March 25, 2005

Money, money, money, money

Tim Worstall is begging readers to do him a solid. Sounds like a plan to me.

On a related note why not check out my fine advertisors from the Blog Ads in left sidebar? Please!!!!

Also, if you see a Google ad to the left that has something to do with Islam, please click it. Any Islamic link will do. Why? Because each time you click the group pays me. I just find that... ironical.

Posted by: Rusty at 10:07 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 83 words, total size 1 kb.

Unclear on the concept: Robber Uses Box Cutter at Gun Shop

Dumbass. Confederate Yankee has similar thoughts. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 09:54 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 118 words, total size 1 kb.

Akayev Denies Resignation, Russia Supports Kyrgyzstan's New Government

Russia announced today it's support of Kyrgyzstan's new government. Meanwhile, the ousted President of the Central Asian republic denies reports that he has resigned calling his ouster a 'coup' and saying he will return to Kyrgistan.

Some may take the Russian endorsement as a bad sign. The new orthodoxy of many on the right is a suspicion that Russia is fast becoming an autocratic state with interests at odds with the U.S.

My view is that the Russian situation is far more complex, especially when it comes to the former Soviet states of Central Asia. Many of these states have become bastions of radical Islamists. In this regard, Russia's interests in the region mesh nicely with our own.

Willism has the background on Kyrgyztan here and why it matters to the U.S.

Parenthetically the Bishkek Cafe, just off of Moscow's Pushkin sqare, has some pretty decent grub. You'll have to dodge the hookers that hang out in front of the bus stop at night, but it's worth it for the money. The food that is, not the hookers. Pervs. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 08:17 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Deserter Jeremy Hinzman Denied Refugee Status

U.S. Army deserter Jeremy Hinzman, 26, was denied refugee status by the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board. Hinzman did not prove his case that he would be persecuted if he returned to the United States. Hinzman's lawyer, Jeffry House, stated he will appeal the board's decision.

Hinzman's wife and son were also denied asylum by the board. It's interesting that they even applied since there's no apparent basis. If convicted of desertion in a court martial, Hinzman may be sentenced to five years in federal prison. Frankly, that seems like a light sentence for someone who deserts in a time of war.

Hinzman and his supporters argue that he is not a deserter, rather a war resister who traveled to Canada because the Iraq war was immoral and violated human rights. He deserted in January 2004, just before his unit, the 82nd Airborne Division, deployed to Iraq.

Companion post at Interested-Participant.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 03:14 AM | Comments (28) | Add Comment
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March 24, 2005

The Jawa Report 20th Most Influential Conservative Blog!?!

Holy freaking schnieke, Batman!!

Tim from Opinion Bug sent me this link to a very academic sounding report. You can download the report here.

Here is the gist of it, as reported by the World Peace Herald:

The study was conducted by Natalie Glance of Intelliseek, a marketing intelligence firm in Cincinnati, and Lada Adamic of HP Labs, the main laboratory for Hewlett-Packard in Palo Alto, Calif. It showed that of the 1,494 most influential blogs, during the two months leading up to the election, 759 were liberal in worldview, while 735 were conservative. The conservatives, however, showed a "greater tendency" to link to other blogs than did the liberals -- on average 15.1 links per conservative blog to 13.6 for the liberals. That made them more powerful agents of persuasion.

"We've been looking at blogs for about a year," Glance said. "There was some hope that the blogosphere would help bridge the different opinions in America, but what we are seeing is in an election year, it was divisive online and there was a strong tendency for separation of differences."

Conservative blogs apparently were the most influential sites, generating huge flows of traffic to right-leaning news organizations, such as the National Review magazine and Fox News television. The bloggers' links also pushed up the readership numbers for publications such as The New York Post, The Wall Street Journal's online Opinion Journal and The Washington Times, Glance said.
Ok. So far so good. The astounding thing, though, was that the report listed The Jawa Report as the 20th most influential conservative blog!!


Are you kidding me?

*reality check*

No freaking way?

*double check report*

Simply un-freaking-believable.

*clears throat*

Well, you can't argue with science, can you?

Anyway, the most interesting factoid in the report, as far as The Jawa Report is concerned, is that among the top 20 most influential blogs, My Pet Jawa is linked by precisely 0 liberal blogs. Dean Esmay, #19, is at least linked by 8 and Captain Ed, #6, by 5.

The only one that even comes close is the now nearly defunct Allah, #11, who only has 2 links by liberals to him. J-O-O's, I'm sure.

I don't know whether to wear that as a badge of honor, or what?

Anyway, no time for a more thorough analysis. I'll get around to that later.

In the meantime I'll try to make sure this doesn't go to my head.


Click the image below for a larger view. Somebody might want to let some of the other bloggers know about this. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 05:15 PM | Comments (23) | Add Comment
Post contains 442 words, total size 3 kb.

And now for something completely different....

.....or, er, not. Back to the regularly scheduled programming.

Posted by: Rusty at 04:37 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Legislative vs. Judicial Supremacy: Who Speaks for the State?

I thought I was done with this, but the crux of both this post and this post is that the real issue here is a question of legislative vs. judicial supremacy.

It is indeed proper to raise questions of federalism in the Schiavo case. Clearly the state of Florida ought to be the level of government that handles this case.

But who is the state of Florida? Is it Judge Greer?

Clearly not.

The Madisonian system of government is not, as some have suggested, a government of 'co-equal branches.' Rather, the Madisonian system is a system of checks and balances.

Read your Constitution. You will find nowhere any mention of 'equality among the branches' or anything like this.

What you will find is clear evidence that Congress was to be the most powerful branch, followed by the Executive, and the Courts a distant third. Very distant.

The same Constitutional scheme is embedded in most of our state constitutions. State legislatures are thought to embody the will of the state.

Courts are not supreme. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 04:09 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Do I Have To Be Certain?

by Demosophist

Although the legal decisions about Terri Schiavo's fate are behind us, the ethical and moral issues probably are not. Like Eugene Volokh I'm not sure it's necessary to have an opinion on the Terri Schiavo controversy. But I have noticed something of an anomaly in the coverage, both in MSM and in the blogosphere. The issue is presented as boiling down to two basic questions:

1. What were Terri Schiavo's wishes regarding the "right to die" question?

2. Is she currently in a "persistent and permanent vegetative state?"

Posted by: Demosophist at 02:20 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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Terri Schiavo Dies, Rest in Peace

Though Schiavo's agony from starvation and dehydration continue, she is dead. REST IN PEACE TERRI and GODSPEED.

UPDATE 3/30/05 9:00 A.M.: Terri Schiavo passed away moments ago, the victim of state sanctioned starvation.

Posted by: Rusty at 01:42 PM | Comments (55) | Add Comment
Post contains 45 words, total size 1 kb.

What the Loiusiana Purchase Could Teach Us About Terri Schiavo (UPDATED)

UPDATE: This post to stay near the top until it is too late....

Thomas Jefferson believed to his dying day that the Louisiana Purchase was unconstitutional. He believed that the best way to accomplish his goal of westward expansion was through a Constitutional amendment.

When faced with the choice between doing what was right and what doing what he believed to be Constitutional, he chose what was right.

All those who are supporting the judgement of a Florida court to slowly starve to death a severely handicapped woman on states-rights grounds would do well to heed the example of Jefferson.

In the process of arguing the legal niceties of seperation of powers and federalism, a woman's life is being lost. With her life goes part of the humanity that characterizes the America that I know and love.

Often times morality is trumped by legality. That is part of the social contract. Unless we have respect for the rule of law we endanger the thin fiber of rules that keeps our society from plunging into the pits of anarchy.

However, when rule of law itself endangers the very purpose for which poliltical societies are formed--namely, protecting life--than those laws must be ignored.

Terri Schiavo's life is worth more than a thousand dissertations on federalism or the seperation of powers.

It is time to ignore the law.

One more example is in order. That of Andrew Jackson. Most Americans do not realize that there was a time when courts were routinely ignored by executive officials.

Let me paraphrase President Jackson.

A murderous Florida court, a spineless Florida Senate, a weak federal judge, and an impotent 11th Circuit have made their decisions. Now let us see them enforce them.
Enough talk. Now is the time for action.

UPDATE: The Jump Blog notes that Lincoln also did several things he considered unconsitutional, yet necessary and right.

Good Richard's Almanac uses what is a natural law arguement, that is, to ignore what seems to be the law in this instance to uphold the higher intent of the law.

100 Percenter has similar thoughts.

Let me just add that going to an appeals court is the wrong strategy in this case. Appeals courts review law. In the Schiavo case the law seems to side with murder.

Appeals courts are generally reluctant to overturn a lower court's decision. This is a case where executive and legislative officials should simply ignore the Florida courts decision.

Governor Bush should not ask the court's permission to take custody of Terri Schiavo, he should simply take custody.

UPDATE 9:02: James Joyner calls this tactic kidnapping or legal kidnapping at best.

How is removing someone from the conditions which place Terri Schiavo in imminent death kidnapping?

What moral right does the hospice have on keeping Terri Schiavo?

This isn't a kidnapping attempt, this is a rescue attempt.

A rescue of a severely handicapped woman from those who would euthenize her simply because they feel she would have wanted it that way.

The judge that has refused the DCF's request to take custody of Terri Schiavo is the same judge that believes that Michael Schiavo should be the legal guardian of Terri. Despite the fact that Michael is in no way, shape, or form her husband.

Governor Bush ought to simply ignore Judge Greer.

A judge may issue an injunction, but who enforces injunctions? Judges do not have private armies. Judges do not have their own private police forces. Judges have no means of seeing that their orders are followed.

All this is left to the executive department.

And the Chief Executive of the state of Florida is Jeb Bush.

Ignore the judge, governor Bush.

Commissar, has some thoughts on the political angle as well. But I think he misses the mark.

I don't care that 60%+ of Americans don't like Terri's law. It's politically irrelevant. In next year's Congressional races what percentage of Americans will vote? 25%? 30%?

Which side sounds more politically energized to you at this point?

Again, federalism is an abstraction. Life is not.


As predicted, the U.S. Supreme Court has rejected the Schindler's appeal.

I understand the sentiments of James Joyner's comments here. When politicians routinely disobey the law, this can lead to a state of anarchy--or worse.

Tyranny has resulted from ignoring the law in the past, and presumably in the future.

In fact, the example I used above of Andrew Jackson illustrates the point. Jackson ignored a ruling by the Supreme Court which granted the Cherokee nation the right to remain in Georgia. Jackson's willful disregard for the law lead to the trail of tears and to the death of thousands of native Americans.

On the other hand there is the example of the Supreme Court in 1854 when they ruled that Dred Scott did not have standing to sue because people of African descent could not be citizens.

How is this any less tyrannical?

When Northern governors, legislatures, and judges simply chose to ignore those laws designed to return escaped slaves to their rightful owners in the South, was this tyranny?

But so far this has been an argument about the meaning of the word tyranny.

If Lincoln and Jefferson's disregard for their understanding of the Constitution was tyrannical their actions certainly were the lesser of two evils.

Further, in the Schiavo case there are real differences of opinion about what the law is.

Congress and the President believe Schiavo's rights have been trampled by a Florida Court. The governor and legislature of the state of Florida believe Schiavo's rights have been trampled by Greer's court.

Constitutional interpretation is not solely the province of the courts. I argued as much in this post here.

When the courts and every other branch of government disagree over Constitutional interpretation, why should the court's will trump?

Obeying the courts is not necessarily the same thing as obeying the law. To say so is to grant the courts a power in which they never were envisioned to have.

If Governor Bush disobeys the court, and I believe he should, there is a remedy. But that remedy is not a judicial remedy, it is a legislative one.

It's called an impeachment.

I'd like to see the Florida legislature try to attempt to impeach Bush over this. It aint gonna happen.

Blogs for Terri is urging Governor Bush to take action now. I agree.

Governor Bush's email:
Phone: 850-488-4441
Fax: 850-487-0801

UPDATE 11:30: Ann Coulter gets it and proves she is a Jawa Report Reader (via Michelle Malkin). My earlier post on why Constitutional interpretation is not solely up to the courts is here.

As a practical matter, courts will generally have the last word in interpreting the law because courts decide cases. But that's a pragmatic point. There is nothing in the law, the Constitution or the concept of "federalism" that mandates giving courts the last word. Other public officials, including governors and Presidents, are sworn to uphold the law, too....

President Andrew Jackson is supposed to have said of a Supreme Court ruling he opposed: "Well, John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it." The court's ruling was ignored. And yet, somehow, the republic survived.

If Gov. Jeb Bush doesn't say something similar to the Florida courts that have ordered Terri Schiavo to die, he'll be the second Republican governor disgraced by the illiterate ramblings of a state judiciary. Gov. Mitt Romney will never recover from his acquiescence to the Massachusetts Supreme Court's miraculous discovery of a right to gay marriage. Neither will Gov. Bush if he doesn't stop the torture and murder of Terri Schiavo.

La Shawn Barber on the case:
When it comes to the protection of life, decency, fairness and American values in general, liberals dismiss the will of the people, preferring judge-made law. But when death, destruction, and indecency are in play, suddenly the will of the people is paramount. I got a kick out of reading the rambling posts of liberal bloggers pontificating about “the rule of law.” It was hysterical.
UPDATE 11:49: Steven Taylor makes a good argument here.

But if I'm not mistaken, Conservatism is not built on a single guiding principle. Yes, federalism is part of the conservative movement.

But from it's foundations Conservatism has also rejected the notion that the Supreme Court is the last word on Constitutional meaning.

The last time I checked, Judge Greer was, er, you know, a judge. Jeb Bush, on the other hand, is the governor.

The Schiavo debate is not just about federal courts intervening in what is properly a state court issue.

The Schiavo debate is also about who will have the last say in what the law means.

Will it be our elected officials, or will it be 'the least dangerous branch'?

UPDATE 12:00: Judge Greer admits error.....OpiniPundit wonders how many more of these there could be.

UPDATE 1:00: Chris Short chimes in "Don't step on my Constitution."

But I'm not sure why a governor exercising his Constitutionally delegated powers could possibly be construed as to be acting unconstitutionally?

Unless we buy into the myth of judicial supremacy, that is......

And I should have linked this earlier, but go check out Wuzzadem. That's pretty f*cked up right there.

Scott Ott:

The interim ruler of Florida, former Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Judge George Greer, today promised to appoint a new "people's legislature" in the wake of a coup which overthrew Gov. Jeb Bush and the Florida legislature.

While Gov. Bush and "pro-life" legislators have not yet fled Florida, helicopters are reportedly standing by.

Kevin at Wizbang:
On a related note there have been a lot of stories about polls showing support 60% to 80% support for keeping the courts and/or the government out of this messy family affair. A lesser publicized statistic is that 80% of Terri's immediate family wishes that the courts not order that she be killed by starvation.
Florida Constitution, Article I Section 2: All natural persons, female and male alike, are equal before the law and have inalienable rights, among which are the right to enjoy and defend life and libertyÂ…No person shall be deprived of any right because of race, religion, national origin, or physical disability.

1:25: IT IS OVER. (via Matt Margolis)

A circuit court judge denied Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's request to take protective custody of Terri Schiavo (search) on Thursday, perhaps spelling the end of the protracted legal battled over how the severely brain-damaged woman ought to die.

The decision by Judge George Greer, who has consistently ruled that Schiavo did not want to be kept alive artificially, was not surprising, though it came two hours later than expected.

Greer had earlier barred the Department of Children & Families in an emergency order from taking custody of Schiavo.

Governor Bush, like most modern Americans, believes that the law is whatever judges say it is.

We have reached the end.

Terri Schiavo, may you Rest in Peace.

UPDATE 4:00: It is too late now, but I see the judicial supremacy angle is catching on. See my new post here for an ellaboration.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:23 AM | Comments (54) | Add Comment
Post contains 1869 words, total size 13 kb.

March 23, 2005

Kos, False Even to Form

by Demosophist

Not only is this "Interview with the Devil" from Daily Kos a shameless ripoff of Jeff Goldstein in both style and substance, but it's an incompetent copy. With Saddam Hussein awaiting trial, Bin Laden hiding out, the Oil for Food scam and child pornography rings at the UN, the Myanmarr Junta, Kim Jung Il, and the headletting of Zarqawi and the Baathist thugs, this idiot (Markos Zuniga) can think of no one more evil than the man who conceived of and carried out the liberation of Iraq? That's not imagination, it's the shape of the Marxisant left as it circles the toilet bowl for one last time, heading for the septic tank of history. more...

Posted by: Demosophist at 09:07 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 503 words, total size 4 kb.

Iraqi allies bring the shit to the shithouse: 85 pieces of shit flushed

I dropped a link earlier to a story about Iraqi forces taking out 80 terrorists. But Confederate Yankee writes and tells me that I need to emphasize the story more. He's right.

It turns out that there were 85 pieces of terrorist shit that were splattered by our Iraqi allies today, not 80. Hey, five more dead mujahidin going to meet their 75 white grapes is a good numerical adjustment in my book.

The great part about this story, as Confederate Yankee rightly notes, is that it was the Iraqi forces themeselves that flushed these pieces of turd. We Americans, apperenlty, just sat back and held the toilet paper.

Confederate Yankee has a good roundup on how the MSM is under-emphasizing the importance of this story. Go read it.

Interesting enough, Evan Kohlmann of the Counterterrorism blog, e-mailed me yesterday with some interesting photos of what appear to be a terrorist training camp in Iraq. Hmmm, mujahidin make mistake of taking photos of terrorist training camp....Evan releases the photos to the public....the next day terrorist training camp raided......Maybe just a coincidence?

Chad Evans at In the Bullpen notes that since there were foreign fighters at the camp, it was most likely one of the various al Qaeda linked groups. I ditto the sentiment especially in light of Evan's findings.

Hyscience has some interesting factoids about the area in which the human diarhea were training. Apparently, Lake Tharthar was Saddam Hussein's favorite fishing spot. The good doctor also notes that there has been a significant decline in terrorst activities in the Sunni triangle in the past month. *Excellent* (read in Mr. Burns voice)

Goldstein, of course, one ups the insiders who follow the jihadi message boards with some insider information of his own. He has his own Mosad agent deeply rooted in a Tikrit bunker.

Others: James Joyner more...

Posted by: Rusty at 03:42 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 655 words, total size 5 kb.

Reader Mail in Praise of Murder, Jihad, and Islamic Fascism

It's never surprising when the jihadis who come to my site praise acts of terrorism. What is surprising, is that when such comments are left by British and American citizens. Here are some for your enjoyment.

Take this comment about American hostage and beheading victim, Jack Hensly, by 'Harry' from Manchester, England:

thanx god they killed jack hesely i will like it more when they kill bush the bastard he is a pure son of a bitch.
Hmmmm, you think the way 'Harry' writes is any indication that he may not have been born in the UK? Parenthetically, 'Harry' left his e-mail address:

Here is another comment made by a follower of the religion of peace. It's from a long thread of comments made by Muslims, some of whom threaten Amina Wadud, the Muslim scholar who bravely prayed in public. That's right, she took the courageous step of praying in front of *ghast* men. The comment seems to urge Muslims take their grievances elsewhere---death threats are much more acceptable on Islamic forums.--e.g., it's ok to threaten Wadud, but not in front of the infidels!:

It blows my mind when I read people writing in defence of Amina. She
and her supporters indeed are ignorant people and will have the curse of
Allah SWT in this life and hereafter.

Folks, take this as a reminder,we need to be "patient" and save our
energies and time, lets spend our time and energies on learning more about
our deen than discussing the issue over and over on tons of forums out
there discussing this.

And where is this good shahid from? Yonkers, New York.

And how about this comment from a man in Windsor, England. Who needs parody with comments like this?

72 virgins for muslims ...72 pigs for anti-god forces.
And here is a letter from a supporter of the terrorist Abu Hamza. Notice that he denies Hamza's guilt and then threatens to start violent jihad--the very offense Hamza is in jail for!!
Al-salamu alako.

I am wrtting this message just to tell you what have you people done to Islam , evry one is tallking about sheikh abu hamza ,and saying his terrorest , will let me tell you something , if there is 5 people like sheikh abu hamza all the world will become a Muslime country. and it will . if its not with the words of sheikh abu hamza , then it will be with the sourd and guns of us becouse we muslims dont play around . you will see , we Muslims go were ever Islam go . no goke..................

No goke, eh? Well I guess the 'gokes' on you 'Abu Bader' of London, England. Not that I support England's hate speech laws, but this certainly qualifies. Authorities have been notified....

One more, this one from another allied country in the war on terror. Here is some reader love mail from a 16 year old in India who praises Ansar al-Sunna for murdering 11 Iraqi hostages. Notice that the boy thinks murdering Iraqi's who work with the Coalition is justified because he believes the lying propaganda of the left-wing media who portray American troops as murderers and rapists. Parenthetically, this is an accusation also made by Giuliana Sgrena:

look im only 16 year of age in my mind one word is going on that why people of iraq doing that . i will tell u u will be in iraq what
will happen to u one strang contry will acctack to u r hame u r sons and raping with u r girls .then these people are doing write {ansar-al-sunna
Ms is salaama, bitches!

Posted by: Rusty at 02:11 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
Post contains 621 words, total size 4 kb.

Algerian Terrorist Group (GSPC) Praises Zarqawi, bin Laden--Promises Death to America

A new video by the al Qaeda linked Algerian Salafist Group for Prayer and Combat (GSPC) praises Osama bin Laden and the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. The group also promises that 'Allah will destroy America'. Evan Kohlmann has a partial translation here and a link to a video clip. I have posted several images from the video below.

The full video may be downloaded here. (see 0323200503) more...

Posted by: Rusty at 12:41 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 242 words, total size 2 kb.

Blogger's Efforts Help Free Yemeni Dissident

The Yemeni dissident journalist Abd al-Karim al-Khaiwani has been freed. Jane Novak of Armies of Liberation was at the forefront of freeing the man. She led an online effort to pressure the government in Yemen, wrote articles published in Middle East Newspapers, and was the impetus behind the Journalists Without Borders campaign.

Score one more for the Pajamahidin! Al Jazeera:

Yemeni President Ali Abd Allah Salih has pardoned journalist Abd al-Karim al-Khaiwani who was put behind bars for criticising his regime.

Salih told a government-named dialogue commission that he was pardoning al-Khaiwani, whose one-year jail sentence was upheld by an appeals court on Tuesday, a member of the committee said, requesting anonymity.....

Al-Khaiwani, who has been in jail since early September, is editor of the opposition weekly Al-Shura, which was ordered to suspend publication for six months. The period has elapsed, but the weekly has yet to resume publication....

Al-Khaiwani's case is linked to an armed struggle waged by a Zaidi preacher, Shaikh Husain Badr al-Din al-Huthi, in northwest Yemen last year....

Al-Khaiwani, himself a member of the Zaidi sect, a moderate Shia Muslim group dominant in the northwest but in the minority in the mainly Sunni country, defended al-Huthi throughout the conflict and was bitterly critical of the government's handling of the rebellion.

He went so far as to lash out at the family of the Yemeni president.

Posted by: Rusty at 12:01 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 240 words, total size 2 kb.

WTW: Dale GribbleRusty Shackleford's Take (UPDATED)


Alley Treats and Alamo Beer:
Mmmm, I could deep fry that for you. Down at the gun club, we also disobey authority. Isn't Nancy a Fox babe? Don't they call English rednecks limeys? UPDATE:
Llama Butcher MIA: Alien abduction. Fried pickles? Mmmmmm. Thongs. I'm wearing one now. Lawn gnomes: Hank? Texas vs. California: Ayup.

Politics in and around Heimlich County, Texas:
11th Circuit Court of Appeals Rejects Schiavo Appeal: Masonic conspiracy. INDC on Schiavo. In DC? Don't trust 'em. AARP? First stage--second stage, Logan's Run. Sex offenders in Arlen? Carry a gun. No, carry many guns. FEC? FEDERAL...say no more. Michael Jackson? Robot. UPDATE: Parental notification nightmare:....Yup. Air America fiascos on HBO: Is that some kind of short-wave station? Liberal bloggers for Terri: You said the 'L' word. Evan Scott? My son Joseph is adopted. Alien DNA. John Delorean's death: Time machines are real. Howard Dean, scriptorian: The Bible code predicted it. Oliver Willis in outer space: Staged, like the moon landing. Driver's license? I have two. Farrah Fawcett reality show: Hot, but not Nancy hot. Democratic tee-shirts: Small, please.

Politics in places that don't matter--the rest of the world:
Al Qaeda is in Panama. Does David Lee Roth know about this?
Malaysia releases terror suspects. Are Malaysians Chinese or Japanese? World Water Day? Illuminati plot. Canada? Area 51, North. Kofi and UN reform: ........(shaking) UPDATE: 80 terrorists killed in Iraq raid: sh-sh-sh-shaw! Venezuala going communist: Have gun, will travel. Muslims demand apologies for Crusades: Indiana Jones. Nuf said.....Boomhauer?

I'm off to drink some Alamo in the alley. For more White Trash Wednesday fun, visit these sites:

Posted by: Rusty at 08:28 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 279 words, total size 5 kb.

March 22, 2005

Jawa Report is, Little Green Footballs is not

My blogfather, Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs, is NOT a Google News source. The site you are now reading, The Jawa Report, is......kind of makes you wonder, eh?

Instapundit, is not. Guerrilla News Network is.

Roger L. Simon is not. Howard Zinn's ZMag is.

Please recommend Little Green Footballs to be a Google News Source here.

If not for the children, do it because it'll chap Cousin Ollie's arse.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:34 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 86 words, total size 1 kb.

Bomb in Beirut Mall Kills 3

This would be the second bomb in a Christian area of Lebanon in the past week.

UPDATE: Lebanese blogger reacts:

Yet another bomb! Events on the ground are proving that the Syrians have not left Lebanon. They have withdrawn some of their troops and ostensibly closed their "intelligence offices" in Beirut and a few towns, but they still control Lebanon.


Three people were killed and several more wounded early on Wednesday when a bomb exploded at a commercial center in a Christian town north of the Lebanese capital Beirut, police and local television said.
Television footage showed the roof of the center in the coastal town of Kaslik had collapsed and emergency services workers were searching through the rubble for other victims.

Police said blast had been caused by a bomb, but gave no more details.

Three people have been killed and two injured in an explosion at a shopping centre near Lebanon's port of Jounie, north of Beirut, according to local media reports.

Private television station LBC reports that the explosion took place in a mainly Christian area.

Television footage showed the roof of the centre in the coastal town of Kaslik had collapsed and emergency services workers were searching through the rubble for other victims.

Police said the blast had been caused by a bomb but gave no further details.

Shortly after midnight tonight, an explosion rocked a predominantly Christian area north of Beirut. Lebanese media carried reports of three dead and two wounded in the blast. The cause of the explosion was not immediately confirmed.

The Christian community has been heavily involved in the anti-Syrian activities that followed the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in mid-February. Lebanese supporters of Syria from the Shi'ite Hizbullah terrorist organization have carried out random shootings at buildings in Christian neighborhoods during the turmoil that ensued. On Saturday, a car bomb exploded in a Christian suburb north of Beirut, injuring nine people.

Posted by: Rusty at 07:38 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 334 words, total size 2 kb.

Happy Birthday Jane

Most bloggers celebrate their blogoversary with silly linkdrops, shout outs, and reminiscings. Jane Novak of Armies of Liberation celebrates hers by making us aware of a worthy cause that seems to have tragically failed. Go visit Jane now. How many other bloggers can you say are in contact with jailed dissidents in the Middle East?

Posted by: Rusty at 04:53 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 61 words, total size 1 kb.

The Left Blogospheres Gay-Outing McCarthyism

Here are the winners of last blog-sabbaths caption contest. Winners were chosen arbitrarily by my lawyer, Rusty Shackleford.

Buckley F. Williams: In a misguided attempt to dispel rumors that he is a homosexual, Republican National Committee chair Ken Mehlman takes time to pose for the new JC Penney catalog.

Wavemaker: "....and when I saw in the locker room that Rogers and Aravosis were this big, I said to them, 'no wonder you're gay!'.."

Jack M. Redcorn: "And after I saw that Jeff Gannon was this big (cut!), I made damn sure he got his press credentials..."

Runner up goes to me, for the obvious Mr. Garrison comparison....

"When a reporter notices that the word 'penis' occurs 6,083 times in his new novel, Ken Mehlman replies, 'Well, women want to read about ding-dongs! D'you thnk women care about the details of female anatomy?! Hel-lo! Women wanna read about big, poweful schlongs!'

Of course, this caption contest was inspired by the leftosphere's gay McCarthyism.

Gay-witch hunting that still seems to take up so much time for the left-blogosphere--and trust me it's going to get much worse before it gets better.

Recently, the good folks who brought you the Jeff Gannon / James Guckert outing have set their eyes on higher office. In a forthcoming edition of GQ magazine it will be revealed that Ken Mehlman, the Republican National Committee Chairman, is their next target.

Evidence that Mehlman is gay? Well ,he's not married. He seems to be pretty clean. And no one has seen him on a date recently.

Sounds like a lot of guys I know. Most of the time I just call them loser.

Anyway, Mehlman has denied that he's gay. I'm sure this won't satisfy the leftosphere. They won't be satisfied until they out a prominent Republican. And if there are pictures--hot man-on-man action pictures--all the better.

Cause you know, all that feminists really want to see are pictures of penises. Hot flopping penises. A Redwood forest of penises......

Where was I?

Oh, yeah. Is Ken Mehlman gay?

Shouldn't the obvious answer be who cares?

There is an orthodoxy on the left that gays must be Democrats. That Republicans hate gays. That to be gay means automatic support for gay marriage.

The worst part about this orthodoxy is that gays who don't toe the party line are considered worse than enemies.

They are considered traitors.

And traitors, as you know, must be rooted out. Exposed.

It's a kind of McCarthyism. Only McCarthy was at least trying to root out real traitors--people who he believed were giving away America's nuclear secrets.

McCarthy, however wrongly he pursued those goals, at least had worthy goals. He was trying to save America from a very real threat.

Can the gay-outing McCarthys of the left say the same thing? Is the goal of gay-marriage so fundamentally important that destroying the lives and reputations of people is worth it?

In my mind the gay-outing left better take a good long look in the mirror and ask if such destruction is really worth it in the long run.

History has past judgement on McCarthy, and so too will it pass judgement on those who employ his tactics in much less important a cause.

Confederate Yankee has some more thoughts.

Update: Is McCarthy on everyone's mind, or what?

Posted by: Rusty at 04:43 PM | Comments (19) | Add Comment
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