March 26, 2006

Abdul Rahman May be Freed

To follow up on Blutos earlier post, CNN is flying a banner this morning(story up) saying western diplomats expect Rahman will be released today. However they are also reporting that Rahman has been moved to Prison. And pope Pope Benedict XVI has formally requested his release. My concern is both that he may be executed and if not his safety upon release. Muslim clerics have called for the people to quote, “Pull him into pieces!”. Rahman remains steadfast in his faith.

Rahman told the Rome daily La Repubblica Via CNN :"I am serene. I have full awareness of what I have chosen. If I must die, I will die, Somebody a long time ago did it for all of us.”
Many nations, Christian and Secular have done much for the Muslims in Afghanistan. Your freedom is our cause. As your friends we have seen and taken pity on this man. As a favor and gesture of goodwill I ask that you ensure his safety and free transport to exile to Rome. Deport him if you do not desire his presence and surely his children should be with their Father. IÂ’ve heard quotes from Afghanistan like this one.
Via The Volokh Consiracy : "According to Islamic law he should be sentenced to death because God has clearly stated that Christianity is forbidden in our land," says Mohammed Qadir, another worshipper.

Eugene Volokh Add this:

This is telling evidence, it seems to me, that there is something very wrong in Islam today, and not just in some lunatic terrorist fringe. Doubtless many, I would hope most, Muslims would not endorse executing converts.

Christians are and have been very good brothers to the people of Afghanistan? Why then do you forbid us in your nation? Brothers should stand close to one another and sometimes correct the other. We hear your complaints and are trying to help. Now we ask the same from you.

I pray for Adbdul RahmanÂ’s safe release. IÂ’m not Catholic but I appreciate the work they are doing. Their help gives me some hope. They have a good track record in these things.

Update : ABCNEWS is reporting the case has been dismissed due to "problems" with the evidence. and Rahman will be relased soon.

Others: Michelle Malkin, Captain's Quarters, Jihad Watch and The Anchoress.


Posted by: Howie at 08:43 AM | Comments (35) | Add Comment
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March 25, 2006

Honor Killings

Honor Killing(Ankara, Turkey) Last year, the Turkish government performed a major revision to its penal code to meet minimum standards required for the country to join the European Union. As an example, it's now mandated that murders committed to preserve a family's honor will result in an automatic life term in prison. Previously, honor killings were committed with lenient or no punishment imposed.

Sounds good but, unfortunately, there are 70 million Muslims in the country who have accepted honor killings as a traditional and historic fact of life. In my estimation, it will take a generation or two at least to see any substantive departure from the infamous practice.

However, one troubling fact about the new legislation is that it contains a provision for mitigating the life sentences for honor killings if the perpetrator is provoked. Turkish courts have used this provision in the new law to reduce sentences.

In one case, a brother who gruesomely murdered his sister for becoming pregnant out of wedlock had his life sentence reduced to 20 years "on the grounds of his good behavior in court and also the fact that his action had been heavily provoked." Other than to "cleanse" the family's honor, it's not clear what "heavily provoked" means. It appears to be entirely subjective and controversial, to say the least.

As a consequence, the Turkish Supreme Court of Appeals was asked to weigh in on the subject.

From Turkish Daily News:

The Supreme Court of Appeals' First Criminal Bureau decided on Friday that individuals found guilty of an "honor" killing could not benefit from a reduction in sentence due to provocation, arguing that the committing of such a crime resulted not from provocation but from a desire to ensure the survival of a bad tradition.
"Bad tradition" is an understatement. I'd call it barbaric. Nevertheless, at least some top-down pressure from an authoritative body is being placed on the citizens of Turkey to change their thinking.

From Interested-Participant.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 08:58 AM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
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March 23, 2006

Women's Rights Under Islam

Muslim Woman(Damascas) A Reuters report out of Syria details some of the stringent rules imposed on women under Sharia Law. They are oppressive. For example:

Under Syrian law a husband can divorce his wife simply by telling her, "you are divorced," three times, while women seeking separation must navigate a multitude of legal hurdles that usually take two years to complete.
If that isn't bad enough, custody rights over children are grossly unequal for divorced women who are even denied the ability to pass on their nationality. However, the legal and justice system is the most egregious in denying women their rights as citizens.
Though such cases are greatly underreported, Da'ad Mousa, a prominent Damascus lawyer and women's rights advocate, said that more than 100 cases of so-called "honour killings" were reported in Syrian newspapers between 2000 and 2003. The majority of the men involved, who killed a female relative suspected of an illicit sexual affair in the belief that the liaison tarnished the family's "honour," went unpunished.
In one case last September, a man killed his sister because she married a man from another religion.

In 2003, Syria ratified the UN Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women, while taking exception to any provisions found contrary to Sharia Law. A lot of good that did.

I have to ask. Where are all the American and European women's rights advocates on this issue? It's an area where feminists could and should focus the public's attention and resources to spearhead reform.

From Interested-Participant.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 04:35 AM | Comments (29) | Add Comment
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March 22, 2006

Abdul Rahman Update

As international pressure increases on Afghanistan the case of Abdul Rahman has become a front page example the cult like “threat of death” to those who leave Islam. Today Jawa Report co-blogger Richard at Hyscience has a good post and urges the we keep up the pressure.

Richard at Hyscience : Please note action items in extended post! There are many times that the blogosphere steps forward and takes a community stand on an important issue. Saving the life of Abdur Rahman calls for such a stand, and it appears that the blogosphere is beginning to step up to the plate to do exactly that.
The now increasing international pressure has caused Afghanistan to search for a face saving way to release Abdul. If you ask me calling the man crazy does not save much face.
AP via Yahoo News : But prosecutor Sarinwal Zamari said questions have been raised about his mental fitness.

"We think he could be mad. He is not a normal person. He doesn't talk like a normal person," he told The Associated Press.

Moayuddin Baluch, a religious adviser to President Hamid Karzai, said Rahman would undergo a psychological examination.

"Doctors must examine him," he said. "If he is mentally unfit, definitely Islam has no claim to punish him. He must be forgiven. The case must be dropped."
A Western diplomat in Kabul and a human rights advocate — both of whom spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter — said the government was desperately searching for a way to drop the case because of the reaction it has caused.

While that may result in his release it’s a piss poor way of doing business. I call on Afghanistan to release Mr. Rahman immediately and stop all this “He’s a nut” nonsense. Mr. Rahman was born a Muslim and raised as such. If, when he comes of age, he cannot convert that is not much “Freedom of Religion” now is it?

Past Jawa Report coverage here and here and here too.

Posted by: Howie at 10:20 AM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
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March 21, 2006

AFA Petition In Support of Abdul Rahman

Abdul is on Trial in Afghanistan for apostasy. His crime against Islam was he converted to Christianity. For that he faces penalties up to and including execution. Today the AFA asks that you sign a petition that will be sent to President Bush in support of Mr. Rahman.

Please email President Bush and ask him to intervene to save the life of Abdul Rahman. Help get others involved in saving the life of this Christian who refuses to deny Christ. Please forward this to friends and family and ask them to send the emails.

Click Here to Email President Bush Now!

Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association

Now I reckon the AFA is a bit more conservative than I. But there is no denying their influence. This case I feel is one Howie can agree with. One thought I had was, under the law in Afghanistan, what happens to all AbdulÂ’s property and his immediate family if he is executed?

Update : Michelle Malkin gives us more details on Mr. Rahman and his family here.. Just what I was looking for.

Posted by: Howie at 09:00 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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March 20, 2006

Festival of the Fatwas: "We love our troops so much that we want them to die" edition

protester_san_fancisco_traitor.JPG5th Column Watch: American Muslims Hating US Troops

Mooooooooonbat anti-war pictures: "Real patriotism is supporting those who are fighting our troops" (via Beth)

More from the "we love our troops" department: Anti-war proterster spits on soldier's pregnant wife.

Poll worth taking: What has kept Cindy Sheehan from getting her deceased son a headstone all this time?

Providing KY at own rape: Arla Foods kow-tows, Danish Imams go to the Middle East again

Moderate Muslim nation: 6,000 women face trial for 'crime' of being raped. (via Blogfather)

MSM Watch: All hot and wet over possibility of Bush impeachment.

Well, duh: After all, the first verb to learn in French is "to surrender"

Me likey Ramen noodles:
Radical Islamist protests issues fatwa against ramen noodles

Bwahaha! Hannity nearly punches a bigot (video).\

Iraq NOT Vietnam: 2,316 dead in one month in Vietnam.

V for Vendetta: If Noam Chomsky And Osama Bin Laden Collaborated On A Movie

Not dead yet: Ted Kennedy still kicking

Bad news from Memento Moron. Our prayers are with you.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:01 AM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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March 19, 2006

Christian Man on Trial, Facing Death for Converting from Islam.

Yes our good ally Afghanistan still has a long way to go before it could be called a free nation.

VOA News : Rahman reportedly converted more than 16 years ago after spending time working in Germany. Officials say his family, who remain observant Muslims, turned him over to the authorities. On Thursday the prosecution told the court Rahman has rejected numerous offers to embrace Islam. Prosecuting attorney Abdul Wasi told the judge that the punishment should fit the crime.

He says Rahman is a traitor to Islam and is like a cancer inside Afghanistan. Under Islamic law and under the Afghan constitution, he says, the defendant should be executed.

This man should be freed immediately. ROPMA! I thought Islam teaches Jesus is cool? They are always talking up how much they respect Jesus Christ. Yeah right, they respect him so much they execute Christians!

Hat Tip : Michelle Malkin.

Also see Below the Beltway.

Posted by: Howie at 08:37 PM | Comments (27) | Add Comment
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March 18, 2006

Rules on Fatwas

FatwaSimply put, fatwas, or Islamic legal pronouncements, are confusing to many people. Understandably, non-Muslims have a general unfamiliarity with fatwas, but it's somewhat surprising that Muslims also have frequent questions about fatwas. Islamic scholars called muftis issue fatwas but there's no coordination among the muftis, so it's not uncommon for contradictory fatwas to be issued.

Consequently, the editors at Arab News decided to address the subject of fatwas to clear up any misunderstanding.

Nobody's fatwas or rulings are binding on all Muslims. A fatwa is binding only to the scholar issuing it. It is he who considered a particular case, looked into all the relevant evidence and formulated his ruling on the basis of his research and study that is committed to it. If I give you a ruling saying, for example, that music is not forbidden, while you read in Dar Al-Ifta's publications or on their website that it is forbidden, you need to look into the evidence supporting each of the two views. Neither ruling is binding on you, but my ruling is binding on me, and the Dar Al-Ifta's ruling is binding on the scholars who issued it. [Note: Dar Al-Ifta is an Islamic authority for issuing religious edicts, but it does not oversee all edicts. There is more than one Dar Al-Ifta.]

What should be the position of a person who cannot distinguish the validity of evidence, or does not understand the intricacies involved in arriving at a ruling? The answer is that he should simply follow a scholar whom he trusts to be sincere, honest, and would not compromise his religious standpoint in order to please any human being.

Got all that? more...

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 09:19 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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March 12, 2006

"Oh, you are still alive? Wait and see."

- Message left on Dr. Wafa Sultan's answering machine by Islamist radicals

Dr. Wafa Sultan (More from Howie, here) first came to my attention here, when Neocon Express and Muhammad and Cartoons tipped me to this remarkable video. Dr. Sultan debated an Islamist cleric on al-Jazeera television and cleaned his clock regarding the characteristics of radical Islam and the savage "civilization" that it engenders.

Now, predictably, Wafa Sultan is the target of mumerous death threats left on her answering machine. This New York Times article may have increased the danger to Dr. Sultan and her family by unnecessarily revealing personal details about Wafa and her husband. Two big surprises: Islamist terrorists threaten a woman for bravely speaking her mind, and the New York Times gives no thought to anyone's well-being when they're writing a story.

The Neocon Express has been in touch with security firms to seek donations of equipment and services to protect Dr. Sultan.

Also posted at The Dread Pundit Bluto and Vince Aut Morire.

Posted by: Bluto at 02:58 PM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
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March 11, 2006

Just Your Ordinary Every Day Death Threat.

It seems that when you call into question all the blood, devastation, death, war and Horror of the ROP, The members of the ROP try and solve it by you know, killing you! Dr. Wafa Sultan as you may recall appeared on Al-Zazeera a while back and took the gentleman opposite of her to task over the violence associated with Islam. She ate him up one side and down the other (link to video here). It seems that watching her college professor shot to death in class changed WafaÂ’s mind about Islam which she had grown up with and followed all her youth. You see itÂ’s the violence that turns people off and Wafa is just making that clear. But now she suffers death threats for her stand. The story is at the NYT. (link removed For Bluto)I got there and normally you can see a story at least once per day without registering.

.New York Times : Dr. Sultan bitterly criticizes the Muslim clerics, holy warriors and political leaders who she believes have distorted the teachings of Muhammad and the Koran for 14 centuries.

She said the world's Muslims, whom she compares unfavorably with the Jews, have descended into a vortex of self-pity and violence.

Dr. Sultan said the world was not witnessing a clash of religions or cultures, but a battle between modernity and barbarism, a battle that the forces of violent, reactionary Islam are destined to lose.

"I believe our people are hostages to our own beliefs and teachings,"

IÂ’ve got a bit more from the article in the extended entry. These threats against Dr. Sultan were as predicable as the tide, I guess says more than anything that she is absolutely correct in her opinion. more...

Posted by: Howie at 07:18 PM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
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March 10, 2006

American CPT Hostage Tom Fox Murdered

Tom was not seen in a video from the 'Swords of Righteousness Brigade' released March Seventh by Al-Jazeera. Today the FBI says that Tom was murdered.

Yahoo News :The FBI verified that a body found in Iraq Friday morning was that of Tom Fox, 54, of Clear Brook, Va., spokesman Noel Clay said. He said he had no information on the other three hostages.

Clay said he did not know how Fox was killed but said additional forensics will be done in the United States. The U.S. Embassy in Baghdad is investigating, he said.

Fox's family has been notified, Clay said, and "our heartfelt condolences go out to them."

Yes what kind of group could possibly murder in cold blood a good peaceful Christian like this. He never hurt a fly. These terrorists cannot appeased or reasoned with. They have no respect for the kindness Tom surely showed the people of Iraq. May he rest in peace and may God keep him always. Again we must call for the release of all the remaining hostages.

Full details on the CPT hostages here

Jawa Report archives on all hostages in general here.

Rather sad Hat Tip : Jesusland Carlos and George Ramos.

Update : Tom was Tortured before his Murder.

Yahoo News : Interior Ministry Lt. Col. Falah al-Mohammedawi said Fox was found with his hands tied and gunshot wounds to his head and chest. There were cuts on his body and bruises on his head, indicating torture, he said. The corpse was dressed in Iraqi-made clothing.

Fox's body was found near a railway line in Dawoudi, a mixed Sunni-Shiite area that has been largely shielded from violence. Shocked local residents on Saturday condemned Fox's abduction and killing.

"These acts are terrorist ones and will hinder the political process and distort the reputation of Iraq," said Dhamir al-Samaraie, who had come to see where Fox was found.

So they Cut, Beat and Murdered an old man. That ought to please Allah.

Posted by: Howie at 09:53 PM | Comments (78) | Add Comment
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March 09, 2006

Poll: More Americans Distrust Islam

From the Washington Post:

...a growing proportion of Americans are expressing unfavorable views of Islam, and a majority now say that Muslims are disproportionately prone to violence, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Read the Rest

Posted by: Bluto at 12:13 AM | Comments (75) | Add Comment
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March 08, 2006

Explaining the Epidemic of Muslim Rape.

Howie is often shocked at the treatment of women by Muslims all over the word. From “honor killing” to rape as a form of punishment and the strange and backward thinking that leads the rapist himself to absolve himself of responsibility for his actions. Today Fontpagemag attempts to explain the psychology behind this horrid aspect of Islamic culture that it is exporting to Western Europe.

Peter Raddatz via Frontpagemag : The direct connection between the rapes and Islam is irrefutable, as Muslims are significantly overrepresented among convicted rapists and rape suspects. The Muslim perpetrators themselves boast that there crime is justified since their victims were, among other things, not properly veiledÂ… Â…What is the psychology here? What is the significance of this epidemic? And how do we face it when our own feminists, with a few exceptions, are deafeningly silent about it?
Yes girls why are you silent?
By the same token, however, and this is the core of "modern" Islam's tragedy, the male controllers are confined to physical methods of "sublimation" whenever problems arise. Aside from the usual bombing "protest" against Western "arrogance" and "unbelieving morals", the current rape wave is the vital expression of an ongoing jihad against women who under Western influence may drift slowly out of the grip of male Muslim hands.
Abuse is almost always about control.
While some UN organizations keep on complaining about this, the Western feminists keep silent because they are not interested in the general problem but rather concentrate on clutching to their few elitarian privileges, mainly in business. Doing this they are simple part of a greater Western mainstream that has started to adjust to Muslim immigrant political "sharia" demands based on the growing radical Islamist influence as well as oil price pressure. And mind you: keeping Muslim women obedient through male "honor" might also sustain their "seed field" fertilization rate thereby compensating for the Western "morals" of pornography and weak reproduction. In this respect global elite ideology, antisemitic "new age" fascism and Islam are not so far apart.
Facism and Islam similar? IÂ’m shocked I say, shocked to the bone!

Yes western Feminists are silent because to pick up this cause would support the war on “radical Islam” and they would rather let other women suffer than admit they are treasonously self interested. Now we see this is no longer confined to Muslim nations like Sudan now the abuse has spread as the Islamists seek to impose their will on women in tolerant host nations like Sweden and Germany. The quicker people realize that their tolerant view of the world is not respected by Islamic tradition and there will be no reciprocation for tolerance the better off we will all be. I'd like to be all nice and tolerant of them but I know they consider that an open weakness to be taken advantage of. If you undertand that Isalmic facism is all about confrontation by strength then you begin to see that, while undertanding it is useful, it must be faced the same way otherwise you find yourself always stepping backward against it's advance.

Others : Dr Sanity, Proteinwisdom, and Transterrestrial.

Posted by: Howie at 01:48 PM | Comments (61) | Add Comment
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March 03, 2006

The Netherlands Are Lost to the West

This article from the Timesonline (UK) reads like a spy novel from the Cold War.:

We should fear HollandÂ’s silence
Islamists are stifling debate in what was EuropeÂ’s freest country, says Douglas Murray

‘Would you write the name you’d like to use here, and your real name there?” asked the girl at reception. I had just been driven to a hotel in the Hague. An hour earlier I’d been greeted at Amsterdam airport by a man holding a sign with a pre-agreed cipher. I hadn’t known where I would be staying, or where I would be speaking. The secrecy was necessary: I had come to Holland to talk about Islam.
It's not just a question of a large, easily offended Muslim population either, nor just the danger of homicidally unhinged Muslim radicals like the one who murdered Theo Van Gogh. Islamism is organized and very dangerous in The Netherlands. more...

Posted by: Bluto at 10:36 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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Jailed Muslim Brotherhood Activists Freed

(Tripoli, Libya) In 1998, Libya arrested 152 members of the Muslim Brotherhood. On Wednesday, 84 were freed. more...

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 06:21 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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March 02, 2006

Arab-American Woman Blasts Islamist Cleric On al-Jazeera TV

Dr. Wafa Sultan is an Arab-American psychologist. On February 21 she confronted a radical Islamist cleric on al-Jazeera television. When I say confronted, I mean she bitch-slapped him. In the process Dr. Sultan demolished the idea of a "clash of civilizations" consigning radical Islam to the middle ages. She also mentioned that even after the Holocaust "no Jews blew themselves up in German restaurants".

Watch the video here. The clip is subtitled in English, but listen with the sound on anyway to get the full effect of how Wafa dominated the conversation.


The clash we are witnessing around the world is not a clash of religions or a clash of civilizations, It is a clash between two opposites, between two eras. It is a clash between a mentality that belongs to the Middle Ages and another mentality that belongs to the 21st century.
I have to believe that al-Jazeera regretted booking this woman.

Via Neocon Express.

Update: Muhammed and cartoons left a link to this story in a comment at The Dread Pundit Bluto yesterday.

Also posted at The Dread Pundit Bluto and Vince Aut Morire.

Posted by: Bluto at 12:15 AM | Comments (32) | Add Comment
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