secure.

Posted by: Rusty Shackleford at November 24, 2004 11:15 AM (JQjhA)

55 Rusty you are 100% correct in saying "In a war zone, such as in Iraq, no rights can exist until the first right--life--is secure." That is the truism of all wars zones, but that's where it ends: the war zone. We did not try cameramen in the public domain when films showing the war in Vietnam came home, not even when every damn channel in this country showed North Vietnamese footage of the war. I believe the saddest moment in any country is when the troops come home and are mistreated, under no circumstance is that acceptable. How have we been keeping the overall support for the men and women in uniform, through record number of care packages, donations and public show of support? Showing what is really going on. In vietnam all this country head was evey night "today X soldiers died in Y region, Z number of enemy dead, T tonnes of bombs were dropped on enemy targets", then the footage shown was on either side of the spectrum of extremes: government stock footage with a slice of mom's apple pie or some foot loose camera team filming what had happened with it being totally out of context. We are winning the PR war hands down, you may stumble here and there but we are winning because we are telling the truth, something refreashing for once in a million years.

Posted by: Salamander at November 24, 2004 11:50 AM (F26eZ)

56 I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinski. Never! not one time. Above is an example of a liberal democrat leader telling the truth. So if we are telling the truth now. This would be an example of a __________????? leader telling the truth. ha! ha! ha!.

Posted by: greyrooster at November 24, 2004 12:55 PM (XioYD)

57 What were we arguing about? All's that I'm saying is, give war a chance. The Media isn't, when have they once shown support? Back during Vietnam the Media called the Tet Offensive as a big victory for the North, when it wasn't, it was a crushing defeat. We were winning - I didn't know it at the time, I found out by reading military historians. The Left is totalitarian because it prefers a statist, centralized approach, dominated by an impenetrable bureaucracy, like what's happening in the EU now. It's a fundamental characteristic of Socialism, of which Communism is the logical extreme extension. How about the EU regulations on the size and straightness of cucumbers and bananas? Isn't that a bit of centralized, authoritarian absurdity? My local Media outlets are a constant, delightful source of gloom and doom, spreading fear uncertainty and doubt in between titillating news about hugely overpaid sports-figures, celebrity media-figures, and murderers. Otherwise the navel-gazing is tremendous fun, a circus every night - and then there's Rathergate. The Media treat every bit of Chicken-Little blathering by the Environmentalist Cadre as Truth, when their science is just as filtered and biased. Kyoto Protocol? I find out some amazing things from blogs, connections to stories, none of which appear in "My Media" - I'm missing out on things I want to know about from them, so I rant here. I want to know more than what the Government tells me, and more than what the Media tells me, and I try to do my research with due diligence. And I am sick and tired of it, sorry that's not very inspiring. Give War a Chance.

Posted by: -keith in mtn. view at November 24, 2004 01:10 PM (04TFv)

58 Amen!

Posted by: greyrooster at November 24, 2004 07:49 PM (XioYD)

59 'First, traitors believe that they are acting in the best interests of their country' What?

Posted by: actus at November 25, 2004 12:52 PM (1312n)

60 'First, traitors believe that they are acting in the best interests of their country'' I ask this because intent to betray is an element of the crime of treason.

Posted by: actus at November 25, 2004 01:12 PM (1312n)

61 Some dingbat equates a cameraman filming a fist fight to war and it's realities. The filming of the fist fight will be settled with money. The filming of the shooting, right or wrong will give the ememy ammunition that will result in more deaths to our soldiers. You turkeys that take the oposite side on every issue intended to support and protect our troops should be over there. If you had the balls and thats a big IF. Kevin Sites and his followers/supporters have helped the enemy. But not as much as you think.

Posted by: greyrooster at November 26, 2004 07:58 AM (eLjJa)

62 ' Kevin Sites and his followers/supporters have helped the enemy.' Why would he want to do that? he's there with the soldiers and in almost as much danger. Certainly more than us, at the valiant 101'st keyboard brigade.

Posted by: actus at November 26, 2004 09:04 AM (1312n)

63 If Sites was fearful for his life, he wouldn't have gone there with camera in tow in the first place. He's lookin to get a journalism award a/k/a The Pulitzer Prize, he could care less about the troops.

Posted by: Laura at November 26, 2004 12:00 PM (ptOpl)

64 'If Sites was fearful for his life, he wouldn't have gone there with camera in tow in the first place.' You can be fearful and go there. You can go there and not do things that make it more dangerous for you to be there, due to fear.

Posted by: actus at November 26, 2004 02:50 PM (YxF4W)

65 Can I add a little rant here myself? First off, a good insurgent or a good terrorist is a dead one. I've seen that same parallel other places, too. (other wars) You see, the enemy can pretend but still have the ability to shoot and shoot the marine dead in his tracks and I am sick and tired of this guy making so much off one guy's death whose probably killed thousands. If I was that marine, I would have done the same thing; now ca we get off the subject? they do read us, you know? Cindy

Posted by: firstbrokenangel at November 28, 2004 08:19 AM (D39Vm)

66 Even Vladamir Putin said exactly that, Rusty, after the Bedlam incident or should I call it "Bedlamgate."

Posted by: firstbrokenangel at November 28, 2004 08:21 AM (D39Vm)

67 This character actus doesn't seem to know why reporters go places and report things. Christ!!! talk about head in the sand. The answer is PERSONAL GAIN. DINGBAT!

Posted by: greyrooster at December 02, 2004 06:22 AM (ydtpC)

68 Who is the traitor? The Marine who violated the trust his fellow soldiers put in him to live up to the code of Honour or the journalist who held the camera? I have seen the unedited version. The wounded iraqi did NOT pose any immediate danger. He was executed in what can only be a war crime, no more no less. Research shows it takes only 60 days of continued combat to strip a person of the moral and ethic boundaries of cilivian life. Therefore it is so much more cricical that US soldiers uphold the law and code of the Army. Otherwise you will end up like e.g. the Israeli army which increasingly is brutally subjugating the Palestinians through random violence. In your eagerness to win the "war" you allow yourself to believe that the end justifies the means. But I invite you to once in a while to study the standpoint of the opponent. I suggest visiting to see how 25% of the global population views the US. But back to Kevin Sites: If you read his blog he clearly demonstrates his loyalty to the US, democracy and Western values. That his camera caught a war crime on film is not his fault. Thomas D I am a resident of Denmark in Europe, and as such I try to see both sides of the coin - you should try that too once in a while

Posted by: Thomas D at December 09, 2004 06:09 AM (6XR06)

69 I was there, right across the street on the day of the mosque shooting, it was half of my squad in the mosque with snipers, fuck all of u who disagree with what we did, we were getting shot at, my brothers were getting killed, we did our job and thats all there is to it, Fuck u if u think were wrong, u werent here, u dont understand. Cpl TYCKI USMC 3/1

Posted by: Tycki at December 10, 2004 12:20 PM (439Xx)

70 There are many thorny dangers in this argument. The basis of Mr. Sites after the fact justification of his actions is that The Marine had responsibility for that life that he ended once it presented no danger. The reality of the matter is that The Marine had no possible way of determining that potential danger. Add to that the fatigue, the stress and the recent history of losing friends to a booby trapped wounded insurgent not to mention getting shot himself: and you have a recipe for that death. Justifiably so. That piece of crap that is now dead (sans virgins)may have been videotaped at one of the beheadings. He may have in the future killed multiple boys from Ohio, Maine and Texas. Our problem is that we are uneasy with our moral superiority in this war. We lower ourselves to fight at the street level. We don't need to. It is our respect and deference for the sanctity of life that propels us to do so. Meanwhile we allow dirt bag glory hunters like Mike Moore and Kevin Sites to perform on site Al Queda recruting films in the midst of the deaths that wrench our hearts. As a surgeon with a millitary commitment looming, I wonder how many boys and girls I will attempt to save in the future that suffer and die as a result of the career advancement of these low lives. I also wonder if there is a shell or bullet out there with my name on it. Is there a young muslim fuck head lurking some where in his shit hole watching Kevin's video over and over again, driving himself into a religious ferver to kill uniformed and civilian americans. Will I be a statistic that did not need to happen? I hope not. Wake up you sleepy people. More people died 9/11 than at Pearl Harbor. The "Greatest Generation" was smart enough to wake the fuck up when fascism called. Are we? You must accept the fact that if the Osamas and his ilk gain a nuclear capability, then civilization ceases. There will be no more anything. While we bicker about the indignity of spankings administered at Abu Ghrahib, the terrorists behead and shoot any one that opposes them. Ruthless, like Hitler, is what they are. The scarey thing is that they only think about one front. The destruction of the US and Israel. Hitler was stupid enough to open up an eastern front with his attack of the Soviets. I fear that the Islamofascists are far smarter and more driven. Wake up Kevin. Wake up Michael. They want you dead too! Please stop recruiting for them. Doctor Bone

Posted by: Doctor Bone at December 10, 2004 08:13 PM (8UAfv)

71 Kevin Sites -- you are a low life rat for not telling the entire story about the Marines who got blown up in a similar scenario. Rot in hell! pete

Posted by: pete at December 15, 2004 07:53 PM (mguAl)

72 Kevin Sites -- you are a low life rat for not telling the entire story about the Marines who got blown up in a similar scenario. Rot in hell! pete

Posted by: pete at December 15, 2004 07:54 PM (mguAl)

73 I feel for Mr. Sites, a man without a county...but that's where it ends. He's looking over his shoulder. He's a marked man. God help him if he's still embedded. I agree with Tycki....I'm not there. I don't know the real story. I can't begin to imagine how they cope daily with the stresses imposed on these young men. These American soldiers are there to do one thing, and that is win. War is what it is, brutal, vicious and scarring. It is not a game.... Compassion is for the civilians and refugees, not those who kill. Whatever Mr. Sites' motive was in releasing the footage, he's certainly stirred up a shit storm of further resentment, suspicion and hatred towards the media. I believe he is a war junkie. He gets an adrenaline rush being in the thick of it, and being a journalist aspires to being honored by his peers. This may do it for him. Mr. Sites is a traitor to the Marines he entrusted his life to and they their reputation, he is a traitor to true journalism and he is a traitor to America. As for France, the next time the Huns have their jack boot on their neck I'll not send my son to defend their honor. They chose to sit this one out, and what goes around comes around. As for Mr. Sites he's an idiot with a camera, a smart man who does stupid things, and a traitor. Jens

Posted by: Jens at December 28, 2004 10:02 PM (Xi/UI)


Posted by: MROSO at January 03, 2005 01:17 AM (wl+Q/)

75 I am a former Marine and Vietnam vet. Without going into too much detail let me tell you about this piece of shit Sites. He is in Iraq to make a name for himself on others mis fortunes and mishaps, he is right there to make you think he is an "Earnie Pyle" and a friend and confedant just to get close to all of you (now comes the Mosque incident) then "KA BANG" without thought he jumps at a chance of "personal stardom" (which I pray each day has backfired for him the rest of his days). To justify this he tells you you don't understand Journalism (step in Dan Rather, Jane Fonda, and John Kerry). I won't continue with this as I hope everyone has learned a lesson regarding these "Journalists"

Posted by: John at January 26, 2005 09:14 AM (GyVow)

76 Sites is not an expert in war, given all of his experiences he is is still just a journalist. To be in Iraq and reporting all that he see's is a favor given to him. Through the rights, the marine he so quickly condemned he showed us all why it is so detrimental that war should not be reported on for the sake of our brothers and sisters safety. It is a slap in the face to the men and women who sacrificeed their bodies and souls to grant these rights to true journalistic patriots.

Posted by: jwolf at January 29, 2005 12:37 AM (Vgi7e)


Posted by: mike at February 04, 2005 01:48 AM (PtdDn)

78 You guys are absolutely hilarious. You're actually angry at the journalist for reporting an apparent war crime? Does the U.S. populace not have the right to know what is being done in its name? Perhaps you should direct your anger at the lowlife fool who murdered the wounded man, instead of the journalist who merely reported it. I am so glad I'm not a total jingoist ignorant fool like all of you appear to be.

Posted by: YouAreAllPathetic at February 04, 2005 09:31 PM (N/kcX)

79 Mike you are an idiot! he didn't do it to post his name on the news, you ignorant fool, he already has his name out, and yes there are people who care about him. I know him personally and he is a great guy and so is his family,and they don't deserve all of the threats they have been getting too. he doesn't deserve this treatment, He's just doing his job, just like you would do! he is great at what he does and that is right, you shouldn't be mad at HIM, Mike, along with all the other idiots, you should be mad at the guy who shot him! They knew that he was there recording and the reason he was there was because it is his job dumb fuck, to be a journalist,: a person who investigates and reports or edits news stories, not be a friend. It isn't his fault that this happened , it wasn't even planned, he didn't know that was going to happen.and no, he is not a traitor!

Posted by: i agree, you are all pathetic! at February 16, 2005 04:10 PM (pzEAu)

80 Hello, I live on the other side of the world in a small country called Australia. I read up on this issue as it prevailed some months ago, and it then of course, it went away. I think if anything Kevin defended that Marine too much in his report. You must have a very distorted sense of reality if think you are in a position capable of arousing controversy, for no apparant reason but to discredit your own intelligence, that is if you regard yourself as level headed, buddy you reap what you sew. i cannot believe that you state with sincerity that more people will die because of this footage. Men did die and that is the sole issue here, not the repercussions. The un-edited tape shows that the Marine rules of engagement were clearly broken, as the soldier fired a single round into a defenceless mans head and, might i ad, broken again the next day when the five wounded and un-armed men left in the mosque were shot by single M-16 rounds. These men were obviously executed by American soldiers as they lay there dying. Treason, being a crime that undermines the offender's government is a fitting charge for Kevin Sites in todays United States, as a war of the extremists prevails a man telling the truth obviously has no place in such a war as an imbedded journalist. You don't need military pool reporters just give Fox a call and they'll lick their fingers. "What is the point of journalism, are you some sought of communist who wants to direct media and minipulate what people think, the iron curtin fell years ago lets not retain censorship. My last point is that do you realy want marines like that representing your country and its integrity, what happend to hearts and minds, why do you think your will no longer trust an American, because you have wankers representing you. Anyway its not all that arousing writing letters to the mentally challenged, becuase you never seem to get a mentally healthy response By the way that tape was in no way in the context of journalism

Posted by: Nick at April 20, 2005 07:16 AM (kQ9Ha)

81 Kevin sites has shown us the fact. The fact that american soldiers ar trigger happy fags. I hate u guys for starting ww III. screw u all and we in europe al know how ignorant and tasteless bastards u ar.

Posted by: atesh at May 11, 2005 08:47 PM (QgGqK)

82 I can't believe that the original post here is from a supposedly educated person, a Dr at that?? A PhD in what? Dementology? And Americans wonder why they are simultaneously considered the most feared and ignorant nation on Earth? "I would not trust a neutral observer to ride around with the Marines carrying a gun. Why would we let one carry around a camera then? " And you claim to be from the greatest democracy on Earth? My only statement here is, that as an Australian, I am ashamed of our nations alliance and with the United States. A nation that is proving, yet again, that it is merely the brutish child of the International community. Most Australians oppose our nations involvemnt in this war, a mild consolation is that at least our fine troops act in a professional manner.

Posted by: Oz at May 11, 2005 10:07 PM (DJ4JR)

83 "John, I don't wish Sites' death--only his incarceration. Or, short of that, that he and all other reporters are 'un-embedded'." Perhaps you need to be acquainted with what happens to traitors. To call someone a traitor, especially another American who's job it is to tell other Americans (and people of the world) what is happening to their troops and the people they interact with, a traitor is to suggest they be put to death. Clearly you aren't interested in discourse with or about Kevin Sites but to brand him a traitor worthy of death (as is the punishment for such a crime) and to aggressively toss your opinion at others. So let's recap. You support the killing of a fellow American, ignore the importance of truth above national pride, encourage secrecy over morality, and consider your opinion more important than discourse and exchange of ideas. Y'know, that sounds like most dictators that have ever held power. In fact, the attitude you put forth seems to represent everything your country stands against. I wonder what kind of world we'd live in if you were in charge of America. Tyranny is a word that comes to mind.

Posted by: Paolo at June 10, 2005 10:18 AM (XNsMN)

84 A journalists answers to a higher authority than their country. They answer to the truth. Your view stinks of fascism. Remember Nixon? Maybe Woodward should have just dropped the story in the "interest of his country", huh? Too bad if you can't handle the truth because it flies in the face of your red, white and blue, US of A can do no wrong, blind-eye conservatism. Kevin should continue to offend your sheep-like sensibilities. It's people like him, who have a genuine jones for the truth, that give you and those like you, the opportunity to voice your opinions, however stupid they may be. Kick ass, Kevin. Just don't walk through the entire country of Iran again. Take a car.

Posted by: Bob H. at September 16, 2005 07:34 PM (QobkV)

85 Try using spellcheck. You'll sound more intelligent.

Posted by: AJS at September 21, 2005 04:15 PM (kgEK/)

86 hmm..this is quite interesting

Posted by: generic drugs at September 26, 2005 03:06 AM (wAgub)

87 uh...did it ever occur to the Marine not to commit such acts in the presence of a reporter with a rolling camera?? These embedded reporters move with their units. If the units want to commit acts unsupported by the Geneva Convention treaty, then maybe they should use their military tactics to avoid being caught by the guy with that big lens around his neck... Also, Sites did what not many glory hound journalists would ever think of doing. He went to the CO BEFORE releasing the footage and let him view it. If you're concerned about this tape, then blame that same military that had the camera AND tape in their hands...and then released it back to Sites...

Posted by: Nat Sherman at October 12, 2005 06:39 PM (75Pef)

88 Punjabababi GOooOOOOoood hahahahahahahahaha curry and rice mmmMMMmmmmm...

Posted by: Punjabi MC at October 16, 2005 11:28 AM (MBWSL)

89 I only hope Kevin goes back to Iraq with another Marine division as a reporter. It would serve him right. A bullet in his ba@@s would be too good for him.

Posted by: Bob at October 19, 2005 12:47 AM (sUMRs)

90 "Fallujah ranks up there with Iwo Jima, Inchon and Hue as one of the greatest triumphs of American arms, though you'd have a hard time discerning that from what you read in the newspapers." The ignorance of those who believe this is frightening.

Posted by: Chris at November 07, 2005 03:10 AM (hXrbT)

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