April 30, 2005

War Hero Won't Release War Hero Records

It's been 90 days since John Kerry promised to sign the forms necessary to have his military records released. I'm sure he's just being overly modest about his heroics.

Decision '08 has more.

Posted by: Rusty at 03:57 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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April 29, 2005

Spicoli Reacts to the Hassan Akbar Death Sentence


Click pic for President Spicoli's reaction. Malkin remembers the victims. (Image stolen from Beaker)

Posted by: Rusty at 02:03 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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Bush = Hitler Online Museum


Where you gonna go for all your Bush=Hitler needs? The Gallery of "Bush = Hitler" Allusions is your one stop shopping mart!

Posted by: Rusty at 01:46 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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April 28, 2005

On the Filbuster, Checks and Balances and Senate Procedure

Dr. Steven Taylor has a good wrap-up on the Constitutional and historical implications of ending the filibuster on judicial nominations. I'm inclined to agree.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:30 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The San Diego Mess

Carpe Bonum has the latest on the San Diego mess.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:26 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Interview with "Forsake the Troops" Founder

The Dread Pundit Bluto has interviewed Michael Crook, the force behind the Forsake the Troops website. When this site first was put up I thought it was a sick joke. Apparently I was wrong.

Would it surprise any of you to know that the man who wrote this:

Two entertaining photos for your amusement..an injured US soldier being carried away like the candy-ass punk he is, and a dead US scumbag (aka member of the US military) who will now probably cost the taxpayers money for many years to come.
Is also a white supremist? From Bluto's interview:
I am a member of an organization that preserves the rights of White men and women. It does not, despite popular opinion, condone violence or hate crimes towards members of other races. Just as blacks have the NAACP, we have our organizations. I personally believe that we each have the right to live our lives, and each racial group has the right to promote and preserve their causes.
Right, you're no racist pig. Go read the rest.

Posted by: Rusty at 07:58 PM | Comments (37) | Add Comment
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Muslims Sue Denny's Over Discrimination

A group of seven Muslims is suing Denny's because a night manager refused to serve them saying, "We don't serve Bin Laden's here ... You're not welcome here anymore."

Ok, that much sounds like it's within the realm of the possible. After all, there are a lot of biggoted jerks in this country. But here is the part that raises the old suspicion meter.

"Two officers from the Miami-Dade and Homestead police departments eating at the Denny's asked the seven men to leave the restaurant, and said they would arrest them if they didn't, the lawsuit said."

Then there is the same event described like this, "But when one of the plaintiffs requested a police report of the incident, a female officer refused and pulled out her handcuffs.

She then ordered the men to ''Get out, get out!'' the men claim."

That just seems a little far-fetched. I mean, Sheriff Roscoe P. Coletrain wasn't even that big of a redneck.

Posted by: Rusty at 03:58 PM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
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US Senator Calls James Dobson & Focus on the Family 'Antichrist'


Decision '08 has more.

UPDATE: Opinipundit e-mails and tells me Salazar did 'takebacks'. What a freaking anti-Christ....

UPDATE II: I apologize for my remarks indicating that Salazar is the anti-Christ. See how that works.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:55 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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April 25, 2005

Ivy League Student: I Support the Iraqi Resistance 'Unconditionally'

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.--{U.S. Constution, Article. III, Sec. 3}
A Brown University student is speaking out about the war in Iraq. Guess which side she supports? Liz Sperber in Brown University's The College Hill Independent:
UNCONDITIONALLY-that's the way I support the Iraqi Resistance these days. While I do not offer political support to all groups involved in the anti-imperial struggle in Iraq, I work to support its collective purpose: forcing the troops out now. Forcing because the United States won't leave any other way.
Nice. Even though we say we want to leave, and last time I checked by 'we' I mean EVERY POLITICIAN IN THE US, somehow this self-described student of African-Studies knows what our real motivations are.

Check out the three publications she lumps together. At least she gets that part right:

In this vein, it is clear that those reports in the Anglo-American media that cite a decline in insurgent attacks are relying on coalition force press releases. These reports have been directly contradicted by recent articles in Al Jazeera, the Washington Post, and even the New York Times ...
The first step towards adopting such a plan of action is understanding why supporting Iraqi resistance groups is the imperative flipside of our support for US troops-even if we don't know, understand, or agree with the politics of the resistance groups themselves.
Um, excuse me Liz, but there is a word for someone who adheres to the enemies of the United States or gives them aid and comfort: traitor.

Ok, I know I've been pretty fast and loose with that term in the past. But what else do you call an American citizen who wants our side to lose?

We are in a shooting war, dearest. Even though the reason you say you want to support them is so you don't have to go to war, so what? And if my grandfather had wished Hitler a speedy victory before he got drafted?

"You know," says my grandfather, "I may have a few political qualms with Hitler, but I must say that these days I pretty much support him UNCODITIONALLY. I mean, if that's what it takes to drive the Yankee Imperialists out of Europe, so be it."

Oh, and look to the right to see the cartoon that was published with the editorial. Click it for the full size version. Now click here for a comparison. Ms. Sperber's freedom fighters are none other than Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's al Qaeda in Iraq. That is a cartoon representation of the murderous group with Eugene Armstrong shortly before they cut off his head.

Ms. Sperber ought to take a gander at this post which shows her allies at work on Mr. Armstrong. Just keep scrolling down Ms. Sperber and then compare that to Abu Ghraib.

It just gets worse from here. This poor girl obviously has been paying attention in class, because she spouts off typical Chomskyian drivel. I'll skip to the treasonous portions:

Thus, while the ostensible savagery of targeting of civilians does help the US government label the freedom fighters of the present as terrorists, the simultaneous media censorship omnipresent throughout the war in Iraq blinds us to the equally if not more savage violence perpetrated by our state against the Iraqi civilians.
She then goes on to repeat the lies of Giuliana Sgrena [see the lies she propogates here for instance] and the blood libel she, other leftists, and the terrorist supporting Arab press (e.g, al Jazeera, al Arabiya) have repeated.
In Fallujah, for instance, where reporters were prohibited for several months beginning in November 2004,
Not true, as we reported here the AP had a photographer embedded with the terrorists in Fallujah. His name is Bilal Huessein.
65 percent of buildings were leveled to the ground and anywhere between 600 to 3,000 civilians were murdered, mostly by carpet-bombing, the increasingly favored technique employed in Iraq as manpower begins to dwindle. All of these conditions must be recognized when we consider our relation to the Iraqi resistance.
For a more thorough examination of left-wing lies about the Fallujah campaign, see this post.

She then goes on about Iraqi self-determination, nowhere indicating that all polls from Iraq indicate that the Iraqis themselves don't want the U.S. to pull out immediately. Pull out, yes, but not now. All polls in the U.S. also agree that we should leave--but not yet.

If you couple the lies that she believes coming out of the left-wing media, than her conclusions are inescapable. If the U.S. really is as bad as al Jazeera reports it to be, then isn't it one's moral obligation to fight the evil Zionist crusador forces?

Rather, if we support the Iraqis right to self-determination, it must be because we identify a common, equal humanity between us; because we recognize that US occupation of Iraqi land and the US-sanctioned torture, rape, murder, and theft are unjust. That, in addition to the plight of our soldiers, which many of them argue is worsening every day, is why we must demand troops out now. For no other reason. Accordingly, since the Iraqi resistance is the force working to regain Iraqi sovereignty, we support them-unconditionally.
That, Ms. Sperber, is treason.

The rest is just nonsense. Ms. Sperber would have us believe that Abu Ghraib was the worst of crimes while every day Geneva Convention violations by 'the resistance' (such as using children as combatents, intentionally murdering non-combatents, using the civilian population as human shields, not wearing uniforms, murdering colloborators, political assasinations, etc) are just minor incidents that are part and parcel to war.

Let me repeat these words: Ms. Sperber, you are a traitor.

Hat tip to John Little who innocently points out that you can contact Ms. Traitor at utnow@brown.edu">outnow@brown.edu.

Posted by: Rusty at 04:28 PM | Comments (32) | Add Comment
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April 23, 2005

Moussaoui pleads guilty, but why are we treating him like a 'criminal'?

Finally, a conviction stemming from 9/11. Unfortunately we don't need convictions. One of the reasons suicidal terrorists are so vexing is that, well, they are suicidal. If death has no deterrent effect, why would a jail sentence?

Treating terrorism as an ordinary crime makes no sense to me. What should we do to Moussaoui? I've no idea. But sending the man to jail just doesn't sit right.

Death penalty? Maybe. But even that is a punishment for a crime. Again, it's the language of the criminal justice system. As long as we use that language we are trapped in the sort of thinking that led to 9/11.

What we need is a new vocabulary to describe what should be done to terrorists who are caught. What that language should be is not quite clear.

The Global War on Terror rhetoric is a little more satisfying. If this is war then Moussaoui is an illegal enemy combatent. Caught without a uniform behind enemy lines, engaged in the plotting of acts of sabatoge, Moussaui would be subject to execution. But still, there is something missing here that I can't quite get my finger on......

The outcome of treating Moussaoui as a criminal or as an illegal combatent might be the same in both cases. However, the language we use matters. If he is to be killed, let it be by firing squad or at the end of a hangman's noose. He is not a criminal, he's worse. Let's treat him as such.

I'm not 100% sure how to describe a terrorist plotter like Moussaui, but there is something essentially wrong with the dialogue below. The back and forth as if Moussaui was an ordinary criminal who's rights must be protected at all costs. The judge covers all his bases so that Moussaoui will have no grounds for appeal.



Moussaoui, looking nothing like his ubiquitous prison photo, took a seat, then walked to the podium to answer the judge's queries.

"You understand that all answers to this court's questions must be truthful?" U.S. District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema began, the first of many questions in one of the most extraordinary pleas in U.S. history. "It is understood," Moussaoui said in a thick French accent.

"You are aware that the first four counts essentially expose you to the possibility of a death sentence . . . ?" Brinkema asked.

"Yes, I read the document."

"Now, you do understand that you have the right to plead not guilty . . . ?" the judge asked.

"I do understand that," Moussaoui said, and on it went, questions as mundane as whether Moussaoui understood that he would be fined $600, and as grave as whether he was part of a terrorist conspiracy to attack the United States. At one point, Moussaoui said he planned to fly a 747 into the White House one day.

The dialogue between the two swung from cordial to combative to darkly humorous. Brinkema asked if Moussaoui understood that he was not giving up certain rights in the sentencing phase by pleading guilty. "That's what I'm saying," Moussaoui said. "That's what I'm saying, too," Brinkema said. Some people in the courtroom laughed.

At 3:50 p.m., Moussaoui began signing the documents that made formal his guilty plea. Peterson leaned in closer to see.

Then Brinkema began reading the six counts in the indictment, asking Moussaoui after each how he pleaded. "Guilty," he said over and over. "Guilty."

After making a byzantine argument about his case -- he cited Supreme Court cases, legal loopholes and mitigating factors -- Moussaoui was led from the courtroom. He raised one hand and shouted, "Lord! God curse America!"

The California Yankee has more, including some of the indictment itself.

UPDATE: I just had to include Will Collier's reaction that, "The needle is too good for him". Indeed.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:29 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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April 21, 2005

Muslim Americans Sue over 'Racial Profiling' at Border

So, a group of Muslims travels to Canada to go see neo-nazi William Baker speak at a conference on Islam. They are detained by US border agents and questioned. Then they are let go. So, what exactly is the problem here. Sounds to me like someone at Border Patrol is finally doing their jobs!


American Muslims detained at the border as they returned from a religious conference in Toronto sued the Department of Homeland Security on Wednesday alleging they were targets of ethnic and religious profiling.

The five Muslims, all U.S. citizens, say customs officials detained dozens of others from their conference in December, subjecting them to interrogations, fingerprinting and photographing. Four carried U.S.-issued passports; the other had a New York state driver's license, which is an acceptable form of identification at the Canadian border.

Boy, those border guys are real brutal. I mean, imagine border agents taking some time to subject members of the religion of peace to photographing and fingerprinting. Abu Ghraib! Torture!! Geneva Conbention!!!!
The plaintiffs traveled separately and arrived at the checkpoint throughout the afternoon and night. Travelers who told agents they had attended the conference titled "Reviving the Islamic Spirit" were held for questioning, and women wearing hijab were asked whether they had attended the conference, according to the lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court by the New York Civil Liberties Union and the Council for American-Islamic Relations.
Because nothing screams not an extremist more than wearing a hijab. And the nerve of law enforcement agents asking a woman if she had attended a conference. Outrageous!!!
Tabbaa, who wears hijab, said that at 2 a.m. Dec. 27 she arrived at the border checkpoint where agents asked her about the conference and instructed her to wait inside the customs building. Inside, she said, "I saw all the people from my Islamic community."

Tabbaa, a Syrian-born naturalized citizen, said agents refused to let her leave unless she submitted to fingerprinting. After several hours, she said, a female agent escorted her to a room to demonstrate the procedure.

"She just grabbed my hand and [began] fingerprinting it," Tabbaa said. "I was just forced to do it. She grabbed my hand."

She grabbed your hand? No!


Posted by: Rusty at 09:26 AM | Comments (38) | Add Comment
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April 20, 2005

Can I please get my fatwa now?

Check out Jane's conversation (see the comments) with a Muslim who tries to put the shiny happy face of Islam on and convince her that Christians 'choose' to be second-class citizens in Muslim countries (dhimmis).

Nice try Mohideen Ibramsha.

Tell me what the penalty would be if I yelled in a crowded theater that "Muhammed (piss be upon him) was a child molester" in your utopian state ruled by sharia?

Yes, I'm trying to be offensive. That's kind of the whole point. Tell me I'm going to hell for saying that, fine. But put me in jail, fine me, forbid me, or kill me (as sharia prescribes) and then yes, you are a religous fascist.

End. Of. Discussion.

UPDATE: Blasphemer shot in Pakistan

Posted by: Rusty at 02:34 PM | Comments (24) | Add Comment
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April 19, 2005

Moussaoui to Admit to 9/11 Role

Zacarias Moussaoui the so-called 20th hijacker is reported to be on the verge of pleading guilty to his role in the 9/11 attrocities. This is pretty big news. Personally, I'd like to see this go to trial because I want to hear the evidence the prosecuters have gathered. If there is no trial we might have to wait some time before Moussaoui's role in 9/11 is clarified.

Hat tip to California Yankee who has more.


Zacarias Moussaoui has notified the government that he intends to plead guilty to his alleged role in the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks and could enter the plea as early as this week if a judge finds him mentally competent, sources familiar with the case said yesterday.

Moussaoui's plan to plead guilty comes over his attorneys' objections and still has several obstacles -- including Moussaoui's own whim. The French citizen, the only person charged in the United States in the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, tried to plead guilty in 2002, claiming an intimate knowledge of the plane hijackings. But he rescinded his plea a week later. His mental state has been an issue in the case ever since, and U.S. District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema in Alexandria is scheduled to meet with Moussaoui this week to determine if he has the mental capacity to enter a plea now, the sources said.

In recent letters to the government and to Brinkema, Moussaoui said he is willing to accept the possibility of a death sentence, which sources said could resolve a key point of contention: Prosecutors are unlikely to drop their insistence on capital punishment. If Brinkema accepts a plea, she would then probably set a death penalty trial, at which jurors would decide if Moussaoui should be executed.

Moussaoui's indictment has been hailed by the Bush administration as proof that the government could fight terror in criminal courtrooms, and his trial is seen as a possible airing of the evidence gathered relating to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. If Moussaoui were to plead guilty, much of that evidence might never be heard....

Moussaoui is charged with conspiring with al Qaeda in the Sept. 11 attacks. When he tried to plead guilty three years ago, he declared his allegiance to Osama bin Laden and said he had detailed knowledge of the Sept. 11 plot. But after Brinkema gave him a week to think about it, Moussaoui withdrew his plea and claimed that although he is an al Qaeda member, he had no advance knowledge of the hijackings.

Also in 2002, Moussaoui fired his attorneys and began representing himself. In his motions, Moussaoui insulted those lawyers, who were appointed standby counsel; taunted the Justice Department; and called Brinkema everything from a "death judge" to a would-be Nazi SS officer. Brinkema later restored Moussaoui's attorneys to the case, and they are now arguing that he is mentally incompetent to enter a plea, sources said.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:36 AM | Comments (19) | Add Comment
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April 15, 2005

Monty Python Star Opens Mouth on Iraq, Makes Ass Out of Self

And now for something completely different.

I believe Terry Jones should consult The Holy Grail before believing the reports he cites: A five ounce bird could not carry a one pound coconut!

Posted by: Rusty at 08:08 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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April 14, 2005

Jihadi Troll on the Loose!

Reader Islamic Jihad is back. This is the guy who advocates killing all non-Muslim whites.

The more I read his crap the more I am convinced that The Babaganoosh is correct--this is some punk kid.

However, Canada has a large population of Muslim immigrants. And since Master Jihad decided to single out Sikhs of all people, it seems likely that he is the son of Indian or Pakistani immigrants.

Oh, and he has been banned. Allahu-akhbar!

Posted by: Rusty at 08:24 AM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
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April 13, 2005

Muslims in NY: "next time we will get all of NYC"

This. Is. Outrageous. A woman retells her many run ins with an al Qaeda linked group which was given permits to protest by the Dhimmi government of New York City.

Global Politician:

I went over to the group, to inform them that I believed they were overstepping their permit, because of the sound system and because they were on both sides of the street. As I crossed to them, I observed their placards on the street (typical al-Muhajiroun stuff : US the real terrorist, oppose the war on terror, God hates the US because they have Homosexuals, restoration of the Caliphate, pictures of Abu Gharab, 9/11 pictures saying it was justified, etc..)...

They were telling me how wicked America and I was. A
member of the group was also telling me, "we will kill you", and "next time we will get all of NYC".

A man punched me in the face, knocking of my glasses. These were not just a group of individuals. These people (that started the demonstration) were men in their 20's who were radicalized, mostly from the Mid-East, who were controlled by one elder man. They had great discipline that you would not see in just a mob. They were also videotaping this whole incident, with the elder man shouting "film this, it will get us more recruits."

Any way the police came finally. After a few minutes finding out about the incident, they took me away alone. This even after I informed them that I was assaulted, a fact which was verified by a few witnesses. When I asked the officer why they did not bring the people who assaulted me in, I was told that "since 9/11 we have to bend over backwards for them."


Posted by: Rusty at 08:55 AM | Comments (93) | Add Comment
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April 08, 2005

Muslims 'Stigmitized' by Anti-Terrorism Laws

That's just tragic. Cause, you know, we wouldn't want to make any one feel uncomfortable. Reuters:

British Muslims feel victimized by the "war on terrorism" and community relations have worsened since the Sept 11 2001 attacks on the United States, lawmakers said in a report on Wednesday. The report comes a day after Prime Minister Tony Blair called an election in which the parties will fight hard for Muslim votes. "Muslims in Britain are more likely than other groups to feel they are suffering as a result of the response to international terrorism," said a report by parliament's Home Affairs Select Committee.

Many of Britain's 1.8 million Muslims say they feel stigmatised by anti-terrorism laws and complain of a rise in the number of police security checks carried out on them as Britons fear an attack by radical Islamists.

In related news the Irish feel laws on drunk-driving really government plot to villify the sons of Eire, hippies say anti-hemp laws dampening relations with squares, and rednecks claim anti-cousin marrying ordinances in 7 states violate civil-rights of the Scotch-Irish.

Hat tip: Spencer

Posted by: Rusty at 03:43 PM | Comments (45) | Add Comment
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April 07, 2005

Illegal Alien Teenage Girls' Suicide Bomb Plot in NY City

Perhaps they've been watching too many Prince videos? Via the Blogfather Charles Johnson this story:

Two 16-year-old girls from New York City have been arrested on immigration charges after federal authorities said they planned to become suicide bombers, according to a published report.

The teenagers were arrested March 24 and were being held in a detention center in Leesport, Pa., The New York Times reported Thursday, citing a government document provided by a federal agent.

According to the document, the FBI found that the girls posed "an imminent threat to the security of the United States based upon evidence that they plan to be suicide bombers," the Times said.

I might just have to rethink my position on The Minuteman Project...


Posted by: Rusty at 10:10 AM | Comments (23) | Add Comment
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