January 18, 2005

Eight Chinese Taken Hostage in Iraq

Chinese.jpgThe story seems to indicate that these hostages will not be executed because of China's opposition to the invasion of Iraq.

The names of the hostages are Wei Wu, 19, Lin Bin, 38, Lin Qiang, 39, Zhou Sunqin, 17, Chen Qin'ai, 36, Zhou Sunlin, 18, Lin Zhong, 38, and Lin Xiong, 34.

Al Jazeera:

Unidentified gunmen kidnapped eight Chinese employees, working for a construction company, they say is collaborating with U.S. occupation troops, a video released on Tuesday showed.

Various news channels aired the video, in which eight Chinese appeared holding their passports, and standing in front of a small mud brick building. Along with the eight Chinese, two gunmen appeared in the video with headscarves wrapped around their faces.

In the tape, the kidnapping group said it grabbed the men as they were on their way out of the country.

"After interrogation, we found that they are working for a Chinese construction company that is working inside American sites in Iraq," the note said.

"The movement decided to free these Chinese soon on condition that they will not go back to their work with the occupation forces. And we hope the Chinese company will not deal with these forces," said the voice in the tape.

"At a time when the position of the Chinese government toward our cause was clear -- not taking part in invasion forces and their aggression against our country."

"We call on the Chinese government to clarify its position on them and other Chinese. We will kill them 48 hours after their pictures are televised unless that is done."

Posted by: Rusty at 10:59 AM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
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Preventing an ACCURATE Fake

Paul at Wizbang notes why CBS disabled the copy function for the PDF document detailing the Rathergate 'investigation'---they were worried bloggers might alter the content and pass the forged document along as authentic.

That's a lot like worrying that the Secret Service is in the counterfeiting business.

Which reminds me of this girl I once new with enormous boobs. Were they real? Who cares, as long as they were ACCURATE.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:40 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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Archbishop Basile Georges Casmoussa Freed

Catholic World News:

Archbishop Basile Georges Casmoussa of Mosul, Iraq, was released on Tuesday morning, January 18, less than a day after being kidnapped.

Details of the archbishop's abduction and release were incomplete, as of Tuesday morning. But the Vatican was notified promptly that Archbishop Casmoussa had been freed, and papal spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls expressed "great satisfaction" with the news.

"The Pope was informed immediately, and thanked God" for the Iraqi prelate's release, Navarro-Valls added. He said that no ransom had been paid.

Earlier, Church officials in Iraq had been quoted as saying that they had received a ransom demand. Father Tetrus Mosei, the vicar general of the Mosul diocese, reportedly received a phone call on Tuesday morning demanding payment of $200,000 for the archbishop's release. Catholics in Mosul were collecting funds for the ransom payment when they heard that Archbishop Casmoussa was already free.

In Rome, Navarro-Valls said that the archbishop's abduction came as a surprise, in part because he is "very well liked by both Christians and Muslims."

Archbishop Paulos Faraj Rahho, who heads the Chaldean Catholic diocese of Mosul (Archbishop Casmoussa is the Syrian-rite leader), suggested that the kidnapping was probably not motivated by religious issues. He told reporters that criminals in Mosul, taking advantage of the unrest in the city, have begun kidnapping prominent people to generate quick profits from ransoms.

Good news. I still find it hard to believe that this was a simple act of extortion. Christians in the Middle East routinely play down religious tensions fearing further persecution. Further, Christians have been in dhimmi subjegation for so long that they become some of the best apologists for their own oppression. Uncle Toms if you will.

I may be going out on a limb here, but it remains a distinct possibility that whoever took Casmoussa might not have realized what kind of press this would receive--even in the Arab world. After all, the Catholic church opposed the war making itself the darling of terrorist media such as al Jazeera. An ignoble ally for such a great institution.

Having said that it does remain a distinct possibility that simple extortion was the only motive. Wherever we go human greed seems to remain the same. However, in my own experience I find that one is rarely motivated by a single factor. It is then also possible that extortion and religion played motivating factors.

Hat tip Digger and Interested Participant

Expect an update later.....

Let's not forget that at least four (possibly five) Americans are still being held hostage in Iraq. Roy Hallums, Dean Sadek, Tim Bell, and Bill Bradley.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:23 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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January 17, 2005

Archbishop Kidnapped in Iraq (UPDATED)

Mosul is a base of operation for The Army of Ansar al Sunnah, and I suspect that this is their handiwork. Right: Archbishop Basile Georges Casmoussa at the UCIP World Congress 2004.

Critical update 1/18/05: Archbishop Basile Georges Casmoussa freed! No ransom paid. Details at this post.


The Catholic archbishop of the Iraqi city of Mosul was kidnapped Monday in what the Vatican called an "act of terrorism."

Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls told Reuters the Holy See had received news of the kidnapping of Archbishop Basile Georges Casmoussa in Mosul. The spokesman demanded his immediate release but gave no details of the abduction.

BBC News:
A Catholic archbishop in the northern Iraq city of Mosul has been kidnapped by insurgents, the Vatican says. Archbishop Basile Georges Casmoussa, 66, was abducted from outside his church in the east of the city.

The Vatican said in a statement that it deplored "in the firmest way such a terrorist act", and asked that the archbishop be freed immediately.

There have been a number of attacks on Iraq's Christian minority. Two churches were bombed in Mosul in December.


More on Archbishop Basile Georges Casmoussa,a Syrian by birth, he was Archbishop of the Catholic Syrian Church--which is affilated with the Roman Catholic Church.

Recently quoted as saying, "The terrorist groups that carry out the attacks “hope that many, many more Christians will go. Their strategy is to create fear among the Christians and push them out of Iraq,”

UPDATE I: No claims of responsibility aired yet on al Jazeera, but only this story:

Casmusa, 66, leader of the city's Syrian Catholic community, was seized at around 5pm local time (1400 GMT) as he was about to enter his car, Father Faraj told AFP.

The armed men tossed him into the trunk of their vehicle before speeding away, according to the priest, who follows the rival Chaldean rite.

The Chaldean patriarch in Baghdad, Emmanuel Delly, said Casmusa "was abducted outside his home as he was returning from a pastoral visit in the diocese of Mosul".

"He was abducted and taken off in a car. We don't know who took him, nor the reason why," Delly told the missionary news agency Misna by telephone.

UPDATE II: There has been some discussion at other blogs as to the possible motivation for kidnapping the Archbishop, some speculating that this could be a simple act of extortion for money.

However, one need look no farther than a recent communique from Abu Musab al Zarqawi to see why Christians in general have a great deal to fear in the Middle East. Al Qaeda in Iraq justified the recent murder of Amer Nayef saying he was "the deputy police chief of the Jews and Christians" and that Nayef's son was murdered because he "serves the pagan guard."

The terrorists really believe that the liberation of Iraq was a reenactment of the Crusades. Iraq is just another chapter in the Crusades and who better to symbolize Christianity's victory than Archbishop Casmoussa?

The deep paranoia of Muslims in the Middle East plays out in such a way that all Christians should now consider themselves targets. Jews who once lived in Arab countries can tell you what I am talking about. All Jews in Muslim lands are considered potential spies for the "Zionist entity."

I suspect the same suspicions and paranoia will now scapegoat Christians as responsible for the ills of Iraqi society and as possible collaborators with the "Crusader forces."

Posted by: Rusty at 01:25 PM | Comments (17) | Add Comment
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Family of Four Murdered in NJ After Father Receives Death Threats for Speaking Out Against Islam

A New Jersey man originally from Egypt, Hossam Armanious, his wife, and his two daughters, age 16 and 8, were found brutally murdered in their home on Jan. 14th. Mr. Armanious was an Egyptian Christian who spent his spare time online speaking out against Muslim persecuation of Christian Copts in Egypt. He had been threatened online for his criticism.

The death penalty is prescribed for blasphemy under Islamic Law.

Let's see...guy says things about Islam that could be construed as offensive...guy gets death threats from followers of the Religion of Peace...guy won't back down...why does all of this sound so familiar?

NY Post (via Cranky Neocon):

The father of a murdered New Jersey family was threatened for making anti-Muslim remarks online — and the gruesome quadruple slaying may have been the hateful retaliation, sources told The Post yesterday.

Hossam Armanious, 47, who along with his wife and two daughters was found stabbed to death in his Jersey City home early Friday, would regularly debate religion in a Middle Eastern chat room, one source said.

Armanious, an Egyptian Christian, was well known for expressing his Coptic beliefs and engaging in fiery back-and-forth with Muslims on the Web site paltalk.com....

The married father of two had recently been threatened by Muslim members of the Web site, said a fellow Copt and store clerk who uses the chat room.

"You'd better stop this bull---- or we are going to track you down like a chicken and kill you," was the threat, said the clerk, who was online at the time and saw the exchange.

But Armanious refused to back down, according to two sources who use the Web site....

The FBI confirmed it has been called in to help with the case.

Faith Freedom (via Robert Spencer):
The Father, Hossam Armanious, spent some of his spare time in Internet chat rooms debating about religion and speaking out against the Islamic persecution of the Coptic Christians in his native country Egypt .

About two months ago, when he made a comment in a Paltalk chat room, he was threatened.

"Some Muslim guys said if you don't stop this, we're going to come out and kill you," said a family friend. To which he responded: “Here is America , I am free to say whatever I want”.

Armanious could not be more wrong. When he found out that even in America he was not free to speak his mind, it was already too late. He was stabbed to death, his throat was slashed and his entire family was butchered.

The article continues with this editorial on the media silence
Has America already become a dhimmi nation? Are the big American media afraid of the Islamists? Do the reporters fear for their own lives? What is the explanation of this silence? How many more death you need before you wake up and realize our freedom in America is hijacked? How many more innocent people should bathe in their own blood before you realize we are no more free in our own homes and the first amendment does not exist anymore? If today, Muslims with less than 2% of the population, can intimidate you to the extent that you are afraid to report their crimes, what will befall on you (and us) if their number is allowed to grow to 10%
And some of you were wondering why I feel the need to blog anonymously?

Other commentary: more...

Posted by: Rusty at 01:06 PM | Comments (36) | Add Comment
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MLK Day Blogging and the Religion of Peas

My six year old daughter reminded me this morning that she didn't have to go to school because "today is the King's birthday." So how can I celebrate the King's birthday? Link drop. Apologies for not being able to put each link in its own post, but this is exactly how MLK would have wanted it to be.

It's the Religion of Peas update--

U.S. Prof Attacks Arab Muslim Student's Pro-Americanism at Hyscience.

"Kuwaiti Mujahideen" Claim Attacks on Foreigners, Army Base by Evan Kohlman.

Is the coming Caliphate of Europe dangerous over at the Astute Blogger.

Crosswalk notes the insurgents have produced an English language propaganda video.

Misha on 'Torture' in the press.

(via Aylward) Chrenkoff's good news from Iraq.

Saddam's piggybank: UN Oil for Food at Friends of Saddam.

Abbas calls for end to intifada....sorta at Captain's Quarters.

(via Ace) Blackfive has the goods on the traitors that call themselves 'reporters' in Iraq.

Unrelated to the Religion of Peas, but interesting.

Rally against illegal immigration photo-blogging by Digger.

Armstrong Williams' brother still not paying Jawa Report for support and Iowahawk has generic forms for product placement in your posts.

Hotel Rwanda movie review....I gots to see that!

SNL Rathergate skit over at RatherBias (via Slantpoint)

Interesting, interesting, very interesting, then suddenly I lost interst while walking down the street @ SWG.

Now you know who NOT to talk to at a dinner party from the Colossus.

Flea, art, and the value of the snow peso.

Orgazmo in the GWOT at Edotors in PJ's.

Posted by: Rusty at 12:01 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Quakes, Waves and Spiritual Awakenings

by Demosophist

A recent installment of The Belmont Club on a "colonial corps" had a reference to Sam Huntington's speech on a "great awakening" in the US, and his thesis that the greatest ideological force in the world today is God. This, from a Harvard professor. His perspective, however, isn't as a religionist but as a sociologist and political scientist. I wrote a piece several years ago, on the first anniversary of the 9/11 attack, about a "tidal wave" of totalitarianism in the Middle East traveling, mostly unnoticed, toward landfall. It's somewhat ironic to think about that wave analogy now. The term "tidal wave" is slightly misleading, because it really has nothing to do with the lunar tides, but is "tidal" in the sense of being a sudden change in sea level as a result of a shift in the earth itself. One might call it an "earth tide," or a "quake wave." I therefore reasoned that it was a good analogy to what had happened to the Middle East where subterranean pressures had built up over centuries and had finally resulted in a paradigmatic shift in the culture. And I reasoned that the only way to deal with the consequences of that shift, analogous to the rise of the Nazis in the early 1930s, was to create a "counter-wave." In terms of the jihadist movement a liberal/democratic vanguard to counter their Qutbist vanguard. more...

Posted by: Demosophist at 10:09 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Al-Qaeda Women's Magazine

(Rome, Italy) According to the Italian Information and Democratic Security Service (SISDe), al-Qaeda publishes a monthly Internet magazine for female terrorists called Al Khansa which provides guidance and advice on how Muslim women can be better suicide bombers. The view of al-Qaeda is that women become "emancipated" through martyrdom and equality between the sexes is achieved.

Among a variety of subjects, Al Khansa gives tips to aspiring female suicide bombers on fitness, diet, fashion, and how to "conquer the passions" to prevent any final flings before lacing up an explosive-laden corset. Also included are instructions for first aid and emergency training, for learning the Koran, and for shooting and carrying ammunition. Nevertheless, although aspiring martyrs are considered largely emancipated, some prohibitions are emphasized. These include absolute restrictions on watching television and enjoying air conditioning and, of course, restraints on mandatory veils and tunics. Violations could result in a prison sentence, ruining any near-term plans for martyrdom. In other words, behave and be covered from the head to the floor or miss your chance to be adorned with C-4.

It's inconceivable to me that an aspiring suicide bomber would reasonably need or care about advice regarding her diet. And, the contention that a female martyr is equal to a male martyr makes no sense. A male martyr is greeted in heaven by 72 virgins. As far as I know, nothing comparable awaits the female martyr.

Companion post at Interested-Participant.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 04:56 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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January 14, 2005

'Torture' vs 'Torture' (Redux)

Spc. Charles Graner Jr.'s fate has gone to the jury. He has been accused of 'torturing' inmates in the Abu Ghraib prison scandal. In the spirit of solidarity with human rights activists around the world outraged at American abuses, I present to you 'torture' vs. 'torture', an old but oft overlooked post.

Three British nationals recently released from Guantanamo Bay have claimed they were tortured. The ICRC goes so far as to say that what is going on at Gitmo may be a war crime. Many involved in the Abu Ghraib torture scandal now stand trial for their crimes. In fact, Islamist websites routinely use pictures of 'torture' at Abu Ghraib to justify their jihad against the US.

But what exactly does 'torture' mean? Is what was done at Abu Ghraib torture? Laying aside the fact that most of what is being said by the released Gitmo prisoners is rubbish--also, suspend for a second your knowlege that the Geneva Conventions do not apply to non-uniformed enemy combatants---what about the more credible claims of 'torture'?

I offer the following photo essay. Us vs. Them. Our 'torture' vs. their torture.

WARNING: Extremely graphic. You must be an adult to see this!! The images below are extremely violent and ought to make you sick. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 02:14 PM | Comments (65) | Add Comment
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al Qaeda Gearing Up for Iraqi Elections

Evan Kohlman is now blogging over at The Counterterrorism Blog and links a number of his original translations of recent al Qaeda in Iraq communiques. His analysis?

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi--has dramatically increased its targeting of influential Iraqi government officials, potential candidates in the election, and anyone else associated with the electoral process.

Posted by: Rusty at 01:56 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Iraqi Soldiers Taken Hostage

Via Chad at In the Bullpen the news that 15 Iraqi National Guardsman have been captured by the terrorists. Sadly, their fate is already sealed.

Posted by: Rusty at 01:45 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Guantanamo Detainee May Run For UK Office

And I thought American actors were idiots....Maybe they belong to a British chapter of F.A.G?? BBC News:

Actors Corin and Vanessa Redgrave want a British detainee at Guantanamo Bay to stand for a Parliamentary seat.
Moazzam Begg, 36, from Birmingham, was arrested in Pakistan and has been held as a terror suspect at the US military base in Cuba since January 2002.

The Redgraves want Mr Begg to stand for their Peace and Progress Party

h/t Robert Spencer

Posted by: Rusty at 11:17 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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Terrorists Kill 6 Israeli Civilians at Gaza Crossing


....al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade claims responsibility.

"Just not quite yet."

Related, and funny. -- Dittos.

More commentary.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:56 AM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
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January 13, 2005

Cambridge Community TV Airs Beheading Video

Notice how the person thinks that airing the beheading video believes it would galvanize public opinion against the war. I should think it would do just the opposite. Which victim was shown is unknown. Cambridge Chronicle:

Cambridge Community Television broadcast the beheading of a hostage in Iraq, sparking a fresh round of complaints about cable access standards.

A tape of the execution ran on Channel 10 at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 31, immediately after a family-friendly scene of a pumpkin-carving festival....

Foley said the beheading could play a role similar to searing photos from the Vietnam War. He cited the photos of the point-blank execution of a Viet Cong prisoner and a napalm-burned Vietnamese girl as helping the anti-war movement.

Posted by: Rusty at 04:22 PM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
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AIDS/HIV, Bad Science, and the Cultural Pathologies of Africa

I love Dean Esmay. He's cool. He throws me a link every once in a while and actually reads this blog from time to time. So it is with a great deal of reluctance that I challenge the inferences drawn by the quack Harvey Bialy, Ph.D. over at Dean's World.

Bialy's argument is rather poor on its face, and I'm surprised that any one could be duped by it.

The argument goes something like this. If HIV causes AIDS, then how come the AIDS rate has gone down but the HIV rate has remained constant? If HIV causes AIDS then shouldn't you expect that the AIDS rate and the HIV rate would mirror each other?

The conclusion he wishes the reader to draw is this: Since the HIV rate has remained fairly constant, but the AIDS rate has declined--then HIV does not cause AIDS. Something else does.

This is a clear case of drawing false inferences from reliable data. The major hole in Bialy's argument is that he leaves out the fact that since the early 1990s--precisely when the HIV/AIDS rates began to diverge--several intervention strategies have been introduced which lessen the likelihood that a person with HIV will contract full-blown AIDS.

That is, because HIV is treatable it should be expected that the number of HIV cases will be much larger than the numbers of AIDS cases. These data, then, support the fact that HIV is the cause of AIDS.

What is more interesting to me are the unspoken reasons why so many in Africa are unwilling to accept that fact. Why would so many people go on this insane hunt to find another culprit for the AIDS crisis in Africa?

In my mind such insane theories as advocated by Dr. Bialy are a matter of cultural denial. What are Africans in denial over? They wish to deny the pathologies of their own culture--namely that rape, molestation, and sodomy are much higher in sub-Saharan Africa than elsewhere in the world.

Those that wish to deny that HIV causes AIDS are in fact denying that their own culture is largely responsible for the pandemic. For instance, it is estimated that 37% of the adult population in Botswana has AIDS. Read that number again--37%!!!

I once went to a campus-wide convocation in which the speaker was a children's advocate in Africa. She spoke of entire regions of Africa where there are literally no Adults. None. Remember that a rate of 37% does not mean that every area of the country is equally affected. Some parts of the country may have much smaller infection rates, in other areas the rate is close to 100%.

She spoke of entering a village controlled by a gang of teenagers because all the adults were dead from AIDS. I couldn't help but think of Lord of the Flies.

She spoke of gangs of men with AIDS who would go from village to village raping little children. How little? Infants.

Why would grown men rape infants? Because they have been told that HIV does not cause AIDS. A popular cultural myth is that the only way to get the AIDS infection out of their systems is to have sex with a virgin.

Another example. In post-appartheid South Africa the police will no longer patrol the streets of some ghettos. Rape is a nightly occurence. Again, rape in these ghettos is of the gang rape sort. The only recourse has been for vigilante groups to lynch those suspected of being members of the rape gangs. Even so, the rapes continue.

Of course, most cases of HIV are probably not caused by rape. Most cases are probably contracted in Africa just as it is contracted in the US--sodomy. The easiest way to contract the disease is to be on the receiving end of sodomy. It is very difficult for a man to get AIDS from a woman. Men usually get AIDS from another man--and women get AIDS from men who have slept with another man.

Denying that AIDS is caused by HIV is part of the cultural machismo in Africa that tacitly allows bisexual relationships among men and in which heterosexual promiscuity is tolerated (as long as it is the man that is promiscious).

On the other hand in Arab Africa, which generally looks down on these behaviors, the incidence of AIDS is much lower. (Yes, homosexual relationships with young boys is probably common in Northern Africa, but the underground culture of man-boy relationships does not allow for grown men to be penetrated--the main mechanism for transmission.)

HIV causes AIDS. To deny this is to buy into the myth that all cultures are equal to the task of addressing the problems before them.

The essay published by Dean does not falsify the hypothesis. On the contrary, these data verify the hypothesis. By adding intervention to the mix, the data does just what it is supposed to do. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 03:37 PM | Comments (25) | Add Comment
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No mi gusta! Mexican Simpsons on Strike

bumblebee guy.jpg

Posted by: Rusty at 02:49 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Abbas / Hamas Promise to Recognize Israel

via Charles Johnson

PS-Can you name that hand?

Posted by: Rusty at 02:04 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Islamic Army in Iraq Threatens US Attack

Parousing Internet Hagganah today to see what I had missed I found this message from the Islamic Army in Iraq, first published at an Islamist BB in French. Freeper Penguino's original translation can be found here:

"The year 2005 will be one of misfortune for America," affirms this group in an official statement sent on-line from an Islamic site published Monday, whose authenticity couldn't be immediately verified.

"The next days of this new year will see the biggest surprises that the Mujahideen have prepared for your children outside and inside America," he writes, adding that the fighters "will carry the battle from inside our country (Iraq) to inside yours."

"We address you after your New Year's celebration hoping that you have sobered up...We are going to make you American civilians taste that which our civilians endure," continues the group in "a message to the American people," who behave "uncivilized" and "very ignorantly."

"The entire world hates America and hates the American people... Did you know that the number of them who support the idea of attacks against America on her own soil has increased enormously this year?," also says the group.

"Last year was a walk in the park for your soldiers in Iraq. The year 2005 will see a quantitative and qualitative change in the operations against your soldiers, who will enter the annuals of history," he adds.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:45 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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Sistani Aide Shot in Iraq

AP via Globe and Mail:

Gunmen killed a representative of Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, Iraq's most senior Shiite Muslim cleric, along with the aide's son and four bodyguards in a town south of Baghdad, an official in the cleric's office said Thursday...

Sheik Mahmoud Finjan, Mr. al-Sistani's representative in the town of Salman Pak, 20 kilometres southeast of Baghdad, was shot dead Wednesday night as he was returning home from a mosque where he performed the evening prayers, the official said on condition of anonymity. His son and four bodyguards were also killed, the official at Mr. al-Sistani's office in this Shiite holy city said.

Given the location of the assasination, my money is on the Islamic Army in Iraq.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:33 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Georgian Breakaway Republic of Abkhazia Elects President

Like South Ossetia, Abkhazia wishes to leave Georgia and become part of the Russian Federation. The election changes none of this. While war between Russian and Georgia is not imminent, it still remains a real possibility. Xinhua:

Opposition leader Sergei Bagapsh won a landslide victory in Wednesday's presidential election in Georgia's breakaway republic of Abkhazia, the republic's Central Electoral Commission (CEC) announced Thursday.

CEC chief Batal Tabagua said Bagapsh won 91.1 percent of the vote, demolishing his only rival, the People's Party leader Yakub Lakoba, who took just 4.5 percent, the Itar-Tass news agency reported....

Abkhazia has enjoyed de facto independence from Georgia since fighting a separatist war in the early 1990s following the collapse of the Soviet Union. The region has been seeking to integrate with Russia against the wishes of Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili who has vowed to regain control over the republic and another rebel region, South Ossetia.

Bagapsh said Thursday that any future dialogue between Abkhaziaand Georgia must be held under the premise that both sides are equal and independent states.

He regarded with great optimism relations with Russia and advocated further integration with Moscow, stressing that Abkhaziawill have no future without financial and legal assistance from Russia.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:29 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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