September 10, 2005

A Memorial to the Religion of Peace

So, they want to shape the Flight 93 memorial like a crescent? Fitting. Why don't we pour some salt on our wounds and buy an industrial sized barrel of KY while we're at it?

CDR Slamander has some more great ideas, like starting with flying a Nazi flag over the Holocaust Museum.

Posted by: Rusty at 03:11 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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September 09, 2005

Newsday: Anti-American Rag

The most disturbing part of this Newsday article is not the way they fawn over Cindy Sheehan-lite, Adele Welte, or that they seem to lift parts of her story word-for-word from Code Pink's website. The real disturbing part of this story is that they don't question when Mrs. Welte mentions her 'humanitarian project' of helping medical personel 'sneak across the border' from Jordan into Iraq. Sneak across the border? As in, the Iraqi government doesn't want us there helping the terrorists freedom-fighters, so we have to sneak in.

Why is Newsday's reporting so anti-American? Getting both sides of the story does not qualify as non-partisan reporting. Parties do not go to war, nations do. The nation is at war.

Reporting the other side is reporting the enemy's side. Just because the enemy happens to have domestic allies does not make the story any less sympathetic to the enemy. When you let the assumptions of the enemy go unchallenged you have bought into their world view.

For instance, imagine a war protester during WWII repeating Germany's justification for aggression: Germany had to invade Poland to protect Germans suffering under the boot of Polish occupation in Danzig and the Polish corridor.

Any reporter that didn't blink twice at that statement has bought into a core assumption of the enemy.

Another example. What if a New York newspaper during WWII had let a former member of the German-American Bund--the pro-Nazi front--repeat what he had heard from German citizens about the brutality of the Polish troops on Germans in Danzig? The facts which were in turn learned from Joseph Geobels propaganda machine in the German press?

For instance, Adele Welte says:

Their [her Jordanian friends]accounts of some American soldiers' brutality haunted her.
Yes, and these friends learned about American soldiers' brutality through al Jazeera and its European Leftist allies--such as Giuliana Sgrena's Communist daily rag, Il Manifesto.

What is it that drives people to believe the very worst about their own country and yet be so gullible as to believe the very best about our enemies?

I'm sorry. I feel nothing but contempt for Mrs. Welte and those who use their personal stories to attack the United States of America and our fighting men and women abroad. She is a member of the fifth column in the United States no different than the handful of German-Americans who wished our defeat in WWII. She is a traitor.

Can you imagine the media during the 1940s acutually interviewing a member of the German-American Bund who had lost a son in Pearl Harbor and letting them get away with this? Moreover, can you imagine that if any such interview was done that the newspaper article would not have been sprinkled with phrases like traitor, betrayal, Quisling, and Benedict Arnold?

There were people like Cindy Sheehan and Adele Welte around during WWII. Only, they were in jail.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:36 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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September 08, 2005

Greed in the face of adversity

This news is so stunning that I actually didn't believe it when I first read it. But I went and checked it out for myself and it's true. Planned Parenthood is using Hurricane Katrina as a fundraising event for itself. That's right, they've stooped that low. On the front page of their website ( or, I'm not going to link to them), they have a link stating "Help Those Affected by the Hurricane." Well, that would be great if that's what they planned on doing. But when you get to the page where you can make a donation, you find the following information:

100% of your tax-deductible contribution will go directly to helping Planned Parenthood affiliates and health centers in this region

That's right, folks. In the guise of helping the hurricane victims, they are raising funds to be used strictly for themselves. Never mind that people need food, shelter, clothing, etc. These idiots are only concerned that they have to rebuild their abortion mills. I didn't think I could be any more disgusted than I already am with them, but they have managed it.

The two attached screen shots show the web pages in question, just in case PP tries to take them down and deny what they were doing.

Thanks to for breaking this story.

Posted by: Drew at 02:18 PM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
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Protestant Missionaries Murder Muslims for Refusing to Convert


Posted by: Rusty at 10:58 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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Gitmo abuse?

What abuse, exactly are we talking about here? More MSM bias exposed by Rob.

Posted by: Rusty at 10:52 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Guantanamo Prisoners Advised of their Fifth Amendment Rights

If ever there was a bad idea worse than this, I haven't heard of it. Hey, let's get the ACLU down to Cuba so they can advise the detainees that they have the right to remain silent! Remember, it was a detainee in Iraq, presumably who hadn't been read the Miranda warning, who gave up the location of Roy Hallums.


According to these sources, the ACLU lawyers advised the majority of the prisoners that they did not have to answer questions from military interrogators.

“It’s as if they were shoplifters in the U.S.,” said one source. “The lawyers may have left by now, but the damage is done. We’re sending guys down to interrogate on taxpayer’s dime for absolutely no reason now.”

Apparently, the Pentagon believes the presence of ACLU lawyers at Guantanamo will help persuade the world it can give suspected terrorists a fair trial. The ACLU has been at the forefront of allegations of abuse of prisoners.

Is the Pentagon so naive as to think that anything they do will molify the hard Left? You know, short of full surrender that is.

Hat tip to Jay Stop the ACLU who has more commentary.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:07 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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September 07, 2005

An Idiot of the Highest Caliber

It seems that lately I've been taking a lot of shots at the New York Times. But when someone paints a bullseye 10 stories tall on themselves, it's kind of hard to resist. And the Times seems to enjoy associating itself with all sorts of disreputable idiots who feel no need to report facts.

In the case of Maureen Dowd today, I'm not even sure it's fair to call this an opinion piece. Speculation piece might be closer the target. Wild, drug induced, toxic fantasies would probably be just about on target. Of course Maureen, like every other looney liberal out there, is trying to find someone to blame for her perfect nanny state of New Orleans falling apart so horribly. After all, it couldn't have been the existing liberal social policy that caused the widespread violence and theft. The lack of law enforcement before all of this began surely couldn't have contributed to the rapes and murders that went on during the disaster. And lack of planning and action by the people who were actually in charge, the state and local government, wouldn't have had ANYTHING to do with the number of dead.

No, in Maureen's world, the fault lies with Dick Cheney. It's because he went on vacation and bought a house. Or maybe it's because he was late showing up. It's kind of hard to tell what exactly Maureen is trying to get at with her first paragraph. more...

Posted by: Drew at 08:37 AM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
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September 06, 2005

Randi Rhodes - Refusing to Learn From the Past

It seems that Randi Rhodes, the notorious Air America host is up to her old tricks of inciting violence. This time, instead of making kill Bush "jokes," she is telling her listeners in hurricane ravaged areas to go looting. And that when they do, they should skip discount stores like Wal-Mart and go directly to higher end stores so they can get some quality stuff.

First brought to my attention from Amawalk John at Conservative Friends, this has also been reported at WorldNet Daily and NRO's "The Corner."

Now, I realize that these are lefties we are talking about, but if her listeners have one shred of decency, they should call for her immediate firing. Her show seems to have no reedeming value and no purpose except to incite hatred and violence towards people who disagree with you. And yes, I know, the first thing I'll hear is "what about Rush?" Well, in all my time listening to Rush, I've never heard him say we should do anything illegal or incite violence against a party or an individual. Only that you were idiots. And it's not against the law to speak the truth.

Posted by: Drew at 10:02 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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September 05, 2005

Jihad in South Central L.A.


Above: A flyer urging violent jihad being circulated in South Central Los Angeles obtained by KFI radio. I'm sure by jihad, the flyer only means internal struggle.

Recently, a group of jihadis connect to a South Central Los Angeles mosque were indicted on conspiracy to commit terrorism. That mosque, though, was Saudi funded and was clearly Salafist in orientation, not the radically racist Nation of Islam.


The Nation of Islam in Los Angeles is calling on the Crips and Bloods street gangs to stop fighting each other – and to unite in a jihad against the LAPD.

That's the essence of a flyer obtained by KFI News and circulated in South Los Angeles, calling on members of two violent street gangs to start a "holy war" against the police department.

The telephone number listed for the Nation of Islam's Los Angeles mosque near 87th and Vermont has been disconnected, but a check of a reverse directory reveals the phone number on the flyer is connected to the mosque at the same address, according to KFI.

The Nation of Islam's L.A. leader, Minister Tony Muhammad, has claimed he was the victim of an unprovoked attack by LAPD officers at the scene of a vigil for a murdered gang member.

The LAPD last week released an audio tape of some garbled radio transmissions in which they say Muhammad can be heard challenging officers.

The photograph on the flyer appears to have been taken at a news conference held just after Muhammad was released from jail. Muhammad and the Nation of Islam have not returned calls for comment.

Hat tip ITB and Rantburg (with apologies to moderator Emily at Rantburg who I kind of blew off in Washington, D.C. last week. Sorry, just got so busy.)

Posted by: Rusty at 04:46 PM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
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September 02, 2005

Anonymous NYT Author at it Again

Whomever this author is (whom is obviously afraid to sign his work), just couldn't resist taking a few potshots at the war through the hurricane.

The situation in New Orleans, which had seemed as bad as it could get, became considerably worse yesterday with reports of what seemed like a total breakdown of organized society. Americans who had been humbled by failures in Iraq saw that the authorities could not quickly cope with a natural disaster at home. People died for lack of water, medical care or timely rescues - particularly the old and the young - and victims were almost invariably poor and black. The city's police chief spoke of rapes, beatings and marauding mobs. The pictures were equally heartbreaking and maddening. Disaster planners were well aware that New Orleans could be flooded by the combined effects of a hurricane and broken levees, yet somehow the government was unable to immediately rise to the occasion.

Watching helplessly from afar, many citizens wondered whether rescue operations were hampered because almost one-third of the men and women of the Louisiana National Guard, and an even higher percentage of the Mississippi National Guard, were 7,000 miles away, fighting in Iraq. That's an even bigger loss than the raw numbers suggest because many of these part-time soldiers had to leave behind their full-time jobs in police and fire departments or their jobs as paramedics. Regardless of whether they wear public safety uniforms in civilian life, the guardsmen in Iraq are a crucial resource sorely missed during these early days, when hours have literally meant the difference between evacuation and inundation, between civic order and chaos, between life and death.


The gap is now belatedly being filled by units from other states, though without the local knowledge and training those Mississippi and Louisiana units could supply. The Pentagon is sending thousands of active-duty sailors and soldiers, including a fully staffed aircraft carrier, a hospital ship and some 3,000 Army troops for security and crowd control (even though federal law bars regular Army forces from domestic law enforcement, normally the province of the National Guard).

But it's already a very costly game of catch-up. The situation might have been considerably less dire if all of Louisiana's and Mississippi's National Guard had been mobilized before the storm so they could organize, enforce and aid in the evacuation of vulnerable low-lying areas. Plans should have been drawn up for doing so, with sufficient trained forces available to carry them out.

Let's look back through history. Florida has had three, four? hurricanes, just this year. How many cases of looting and anarchy did you see? I don't recall any, although to think that nobody stole anything after a natural disaster is probably a little naive. But the fact is, there was order and control there. And guess what? They have National Guard soldiers in Iraq as well. So I'd have to say that the entire gist of this article has just fallen flat.

Of course I'm sure that they can then turn around and argue that this disaster is worse than anything Florida faced, but I'm not so sure that will hold water either. Except for the massive flooding, I've seen Florida sustain some pretty bad damage. But even the flooding doesn't excuse what's going on.

The looting started the day that the rain stopped. There was no time for societial deteroriation due to lack of leadership. If people were starting to loot NOW, I might be inclined to agree with that. But when you go out and start stealing stuff the minute the rain stops falling, you're just looking to steal stuff. Especially when that stuff is name brand clothes, TVs, radios and other non-consumables. You liberals need to get used to the fact that, try as you might, you simply can't blame a natural disaster on Bush. He didn't cause it, he couldn't stop it, and he is now reacting to it. That's about the best you could ask for out of anyone. So pull your head out of your backside and realize that there are people of the United States that need your help. Not your preaching about how Bush is evil. Try pulling together and let's see what we can do. We did it after 9/11 and I'm sure, if you try hard enough, you can put your Bush-hate aside and join us in rebuilding the lives that have been devistated by this.

Posted by: Drew at 09:49 AM | Comments (30) | Add Comment
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Planned Parenthood to the Rescue!

New Orleans, LA ( -- Victims of Hurricane Katrina are battling rising waters, destroyed homes and are seeking basic necessities like food, water and shelter. On Wednesday, Planned Parenthood sent an announcement to its members that the nation's largest abortion business is available to help -- with free morning after pills and birth control. Planned Parenthood Federation of America interim president Karen Pearl lauded her group's efforts in a recent email to its supporters. "As Hurricane Katrina ripped through the southeastern United States, Planned Parenthood [is] there to offer one free month of birth control or one free emergency contraception kit to women from Louisiana and Mississippi,"

Yeah, because we all know that THAT'S what's on everyone's mind down there. I guess I should be happy that they aren't offering free abortions to all the women.

Posted by: Drew at 09:07 AM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
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September 01, 2005

Dumb Quote of the Day

"Income inequality is an economic and social ill..."
Anonymous author in the New York Times

Spoken like a true communist.

Posted by: Drew at 07:55 AM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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